literary world

Chapter 127 The troubles after happiness

Chapter 127 The troubles after happiness
"How do you feel?"


Fang Nan chuckled, and hugged the person in his arms tightly.

Zeng Li changed into a comfortable position and asked, "Are you still celebrating the New Year at the company this year?"

After Fang Nan groaned, he said, "Yes, otherwise where would we go?"

"How about you go back with me?"

Zeng Li's words almost made Fang Nan's waist go away.

He knew that a woman with a personality like Zeng Li had a natural obsession with getting married, starting a family and having children, so she either didn't touch her.

If you touch him, you can't avoid this topic.

"It's too early, I'm only in my 20s, and my career is not going up or down."

In the same way, Fang Nan, like a man who has made mistakes that all men make, chose to face his career.

Zeng Li grabbed Fang Nan's right hand, looked at the lines on his palm and said, "New Year's Day is over, I'm 29."

Feeling the roundness in the bed, Fang Nan raised his eyebrows and said, "You are an imaginary age. In fact, you are at most 28 years old. Looking at the bones, you are only 27 years old. Looking at the tight skin on your face, you are only 26 years old."

After the sound of "woo", Zeng Li showed a sweet smile, "When did you learn these sweet words?"

"Isn't this a must-have skill for a scumbag?" Fang Nan slandered, and kissed Zeng Li's smooth forehead: "When the love is strong, you will naturally say it!"

The two chatted for an hour, one sentence to another, and once their physical strength recovered, they re-entered the battlefield.

The battle didn't stop until dark.

After the battle, the two of them knew that they were hungry, took a rest, took a shower together, and walked out of the hotel.

Zeng Li: "It's too far away from Hengdian, otherwise the two of us will go to the place where we used to live and have a look."

Fang Nan: "Let's go tomorrow, I haven't left yet."

Zeng Li: "After dinner, shall we go to the movies?"

Fang Nan: "If you want to go, I can accompany you."

Along the way, the question-and-answer mode was officially opened. Fang Nan's blunt answer made Zeng Li not only not dissatisfied, but rather happy.

Fang Nan in her image should be like this, without so many sweet words.

When filming "Fairy Sword", if Fang Nan was as glib as other men, the beautiful girls like An Yixuan and Jiang Xing would not be scolded and cry.

It was Fang Nan who was chasing after him and waiting to make friends.

There are so many beauties in the entertainment industry, what she seeks is a man like Fang Nan who is ordinary-looking, can't talk sweetly, but is motivated.

Moreover, today she discovered another advantage of Fang Nan.

After eating with affection, the two went to the theater to watch "Kung Fu" and watched "A World Without Thieves" again.

I have to say that the quality of the films in this year's Spring Festival file is very high.

Zhou Xingxing's "Kung Fu" and Feng Dapao's "A World Without Thieves" are rare good movies.

Even if Fang Nan and Feng Dapao had a disagreement, he would not ignorantly bring this disagreement into the movie.

He can despise Feng Dapao, but he also has to recognize himself.

It's like he is obsessed with putting "The Unknown" on the summer vacation instead of the Spring Festival with a better schedule. In fact, it has something to do with the current Feng Dapao's high reputation and ample momentum.

The current Feng Dapao is really not something he can use movies to fight hard.

Of course, it is also one aspect that he is weak now.

When there are three or four films that meet with the audience and make the audience have a good impression of him, he will then be able to challenge the current group of big directors in China.

It's like when "A World Without Thieves" meets "Kung Fu", or Feng Dapao meets Zhou Xingxing, they have to retreat honestly.

Thinking of the confrontation between the two heroes during the Spring Festival this year, Fang Nan's blood boiled all over his body, and he wished that this year would pass quickly so that he could start "The Richest Man in Xihong City".

After watching the movie, the two went back to the hotel. Seeing the crew come back, Fang Nan left Zeng Li and went to Li Liqun.

After inviting Li Liqun with a few words, Fang Nan honestly opened a room to write a biography for Huang Xiaoming.

Zeng Li also let him, one afternoon, enough for her to digest for many days.

The next day.

Fang Nan handed the biography to Huang Xiaoming, and told him to tell him the decision years ago.

So far, all his missions in Hengdian have been completed.

Before leaving, Fang Nan revisited Zeng Li's old place and went to the former landlord's house.

Seeing Fang Nan, the landlord, who had a disabled leg, was so happy that he insisted on taking a photo of Fang Nan, saying that it would be hung in the room where he lived.

Fang Nan was disgusted enough.

Untimely death ah this is!

Doesn't this make him die prematurely?
Everyone lives by collecting rent, so it’s better to save some face, you are the landlord, and I am still the owner of the song!

After all, the original landlord canceled the plan, and then took the two of them to the model house behind the house.

The house was still the same, there was still moss beside the well, Fang Nan didn't feel much.

He left in 02, and it's only been three years now, what's there to remember, it doesn't fit the personality!

Zeng Li watched it with relish, seeing the white lime on the wall, and even laughed out loud.

Opening the room, seeing the old iron windows, thinking of the rainy night more than three years ago, she was trembling with fright from the wind, and carrying a knife into Fang Nan's room, she hammered Fang Nan again and laughed.

Fang Nan and the landlord were speechless.

The jokes are too low.

I don't know what she's laughing at.

After revisiting the old place, he sent Zeng Li to the set. Fang Nan got into the car and said, "I'm leaving. Are you going to go home directly after your role or something?"

Zeng Li smiled happily: "Go home, I didn't celebrate the New Year at home last year."

I was not at home last year, mainly because the family was really urgent.

This year is different, the relationship between her and Fang Nan has been settled, and there are some business trips back home.

Fang Nan nodded and asked again: "What about the next year? Is the job fixed after the next year? I don't have any suitable roles for you in my new play."

"There's a drama we're discussing, and the female lead should be fine." Zeng Li brushed the dust off Fang Nan's pants and said happily.

Although she is three years older than Fang Nan, in life, she prefers to be a pampered little woman.

Therefore, when he heard that Fang Nan cared about her work, Zeng Li suddenly felt sweet in his heart.

Fang Nan asked again: "What drama, who is the director?"

"Urban emotional suspense drama, directed by Jiang Cheng."

Fang Nan smacked his lips, the urban emotion was still suspenseful, and the director had never heard of it, so there was a high probability that it would hit the street.

In fact, he didn't even need to ask, because Zeng Li's impression of him was that there was no good drama or character at all.

Thinking of this, Fang Nan said: "Let's shoot first, let me think about it, and see if I can write one or two TV drama scripts during this period of time."

This year, his energy was spent on the first movie in his life, and he had no time to do work plans other than movies.

Now that he thinks about it carefully, he feels that besides focusing on movies, TV dramas should not be missed, after all, it is a big market.

He even wants to grasp the popular variety show in the future.

These things in the mind are really wasted.

It's all money.

He no longer cares about more money or less money, whether the money is enough or not.

But it's not that he doesn't even want to do the thing of bending over to pick up money.

That hurts so much!

(End of this chapter)

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