literary world

Chapter 114 Buying a House

Chapter 114 Buying a House
Most of 2004 passed in a flash.

Speaking of major events that have happened in the entertainment industry this year, the appalling 2.6 million yuan production announcement of "House of Flying Daggers" is one of them.

Fang Nan filmed "The Unknown Man" with a production cost of 400 million, and the box office hit 3700 million was the second.

Fang Nan sued seven communication companies, 18 singers were the third.

Fourth, the beating incident by the crew of "Little Fish and Flowers".

Of the four major events, Fang Nan accounted for the second one, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that Fang Nan was almost as famous as the Four Great Stars.

Faced with all kinds of vicious calls from the media and messy invitations to the awards ceremony, Fang Nan, who knew that he had been too much in the limelight recently, chose to indulge in it.

Becoming popular in the entertainment industry was never what he wanted.

Therefore, after signing the share transfer contract with Cai Yinong and Li Guoli, he wanted to hide and write his own script with peace of mind.

Before leaving, he specifically asked Cai Yinong to find a relationship to register the upcoming three scripts of "Gravity", "The Martian" and "Interstellar" with the Hollywood Screenwriters Guild, and to purchase the copyright of "The Martian".

After explaining this, Fang Nan boarded the flight to BJ on the grounds that he hadn't had a vacation in the past three years.

The reason why I fly to BJ is because there is Gao Yuanyuan here.

Two, I have some money in my hand, it's time to buy my entire residence.

The courtyard house with a relatively large appreciation space is in line with his goal.

Of course, Fang Nan is not the kind of person who is addicted to hoarding houses.

The housing plan he set for himself is probably that BJ has a courtyard with two or three entrances, and Pujiang has a large flat.

In other tourist resorts like Hainan, it is enough to have a set of sea view villas.

As for money, it cannot be said that the more the better, just take it out when you want to use it.

"What I wanted to say last time is that your hair doesn't look good with a cut, but it looks good with long hair."

In a certain hotel room in BJ, the two of them who hadn't seen each other for a short period of time, who were like fateful mandarin ducks, played together and rested together, Fang Nan brushed Gao Yuanyuan's short hair and said.

"What do you need for the role? As an actor for you, how can you prevent the actress from cutting the hairstyle required by the role for the sake of looking good?" Gao Yuanyuan pointed out.

Hearing this, Fang Nan quickly shut up.

Some time ago, when Zeng Li was interviewed by the media, she mentioned such an interesting story about the crew.

It is said that the director felt that the short hair of Ma Jiaqi's character is more suitable for the character with limited mobility.

The reason why she didn't cut her hair in the end was because the director felt that she didn't look good with short hair, so she chose to braid it.

A gust of vinegar came suddenly, and Fang Nan, who had no experience in love, couldn't play anymore.

Fortunately, he has good physical strength, but he is not good at language, so he can do it with action, and then he will do it twice.

Not to mention that Gao Yuanyuan has the energy to eat vinegar, her body is so soft that she can't even move her toes lazily.

After a while, Gao Yuanyuan grabbed Fang Nan's arm and said, "Hey, you said Wang Jinghua took us to Bona, is it a good thing or a bad thing?"

Fang Nandao: "It's all the same, it's the same wherever Wang Jinghua goes without resources."

Gao Yuanyuan quit, and put his snow-white arm on Fang Nan's chest, making Fang Nan's eyes turn white, "Then you asked me to follow her back then." She said angrily.

Fang Nan squeezed the tender meat, and said calmly, "Why are you in a hurry? You don't have me, there's really no filming, I'll arrange it for you."

"It's not too bad." She slapped Fang Nan's rough hand off reproachfully, and lay down again.

A brief night passed.

The next day.

Fang Nan first went to the driving school that Yan Hong had contacted, and signed up to learn to drive.

After paying the money, the coach was also stupid. He didn't even ask Fang Nan, who was wearing sunglasses, if he could drive. He pointed to the useless Santana on the side of the road and asked him to turn the steering wheel.

