literary world

Chapter 131 People sit at home....

Chapter 131 People are sitting at home.
"Mom, how many dishes are there for lunch?"

"Eat yesterday's leftovers."

"Mom, don't, give me a few slices of that big piece of meat."

"You still want to eat meat. Go look in the mirror and see how fat you are. The double chin is about to come out. Which director is so wicked to let you do this? I see what you will do in the future!"

"Mom, what you said is superfluous. After I become popular, I will lose weight slowly. Can I just keep getting fat like this?"

In his hometown in the three eastern provinces, Shen Teng rubbed his face that had grown bigger again, happily facing the old lady.

He himself didn't expect that he was still fat-prone, and with this greasy face, Fang Nan must have nothing to say.

Become popular, make money, get a fitness card, what is the extra meat on your body?

At the same time that Shen Teng and Shen's mother were arguing whether to eat meat, Fang Nan also poured a plate of sliced ​​meat into the hot oil pan.

Thirty years old today, he is decent when he has wine, meat, and fish. The more alone he is, the more willing he is to live a delicate life.


Another stove was lit, Fang Nan turned around to get the fish, he was so stupid, one of the two grass carp on the kitchen table was missing.

"I rely on!"

Turning off the flame and cursing, he hurried out of the prop room with a spatula in hand.

I looked around in the yard, but there was no one, not someone who suddenly came to make fun of him.

Returning to the props room, he went straight to the inner room separated by a wall.

Rows of costumes were pulled over, and one who didn't know what to do "swished" and rushed into the pile of costumes on the ground in the corner.

Looking at the torn piece of fish under his feet, Fang Nan hurriedly rushed over.

But when he took a closer look, he couldn't help being depressed. Among the pile of costumes, there was a black cat with a whole body of black, without a trace of variegation, and whose small eyes were not even opened.

And the big black cat, the fish thief just now, was pulling on a pile of wooden props, bowing his body, threatening him.

"Difficult to fix!"

Fang Nan muttered and went out of the room.

"Warrior, hoe the strong and help the weak!" '

In his previous life, when his master taught him dog boxing, this was the first sentence he said.

"Pets are the most annoying thing!"

Muttering something, Fang Nan went out of the room depressed, and after braising the remaining fish, he briefly fried two more dishes.

Before dinner, he finally found a cardboard box and caught the little black cat out of the prop room.

He was also a ensemble performer, and wearing a ensemble costume, the smell of urine was nothing like that.

After catching the small one, the big one followed naturally. Under the sun in the yard, the black cat approached Fang Nan carefully step by step, who was drinking and eating meat.

Fang Nan tried to throw a piece of meat at it, but he didn't expect that the black cat would give up saving the howling cub, and jumped into the paper box with the meat in its mouth.

Now it's all right, one person, one big and one small, and two cats, eating with gusto in the warm sunshine.

But compared to two or three years ago, Fang Nan is still a well-known director today.

All kinds of calls are indispensable.

There are many actors who are not very famous now, and they called New Year's greetings this afternoon.

It's good to pay New Year's greetings on time.

But paying New Year's greetings on time can easily take up Fang Nan's time for New Year's greetings.

Therefore, Huang Bo, Huang Ze, Zhang Zihan, Liu Tao, Yuan Hong and a dozen young actors sent Fang Nan early text messages or phone calls in the afternoon.

What surprised Fang Nan the most was that Wu Jing, who hadn't contacted him for a long time, also called.

There is some humility in the politeness, it is estimated that the mix in Xiangjiang is not good and unsatisfactory.

Fang Nan used a movie to follow up, and his spirit was somewhat affected.

Fang Nan was so angry that he scolded Wu Jing.

He didn't have many friends in his previous life, and he was all intrigues, but he also knows how to make friends. It's boring to see fame and money.

Not worthy of being called friends.

In the end, Fang Nan said that sentence to Wu Jing again, come back if he can't get along, he can arrange roles for him.

After a series of phone conversations, the lunch and dinner between Fang Nan and the two cats came to an end.

Unexpectedly, the black cat still hasn't left with its cubs, and it's a bit like taking care of it!
No way, Fang Nan, who watched the sun slant to the west, had no choice but to carry the cardboard box into his room.

After the mother and son settled down, he clicked on the computer while he was idle.

Then he froze.

In the afternoon at the end of [-], the day before the Chinese New Year in [-].

His name is still dangling on the Internet.

Even for a blog that has not been logged in for a long time, if you log in with an account number, a huge amount of information will pop up.

Frowning and looking around, the netizens who left messages were mainly divided into three categories.

the first sort.

It is still the evil result caused by "are you okay, are you okay".

There are countless versions of this small ad now.

Those who sell cars, houses, and even toothbrushes are using it.

It hurt a lot of netizens.

This kind of people scolded Fang Nan probably because they had nothing to do to vent their anger after watching the film.

second category.

Belongs to encouragement.

These netizens crazily urged Fang Nan to go to the Zhalang platform and meet Zhang Dazi who was being interviewed on the spot.

Fang Nan didn't understand, so he tried to ask a question.

Immediately, some netizens jumped out to explain.

Just now, "The Legend of Condor Heroes" producer Zhang Dahuzi said bluntly in an interview with Zha Lang website - "I don't care about slander, people who scold me are purely uneducated"!
As soon as this word comes out.

Many netizens who focused on verbal criticism in the comment area of ​​the live broadcast were instantly beaten up!

It is correct to scold Zhang Dabeard these days.

It's not normal if you haven't scolded.

Why don't we scold others, just scold you for having a big beard, you don't know it yourself?

Why do we scold Fang Nan with only one sentence, little red guy!

Scolding you with a big beard is full of all kinds of swear words, you don't know it yourself?

In 2001, Big Beard Zhang adapted Jin Yong's "Swordsman". Facing the media, he claimed that it was the first martial arts drama in China.

Since then, he has been on the blacklist of domestic netizens.

Its reputation can be heard ten miles away!
Speaking of this, Fang Nan also knew that Zhang Dazi's "Swordsman" was indeed the first large-scale martial arts drama in China.

The domestically produced large-scale martial arts drama also started with Zhang Dabeard.

This kind of large-scale martial arts drama, except for No. [-] TV station, which has the ability to invest, generally small companies really can't do it.

The reason why the majority of netizens do not recognize it is not because of anything else.

But "Swordsman" produced by Zhang Dazi is too bad.

And from "Swordsman", "Tian Long Ba Bu", "The Legend of Condor Heroes", and "New Journey to the West" that he co-produced are not good.

There were even big bad movies in it.

Others don't know, but Fang Nan knows what "New Journey to the West" is like!
There are many reasons for this, but the most important one is the netizen filter.

These dramas produced by Xiangjiang in the eighties and 90s are too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

In addition to Zhang's big beard casting, the adaptation of the plot was not so good, which is why he was scolded bloody by netizens.

As for why such netizens are looking for him.

The reason is also simple.

Not long ago, he forced Zhang Dabeard to personally apologize.

When the crew left the shooting area, they paid 80 yuan abruptly.

Facing the instigating netizens, Fang Nan chose to pretend he didn't see it.

He's not stupid, so what's the point of offending Zhang Dazi if he has nothing to do, as long as this person doesn't talk about him,
He didn't want to watch the excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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