literary world

Chapter 125 Before You Make a Mistake

Chapter 125 Before You Make a Mistake
Old Yang Restaurant.

Fang Nan came from behind and became the object of frequent toasts at the nine-person table.

Fang Nan hadn't had a drink for a long time, but Fang Nan was not hypocritical, put aside his identity and status, and started flirting with a few people.

But having said that, the group of people on the table is really not a big deal compared with the star Sidan, the director Feng Dapao and others.

The four dens have not yet been forcibly added with double ice.

Fang Nan is also a masterpiece.

Huang Xiaoming is still struggling on the small screen.

Therefore, there is no one who dominates the other.

When the wine was half full, everyone was slightly tipsy, full of sophistication, and sisters Li Xue, who had been active at the table, stood up hand in hand, waving their four arms, clamoring to get drunk with Fang Nan.

"Come on, I respect you sisters, and I wish you success in your career!"

The thing of holding people on the wine table, Fang Nan has penetrated into the marrow of his bones, even if he is drunk, he will come with his mouth.

There were too many people on the wine table in the previous life.

Fang Nan staggered to his feet and finished speaking, and accompanied the two sisters who raised their heads to drink a full bottle.

The next moment, Li Xue among the sisters quit, "You toast us sisters with a glass of wine?"

While complaining, she took the wine bottle and touched Fang Nan.

When pouring the wine, his upper body was almost buried in Fang Nan's arms, which made Fang Nan feel confused and infatuated.

Fang Nan, who was a little dizzy, raised his eyebrows: "Then what should we do?"

"What should we do? Either Director Fang will arrange a role for us in your next play, or you will accompany me to have a cup of wine, otherwise, I will not spare you." Li Xuejiao smiled.

The smell of wine and perfume sprayed on his face, making Fang Nan even more confused.

Looking at the pretty face so close, he was just about to stand up and exchange glasses with the beautiful woman that he usually meets at the wine table, but he didn't expect that someone would grab his suit and pants.

It was as if someone had pulled half of his butt off, and Fang Nan woke up from the pain in an instant.

"Oh my god, why did you forget about Zeng Li who is next to you, she doesn't talk or drink for a long time."

When Fang Nan was startled, Zeng Li beside him had already stood up, took the white wine bottle next to Huang Xiaoming, filled more than half of the red wine glass with a "splash", and said to Li Xue, "Sister Xue, I will replace him. Drink it, he can't even stand up."

"Huh? Is Fang Dao drunk?" Li Xue looked at Fang Nan in feigned surprise.

Under Zeng Li's gaze, Fang Nan hurriedly waved his hands and said, "Drunk, drunk!"

From his seemingly fearful actions, others would think that he was having an affair with Zeng Li.

After all, everyone here today knows that Zeng Li and Fang Nan are good friends, but no one knows how good they are.

But Fang Nan knew personally that it was not because of any fear, nor did he say anything, but simply regarded Zeng Li as a female friend.

Flirting with other women around female friends is not a good idea.

For Liu Tao or something, even if the two sisters of the Li family come together, he will face difficulties.

Fang Nan confessed, Li Xue, who was interrupted, squinted her eyes and said to Zeng Li who was holding a glass: "Miss Zeng, do we really drink?"

Zeng Li did not back down: "We two really drink together!"

Li Xue nodded, poured more than half of the cup in her hand, looked at the level with Zeng Li, and sneered, "Come on, finish the drink."

After "Bang Dang" hit the glass, Li Xue cursed inwardly, "What? Someone claimed that you were his girlfriend? Who are you calling? It depends on whether you have the ability to control it and use chicken feathers as a pawn. Order the arrow!"

Seeing the posture of the two women, everyone in the box knew that something was wrong. Seeing that the two of them had crossed their arms, Fang Nan hurriedly stood up and said, "Hey, hey, drink less."


The next moment, the two women glared at each other while muttering.

Obviously, the two women who were angry took Fang Nan's words as fart.