Fang Nan didn't move, watching a student get off the coach car, he sat in with his buttocks tilted, led the coach around at a high speed, and then stuffed some money, everything was settled.

After leaving the driving school, when Fang Nan went back to the hotel to wake up Gao Yuanyuan, Yan Hong had already arrived at the hotel lobby.

Seeing Fang Nan and Gao Yuanyuan walking out of the elevator together, Yan Hong was not surprised, the two had this tendency before.

Another one, it's common for the entertainment industry to separate and merge. She has seen even more outrageous people in the entertainment industry in 'that bar'.

"This is Manager Wu. Many real estate properties in East and West City have been brokered by them."

After introducing Manager Wu who was wearing glasses beside him, Yan Hong was about to introduce Fang Nan again.

Manager Wu has already handed the jade hand to Fang Nan.

In their business, apart from those big bosses who have to do their best to serve them well, the entertainment industry people who have become more and more profitable in recent years also have to serve them wholeheartedly.

What's more, it's Fang Nan who made more than 3700 million box office for a movie!
It is not an exaggeration to say that this man is a rich man.

With the net worth of a bald boss, and the physical strength that a big boss doesn't have, it's perfect!

Manager Wu secretly praised.

Fang Nan didn't care about the itching of his fingernails scratching his palms, and directly explained the meaning of wanting to buy a courtyard house.

The price is acceptable within 500 million.

The reason why he is so rich and powerful.

It is because the rights to broadcast "The Unknown" in Taiwan, Xiangjiang, Southeast Asia and other places, as well as the videotape copyright, have been bought out by Xiangjiang Emperor Films for 1000 million.

As for the share of the theater chain, it was still only 300 million. Fang Nan admired these guys for paying off the final payment within two years.

Hearing that courtyard houses within 500 million yuan were acceptable, Manager Wu almost burst into laughter, but Gao Yuanyuan and Yan Hong were quite puzzled.

Quadrangle courtyards have indeed attracted the attention of many people in recent years, but very few have actually bought large courtyards.

The most famous one is the courtyard house on Paizi Street bought by the international tycoon Merck for more than [-] million yuan two months ago.

But who is Murdoch?

1000 million is just a drizzle for an international tycoon like him.

And what about Fang Nan?

He made some money by relying on the movie, and after the infringement lawsuit is over, he still needs to have a large amount of money in his account.

With 500 million yuan available, it's a bit confusing to learn from Merck to spend a lot of money to play with petty bourgeois sentiments.

"Why spend so much money to buy a large courtyard."

While Gao Yuanyuan whispered dissatisfaction in Fangnan's ear, the hand under the table pinched the tender meat of Fangnan's thigh.

Fang Nan patted Gao Yuanyuan's back, and said with a chuckle, "As soon as you land on the ground, everything you buy is the same!"

The boss insisted that the inspection process was carried out quickly. After lunch at the hotel, the four of them got into the car driven by Manager Wu.

The first place is Maoer Hutong.

When he arrived at the place, he was given up by Fang Nan without entering the door. The environment was not very good.

The second place is the intersection of Ya'er Hutong and Yinding Bridge in Xicheng.

“This place is great!”

As soon as the four of them got out of the car, Fang Nan shouted hello to the river under the Yinding Bridge.

This area is located between Qianhai and Houhai, among other things, the relationship between the waterways, the environment alone is a big deal.

"The yard is still inside." When Manager Wu smiled and turned his head, Gao Yuanyuan hurriedly stopped pinching Fang Nan's arm.

After walking for less than a hundred meters, the four of them stopped in front of a gray brick and red-painted door. Fang Nan compared the height of the gatehouse on the opposite side, and nodded. Just based on the height of the gatehouse, he knew that this yard was not as tall as before. Not a small family.

Inverted seat - the first to enter the hospital
Hanging flowers - the second entrance

Main room - the third entrance

Cover room - the fourth entrance

As soon as he entered the door, Manager Wu began to talk non-stop. This is a courtyard with four entrances, and it will take a while to finish all the lectures.

(End of this chapter)

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