literary world

Chapter 133 The Kelp Fish Incident

Chapter 133 The Kelp Fish Incident

Beginning in 2005, there were nearly 8.5 million Chinese netizens, with a penetration rate of [-]%.

These days, there is no such thing as a certain treasure or a certain thing, and the main consumer objects of netizens on the Internet are still online games.

However, many domestic portals have also realized the importance of traffic.

This is a blue ocean!
For this reason, almost all portals in the country are trying to attract traffic.

Those with strength have developed blogs with greater stickiness.

Penguin, Zlang, Sohu, NetEase.
Those who have no strength, use all events that can attract the attention of netizens to grab traffic.

Among them, Zha Lang was the best at draining traffic, and the one who stood out from the crowd was Zha Lang.

Because it is the worst!
There is no bottom line for traffic!

A portal website without a bottom line realizes that the south is Fangnan. As long as the identity of the south is revealed, the number of viewers of the live broadcast will increase further.

What else is there to say?
The person in charge of this live broadcast did something without even thinking about it.


How to expose?

Facing the technical staff's questioning, the middle-aged woman who was the chief entertainment editor frowned slightly, then smiled and opened her mouth.

After Nanfang's account, add the words Zha Lang's official certification of "The Unknown" director Fang Nan!
The text live broadcast of Zha Lang's entertainment section [Dialogue with Zhang Beard] is still going on.

Fang Nan was also paying attention, and from time to time, he followed the netizens to force Zhang bearded to say something.

Especially when Zhang Dazi has no face and no skin, the old story is brought up again, and it is exposed that he ate a few pieces of kelp fish from the crew of "Dragon Babu".

Fang Nan gritted his teeth and scolded even more fiercely.

Such a big director and producer, in front of so many netizens, exposed that others ate a few pieces of kelp fish, what is this?
Everyone is a person of status, and each other's worth is tens of millions. They belong to rich and successful people.

Is it interesting to care about such a little thing?
What's more, you had a big beard and you smiled and let me pick it up.

If you don't agree, how can I, Fang Nan, be shy and forcefully ask for it?

What's more, he was teased by Liu Qianqian, who was only 15 years old at the time and a little girl with a bigger fart!
With this in mind, Fang Nan took out his hands from the pockets of his down jacket.

Nanfang: Big Beard Zhang, you destroy classics when you destroy classics, and slander Fang Nan for eating your kelp fish. You can tell that you are not a good character!
After typing out a string of words and pressing the Enter key, Fang Nan put his hands back into his pockets, thinking that this line of words would quickly be drowned in the scolding of netizens.

Then, something unexpected happened.

The comments that continued to scroll after a short delay before were completely stopped.

"The network is stuck again or something?"

Fang Nan switched back to the computer screen, glanced at the dial-up interface, the network light was normal, all right.

Confused, he switched back to the live broadcast room.

Fang Nan couldn't help being dumbfounded.

The comment he posted just now was frozen in the first row.

The account name 'Southern' was followed by a line of small characters - Fang Nan, the director of "The Unknown", officially certified by Zha Lang's website!

Account name 35214: Damn, why is the brother named Nanfang so long!
The account name is born towards the sun: Is this the legendary official certification?

Account name Dream Wuheng: Is the South really Fang Nan?

Account name 007: This is the first time I see such a low account, can you also verify it for me?

Account name I love a piece of firewood: Is it really Fang Nan?Director Fang, I am very beautiful, can I be your heroine?

Account name My family lives by the sea: Fang Nan, did you really eat kelp fish with a big beard?

Account name red baby: Anan, how do you defend yourself against the accusation by Zhang Dazi that you ate him kelp fish?
Account name Heartbreak Wuhen: Director Fang, I sang your song "On the Qingming Rain" at karaoke, can you please stop suing me?

Account name I love a firewood: I sang "The Love Song of the West Sea", so don't sue me.