Leaning slightly, Li Xue's eyes were bloodshot, An Ran returned to her seat, and Li Bing hurriedly filled a bowl of soup for her sister.

"cough cough, cough cough"

Looking at Zeng Li again, she covered her mouth and sat down coughing,

"cough cough"

Seeing Zeng Li covering her mouth and coughing non-stop, Fang Nan had no choice but to carry her back.

Probably because a martial arts practitioner couldn't feel the strength in his body, he followed along, and even smoothed Zeng Li's cover. Zeng Li, who was coughing, felt a slight stretch behind his back, and a belt in the sweater slipped down.


Zeng Li, who was already out of breath, was covered in such a way that the smell of alcohol rose instantly.

"Go, go, go to the bathroom quickly." Fang Nan urged.

After drinking so far, it's meaningless to continue.

Therefore, Fang Nan gave Huang Xiaoming a wink before leaving.

In the bathroom, Zeng Li turned into a vomiting maniac, Fang Nan was bored, Huang Xiaoming, Zhao Zhu, and Ma Dayong came over after paying the bill.

"How is it?" Huang Xiaoming asked Fang Nan.

Fang Nan said: "It's nothing, you go to the crew, Zhao Zhu, you ask the director to change Zeng Li's role in the afternoon to tomorrow."

"Got it, let's go then." Zhao Zhu nodded his head.

After Fang Nan nodded, he stopped Huang Xiaoming who was about to leave: "Xiao Ming, wait a moment, I'll tell you something."

Huang Xiaoming was puzzled: "What's wrong?"

Fang Nan rubbed his forehead, thought for a while, and said, "I have a not-so-good character in my next play. It probably means that this man gave up his girlfriend for money. Do you think you are interested? The role is considered Great supporting role."

Finding Huang Xiaoming to play Liu Jiannan in "The Richest Man in Xihong City" was Fang Nan's idea before coming to Hengdian.

He came to Hengdian this time for two people, one is Huang Xiaoming.

The other one is also an actor in "Liao Zhai", Li Liqun, Teacher Li.

Huang Xiaoming was chosen to play Liu Jiannan, who claims to be Wang Lihong of Xihong City, because Huang Xiaoming was rumored to be like Brother Fa.

If Huang Xiaoming is willing to participate in the performance, he can change Liu Jiannan's self-proclaimed Chow Yun-fat of Xihong City.

There are many changes like this in "The Richest Man in Xihong City". After all, it was released in different years, so he wouldn't be so stupid as to turn the doctrine into an imitation. That would be too frustrating.

What he was afraid of was that because of his own image, Huang Xiaoming was unwilling to play Liu Jiannan, a somewhat villainous role.

"Hey, thank you, Director Fang." Without further ado, thank you first. After thanking, Huang Xiaoming said again: "But I have to discuss it with my agent. It's best to see the script."

Fang Nan nodded and said, "The script is still being perfected, tomorrow I will pass on Liu Jiannan's character to you."

"Alright, where do you live, I'll pick it up myself tomorrow." Huang Xiaoming said.

Fang Nan said: "I don't have a place to live for now, I'll ask Zhao Zhu to inform you tomorrow."

The two said goodbye, and just as Huang Xiaoming left, Zeng Li's voice sounded from the bathroom.

"What are you doing? Is there anyone in there?"

"No one, come in and button my button." Zeng Li stammered.

Fang Nan was puzzled, wondering if Zeng Li was so drunk that he couldn't button his trousers?

Outside, he tremblingly said: "What button?"

"Buttons, hurry up."

Zeng Li was in a hurry, but Fang Nan didn't know what to do. After seeing that no one was coming behind him, he poked his head into the women's bathroom.

In the bathroom, Zeng Li squinted and leaned against the wooden door. The pink sweater had already reached her lower abdomen, revealing her snow-white skin and an abyss.

 Going to Sanjiang, hehe!

(End of this chapter)

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