literary world

Chapter 121 Do You Want To Film

Chapter 121 Do You Want To Film

The crusade against the crew of "The Condor of the Gods" continued, but Fang Nan led Zhao Zhu out early.

At this point, it doesn't matter whether the two of them end up or not.

The official media, online media, and paparazzi's fierce pursuit is enough for a bearded man to drink a pot.

The topic of environmental protection all over the Internet also achieved Fang Nan's goal.

After parting from Zhao Zhu at the airport, Fang Nan returned to the capital.

Before returning to Pujiang, or before going to Hengdian, he wanted to confirm the lead actor of "The Richest Man in Xihong City".

On this trip, he is going to see if Shen Teng can play the role of Wang Duoyu, and he is the best.

Unable to do the job, he had to look for other actors earlier.

Happy Twist at the end of 2004, although not well-known, has gained a little fame.

At the end of each year, fixed stage performances that are closely linked to hot Internet events attract a small group of people in a small area.

When Fang Nan dialed one by one with his mobile phone to ask if anyone knew the team of Happy Twist, Zeng Li gave the answer.

This small team gave a performance on the Chinese opera stage last year.

There were very few people who saw it, and it was said that only seven tickets were sold, and she was one of them.

Through the social network, I found out that Happy Twist will have a performance at Haiding Theater in a few days, Fang Nan chooses to part ways with Zhao Zhu.

On December 12, there was a heavy snowfall in the capital, and the temperature dropped sharply.

Backstage at the Haiding Theatre, everyone was happy and worried.

Tickets for today's performance were sold well, not as miserable as last year when only seven tickets were sold.

But this heavy snow also hindered more people from coming to join us.

This can be regarded as a solid blow to the small team of Happy Twist.

Because they love this stage, they have already grown up in their 20s and 30s, and some of them are still living on their parents' money.

"Brother Zhang, I'll leave after the show is over." Backstage, Chen Chang whispered to Zhang Chen, the founder of Twist.

As soon as Chen Chang said this, the small twist group of 20 people in the backstage sighed in unison.

The founder, Zhang Chen, was surprised, nodded slightly, suppressed his frustration and said, "How is the new unit? What do you do specifically?"

He is now a little used to others using twisted doughnuts as a resting place.

Just like migratory birds will rest at a fixed place during the journey, recharge their batteries and move on.

But every time he saw the people who joined in high spirits suddenly leave again, he still couldn't control his emotions.

No matter how much you love art, it’s no good if you don’t have enough to eat!
While Zhang Chen was reading silently, he looked at the young man slumped on the sofa chair.

"Shen Teng, who just came in last year, doesn't know how long he can last!" He shook his head and sighed.

"The new unit is Mango TV." Chen Chang smiled from the bottom of his heart.

"Brother Chen, congratulations!"

"Director Chen, after finishing work at the unit, come back often."

"Brother Chen, if you have nothing to do, move around more, don't be indifferent."

Following Chen Chang's self-disclosure of his unit, everyone in the backstage voiced their voices one after another, with all kinds of expressions of envy, flattery, and friendship.

Shen Teng is the same, but his envy is hidden in his heart.

Chen Chang is the director of the stage play called "A Man Floating in the Rivers and Lakes", and he is the assistant director.

Chen Chang is from art school, while he is from military art.

There are two equals in talent.

Not to mention his appearance, he is a well-known military art school grass, directly crushed!


Shen Teng got up to congratulate Chen Chang, but he still couldn't figure it out.

"Okay, okay, this is the last scene Director Chen helped us direct, everyone must work hard to perform well, don't mess it up."

Zhang Chen stopped his overtures to Chen Chang.

Just then, Wei Xiang, who was selling tickets at the door, stumbled in and said, "Brother Zhang, everyone, it seems that there is an awesome person outside!"

Everyone was curious: "Beautiful man, who is it?"

Wei Xiang said anxiously: "The most popular new director this year, Fang Nan who has been slapping his beard these two days, I don't know how to find him here, we also arranged the role of "Nobody" in this scene. "

After Wei Xiang finished speaking, Zhang Chen looked around at everyone in the backstage, and then set his sights on Shen Teng, the new assistant director who joined the team: "Which of you leaked the script?"

Shen Teng hurriedly waved his hand: "No. And brother Zhang, we just changed a few paragraphs in "The Unknown" in broken English, what else can Fang Nan do?"

Zhang Chen: "How is it? When others sang him a few songs, he sued them all. I don't want to sit in the dock."

"Then what should we do? We'll be on stage soon, and it's too late to change it now!" Directors Chen Chang and Shen Teng said anxiously.

