literary world

Chapter 128 "Crazy Stone"

Chapter 128 "Crazy Stone"


The "creak" sound of boots on the snow made Gao Yuanyuan very happy, and from time to time she turned into a girl and jumped forward playfully.

Wang Jinghua who had been following along couldn't help but smile, but he still became a villain.


Wang Jinghua made a sudden sound, and Gao Yuanyuan realized that Wang Jinghua invited her to this small park to talk about something, not to play with her in the snow.

While sticking out her tongue, she said shyly, "What's the matter, Sister Hua?"

Stepping side by side with Gao Yuanyuan, Wang Jinghua said kindly, "Director Wang's "Green Red" is definitely going to Cannes."

Gao Yuanyuan tapped his forehead lightly: "It's already confirmed."

A director like Wang Xiaoshuai who has shown his face at international film festivals and won awards has already decided which film festival he will participate in when preparing for a new project. The same goes for "Blue Red" going to Cannes.

What she didn't understand was why Wang Jinghua suddenly asked about something that everyone in the circle knew.

Wang Jinghua smiled and said, "That's good, are you sure about winning an award or something?"

Gao Yuanyuan shook her head hastily: "Stop making trouble, Sister Hua, it would be great if the movie can be shortlisted for the main competition."

Cannes actress?

Gao Yuanyuan didn't even dare to think about it.

Over the years among domestic actors, there are only two or three winners of Cannes Best Actor and Queen Best Actor trophies, she dare not expect extravagantly.

Gao Yuanyuan looked like he was hiding back in fright, Wang Jinghua looked amused.

After laughing, Wang Jinghua, known as the number one star agent in China, gathered his mind and started talking about business.

"Qinghong" is just an excuse for her to open up the topic, and "The Richest Man in Xihong City" is the real reason why she is looking for Gao Yuanyuan.

As a well-known director on the box office list in 2004, Fang Nan's new play is the object of many people's attention.

Not to mention Wang Jinghua, who is purely engaged in artist management.

It is her main task every year to add people to the crew of blockbuster movies and big directors.

She relies on Huayi for this reason.

Parting ways with Huayi was also due to the fact that Feng Dapao's crew could not be filled, so he left the new owner Bona in a rage.

But although Bona is rich, he is not a good director.

These days, the director and the box office are basically equated.

The audience only recognizes directors, and it is difficult for newcomers to stand out. The box office success of Zhang Yimou, Feng Dapao, and Zhou Xingxing relies on giving the audience the impression that they only make good movies.

Fang Nan, a rookie director, is really amazing.

Strange flowers belong to strange flowers, but people succeed, so they become the characters that Wang Jinghua needs to take seriously.

Therefore, not long ago, Gao Yuanyuan asked her to cancel the event from March to May next year.

When it was said that he might be taking on Fang Nan's new play, Wang Jinghua was instantly taken up with it.

But after waiting, Gao Yuanyuan didn't have a follow-up, and it was widely rumored that Huang Xiaoming had received Fang Nan's new script.

That's why today's park agreement came into being.

"Do you know that the script of "The Richest Man in Xihong City" has been reviewed and invested? Do you know that many actors have been confirmed? How did Fang Nan tell you specifically?"

After Wang Jinghua asked three times in a row, he hesitated and stopped.

In fact, she wanted to ask what was the relationship between the two of them.

Gao Yuanyuan tilted his head and thought about Fang Nan's words before he left, and said, "He just said to think about it, it should be fine."

The combination of the two is indeed not so perfect, but they can be considered harmonious after getting along.

After every happy time, Fang Nan also said that if there is a suitable role, she will be given priority.

In general, she believed in Fang Nan.

Wang Jinghua frowned at Gao Yuanyuan's ambiguous words, "Why don't you call him to confirm."

She urgently needed Gao Yuanyuan and Fang Nan's line to be connected, and the connection was solid. A group of artists under her hand were waiting to be fed.

Back to the Pujiang River against the cold wind.

Fang Nan confirmed on the phone that Gao Yuanyuan was playing the heroine and just entered the alley when he heard the noise coming from the small courtyard of Tangtang Film and Television.

Walk a few more steps and look up, there are crowds of people in the courtyard, company employees, and people around.

Among the crowd, a woman complained tearfully in Cantonese that Zhang Kangnian was raising a woman outside, so her surname was almost Han Zhizhi.

Fang Nan scratched his head, Zhang Kangnian's house collapsed?
He didn't have a bad impression of Zhang Kangnian. In order to arrange Zeng Li, he did compete with him for the role in "Sword of the Immortal Sword".

But his status is different now, this trivial matter will not make him bring up the old things again.

"What about the little bitch? You call her out and see if I don't tear her up. I said why don't you go home all year round? Well, it turned out that you raised a little bitch in China and brought it into the company with a brazen name. Later, I will ask Mr. Cai, are you a company or a brothel?"

As soon as Fang Nan leaned on the courtyard wall, Zhang Kangnian Xiangjiang's daughter-in-law started cursing again, but unfortunately she spoke Cantonese, and many people were dumbfounded.

Only the little chubby who was stepping on a pile of bricks and lying next to Fang Nan was delighted to hear it, and at a glance, he knew that he was a sensible person.

When he was happy watching, the little fat pier turned his head to Fang Nan who had just laid on the ground and said: "This woman is not good at cursing, she almost means it."

Fang Nan lifted the hood of his down jacket, glanced at Xiaopangdun, grinned and said, "It's really almost meaningless!"

The newcomer next to him looking for excitement suddenly lifted his hat and showed up, startling the little chubby next to him.

Before the shock had settled down, the brick under his feet wobbled again, and the chubby staggered into Fang Nan's body.

"Oh, Director Fang, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

After being supported by Fang Nan, the little fat pier stood firm, and apologized vigorously.

Fang Nan pretended to be surprised, "You know me?"

In the alley where Tang Tang Film and Television lives, many neighbors know him because of "The Unknown".

Obviously Lin Hao does not belong to the category of neighbors.

"I know, I know, I'm just looking for you to talk about the project."

Lin Hao stretched out his hand politely, while slandering: "Your Fang Nan is so famous on the Internet and in the circle, how can I not recognize you?"

The turmoil of Fang Nan's tough confrontation with the crew of "Sculpture of the Gods" has just stopped.

Another news about Fang Nan spread on the Internet.

Fang Nan is the one behind the scenes that thousands of wolf friends have been looking for, who doesn't talk about publicity rules.

In order to promote "The Unknown", the slogan "Are you all right, are you all right, come and see so-and-so" is now everywhere at the beginning of various small videos, making thousands of wolf friends hate it.

Netizen Fang Nan still has a good face?
After the whole network condemned Zhang Dabeard, it was his turn.

"Let's talk about things, let's go in if we talk about things." Fang Nan said with a smile.

Lin Hao will look for him now, what else can he do besides investing in "Crazy Stone"?

He knew very well in his heart that the other party was here to play Qiufeng, and wanted to see if a blind cat could really run into a dead mouse.

Therefore, Fang Nan smiled brilliantly. If Lin Hao didn't come, he was still thinking about how to get closer.

Without "Nobody Known", "Crazy Stone" is the most typical small investment big return movie in the 2000s, and he couldn't find a way to invest money.

Fang Nan laughed and was about to push away the crowd and enter the house when he was dragged from behind.

"You have a big heart!" Cai Yinong stared at Fang Nan and rushed into the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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