literary world

Chapter 129 Movie Dream

Chapter 129 Movie Dream

As Cai Yinong, who was frowning, entered the arena, sneering, threatening and cursing, Zhang Kangnian's daughter-in-law took a break.

Fang Nan took this opportunity to bring Lin Hao into the company.

In the meeting room, Han Zhizhi, who had been watching the outside for a long time without changing his expression by the window, saw Fang Nan coming in, but blushed and walked out with his head buried in his face.

Fang Nan didn't take it seriously, and pulled a stool for Lin Hao.

"I remember your name is Lin Hao, tell me, what project."

Fang Nan was so straightforward, Lin Hao felt embarrassed for a while.

Although the "Crazy Stone" he conceived was released earlier than "The Unknown Man", he had an idea as early as 2000.

The shooting method is also learned from Guy Ritchie's "Two Smoking Barrels".

But others may not believe it!
The filming methods of "Crazy Stone" and "Nobody" interspersed with narrative are too similar.

Many domestic audiences may not know Guy Ritchie.

But as soon as "Crazy Stone" was released, it absolutely couldn't escape the comparison with Fang Nan's "The Unknown".

"Damn, Fang Nan won't accuse me of plagiarism, will he? Don't sue me after reading the script and not investing in it. This guy has a criminal record."

Thinking of this, Lin Hao suddenly felt uncomfortable.

He felt that it was too reckless to come to Pujiang to find Fang Nan who had made a lot of money this year, and it was a wrong choice.

The probability of stealing the chicken and losing the rice is extremely high!
As soon as he entered the room and sat down, he felt like he was sitting on pins and needles, his back was like a thorn, and he was still staring at Lin Hao, Fang Nan was completely at a loss.

"Sick, talk about something, talk about "Crazy Stone"." Fang Nan was speechless in his heart.

"Director Fang, I'm sorry. I thought about it just now, and the new project seems almost interesting. I'll come to visit after I finish writing the script!"

Lin Hao hesitated and then wanted to get up, Fang Nan was speechless.

"It's almost meaningless, but you tell me, I'll listen to you." Fang Nan stopped him.

The investment of "Crazy Stone" will not be higher than that of "Nobody's Name".

He didn't have a distribution company, and he didn't know theaters. In order to save trouble and worry, Fang Nan estimated that he would invest dozens or millions at most.

It's just such a trivial matter, and it will be over after the chat. Who knows that the little fat man Lin Hao is like a maniac, and he will leave without saying a word.

Are you in a hurry?

Fang Nan was puzzled, what was going on.

Clamped by Fang Nan's big hands, Lin Hao was about to cry, this is the wolf's den.

No way, he had no choice but to sit down again, and perfunctorily told the story of "Stone".

Lin Hao's "Crazy Stone" seemed to be different from what he remembered, but after all, there were stones in the story, so Fang Nan didn't delve into it, but asked, "How much money do you expect to spend on filming?"


Lin Hao was shocked, such a bad story is okay?
Fang Nan was kicked in the head by a donkey!
"How much?" Fang Nan frowned and asked again.

If it hadn't been for the fact that the people in the circle he had met in the past few years hadn't changed at all, Fang Nan would have suspected that Lin Hao had come through the same soul as him.

Otherwise, why would he look as timid as a mouse, suspicious, and as if he had never seen the world.

He vaguely remembered that Lin Hao at this meeting had already won a small award abroad and had seen the small world.

No matter how you talk and do things, you should be generous and like a person.

After being surprised, Lin Hao tried to say: "It is estimated to be around 300 million."

Lin Hao hesitated, Fang Nan was too lazy to talk to him again, and when he finished talking, he said, "I voted for 100 million, and you can find a way to go with the remaining 200 million."

"Director Fang, are you sure? You don't need to read the script to invest 100 million?" At this point, Lin Hao didn't know what to say.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Fang Nan is crazy!
It is not an exaggeration to say that Fang Nan has the kindness to know him, Bole!

In short, my mind is full of chaos.

Fortunately, he also knew that he could no longer hide his secrets, so he took the initiative to take out the script in the bag.

"Didn't you say the script wasn't written well?"

While talking, Fang Nan lit a cigarette.

The sharp eyes glanced at Lin Hao carefully through the white smoke.

Lin Hao's operation is exactly the same as when he went to see Huayi Wang Lei.

"Yes, yes, but there are still some sections that are not perfect." At this point, Lin Hao really let go.

After briefly flipping through the script, Fang Nan nodded to Lin Hao who had been watching him.

"It's done, that's it, call me when the remaining 200 million funds have been recovered."

"What are you looking for to make up for 200 million yuan?" Cai Yinong, who was solving family disputes outside, interjected after entering the door.

Fang Nan pointed at Lin Hao without hiding anything: "Lin Hao, you know me, I voted for his new script."

"I know, I know!" After speaking with a smile, Cai Yinong politely extended his hand to Lin Hao: "Hello, Director Lin!"

Lin Hao hurriedly got up and was flattered and said: "Mr. Cai, hello!"

He has made two low-budget feature films, and none of them have landed in domestic theaters.

It wasn't Fang Nan's introduction, he really didn't believe that a big boss like Cai Yinong would know Lin Hao.

The company's investment in one TV series is worth two of his movies.

Cai Yinong smiled and said, "Director Lin, can I read the script?"

"of course can."

Lin Hao said, and offered the script with both hands, Fang Nan rolled his eyes when he saw it.

Compared to Fang Nan who read ten lines at a glance, Cai Yinong read the script more carefully. Fang Nan and the others got impatient and went straight back to his room.

Turning on the computer, looking at the latest news, Fang Nan created a new word.

Today's conversation with Zeng Li made him want to write another TV drama script, and what to write has become the point of his thinking now.

After pondering over the blank document for a long time, he finally wrote "No. [-] in the World" in the middle of the document.

"No. [-] in the World" directed by Wang Jing is considered a good drama.

The plot is very full.

The characters in the play are also very distinct.

Fang Nan remembered that the show has been very popular since it aired on major TV stations.

Even many years later, many netizens are still telling about Eunuch Cao's retirement.

It is not a lie that the so-called Eunuch Cao's retreat has stagnated Chinese martial arts dramas for decades.

If such a profitable and popular drama is abandoned, it will be struck by lightning.

When the script comes out, he probably doesn't have time to shoot it, and it's the same to appoint a producer and hand it over to other directors.

Which actor is used for which role, in the current Tang Tang Company, no one except Cai Yinong dares to challenge him.

After thinking about the plot, Fang Nan was about to type on the keyboard when Cai Yinong came in with the script of "Crazy Stone".

"You like the script very much?" she asked Fang Nan.

Fang Nan was curious: "What's the matter?"

Cai Yinong said: "If you're really optimistic, I'm going to wrap up the rest, 200 million is not much."

"If you want to invest, then I'm not optimistic about it."

Fang Nan's words made Cai Yinong furious instantly.

"What do you mean?" She asked Fang Nan holding her breath.

Fang Nan glanced at her: "What do you mean? We have the money to pay for Lin Hao. What about the distribution? We don't have the ability to distribute, and we don't have a close relationship with major theaters. There is no schedule for the movie when it comes out, so I'm still optimistic about it." What?"

Cai Yinong had to ask Huayi to participate in the filming of "Suspicion" last year. Otherwise, it would be difficult for the film to be released.

Everything related to the release of movies is currently the weakest point of Tangtang Film and Television.

Fang Nan said, starting from the next year, Cai Yinong should not do anything, but go out to work on distribution and theater relations, or stop dreaming about movies in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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