literary world

Chapter 138 Nonsense

Chapter 138 Nonsense
The much-anticipated copyright infringement case came to a verdict, and Fang Nan returned to Pujiang as if nothing had happened.

The songwriters and the fans of more than a dozen singers were blown away.

It's a compliment to be in the songwriting industry.

He almost praised Fang Nan as a leader in the industry.

I think they wasted countless brain cells, countless days and nights in order to write a good word and a good song.

As a result, most of the fruits of labor were obtained by pirates and exploiters, but they were so angry that they could do nothing.

Wrangling lawsuits require manpower and material resources, and they cannot afford to write one or two lyrics.

Fang Nan killed a group of pirated prestige, which can be regarded as helping his colleagues in the songwriting industry to vent their anger.

On the side of fellow songwriters, Fang Nan was praised as a flower.

In the hearts of fans, Fang Nan has become a complete villain.

"What's the matter with singing some of your songs?"

"I don't have the ability to sing, can't I allow others to sing?" and other strange remarks spread all over the Internet.

Facing such fans, Fang Nan didn't rush to justify that your favorite singer sings badly.

This group of people can't even hear which syllables of their favorite singers are wrong, so there is nothing to explain.

Although he can't hear it
Before leaving, Fang Nan explained Yan Hong's main tasks in the near future.

Urging seven companies and seventeen singers to pay is the top priority.

If the seven companies pay the money honestly, they will talk about cooperation again.

He has more than a dozen songs that can be used as ringtones, it would be foolish not to make money.

Faced with Yan Hong's "what if you can't sing", Fang Nan was speechless.

Indeed, he is not capable of singing the whole song with high difficulty and high key.

But wouldn't the CRBT just intercept one sentence, two sentences, three or four sentences?

Second, register a company called 'Fangnan Culture' and rent an office.

Finally, Fang Nan took out "We Are Young" and "i am you".

"After you're done, let's go to Hollywood, find two singers with good voices, and compose these two songs." Fang Nan said to Yan Hong.

The domestic copyright has been settled, and the development of two foreign songs has also been put on the agenda, so we can't waste more or less money.

As soon as Pujiang Airport landed and turned on, Fang Nan's cell phone buzzed.

An invitation call for a music awards ceremony called Sprite Billboard.

"Do I have a prize?" Fang Nan asked the organizer who called.

"Uh, no, we're targeting singers."

Fang Nan asked again, "Then what should I do?"


As soon as he heard that he was an award presenter, Fang Nan said "no time" and dismissed him.

After putting down the phone and walking a few steps away, another music awards ceremony called.

The China Song TOP50 Awards Ceremony held by CCTV.

The question was again for the awards ceremony for singers, and he was invited to be the guest of honor.

Fang Nan declined but at the same time couldn't help crying for his fellow songwriters.

It's really not as good as a dog's life!
Immediately after arriving at the company, Tang Tang Film and Television was busy inside and out.

There are crowds of people in the dressing room, prop room, and various offices.

Even the conference room has been set up as a recruitment site.

Avoiding people all the way to the screenwriter's room to finish reading the script of "No. [-] in the World", Fang Nan was thinking about calling Liu Qianqian, when Zhao Zhu hurried to find her.

With the help of Tangtang Film and Television Company's turnover of tens of millions a year, he completed Fang Nanjin's request for filming in the bank vault.

I also used money to negotiate with China Eastern Airlines to rent 3 helicopters.

But he really couldn't negotiate the request for the power company to block the gates and shut down the power in the two Pujiang districts for 20 seconds!
Fang Nan's eyebrows were twitched, and Fang Nan was obviously dissatisfied, and Zhao Zhu was about to cry.

How can you make a movie like this?

I don't want to make a movie like this, okay!
Is it possible for people to think of blackout of power in two districts of Pujiang River?
Pujiang's status as a city is second only to the existence of the capital city. What a joke if there is a power outage here!
The weeping Zhao Zhu looked at Fang Nan and said, "You go to prepare "No. [-] in the World" and tell Mr. Cai to go to the power company to talk." He said in a bad mood.

