literary world

Chapter 124 The central character [500 plus more]

Chapter 124 The central character [500 plus more]

After Cai Yinong submitted the script of "The Richest Man in Xihong City" for review, Fang Nan drove to Hengdian by himself.

The car is a new car, named Transcendence.

To put it bluntly, it was Santana 3000, which cost him more than 13 yuan.

Compared with the Santana 2000, this car has a sleeker exterior and more roomy interior.

Of course, he didn't do this for these reasons. He bought this car because it is durable, and it's okay for muddy roads and hard bars.

Buying a house, buying a car, buying 20% ​​of the shares of Tangtang Film and Television, and the unpaid $5 to Cai Yinong.

After the trip at the end of the year, Fang Nan made some calculations for himself and spent nearly 500 million.

And it's still several million short of bank mortgages, which can be described as terrifying!
In just over two months, almost all the income from "The Nobody" was spent.

Even Fang Nan, who was used to spending a lot of money, couldn't help being startled by how he acted like a nouveau riche after making the calculations.

If this goes on like this, he will become a poor widow going to the market again - no one wants people, no money if he wants money.

Fortunately, at this very moment, good news came from Yan Hong.

Wang Feng is about to send him a sum of money.

This guy finally couldn't afford it anymore and was scared.

After all, Wang Feng is different from other singers in the dock.

He can write and sing songs, and he has a brokerage company beforehand and has a certain reputation.

If he lost the lawsuit, he would lose his reputation if he lost money, so he contacted Yan Hong knowing that he would lose the lawsuit.

He is willing to give up part of the money, and is willing to buy the singing copyright of the three songs "Once Upon a Time", "B**J" and "In Spring" for a year, with a total price of 76.

Fang Nan agreed, and humming "Singing the ballad no one cares about", he rushed all the way to Hengdian and stopped in front of Lao Yang's restaurant.

"Hey, Lao Yang!" After getting out of the car, Fang Nan saw Lao Yang wearing an apron and serving dishes in the shop.

"Aiyo, Fang Nan, aiyo, you brat!"

Beside the brand-new car, there was a dog-like man in a down jacket and a suit. Lao Yang froze for a second, then ran out with plates and bowls.

After looking up and down, he opened his hands and laughed and said, "You are amazing now, the most famous director, my kid said that the Internet is full of news about you."

"What's the name of that movie?"

Lao Yang frowned, Fang Nan took a soup bowl in his hand with a smile, and reminded, "The Unknown Man?"

"Yes, it's "The Unknown Man", it's beautiful!" Lao Yang said excitedly.

Not to mention that he has already founded "One Heart" film and television equipment rental with Fang Nan and Wu Gao.

Even if it is not a partner, a small group performer who went out of Hengdian at the beginning has become a famous director in China now.

Then he also felt that his face was radiant, which was nothing like being honored.

"Give me the soup bowl, you go inside, go inside, it's cold outside."

When old friends reunited, Lao Yang seemed extremely happy and kept calling Fang Nan into the store.

"Let me take it, don't fall if you take so much."

As Lao Yang entered the store, he stepped on the wooden ladder and went upstairs. Fang Nan smiled and nodded frequently along the way.

There are more than a dozen photos of celebrities hanging on the walls of the boxes on the second floor of Lao Yang Restaurant. This marketing method is commendable.

In front of the noisy private room, Lao Yang rushed to Fang Nan and whispered, "Just this private room, give me the soup bowl. You are such a great director to serve these little stars, it's a shame."

"It doesn't matter if you give up your talent or not."

Lao Yang insisted, Fang Nan had nothing to do, so he had to pass the soup bowl over, and was about to help open the door, when Lao Yang said abruptly, "That's not right, there are people you know inside."

"Ah, who is it?" Fang Nan pushed the door of the box open while speaking.

Zhao Zhu, Zeng Li, Huang Xiaoming, Hu Ge, Yuan Hong, Yang Xiaomi, Li Bing, Li Xue and other actors from the "Liao Zhai" crew showed up, and even Ma Dayong was feasting.