"The part of "The Unknown Man" is in the second half, so, you guys act first, I'll go check out the people, if it's really for us, we can only choose to give up today's performance, and then I will personally kneel down to the audience Apologize!"

After Zhang Chen finished speaking, he resolutely walked out of the backstage.

As for the front desk, Fang Nan, who didn't know anything and just sat down after buying the ticket, was still looking for someone.

You must know that everyone in Twist has compared him to a big villain who does all kinds of evil. He is afraid that he ran to the backstage early to ask the other party for free tickets.

As time passed, a beam of lights lit up at the corner of the stage. Fang Nanchong smiled at the man who had been staring at him since he sat next to him, and changed to a more comfortable sitting position.

He is quite interested in stage plays, and he has seen quite a few such as "Lianlian Peach Blossom Spring" and "A Dream Like a Dream", but most of them are serious stage plays.

This is the first time he has watched Happy Twist, a comedy stage play that has been put together from a year's hot spots.

"are you ok?"

The actor is dressed in period costumes, and the serious lines are mixed with English. It starts like an award ceremony?
Fang Nan smiled slightly.

These things are not enough for him and the audience to be funny. Zhou Xingxing put this set on the big screen many years ago.

Roll away according to the literal performance?

Amidst the roar of laughter from the audience, Fang Nan smiled lightly again, while Zhang Chen beside him gradually began to feel hairy.

The audience responded so enthusiastically to this segment, but Fang Nan acted so indifferently. Is it really a joke, or is he deliberately trying to find fault?
On the stage, the actor sang "only you", Fang Nan was expressionless.

On the stage, the actors danced the ax dance in "Kung Fu", Fang Nan still smiled slightly.

On the stage, the actors held up the banner of "Super Girl's Feet", Fang Nan's smile was still weak.

Zhang Chen couldn't sit still anymore, and stretched out his hand and said, "Hi, Director Fang, I'm Zhang Chen, the founder of Happy Twist, thank you for coming to our performance."

Fang Nan suddenly realized that he had been recognized, or else he thought that there was something wrong with the person next to him, so he looked around for a big man.

"Mr. Zhang, hello, the actors you have found are quite good, but the lines of the male lead's speech are not clear, it must be Zhang Xiaoou."

Zhang Chen panicked and said, "Yes, it's Xiao Ou. We will definitely try our best to improve in the future."

Fang Nan asked again, "How long is this performance?"

"About 120 minutes, it's already halfway down." After Zhang Chen finished speaking, he looked at Fang Nan and said cautiously, "Director Fang, I hope you can forgive me for what I told you."

Fang Nan didn't understand, and frowned after hearing Zhang Chen's apology about the magic reform of "The Unknown", he couldn't help being dumbfounded.

He didn't even know that his vicious reputation had spread so far.

Not long after Zhang Chen was forgiven, Tsing Yi played by Shen Teng stepped onto the stage, with his back to the curtain before showing his face, Fang Nan was sure that Shen Teng was the one playing Wang Duoyu.

Voice, Shen Teng's voice is too special.

Moreover, Shen Teng's subsequent performances were also recognized by Fang Nan.

"I'm not holding the [-]-kilogram stone. When the wind blew just now, I would have hung it on the branch of a tree."

On the stage, Shen Teng held the prop stone with [-] kilograms written on it in both hands, and said angrily to the opponent actor.

"What's his name?" Fang Nan asked Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen, who was forgiven, smiled and said, "Shen Teng is our assistant director."

"I can introduce him later, I think he is suitable for a role in my next play." Fang Nan said.

Zhang Chen was elated and said, "Huh? Really? Okay, okay, no introduction, I will accompany Director Fang to the backstage later."

Fang Nan raised his eyebrows: "Don't rush to be happy. Whether you need him or not depends on how much he can give. He is too thin. If you want to play my role, you need to gain weight, and it's not just normal weight gain."

"It's okay, it's okay, Shen Teng is also an actor from a regular school, it's normal to make some sacrifices to shape the character." Zhang Chen guaranteed Shen Teng.

Just like that, the two chatted around Shen Teng until the end of the stage play. They met people backstage, but Fang Nan didn't go to chat, and asked "Do you want to make a movie?" Shen Teng was completely confused.

After Zhang Chenhao's explanation, Shen Teng reacted and looked at Fang Nan, and said to Ai Ai, "Well, director, do I know the role?"

"During this period of time, if you gain 30 catties, I will choose you as the leading actor, and if you gain 20 catties, I will give you a supporting role."

As soon as Fang Nan finished speaking, there was an instant commotion in the backstage of Twist Mahua.

"Director, don't be fooled!" Shen Teng's eyes widened even more.

Fang Nan laughed uncontrollably: "You write down my phone number."

(End of this chapter)

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