Account name.: Fang Dao, how did you write so many songs.

Account name.: Fang Nan, fuck the bearded man to death.

Account name: Wahaha, Fang Nan is really here, go up, go up and match Zhang Dabeard live, I support you mentally!

In the 5th minute of Fang Nan's sluggishness, all the staff in Zha Lang's backstage had gone crazy with joy.

The number of people pouring into the live broadcast room is increasing, and the number of new registered users is skyrocketing.

"It's not bad, it's Zha Lang, your uncle, this skill is too good!"

"You will cancel the hot search in the future, and the airborne hot search will be fine. In this year, you have started to count on me?"

After the daze ended, Fang Nan cursed and lit a cigarette.

That is to say, now, in future generations, netizens in the live broadcast room are sure to be swiping all over the place-Fang Nanshe is dead!
This is so embarrassing!

Host: Mr. Zhang, I would like to remind you that Fang Nanfang's export has appeared in our live broadcast room.

Leaning slightly, Zhang Dazi: You guys have a good plan. Is this a face-to-face confrontation between me and him?
The host was silent.

The South was silent.

Big bearded Zhang: But it's okay, I'm not afraid of the shadow slanting when I stand upright, I dare to say it!

Nanfang, representing Fang Nan, did not speak again.

Zha Lang immediately performed another trick.


The webpage was refreshed, and Nanfang entered the live broadcast room of [Zhang Dabeard Dialogue with Fang Nan].

Zha Lang's two-handed showmanship directly set Fang Nan on fire.

If you escape, you will become the laughing stock of everyone.

The response became a joke in the circle.

When he and Zhang Dabezi came out, wasn't it just two children fighting, and the loser repented and wanted to get back what was given?
Although Zhang Dabezi's original intention was to use the kelp fish incident to accuse Fang Nan of being a rascal, a gangster who had never read a book, so the movie he made was just a gangster!

But those who watch the excitement will pay attention to these?

In the end, I am afraid that others only know kelp fish!
There are many people in the entertainment industry who are at odds with each other. At the promotional conference, the director scolded the actors face-to-face for falling in love.

At the awards ceremony, some female award presenters were reluctant to present awards to the winning actresses.

But arguing about kelp fish is too fucking ridiculous.

"Good guy, good calculation!"

In front of the computer, Fang Nan smoked another cigarette in melancholy, he was a little bit on the edge of a tiger made by Zha Lang.

After a long time, he took a deep breath, relaxed his frown, and put his hands on the keyboard.

"clap clap"

Nanfang: It is undeniable that I did catch a bowl of kelp fish from "Tian Long Ba Bu". Director Zhang asked for it, and I can return it ten times.

In addition, tonight I did criticize director Zhang's "Swordsman" as bad, so much money was thrown away. What I want to ask is, what's wrong with this statement?
Fang Nan's answer was embedded in the live broadcast room.

Netizens who had been eagerly watching Fang Nan's speech for a long time had an orgasm!
I rely on.

Fang Nan is so good!

That's right, Li Yapeng is a papaya-faced actor for "Swordsman"!
I also think there is nothing wrong with what Anan said!
I hope "The Legend of Condor Heroes" is not as bad as "Swordsman", ahhh, my family Sissi is in it.

Brothers, the Spring Festival Gala has started, what should I do, I feel that this place is more beautiful than the Spring Festival Gala!
The Spring Festival Gala only looks at Uncle Benshan, so get there early.

As Fang Nan stepped forward to forcefully grow his beard, netizens went crazy with joy, and Zha Lang's backstage staff went crazy with joy.

But the person Zhang Dazi was furious.

As for Fang Nan, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth in front of the screen unconsciously.

Line up, come on!
Zha Lang, you have the ability to plot against me, but I don't have the ability to squeeze your wool?

Today the three of us will see who has the last laugh.

While Fang Nan was furious, he tapped on the keyboard again.

"Meow meow"

(End of this chapter)

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