literary world

Chapter 116

Chapter 116
After settling down in the yard of BJ28, it was only a few days with Gao Yuanyuan.

Fang Nan received a call from the other side of the ocean.

"Where is the book "The Martian"?" On the other side of the ocean, Cai Yinong said angrily.

The day after Fang Nan boarded the plane and flew to BJ, she also flew to the other side of the ocean with her assistant, trying to complete the things Fang Nan explained by herself.

Fang Nan is now in full swing, she wants the other party to see her and the sincerity of Tang Tang Film and Television, so that he can work hard in the future.

This move used to win over people, she has tried it time and time again!
On the other side of the ocean, Cai Yinong contacted a friend to donate tens of thousands of dollars to a small film crew. After successfully adding Fangnan's name to the screenwriter column, she began to purchase the copyright, and then she was stunned.

Can't find any books related to "The Martian".

"Ah, no, forget it if you don't have one. I may have misremembered the title of the book, and it was a book I read many years ago. Just register the script of "The Martian" for me."

In the yard, Fang Nan finished speaking with a relaxed expression, and just as he was about to put down the phone, Cai Yinong said, "Are you still in BJ?"


"You have been resting for more than a month. When is your head? Everyone in the company is busy. You have to sit in charge to adjust the command. I can't go back here for a while."

On the other side of the ocean, Cai Yinong's tone obviously suppressed a sense of dissatisfaction. Fang Nan heard it and hurriedly said, "Tell me what you want."

"You call Zhao Zhu, he is quite incompetent as a producer, and more than half of the crew of "Liao Zhai" in Hengdian has stopped."

After finishing talking with Cai Yinong, Fang Nan hurriedly called Zhao Zhu.

After asking, I found out that several actors from the crew of "Liao Zhai" went to another crew that had been negotiated because of the play.

But after the agreed time passed, the other crew never let anyone back, and several groups of their crew had been shut down for three days.

Zhao Zhu talked in a rambling manner, and Fang Nan listened in dismay.

These days, it's true that everyone is busy with money, and it's normal to make dramas.

As long as the two film crews have agreed to take turns shooting with one actor for three days, seven days are fine.

Breaking the contract or something shouldn't be done.

Moreover, "Liao Zhai" is also regarded as Tang Tang Film and Television's major drama at the end of this year, among other things, just watch a bunch of actors in it.

Jimmy Lin, Zeng Li, Jiang Hua, Li Bing, Yuan Hong, Rainie Yang, Huang Xiaoming, Hu Ke, Tang Ning, Huo Shiyan, Hu Ge, Yang Xiaomi, etc. can be seen.

It can be regarded as a collection of many popular actors and newcomers from the two sides of the strait and three places!

More importantly, he now holds 20% of the shares of Tangtang Film and Television, so begging Tangtang Film and Television for cheap is no different from begging him for cheap!
"What crew, who is the director, so good?" Thinking of this, Fang Nan asked Zhao Zhu with a suppressed anger.

"In "The Condor", one of the actors who was taken away was Huang Xiaoming, and the other was Yang Xiaomi."

Hearing the names of these two people, Fang Nan couldn't help clicking his lips, he knew these two people well.

One is the inventor who proposed a new reading of not ant all.

One is 85 flowers, a very famous little flower.

The two became famous in later generations, and there were many disputes.

Fang Nan didn't have a bad impression of these two people, especially after seeing it, [Huang Xiaoming, with red eyes, complained to the camera, saying that he had made too many bad movies in the past, which caused a bad reputation, and now no one wants to ask him to make movies] That interview.

He even felt sorry for Huang Xiaoming, what a coke actor!

Just because he was too understanding of the world, he forcibly played himself out.

As for Yang Xiaomi, there is nothing to say, Fang Nan can be said to be her figure fan.

As for the others, those who love her will die; those who don't, even their feet stink!
Knowing that the situation at Zhao Zhu's side was so serious, Fang Nan had nothing to say, and was about to pack up and return to Hengdian.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Zhu's next sentence made him stop in an instant and uttered a foul language.

