literary world

Chapter 132... Disaster Comes From Heaven

Chapter 132... Disaster Comes From Heaven
He didn't want to get close to Zhang's big beard.

Another thing that netizens said made Fang Nan's head hurt even more.

[The crew of "The Promise" set up a scene in Shangri-La to destroy the local ecology, what do you think of Fang Nan? 】

Faced with such teasing, Fang Nan was numb.

Why do you think I'm Yuan Fang?

What a look!
Can you pretend you didn't see it?
At the beginning, Zhang Dabeard was reported under his real name because of the overwhelming evidence.

And Shangri-La's "The Promise" crew is so far away from him, what can he do if he didn't see it with his own eyes?
Netizens' plausible statements may be true.

But if he, who was separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, reported it, wouldn't he really be meddling in his own business?

On the other hand, if you offend Brother Kai again, you will really have to fight the Beijing circle to the end!
Huayi, Feng Dapao, Zhang Dabeard, and Kai Ge are all big names in the Beijing circle.

What made Fang Nan even more dumbfounded was that.

He is a director, not a well-known person who criticizes everything other than himself, let alone an environmental protection fighter!
It's just that the beautiful place is simply reluctant to be destroyed by man.

Fang Nan was a little depressed, he was sitting at home, and the disaster came from heaven!
It's okay if I don't know about "The Promise".

Do you know? Netizens followed up and asked, but if he didn't say a few words, others would say that the whole beard was for self-interest.

His good image in the minds of netizens may be ruined.

"It's hard to be a human!"

Facing the netizens who didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, Fang Nan scratched his head and muttered, and finally wrote a small blog post of more than ten characters.

[Already understood, after confirmation, there must be an explanation]

After perfunctory whether to report the "The Promise" crew with his real name, Fang Nan directly turned off the computer.

On New Year's Eve, everyone didn't wait for the New Year's Eve dinner to watch the Spring Festival Gala, and they were arguing with him here, so bad!

However, things still need to be understood.

Netizens have already poked at him, and they can't explain it if they don't understand.

It's true, and Fang Nan doesn't want to treat each other favorably as they are both masters in the Beijing circle.

What can I do if I report Brother Kai with my real name.

People, this life has either been tossing, or is on the way to tossing!

After muttering a very philosophical sentence, Fang Nan was thinking about how to go deep into the crew of Shangri-La's "The Promise".

While pouring some water for the "meow meow" black cat.

After finishing his work, he was thinking of calling Huang Ze, but Huang Ze's call came first.

"Brother Nan, take a look at Zhalang, Zhang's big beard seems to be cursing around the corner!"

Fang Nan was taken aback for a moment, then he said speechlessly: "You can just say that you are turning a corner and scolding me."

The little grievances between him and Zhang Dabeard are not only known to everyone in the circle, but also to netizens who like to surf the Internet.

Who else could Zhang Dazi scold besides scolding him?

In another ten or twenty years, Zhang Dazi will probably scold Xiao Xianrou again.

But now there is no so-called fresh meat for him to scold.

"Ha ha"

"What are you scolding?"

Fang Nan asked Huang Ze again, but in his heart he was annoyed that his big beard wasn't meaningful enough.

It's over, let's just forget about it, what's the point of such a big director talking about being happy!
Although I have suffered a loss, my life has to go down, right, the future is long.

"The Spring Festival Gala hasn't started yet, you can turn on the computer and watch it yourself, it's very interesting." Huang Ze put down the phone immediately after finishing the game.

He doesn't need to worry about Brother Nan's shrewdness, he can rest easy and watch the follow-up.

Fang Nan had no choice but to turn on the computer again.

The Internet speed is not fast enough these days, and it is easy to freeze when doing live webcasts.

Therefore, Zha Lang's interview with Zhang Dabeard was broadcast in text without images.

This thing is that the host asks a question, and Zhang Dazi answers.

