literary world

Chapter 113 Incorporating into Tang Tang Film and Television

Chapter 113 Incorporating into Tang Tang Film and Television
Script Title: "The Edge of Gravity"

Synopsis: The film tells the story of what happened in space after two male astronauts and a female astronaut on the Explorer space shuttle went out to repair the Hubble Telescope and were attacked by space debris and caused a serious accident on the spacecraft. .

Storyboard 1: CG animation showing the Earth's surface in space
Storyboard 2: The internal structure of the spaceship

Storyboard 3: Close-up of characters hanging from outer space

Storyboard 4: .
Cast invited: Angelina Jolie, Rachel Weisz, Natalie Portman, Scarlett Johansson?
Main shooting method: 60% CG animation
Detailed story outline: .
Script Name: "The Martian"

Introduction to the script: Due to a sandstorm, Mark and his team lost contact, and he was alone on Mars, facing the destruction of the spacecraft, and trying to return to Earth.

Storyboard 1: Mars Map Fantasy

Storyboard 2: Close-up of actors

Storyboard 3: The growth cycle of potatoes
Storyboard 4: .
Detailed story outline: .
Question 1: This film received the full support of NASA, can it still be the same if the director is replaced by Huaxia?
Question 2: Buy the book with the same name as quickly as possible
Fang Nan's personal work plan: When the above two scripts are completed as soon as possible, he will further improve "Interstellar" and reach out to "Three-Body Problem", so as to lay the foundation for the future science fiction tetralogy including "The Wandering Earth".

"dong dong dong"

The sudden knock on the door startled Fang Nan, "Who?"

Seeing Cai Yinong come in, he slapped his forehead in frustration when he closed the notebook, "When will the bad habit of not locking the door change!"

"Come out, Sun Li brought the bridegroom back to her mother's house." Cai Yinong put the door next to him and smiled.

"Oh, right away."

Sun Li and Huang Lei got married in March this year. He was busy with "The Unknown" and didn't attend the wedding.

But there is no shortage of etiquette, and I put a red envelope of 888. The money is not much, and I am satisfied.

And pulled the cotton slippers outside the house, Huang Lei and his assistant were busy running around in various offices to distribute happy candies.

Seeing Fang Nan, even though the two had never met, Huang Lei still said his name at once.

Taking the candy, Fang Nan asked with a smile: "Which country should we take our sister Sun Li for honeymoon?"

"I ran around Europe for a walk, and it was nothing interesting, so I came back early." Huang Lei laughed.

Looking at Xiaochu Huang, who spent his honeymoon in a perfunctory manner, Fang Nan raised his eyebrows unconsciously.

From now on, Huang Lei will be a good man, a good father, and a good cook in the hearts of thousands of netizens.

For now, this person's relationship with Liu Ruoying is still unclear. There are rumors that he failed to confess his love on the Internet, was exposed by Liu Ruoying at the concert, and was forced to marry.

It's just that this kind of heart is not Fang Nan's business, so he didn't talk too much.

After chatting with her in the conference room about the human geography of Europe, Fang Nan went back to her own room.

He has never been to Europe, but he has traveled across the ocean before.

Just as he sat down on the chair in front of the desktop computer, Cai Yinong came again, and the first share of "The Unknown" arrived, 300 million.

At this meeting, what should Fang Nan do, the future work arrangements, and how the relationship between the two families should be handled?

"Some time ago, I discussed with Guoli, and I think you should come in, and we will give you some shares."

"In June, the company's film and television production license [Type A] has come down. In the future, TV dramas will no longer need to pay to licensed units. With the money saved, we plan to add a film department. This department will pay I will take responsibility for you."

Cai Yinong finally spoke, Fang Nan couldn't help frowning.

He really likes to join Tang Tang Film and Television, which is "although a sparrow is small and has all five internal organs".

The fear is that even if he spends money to buy shares and becomes one of the three giants of Tangtang Film and Television, he will still be held back by the stingy Cai Yinong.

"How much capital does Tang Tang have now? How much money can I contribute, and how many shares can I get? Is it up to me to decide on the newly established film department?"

Fang Nan asked several times, Cai Yinong was not only not annoyed, but pulled a chair and sat down with great interest.

I am not afraid of asking too much, what I am afraid of is that Fang Nan will not give room for negotiation.

At this time, Fang Nan was determined to leave Tang Tang Film and Television, but Cai Yinong really had no choice, there were too many people who wanted him, even if no one wanted him anymore.

With Fang Nan's current fame, it was too easy to find some extra funds to recruit a filming crew to shoot a work.

Moreover, the probability of success of the work is very high!
Because Fang Nan after "The Unknown" was at the time when he was most confident and had the strongest desire to create.

For a director who is confident and has a strong desire to create good works, it is difficult not to succeed.

The most important thing is that Fang Nan is too young, he is only 25 years old with all his efforts!
Unlike an actor's peak career, which may only last ten or twenty years, directors are more popular the older they are!

Even if Fang Nangan retires at the age of 60, he still has 35 years to create.

In the past 35 years, Fang Nan does not need all of his works to be as big as "The Unknown", which is 10 times the investment.

With just a few films, he may become one of the most successful directors in China.

Talking about these things that he had planned earlier, Cai Yinong reported a price of 2000 million to the current Tang Tang Film and Television.

This includes the copyrights of many TV dramas, funds on the surface, and discounts on equipment and props.
And the average share given to Fang Nan was as high as 20%, making Fang Nan the second largest shareholder of Tangtang Film and Television after her.

"Hiss, this pen is quite big!"

Fang Nan was a little shocked by Cai Yinong's serious solicitation.

This is obviously not the same person as the petty Cai Yinong in my impression.

But he knew his own affairs, and Fang Nan knew what the success of "The Unknown" meant to him.

Next, almost all the works he took out were money-making products.

Cai Yinong's solicitation today may seem a bit out of line to outsiders, after all, Fang Nan only has "The Unknown".

But Fang Nan knew in his heart that what Cai Yinong did to him now, let alone a loss, even if he lost a penny or a cent, he would be considered a loser.

"Cai Yinong is making a lot of money!"

Fang Nan, who was determined to find a safe place, nodded and agreed, and couldn't help shaking his head and smiling wryly at Cai Yinong's gamble.

Cai Yinong earned it.

He was at a loss.

But as the old saying goes, 'Thousands of money can't buy a good heart', what he wants is the comfort of Tangtang Film and Television.

This comfort can make him film with peace of mind, so that his life as a director will become bright and dazzling, and he can fulfill one of his dreams.

Of course, in addition to completing your dreams step by step, it is also possible to add some fun to the boring life with a little bit of evil.

Fang Nan was even pondering whether to turn Tang Tang Sanbao into Tang Tang Qibao, Eight Treasures, etc., to satisfy his own evil interests.

(End of this chapter)

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