The crew of "Sculpture of the Gods" actually brought two actors from Xiangshan Film and Television City next door to Hengdian Film and Television City to Jiuzhaigou.

"Zhang's big beard is a big villain!" Fang Nan exclaimed angrily.

Gao Yuanyuan, who understood, persuaded him back and forth: "Go away and don't make trouble."

"What's going on, I always convince people with reasoning." After frowning, he told Gao Yuanyuan, "Don't go out later, leave later."

Gao Yuanyuan shrugged and nodded: "Understood."

Fang Nan glanced at her: "What's your posture? Say something if you have something to say."

"When will you make a new movie?"

"You want to play Xia Zhu in "The Richest Man in Xihong City"?" Fang Nan told Gao Yuanyuan's little Jiujiu in one word.

Gao Yuanyuan raised her pretty face: "Ang."

Fang Nan nodded his head: "I'll think about it."

The role of Xia Zhu itself is just a vase, and Gao Yuanyuan is very happy to play Fang Nan, but the promise is too straightforward, it is too indulgent.

Hugging and parting, Fang Nan went out of the yard, and after passing the side room, he went out of another yard, and then walked around the hanging flower door to the red lacquered door.

"Damn, it's annoying when the place is too big. You have to go through two courtyards when you go out."

In front of the purple-red gate, Fang Nan muttered inwardly, closed the half-sliding gate and walked out of the alley.

"Damn it, it's really Fang Nan, this kid is really lucky, Gao Yuanyuan poured him the toilet."

In the alley, after squatting in the cold wind for several days, he finally caught the male host Gou Lin spitting dryly at Fang Nan's back.

The crew of Zhang Dahuzi's "The Legend of Condor Heroes" moved to Jiuzhaigou.

Fang Nan flew directly to Chengdu, and took a detour to Jiuzhaigou by plane and car. It was already dark.

He didn't come to the door to argue at that time, he rested overnight, and arrested him at the Pearl Beach Waterfall the next day.

Fang Nanyi, dressed as a tourist in a peaked cap and white sportswear, appeared.

He didn't scare others, but surprised Liu Qianqian and her daughter who had cooperated twice on the bank and were urged to go into the water by Wu Xing.

"Oh my mother, why did you come here, director?" Liu Qianqian said playfully, covering her mouth in surprise.

"Forget it, I'm here to catch people."

As Fang Nan spoke, he glanced at Huang Xiaoming, who had disheveled hair, and said, "Where is your director? I'll ask him to make a theory."

Huang Xiaoming has a high EQ, as soon as he recognized Fang Nan, he recruited assistants to serve him with cigarettes and water.

It wasn't until the displeased old god Fang Nan was lighting a cigarette that he asked the staff to call out action guide Lin Feng.

There was a row of nanny cars, and Lin Feng, the action guide, got off and chattered in front of Fang Nan.

The meaning is only one, he doesn't care about the actor's announcement, he just takes care of the shooting.

Fang Nan has seen this kind of back-and-forth shuffling tricks a lot. Before Lin Feng finished speaking, he interrupted: "You all don't know, that's okay, this one, I'll take him away after the filming."

Fang Nan looked unstoppable, and Lin Feng gave the staff beside him winks, while urging the actors to go down to the bottom.

Fang Nan ignored him, and admired the lush green hills and gurgling water of Jiuzhaigou with his hands behind his back.

Seeing that Liu Qianqian had no safety measures, she stepped into the waterfall.

Only then did he turn his head to Liu Xiaoli and said in a strange way: "After all, it's a big crew, no matter what happens to my daughter, the other party will be able to pay for it!"

Liu Xiaoli's face flushed red with a teasing sentence!

 Thank you for your follow-up reading during this period of time. "Literary World" will be released next week, and it is estimated to be on the shelves next Friday. Those who like to keep books can wait until the day it is on the shelves to read.

(End of this chapter)

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