After the two finished speaking, there will be a proofreading and recording staff who will delay for a period of time to send the text into the live text room.

Fangnan Zhalang's platform account was registered in Meng Ziyi's Haiding branch when he advertised "That Corner Had a Cold".

It is still Fang Nan's reversed south.

There is no special meaning, just a clean and neat picture.

[Zlang user Nanfang successfully entered the live chat room with Zhang Dabeard]

He quietly entered the live broadcast room, and the conversation between the host and Zhang Dabeard continued.

Fang Nan scrolled up and couldn't help wondering whether Zhang Dazi was drinking while typing on the keyboard to answer questions.

Some are too bold to speak.

Zhang Dabeard: The TV series is too long to perfect every point. If it is a shorter movie, we may do better.

Host: Do you mean that movies are easier to make than TV shows?
Big Beard Zhang: This is indeed the case in current movies.

Fang Nan didn't need to look at anything else, just this short paragraph could tell how crazy this person is now.

Zhang Big Beard's stick has swept in all film directors from all over the country.

Host: So what do you think of the domestic films released this year?

Zhang Dabeard: There are two or three movies this year that are made with heart.

Moderator: Mr. Zhang, can you tell me which two or three films are they?The netizens in the live broadcast room and I are looking forward to your opinion.

Zhang Dabeard: Just two or three films, it's not good to say who doesn't.

All I can say is that a small-budget movie directed by a newcomer is a bit overhyped.

As soon as Zhang Dahuzi said this, Fang Nan slid across the live text room in an instant.


Fang Nan's "The Unknown Man"

The screen was swiped for no reason, and Fang Nan, who was hiding inside, shrugged and lit a cigarette.

Some even complained leisurely: "What are you doing so covertly, just call me by name."

After network lag.

Zhang Dabeard: Actually, you don't know, I knew this new director when I was filming "Dragon Ba Bu".

How should I put it, do you understand that people and movies resonate? I can only say, who makes what movies.

The rookie director played well because he was a rascal.

Therefore, the little people in his works, whether they are the protagonists, supporting roles, or even a passer-by like a bank security guard, all of them give people the feeling of being low-key and punks.

Even the female characters are full of profanity.

This is the movie?
Zhang Dahuzi's long speech was mixed with scrolling comments from netizens, which made Fang Nan's eyes dazzled.

After finally reading it, he unconsciously sniffed.

What the hell, Zhang Dazi has done his homework, and what he said is quite similar.

Several characters in "The Unknown" were indeed a gangster style in the early stage.

But the reason why this movie is good, isn't it the self-salvation of each character in the second half?
Fang Nan recalled the stalls of "The Unknown".

Shouts of unison have already sounded from the backstage of Zha Lang's website.

The number of viewers of the live broadcast exceeded 30, and it is still rising, still rising!
"Xiao Min, no matter how tricky your words are, and how difficult it is to detect, you can still ask around Fang Nan!"

When everyone in Zha Lang's backstage was in high spirits, next to the host Xiao Min, a middle-aged woman in business attire put on a cold face and gave a series of orders with her arms folded.

Host: Mr. Zhang, how did you meet this new director?
After the host Xiao Min finished asking, he just wanted to turn around and ask the editor-in-chief if it was okay to ask.

The staff member in charge of Zha Lang's personal account information hurried over and said to the fierce editor-in-chief beside her before her:

"I checked, the Nanfang who has been very active in the live broadcast room is indeed Fang Nan, and the editor-in-chief has a good memory!"

Is this a good memory?

Fang Nan's infringement case is so big, you who are in charge of the entertainment section of the entire website, don't usually pay attention to it?
If you pay attention, you won’t see the sentence: Fang Nan’s alias Nanfang was earlier in early 2002, so which bar sang the dozen or so songs that were infringed?
The middle-aged woman looked coldly at the group of subordinates in the background.

 There are only two chapters today, and the detailed outline is almost finished, and I will prepare the detailed outline for next year.

(End of this chapter)

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