"Hiss, your little days are too enjoyable."

When Fang Nan appeared suddenly, the people in the box who were watching were stunned. Huang Xiaoming, who was actually treating guests, realized first and got up to say hello.

A few days ago, Fang Nan made a fuss in Jiugou Village and stopped the shooting of "Sculpture of God" there.

He had no other choice, so he had to discuss with the crew to shoot the scenes in Hengdian first, or he could go to the crew of "Liao Zhai" nearby.

If he doesn't go to the production team of "Liao Zhai", who knows if Fang Nan, a picky bastard, will make another drastic move.

Who got it.

This guy's real-name report is too ruthless, how ruthless is it?
He was so ruthless that he brought down the always lawless bearded man with one move.

And it hasn't slowed down yet.

According to him, the stain of destroying the environment will follow the bearded man for a lifetime.

But I'm also glad that Fang Nan reported it early, if he waited until the filming was over, he would report it.

He and Liu Qianqian should not even try to run away, they must be sprayed by netizens as trash.

Netizens denounced the momentum of the bearded man too scary.

He and his manager were both scared after seeing it, and they instantly agreed not to offend Fang Nan easily.

So there is today's dinner, which seems to be far-fetched, but there is a central figure in it.

The central figure can only be Fang Nan.

The reason for the treat was to let Huang Xiaoming off in a disguised form.

Everyone knew the whole story of the meal, but Huang Xiaoming didn't say thank you on the surface.

It can only be that I feel sorry for delaying the filming of "Liao Zhai", and invite everyone to eat and apologize.

Then there are multiple friends and multiple paths.

Fang Nan was not in Hengdian, so Huang Xiaoming first invited Zhao Zhu and Ma Dayong who were in Rong City at the time. These two had followed Fang Nan early on, and Zhao Zhu was the producer.

The reason for inviting Zeng Li, who was not familiar with her, was because Zhao Zhu said that in terms of familiarity, Zeng Li, who had been Fang Nan's neighbor, was the most familiar with Fang Nan.

The rented houses where the two of them knew each other were packaged and clearly marked by the landlord.

The rental price is three times higher than the surrounding rent.

But the tenants are still in an endless stream, and some of them are so poor that they are almost in pants, and they come to the door from time to time to ask when the last tenant will leave.

The purpose is to satisfy the joy of the two of them.

No problem, Huang Xiaoming will invite Zeng Li again.

Zeng Li didn't want to have dinner with the three men, so he invited Li Bing and Li Xue to accompany him.

Li Bing of the same crew was in the show, and Hu Ge and Yuan Hong were also in the same crew. They and Fang Nan belonged to the same company, so they had to bring these two together.

Finally, Yang Xiaomi, who knew the news, was brought along, and now eight people were gathered together.

Looking at the group of people in the box, Fang Nan couldn't help but think to himself:
"The entertainment industry is really a small circle. Everyone in the circle knows everyone, but they haven't met in person. Who would have thought that Huang Xiaoming could sit with Zeng Li, and they couldn't find contact."

After being invited into the private room, Fang Nan shook hands with Huang Xiaoming, sister Li Bing, and Yang Xiaomi.

The remaining few are not polite, they are either from the company or old acquaintances.

Seeing Fang Nan sitting between Huang Xiaoming and Zeng Li, Li Bing, whose communication skills were no worse than Huang Xiaoming's, took the lead with a smile and said, "Director Fang, why come to Hengdian when it's so cold."

While taking off his down jacket, Fang Nan said casually, "I had an argument with the big boss, and ran over here in a fit of anger."

In a word, everyone couldn't help but look at each other. Is this Fang Nan with a big beard and no temper?
Can't talk more than your brain?

But having said that, such a casual Fang Nan can also prove that this person has really become a small trend.

A movie, a big hit movie made this person skyrocket!

Huang Xiaoming and the others seemed to be looking at Fang Nan, but the thoughts in their minds were running wildly.

 gone today

(End of this chapter)

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