literary world

Chapter 119 Everyone Comes to Comment

Chapter 119 Everyone Comes to Comment

In the caravan, mother and daughter Liu Xiaoli and Liu Qianqian looked out the window feeling puzzled.

Fang Nan glanced at such a big-hearted mother and daughter, helpless and speechless.

Indeed, people don't pay much attention to environmental protection these days. After all, as long as you stay away from large cities, it seems that there are green waters and green mountains everywhere.

But Fang Nan knew that was not the case. If green water and green mountains were not cherished, there would be less and less of them.

With this thought in mind, Fang Nan, who had changed his clothes, got out of the RV and followed behind Zhang's bearded group.

Then, he was disappointed.

People came and went, the cave was still built, and the filming continued as usual, even Liu Qianqian who was in the caravan was called down.

"Qiqian, do you believe me?" Fang Nan asked Liu Qianqian when they met each other.

Liu Qianqian was puzzled, but still nodded her head and said sincerely: "I'm sure, you are the best director I have ever seen."

She was well aware of the danger not long ago, and Fang Nan said [-] "thank you" for not many.

Based on this alone, when Fang Nan asked her if she believed him, she would definitely nod without hesitation.

Looking back at the past, whether it's the crew of "The Immortal Sword" or the crew of "The Unknown", Fang Nan is definitely the most violent person.

He is the director who she has seen the most swear words.

But Fang Nan's violence is purely for show.

After leaving the set, An Yixuan, who was scolded and crying, was fine too.

It doesn't matter if Hu Ge is scolded and can't hold his head up.

Even the tit-for-tat Chen Jianbing could chat, laugh and fight with Fang Nan.

It can be seen that there is something more admirable behind Fang Nan's violence.

From Liu Qianqian's point of view, this thing is probably the director Fang Nan's care for the actors from performance to life.

Liu Qianqian trusted her without hesitation, Fang Nan thanked her with a smile, and said softly: "Trust me, don't rush to shoot this scene, this matter is not over yet."

"But I'm just a young actor, so what should the director do?" Liu Qianqian asked in distress.

Fang Nan's persistence, she probably understands, is because he is afraid that this side of the landscape will be destroyed by human beings.

But as she said, she is just a well-known young actor, so she can't decide the crew to shoot.

"Sissy, how about this? Everyone can see your injury. Let's go over first. When we get to the side, you will complain that your leg hurts. I will ask you for leave."

When Liu Qianqian felt helpless, Mama Liu jumped out suddenly.

Fang Nan was very surprised when he got on the phone, "Why did you change your sex?"

Liu Xiaoli doesn't know whether she has changed her sex or not.

What she thought was that although Fang Nan is not as powerful as Zhang Dabeard, he cannot be easily offended.

And looking at Fang Nan's expression, he typically wants to make trouble.

Thinking of this, Liu Xiaoli felt so cheeky asking for two days off for her daughter, it was worth it!
"Let's go, let's go, pretend to be pitiful later." Seeing Zhang's big beard approaching, Mama Liu urged her daughter to move forward.

Goodbye Fang Nan, Zhang's big beard looked like a golden lion king, but he didn't want to reach out to hit someone.

But that face was full of arrogance and disdain.

"Three days later, the actor will be taken away." He proudly said to Fang Nan when he passed by.

Looking at the two beautiful figures in front of him, Fang Nan looked calm, and sneered in his heart: "I can wait for you for three days? But don't blame me for nailing you to the pillar of shame for the rest of your life!"

Now that he has too many lice, he is not afraid of itchiness, and he has a small feud with Huayi, and he has a disagreement with Feng Dapao.

Another big beard is nothing.

And this time dealing with Zhang Beard, except for a little bit of grievances between the two crews.

He also wanted to take this opportunity to do something not for fame or personal gain or loss.

The purpose is only to alert future practitioners.


You don't need a reason to love someone?
Caring for China has been passed down for tens of millions of years, and one of the few scenic spots needs a reason?
This is his home, the place where he was born and raised!
No one would like to see their home become riddled with holes!

Zhao Zhu led Ma Dayong to take photos one after another.

Fang Nan was fierce and powerful, and no one on the crew of "Sculpture of the Gods" dared to stop them, allowing the two to film the traces of their footsteps.

"Hi, Director Fang. My name is Yang Xiaomi. I play Nie Xiaoqian in the unit drama "Xiaoqian" in "Liao Zhai", and my partner is Hu Ge."

When Fang Nan sat beside the crew and waited for Zhao Zhu and the two, Yang Xiaomi, who was still a little girl, ran over and bowed crisply.

"When are you going back to Hengdian?" Fang Nan glanced at her.

Yang Xiaomi glanced at the crowd not far away, gathered around Liu Qianqian, "Director Fang, I'll be back soon. And I promise not to delay the shooting." She vowed.

"Whatever." Fang Nan patted his butt and stood up.

Next, it was he who fought with Zhang Dazi, which had nothing to do with the actors, so it wouldn't scare people.

"Brother Nan, it's OK, let's go."

Fang Nan opened his hand: "Let me see."

Taking the camera in Zhao Zhu's hand, and flipping through the photos, Fang Nan waved his hand and walked out of the "Sculpture of God" crew.

Back at the hotel, Fang Nan tried to ask Zhao Zhu how to do this.

One person counts the short, three people count the long, Zhao Zhu's words pierced Fang Nan's heart.

"Brother Nan, you've already offended me, why don't you be cruel. As the saying goes, 'It's a three-point crime to kill a snake, and let the tiger go back to the mountain to harm your family'!"

"You might as well write a letter to the leader who is in charge of this area in your own name. With your current reputation, you must be valued. Then we will post some news on the Internet, and we will do both."

Fang Nan went into hiding for vacation, and the big boss Cai Yinong went to the other side of the ocean again.

Before leaving, he deliberately handed over the full power of the "Liao Zhai" crew to him, and encouraged him to treat him well, so that he would not be able to achieve success in the future.

But after two days of realizing what a real producer is, he was put on the same page.

Now thinking of Cai Yinong's scolding on the phone, Zhao Zhu couldn't help but make a fierce move.

Fang Nan glanced at Zhao Zhu who was gnashing his teeth: "You are so awesome, why did you let the actor be kidnapped?"

"Brother Nan, it's really not my fault. No one thought that the other party would be so dishonest."

After calling Qu, Zhao Zhu glanced at Fang Nan, and said with a smile, "After all, the two years I've been with you have been very comfortable, a little relaxed."

"Good guy, it turns out that I was too gentle with you and made you relax your vigilance. It's over, stop flattering, you have to learn from Ma Dayong in this."

After throwing a glance at Zhao Zhu, Fang Nan began to share the work.

If Zhao Zhu can speak well, he will be in charge of the network. Fang Nan also gave him Meng Ziyi's Penguin account.

Ma Dayong, who had only strength but no brain power, was in charge of sleeping. After Fang Nan finished writing the letter, he had to return to the capital to deliver the letter.

Fang Nan wrote letters with wording.

Ma Dayong left at night with letters and photos.

Not long after he left, Zhao Zhu came back from the Internet cafe and gave Fang Nan a thumbs up.

"Brother Nan, the effect is great. I used your blog account to post the article "Let's Comment and Criticize". Many people clicked in and left comments, and there were also many celebrities."

"Ah, there is still a star? Who is it?" Fang Nan was curious.

The blog is a place for those young artists and young women to complain.

He hasn't used it since he finished promoting "The Unknown". Which star has nothing to do to pay attention to him?
(End of this chapter)

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