literary world

Chapter 122 Spokesperson

Chapter 122 Spokesperson

"What's your name?"

Backstage at the Haiding Theater, Fang Nan wrote the number to Shen Teng and asked Wei Xiang, who was watching the scene on tiptoe in the crowd.

After Wei Xiang shook his head from side to side, he realized that Fang Nan was really asking him, so he rushed to the front in a panic and stretched out his hands: "Hello director, my name is Wei Xiang, and I'm a stage actor."

"I also have a supporting role that suits you well, are you willing to do it?"

Fang Nan's unrestrained way of finding actors completely stunned Happy Twist's group.

Looking for Shen Teng as the leading actor, they feel empty in their hearts, but they can still accept it. No matter what, Shen Teng looks good.

Wei Xiang?

What the hell is asking him to play a supporting role?

This person is completely different, he is born prematurely aging!
Even in Twist's stage play, what Wei Xiang plays is nothing more than a buffoon, a marginal role.

can't read!
Could this be the reason why Fang Nan became famous in the first battle?

Perhaps, this is his unique understanding; or perhaps, Fang Nan's next work will collapse into sand?

Premature wise people are bound to die young, this kind of thing will happen to Fang Nan?

When everyone in the backstage felt uncomfortable in every way, Wei Xiang had already shouted one after another: "Yes, yes."

After nodding his head like a chicken pecking rice, Wei Xiang, who was afraid of Fang Nan's repentance, hurriedly said: "Fang Dao, do I also want to gain weight? You can see how much I want to gain."

Fang Nan smiled: "You can figure it out, just eat more during the time of the new year and the new year, and wait for the audition call with Shen Teng."

After finding Shen Teng and Wei Xiang, the supporting role, Fang Nan walked briskly outside, ignoring the sluggish Twist group behind him.

Zhang Chen accompanied Fang Nan out of the backstage, Shen Teng pulled Wei Xiang who seemed to be in a dream beside him and said, "Da Xiang, slap me quickly."

"Where is the fan?"

"Slap your mouth, slap it!"


The slap on the face was neither light nor heavy, and half of his face felt a little crisp and numb. Shen Teng couldn't help dancing and hugging Wei Xiang: "Da Xiang, it's true, it's true!"

"Quick, slap me too, let me feel it too." Wei Xiang grinned and pushed Shen Teng away.



The next moment, Shen Teng slapped Wei Xiang on the glass tea table, smashing a wave of glasses.

Snow like goose feathers has covered the whole world.

Outside the Haiding Theater, "Mr. Zhang, go back, it's very cold outside." After tightening his white down jacket and hat tightly, Fang Nan said to Zhang Chen who sent him out all the way.

Zhang Chen didn't move. Seeing that Fang Nan was about to walk into the snow with his black leather gloves on, he couldn't help hesitating and said, "Well, Director Fang, I actually want to talk to you about happy twists!"

Fang Nan glanced at Zhang Chen.

Along the way, he found that this person wanted to speak a few times, but hesitantly swallowed it back, and finally endured until now.

As for what Zhang Chen wants to say.

Fang Nan could also make a good guess.

It's nothing more than that the stage play can't make money, and I want to bring in a wave of investors to share the pressure.

But to be honest, Fang Nan didn't really want to interfere.

The reason is simple. One aspect is that stage plays cannot make a lot of money.

On the other hand, with his bug, most of the popular and high-grossing movies produced by Twist Post-production, such as "Charlotte Annoyance" and "The Richest Man in Xihong City" had to be released in advance.

How much residual value can there be without the twist of these movies?
"Damn, I hate myself a little bit." Thinking of this, Fang Nan felt contempt for himself.

But having said that, people don't kill themselves for their own sake. If they don't do this, how can they get ahead and the people around them get ahead.

Instead of leaving it intact to others, it is better to use it to make money and become famous.

Moreover, he feels that in terms of giving back to the society in the future, he must be much better than some people in the circle.

