literary world

Chapter 117

Chapter 117
Liu Qianqian dragged the staff and stepped into the water, and the clear water rose up with turbid flowers.

Seeing this scene, Fang Nan frowned and asked Lin Feng, the martial artist of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" next to him, "You guys can't damage the rock formations below, can the scenic spot agree?"

It is true that popular and high-quality film and television works with beautiful natural scenery can indeed bring popularity to some scenic spots and bring tourism income.

The bamboo forest in Mukeng in Ang Lee's "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" achieved a good publicity effect.

Produced by Big Beard Zhang, the much-watched "The Legend of Condor Heroes" probably also has this ability.

But others didn't destroy it. Looking at the posture of the crew of "Sculpture of God", it is clear that they are going to shoot in the water.

Playing and dancing, won't it damage the rock formations below?
Fang Nan has never read many books, and he knows that the natural scenic spot of Jiuzhaigou is a treasure accumulated in China for thousands of years!
It is a treasure that nature bestows on the whole world!

When he was filming "A Chinese Ghost Story" in Ximatan, he just let the actors go into the water to shoot a kissing scene, and the fighting scenes were all on the shore.

And Ximatan and Jiuzhaigou are not at the same level.

So, it's really good to destroy so much, can the scenic spot agree?
Fang Nan expressed deep doubts.

But in the next moment, Fang Nan felt that he was only obsessed with the muddy river water and destroying the rock formations below, and that he underestimated these people too much.

"The scenic spot does not agree, we dare to build a cave there."

As Lin Feng said, he pointed at the rock formation behind the waterfall, and a looming cave looked at Fang Nan with disdain.

Following the direction of Lin Feng's fingers, Fang Nan couldn't help feeling his scalp tingle.

The good tributary was actually blocked by a small area by the crew, thus building a cave.

"There's nothing to say, your crew is awesome!"

Seeing this, no matter how dissatisfied Fang Nan was, he couldn't say more.

The scenic spot promised to do this to someone, so why would he be so talkative as an outsider!

I can only sigh in my heart, "No matter how big China is, and the scenery is beautiful, I can't help it!"

As an outsider, kindly mention a word after being despised.

Fang Nan had no choice but to stand by the waterfall with his arms folded, watching the actors Liu Qianqian and Huang Xiaoming go down the waterfall.

But looking at it, he became uneasy again.

Huang Xiaoming, who was getting closer to the waterfall, and Liu Qianqian, who was dressed in white, were too frivolous and crooked.

Not to mention Liu Qianqian, if Huang Xiaoming had an accident and broke his head and legs, wouldn't it delay the filming progress of "Liao Zhai"?

Thinking of this, Fang Nan couldn't help but mention Lin Feng beside him again: "Hey, Director Lin, this scene seems quite dangerous, the waterfall is fast flowing, and there is a cliff behind, let Wu Xing put a wire on the actor , be on the safe side."

Fang Nan started chattering and gesticulating again, which made Lin Feng very upset.

A young director who has just become famous really treats himself like a green onion, and goes to other people's crews to yell.

I am a martial artist who has been working for decades, is it dangerous or not?

It's just two shots, and it came up after shooting. Does it have anything to do with the cliff behind?
The Xiangjiang crew has stayed in so many and directed so many action scenes with big-name stars. Are you the mainland actor Jiaogui?

The clay figurine is still angry, not to mention Lin Feng who considers himself a warrior.

So, the next moment, Lin Feng glanced sideways at Fang Nan, and said angrily, "Fuck you!"


Holding back his energy, he scolded Fang Nan. Before Lin Feng could feel comfortable for a second, Fang Nanbiao's international swear words made him angry again.

"You are on the street."

Lin Feng's cursing stopped abruptly, and he lost his target.

In a daze, Fang Nan beside him had jumped into the water, and when he looked under the waterfall, he was even more overwhelmed.

"I'll go, what's your situation? Can your legs be weak at this time?"

Under the waterfall, Fang Nan picked up Liu Qianqian who was washed several meters away from the crowd by the waterfall and said speechlessly.

Lin Feng scolded him, and just as he was about to fight back, he saw Liu Qianqian, who was approaching the waterfall, tilted her body and sat in the water, and was immediately rolled over by the current.

Cursing or saving people is more important, Fang Nan jumped into the river without thinking much.

Hurry up quickly, stop Liu Qianqian who was about to be rushed to the edge of the cliff by the torrent, and grab her like a chicken.

Liu Qianqian herself probably rolled and struggled to save herself and saw the waterfall sloping down behind her on the way, and she was also extremely scared.

When his hands touched Fang Nan's arm, he was so strong that he wanted to clamp all the long nails in.

"cough cough"

"Ahem, the current is too fast, and my feet are slippery again."

Liu Qianqian covered her mouth and coughed and spit water frantically, while frowning into a ball, with a painful expression on her face.

Seeing her like this, Fang Nan lifted the hem of her skirt up to her thighs.

After burying her head to look, she realized that Liu Qianqian's legs were cut off by the underwater rock formation just now, and there were many wounds and bruises from the impact.

After Huang Xiaoming and the staff rushed over in a hurry, Fang Nan hurriedly said, "Help him ashore first."

A group of people carefully helped them onto the shore. Standing on the shore and looking at the cliff behind them, they couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

No matter who rolled down just now, half of his life is probably gone!
Before shooting, I thought that one or two shots would come up, but I never thought that someone would be rushed so far!

"It's too dangerous, it's too dangerous!"

When Huang Xiaoming took the towel handed by his assistant to wipe his face, he said to Fang Nan, who was also wet all over, with a look of fear.

Fang Nan ignored Huang Xiaoming, wiped the water stains on his head with his right hand, and pointed it not far away, and kicked Lin Feng who was checking Liu Qianqian's injury.

"What the hell are you doing with your martial fingers? I kindly remind you, if you don't listen, you will almost become famous!"

After kicking Lin Feng down, Fang Nan cursed angrily.

It's not that the person involved couldn't see the danger just now.

He blocked Liu Qianqian's position just now, and was only seven or eight meters away from a cliff behind a waterfall.

If Liu Qianqian, who was rolling around in the water, was replaced by a man, he might not be able to save people, and he might have to take half of his own life.

What's more, Lin Feng insulted him indiscriminately beforehand.

Therefore, Fang Nan kicked Lin Feng without even thinking about it when he landed.

"I fuck your mother."

Lin Feng, who was stunned on the ground, saw that it was Fang Nan, and while cursing away, he jumped up from the ground and punched Fang Nan with his fists.

That's not counting, he also yelled out two or three names.

Fang Nan listened to it in his heart, guessing that it was either a friend or a disciple, and he didn't pay attention to it.

Instead, he turned his head sideways to Lin Feng's fist in an instant, and then punched him in the armpit, causing one of his arms to droop.

Then it was another kick to the lower abdomen, kicking him to the ground again.

At this moment, the onlookers let out an exclamation, and Fang Nan, who had been on guard for a long time, turned into a rolling gourd, his right hand turned into a fist, and he grabbed the crotch of the person who was sneaking up on his head with a wooden stick.

"Believe it or not, I can crush the thing in your crotch!"

Fang Nan looked coldly at the young man who killed him.

(End of this chapter)

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