literary world

Chapter 120 Column of Shame

Chapter 120 Column of Shame

"Hu Ge, Xu Jinglei, there are several male and female stars!"

Fang Nan was inexplicable: "Who? Xu Jinglei, I don't know her well."

Xu Jinglei, one of the top four female stars in China, is one of the earliest bloggers in China. This person is called the queen of bloggers and has more than 100 million bloggers.

Actresses, literary young women, who can write hypocritical essays when they have nothing to do, made Xu Jinglei very popular among male compatriots in this era, and thus became the first group of internet experts.

Compared with this one, Gao Yuanyuan is considered fake art.

"Maybe she is interested in what she posted." Zhao Zhu said.

Fang Nan nodded and said, "It doesn't matter, it's better to have her help to promote it."

That night, Fang Nan, who had no access to the Internet, slept soundly.

However, the blog post of "Everyone's Commentary" under his blog account was passed around like a football by netizens, getting bigger and bigger.

Indignation has become the consensus of netizens who have read this blog post.

Among them, there are many night owl netizens clamoring to return to the hometown of the scenic spot overnight with a knife to prevent the crew from continuing to destroy, that is the hometown!

What's more, I got up overnight to call someone, buy a plane ticket, and fly to Rongshi.

Gou Lin is one of them.

It was his big apprentice Ding Zhi who was woken up from the bed.

Fang Nan received the first call in the early morning, when the sky was about to turn white.

Faced with this blatantly threatening phone call.

Fang Nan was stunned for two seconds, turned the doorknob, found that it was locked, turned off his phone and continued to sleep soundly.

After less than half an hour of sleep, the hotel door rang, and Fang Nan opened his eyes suddenly.

"Brother Nan, it's me." Zhao Zhu's voice came in from outside, and Fang Nan didn't hear the trill.

After opening the door, Zhao Zhu came in and talked about the threatening phone call Fang Nan had experienced not long ago.

"You can sleep here with me." Fang Nan said lightly.

Zhao Zhu was speechless: "How dare you sleep, these people don't pay attention to themselves, they practice crooked ways."

"Then I'll sleep."

As soon as the sky was bright, Fang Nan woke up leisurely, and called Ma Dayong, waking up Zhao Zhu who was dozing behind the door.

"Just pass the letter out, don't come here."

After ordering Ma Dayong, Fang Nan quickly washed up and led Zhao Zhu out of the hotel.

Stay away from an Internet cafe in the hotel, turn on the computer, and open a portal at will.

Only now did Fang Nan see the overwhelming criticism of the crew of "Sculpture of God" on the Internet.

There are still some voices of doubt.

"Brother Nan, the momentum seems to be too loud, and I'm a little scared after seeing it."

As Zhao Zhu moved his mouse fingertips, he saw the front page headlines of each portal website, and his little heart jumped.

Fang Nan glanced at Zhao Zhu: "What are you afraid of, what a man does and what he doesn't do, do you think what you did was a good thing?"

"Really? Right." Zhao Zhu hesitated.

He made "Sculpture of the Gods" because he was so angry that he was routinely used by others, but he didn't think about what scenic spot was destroyed, and what the destruction of the scenic spot had anything to do with him, so when asked by Fang Nan, he subconsciously hesitated.

As for the righteous Fang Nan, he couldn't say for sure, he couldn't tell if he was real or not.

"Are you stupid? Use an affirmative tone." Fang Nan said angrily.

Zhao Zhu pouted and nodded: "Yes!"

"That's enough." Fang Nan nodded happily.

He couldn't ask Zhao Zhu to pay as much attention to the protection of scenic spots as he did, but at least he had to support him verbally.

Looking at the raging storm on the Internet, Zhao Zhu's liver hurts while watching, and Fang Nan is relieved to see that there are a lot of people who hold the same views as him!

"Brother Nan, what should we do now? Wait?" Zhao Zhu, whose phone was buzzing non-stop, said tremblingly.

Fang Nan nodded and said, "Just wait, we will see the outcome in a day or two at most."

Just as Fang Nan guessed, the second day after they went online, the hurricane on the Internet went offline.

At the same time, Tangtang Film and Television Company in Pujiang received an electronic reply.

Recipient Fang Nan.

On the day the staff finished reading the reply letter on their mobile phones, the state-level TV station immediately reported the incident of vandalism in the scenic spot, and the headlines on the front page directly criticized the crew of "Sculpture of God" by name.

The selected pictures are all the pictures that Fang Nan handed over.

The destruction marks are clearly marked.

For a time, the whole country was in an uproar.

Simply lawless!
At the same time when the crew of "Sculpture of the Gods" was criticizing and criticizing, major online media gathered in the scenic area of ​​Chengdu.

But at this time, the management of the scenic spot has pulled out the quarantine area.

But it doesn't matter, just take a few photos for netizens to scold.

On the third day, reporters from major TV stations came again, and the leader was Zhao Zhu.

"Look over there. When I came, there was a cave built by the crew behind the waterfall, which has been demolished by the scenic spot. And over there, when I came, many horses trampled on it, turning up a lot of vegetation. It was unbearable to see."

Zhao Zhu pointed at the waterfall for a while, and pointed at the green grassland in the distance for a while. His words revealed a sense of sadness after the rock formations and vegetation were destroyed.

Just two tears.

"Brother Nan, you helped me again." Outside the crowd, Liu Qianqian, who was wrapped in a down jacket, thanked softly.

Fang Nan was curious: "You haven't taken pictures?"

"No, after two days of delay, the Internet started to stir up hype, and I dare not take pictures anymore." Liu Qianqian said in fear.

"Remember to use snacks in the future."

After smiling and nodding, Fang Nan pointed to the beautiful calcification pool in the distance, and the cheerfully flowing small waterfall, and said with emotion:

"Look at how beautiful this place is. If it is really damaged, it will take many years to restore it naturally. This is a treasure bestowed by nature to us humans!"

Looking at Fang Nan with a sincere face, Liu Qianqian tilted her head and wrinkled her nose: "Brother Nan, you've been acting weird lately, like an old man!"

Fang Nan disdained: "Cut, what is being weird recently, I've always been weird! It's over, it's over, I should go too."

A middle-aged man who is almost forty should not be called an angry youth.

But sometimes, Fang Nan would subconsciously think about going out for a jump, and there was an impetus in his mind that he didn't know where it came from.

After thinking about it, he felt that he was still harmed by his career and movies.

The phrase "with great power comes great responsibility, it's too harmful" often appears in movies!
"When will you invite me to film again?" Liu Qianqian asked Fang Nan's back in hope.

Fang Nan waved his hand: "Let's talk about it."

After the hotel packed up its bags, Zhao Zhu left the media and rushed over. The media was not safe, so he felt it was safest to follow Fang Nan.

"Brother Nan, I don't mind doing this. If he dares to play around in the future, let's dig out this incident. He will never leave it behind for the rest of his life."

Fang Nan ignored the embarrassed Zhao Zhu, but asked curiously, "You left late, what did the management of the scenic spot say?"

"Promised to pay 80 yuan to take publicity photos for the scenic spot for free, and published an apology in the newspaper. They talked about many things."

Fang Nan asked again: "Where are the actors? When will Huang Xiaoming and Yang Xiaomi return to Hengdian?"

"We haven't reached an agreement yet, they will follow us back to the set," Zhao Zhu said.

(End of this chapter)

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