literary world

Chapter 115 Next Year's Movie Plan

Chapter 115 Next Year's Movie Plan

The four-entry courtyard house that Manager Wu brought Fang Nan and the others faced south, and the house number was 28.

There is an inverted room in the courtyard, the second entrance to the main room with east and west wing rooms, and side rooms; the third entrance to the main room, with east and west wing rooms, and ear rooms; the back cover room has a total of 16 rooms.

There are two courtyards, one small pond, and one cellar, covering an area of ​​nearly 1000 square meters.

In the words of Manager Wu, this courtyard house is slightly inferior to Murkdo’s seven-entry courtyard house worth more than 1000 million yuan, but it is also the number one existence in BJ.

The price of a little more than 600 million yuan is excellent value for money. It is almost impossible to find a second one after passing this village!
After wandering around inside and outside the house, Fang Nan took a closer look at the courtyard and pond. Regardless of Gao Yuanyuan's repeated calls, Fang Nan verbally agreed and asked Manager Wu to contact him for the loan.

Within a few days, Manager Wu sent the news that the loan was approved, and Fang Nan, who was fast, looked depressed.

Last year he wanted to take out a personal loan to invest in the filming of "The Nobody", but the bank bosses ignored him and sent him away with a few words like a beggar.

In less than a year, he borrowed several million to buy a house, and the bank's lending speed was comparable to a rocket.

All of this is really as the Internet jokes say, if the poor want to borrow money, you just put your wealth and life on it, and the bank will not take a look at you.

The rich are unwilling to borrow money, and the banks are crying and begging for loans, even at lower interest rates.

After getting the loan, Fang Nan went through the house purchase procedures as quickly as possible.

During this period, he also took advantage of this opportunity to move his household registration from Yangzhou to B******J, which is the geographical and cultural center of Huaxia, where major events are held, and most of the large companies related to the film and television industry are also here.

It is more convenient to register in BJ.

As for integrating into the Beijing circle, Fang Nan hadn't thought about it.

The Beijing circle, the Northwest circle, the Pujiang circle, the Northeast circle, and the Xiangjiang circle are all small circles of people in the entertainment industry. Others may value the resources of these people, and he is not uncommon.

The resources in his head are at a rate of one film a year, and he can't finish filming in 20 years.

The house purchase procedure was still going through the process, so Fang Nan moved out of the hotel.

A bed was placed in the east wing of the main room of the second entrance, and he lived in the new home directly.

Gao Yuanyuan moved with him, and she who was still shouting "expensive" is now more busy than Fang Nan.

Pay bills for heating, rush to buy furniture.

He even urged Fang Nan to hire someone to design and decorate.

"Hurry up and rest, just land on the ground."

Fang Nan, who sat on the edge of the bed early in the morning and wrote the script, was annoyed at Gao Yuanyuan who was wrapped in a big red quilt.

Tiptoing out of the bed, wrapping his arms around Shangnan's neck, Gao Yuanyuan said in a low voice, "If you settle down again, you will have to live for a month or two throughout the year."

Fang Nan said in a perfunctory manner, "How about doing this after staying for a month or two? Let's stay later and save some money to invest in new movies."

The shooting location of his new script still chooses the surrounding cities of Pujiang.

BJs seldom come here. Now they are decorating the house. After a few years, the decoration will look old-fashioned again.

Fang Nan talked about saving money and investing in movies, but Gao Yuanyuan couldn't hold on any longer, so he leaned on Fang Nan's back and took a piece of A4 paper from the table and began to mutter.

"The richest man in Xihong City! The name is weird."

The goalkeeper Wang Duoyu, who was in the C-level amateur football team, was expelled from the team due to the loss of the game, but got a lot of wealth for inheriting the inheritance of the second master, which caused a series of ironic incidents.

Actor: Wang Duoyu

Actress: Xia Zhu
Crouching dragon and phoenix chick!