Not to mention anything else, but paying taxes honestly is more than half of the people in the circle.

Therefore, the use-ism must continue.

When Fang Nan's soul flew out of the sky, Zhang Chenqi and Ai Ai opened his mouth, saying the same meaning as Fang Nan guessed, and persuading him to invest in the stock.

Fang Nan couldn't refuse the other party's sincerity. He just said that he would consider it and talk about it later in the year.

What he thought was that if Zhang Chen opened his mouth, then there would be no talk.

If the money to invest is very little, it is not impossible for him to invest some.

In case the twist of "Charlotte Annoyance" is gone, "Shen Tent Annoyance" and "Fang Nante Annoyance" will be produced again!
After bidding farewell to Zhang Chen, Fang Nan went back to Yindingqiao Hutong.

Fang Nan wasn't there, Gao Yuanyuan, who was bored alone, returned to his home, the huge yard was empty.

Walking around inside and outside the house, Fang Nan, who was bored, rushed to the airport with his bag.

Halfway there, I received a call from Yan Hong, saying that the singer Wang Feng, one of the sued, wanted to go private.

I didn't say this, it depends on how much you pay if it's private or not.

With the money in place, everything is easy to talk about, and he doesn't like to go to court.

The matter was fully handled by Yan Hong, and Fang Nan sat down at the airport with peace of mind.

Because of the snow, we waited until midnight. I didn't expect that when I arrived at Tangtang Company in Pujiang in the early morning, I would run into Cai Yinong who was flying back from abroad like a ghost.

This is nothing, the key is that the script of "Strong Center of the Earth" in his sci-fi trilogy has not yet been written and passed on.

"What's the situation?" Fang Nan looked at Cai Yinong.

Boss Cai, who was pretending to be dazed about such a big event, was trembling with anger.

"What's the situation? If I don't come back, the company will be raped by you."

In the conference room, while Cai Yinong hung the curtained coat on the hanger, he turned around from time to time and gnashed his teeth at Fang Nan.

That expression wished he could turn into a glutton and eat Fang Nan in one bite.

Fang Nan said nonchalantly, "You mean about the Zhang Beard who reported with his real name?"

"Is there anything else besides this?"

Glancing at Fang Nan with a full face of anger, Cai Yinong became even more angry when he saw that the man curled up on the chair calmly and yawned:
"My director Fang Da, I beg you, can you have some fun? Don't you know about Zhang Dabeard? Tang Tang Film and Television and Huayi are planning to jointly produce another big drama, don't you know?"

"Big drama? Isn't it "Young General of the Yang Family"? I'm afraid you'll spit a mouthful of old blood then."

Fang Nan, who was muttering in her heart, seemed like a dead pig to Cai Yinong, who was not afraid of boiling water, and didn't know the seriousness of it. The next moment, she couldn't help but accentuate her tone.

"Real-name report, what do you think you think? The most basic reasoning makes three points understand?"

"How many people are there in the circle who offend people to death like you?"

"You wait, when someone reacts, trouble will come."

"Besides, it has nothing to do with you whether people destroy the scenic spot or not. You are really a dog and a mouse - mind your own business!"

"You just learn from Zhou Xingxing in the just-released "Kung Fu", I'll die waiting!"

Fang Nan sneered, slapped his buttocks and walked towards the meeting room. He lazily took care of the old woman with long hair and short knowledge.

Cai Yinong was about to chase after Fang Nan and whisper the rules of the game to the young director, but the phone rang.

"Hi, hello, this is Pujiang Tangtang Film and Television, and I'm Cai Yinong."

"Fang Nan? Yes, Director Fang is a contracted director of our company."

"Ah? Looking for him to be the spokesperson, what kind of endorsement? What is your company and product?"

 Don't scold me for broken chapters, because there are more chapters below, and 2 more chapters will be added, making it 7 chapters.The reason is simple, the average order exceeds 1000
(End of this chapter)

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