Let the two districts cooperate with the power outage for 20 seconds, so that I can set off a firework, what's the fuss!

"The Richest Man in Xihong City" lacks a lot of stalks, why don't I add some embarrassment to it?

If there are fewer laughs, I will add something to it, and it's not all for the movie.

Fang Nan transferred Zhao Zhu from a film crew producer to a TV drama producer. Not only was Zhao Zhu not angry, but he was also very happy.

Pidianpidian squeezed out of the screenwriter's room to find Cai Yinong.

In the past, he liked to work with Fang Nan. He is a real person with many benefits.

Now, he doesn't want to follow Fang Nan at all, there are still benefits, but the things Fang Nan arranges are getting more and more ridiculous, it's too difficult!
Zhao Zhu left, and Fang Nan followed him out of the screenwriter's room.

A group of screenwriters smoked to death, turning the screenwriter's room into a hell, which is unbearable for ordinary people.

Back in his room, Ma Dayong jumped up from his bed, pointed to the little old man wearing a dog hat beside the bed, and said, "Brother Nan, this is the pyrotechnician I told you about. We used to be in the same team. of."

After finishing speaking, in order to emphasize that the little old man is powerful, Ma Dayong gave another thumbs up and said: "Awesome!"

Holding back the swearing at Ma Dayong, Fang Nan asked the little old man in Cantonese, "Master, are you from Xiangjiang?"

"My hometown is Fujian Province. I moved to Xiangjiang with my family when I was a child. I can speak Hokkien and Cantonese, but I don't speak Mandarin very well." The little old man said slowly in Mandarin.

Fang Nan nodded and smiled, "It's okay, you can speak Cantonese, I can understand it."

It doesn't matter if you don't understand the words, as long as you have the ability, he is not looking for some language master.

Knowing that the little old man's surname was Zhou and his name was Zhou Dalu, Fang Nan called him Master Zhou. After calling him, Fang Nan hesitated and said, "Master Zhou, can you show me something?"

Normally, Fang Nan would slowly test whether Master Zhou has real skills.

But "The Richest Man in Xihong City" is about to start filming, and he can't spend a lot of time observing his words and feelings.

Being questioned, Master Zhou was not annoyed, he took off the dog hat, scratched his smooth head, and said with a smile, "Wait until it gets dark."

"Sure, stay here for dinner tonight."

Just as Fang Nan finished speaking, he was about to leave when the black cat, who had been guarding his cub and watching the two strangers, let out a "meow meow".

"Ma Dayong, go to the kitchen and feed the cat while it's hot on the hour." Fang Nan said to Ma Dayong who was about to lie down again.

Ma Dayong glared at the black cat that barked early and late: "Need to be served like this? Is it too cold?"

Fang Nan glared at Ma Dayong, and said angrily, "What do you think? Why should I make you warm the cold ones? I haven't even served my own father like this before!"

After going out of the house, Fang Nan wanted to go to Cai Yinong again to ask if Fu Huadao was complete.

Seeing her take Zhao Zhu out of the house, he had no choice but to turn to the financial room.

In the entire company, only the financial room, where no one is allowed to enter, is the quietest.

In the deserted accounting room, after Fang Nan closed the door, he took out his mobile phone: "Hello, Sissy?"

"What's the matter? Please make a movie. What role? Play the playful and lovely princess!"

Fang Nan babbled a lot. Judging from the meaning, Liu Qianqian seemed to be dissatisfied with the role.

He thought about it, and didn't expect Liu Qianqian to have any good shows, so he couldn't help asking curiously: "What good role do you have? Recording an album? What album?"

"Japanese album! Who the hell planned this career path for you? Your mother is still your so-called godfather, it's nonsense!"

(End of this chapter)

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