"What kind of script do you have, you are the richest man, you are also a football player, and you have nothing to do with it?" Gao Yuanyuan frowned slightly puzzled.

Fang Nan didn't respond, but said, "Hurry up and get down, it's making me uncomfortable."

"I won't go down." While Gao Yuanyuan responded coquettishly, he kept leaning his upper body forward from time to time.

Early in the morning, the two of them had little to wear, and Gao Yuanyuan squeezed again and again, making Fang Nante uncomfortable.

Thinking that he couldn't play with things anymore, Fang Nan couldn't help but put down the pen and paper, passed his cold hands behind his back, passed through someone's cotton trousers, and held them on the two puffs, causing Gao Yuanyuan to scream.

"The pig's paws are so cold!" Gao Yuanyuan, who was back under the big red cotton quilt, kicked Fang Nan's back and cursed.

"Deserving it."

Fang Nan smiled, turned his head and continued to write his own script, and ignored Gao Yuanyuan who was rustling under the quilt and didn't know what he was doing again.

It wasn't until Gao Yuanyuan stood beside him that he asked curiously, "What is this for?"

"What are you doing? My goddess is going to empty the toilet for you! A stink!"

Gao Yuanyuan rolled his eyes, and left the house in only his cotton pajamas.

"Remember to bring some breakfast back." After shouting to Gao Yuanyuan who was walking outside the bedroom, Fang Nan immersed himself in writing.

Compared with writing highly professional and imaginative sci-fi scripts, he found it easier to write conventional scripts like "The Richest Man in Xihong City".

The only troublesome point is the choice of actors.

Shen Teng, the actor of Wang Duoyu, is the same age as him, and this will be a piece of fresh meat, probably in a stage play of happy twists.

It's not the greasy uncle with his own comedy talent in later generations.

Whether the other party can interpret Wang Duoyu's lowliness and humility is really a matter of opinion.

There are also supporting actors like Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Young, all of whom are dragons and phoenixes, and it is not easy to find suitable replacement actors.

But thinking of the financial difficulties in "The Unknown", the difficulty of the actors in "The Richest Man in Xihong City" is not a big deal.

If you have money, you can always find suitable actors, but if you really can't do it, you can go to the audition.

As for the filming funds for "The Richest Man in Xihong City"?

Now Fang Nan doesn't need to worry about it at all.

Before "Nobody's Name" was released, many film and television investment companies called Cai Yinong for friendship.

Companies headed by Bona have revealed a message.

When will Fang Nan's next film be filmed, and how much will it cost.

Therefore, Fang Nanduo didn't dare to brag that if the production cost of "The Richest Man in Xihong City" was 1000 million, multiple investment companies would be able to bear the risk of at least 500 million.

After writing the script quickly, and hastily drew two storyboards, Gao Yuanyuan came back with fried dough sticks.

"I seem to have seen the paparazzi again?" She sat on the bed and said to the other party.

Fang Nan was curious: "Who is it?"

Gao Yuanyuan frowned: "The one who is more famous now, it seems to be called Gou Lin."

Fang Nan said indifferently: "It's fine, as long as we don't get photographed together, it's fine."

When talking about evidence in everything, gossip is at best a rumor. When he was filming "A Chinese Ghost Story", he and Liu Tao had such a big commotion, and many actors in the two crews knew about it.

But so what, if it is not photographed, it is a rumor.

The rumors are so good that Fang Nan can even sue you for violating the right of reputation.

What surprised Fang Nan was why did Gou Lin suddenly pay attention to Gao Yuanyuan, or did someone provide Gou Lin with information about his buying a house?
The reason why so many celebrities were photographed by paparazzi in later generations was actually calculated by their opponents.

Paparazzi are not gods, what can celebrities do in advance?
It has always been to be notified in advance to gain something.

Fang Nan now suspected that someone in the circle secretly wanted to make trouble, and it was him who did it.

(End of this chapter)

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