literary world

Chapter 139 Fireworks Art

Chapter 139 Fireworks Art
Capital, Shunyi.

Liu Qianqian hung up the phone, frowning delicately.

Fang Nan's advice lingered in his ears.

For the sake of such a big market in Japan, is it worth giving up the huge domestic market that has gradually grown?

Being in the entertainment industry is not only a step late, every step is late, but also afraid of being too ambitious.

If you want to become an international superstar without laying a solid foundation, you will definitely lose sesame seeds and watermelons in the end!
You do have several masterpieces now, but as long as you step out, you may be different when you come back!More competitive!
The fame and reputation earned in the early years will gradually dissipate with your departure.

Mind this.

For the following nonsense, Liu Qianqian chose automatic filtering.

Because of her mother, her godfather would never harm her.

But Fang Nan didn't seem to want to harm her, after all, what he said was so righteous!

"Sissy, don't pay attention to Fang Nan's nonsense."

After angrily reminding the contemplative girl, Mama Liu said angrily, "I admit that Fang Nan's rapid development is indeed beyond my expectations, but this person can only live in this small country in this country Jumping in the fish pond is like watching the sky from a well.”

"On the phone, he scolded me for being short-sighted, and I think he is the real short-sighted!"

She tried her best to ask her daughter to turn on the speakerphone, but when she heard Fang Nan's arrangement and nonsense, Liu Xiaoli went mad instantly.

Who is this.

It's okay to talk about people behind their backs.

And said she was short-sighted

Encourage your biological daughter to take her out of work.

She, Liu Xiaoli, had never seen such a shameless person in her life.

In order for Sissy to play the role in his play, do you still want their mother and child to be separated?
Liu Qianqian pulled the angry mother to sit on the edge of the bed, smiled and told Fang Nan, "Mom, I think Director Fang's words are quite right!"

"What director Fang? Didn't he just make a movie? Do you really think he is a great director like Zhang Yimou or Feng Dapao?"

Seeing that her daughter was not facing her, but facing Fang Nan, Mama Liu said angrily.

"It's not as good as the big director, he is also a director, mom, why don't I take his role."

Liu Qianqian hugged her mother's arm with both hands, acting coquettishly.

Mama Liu stood up from the bed abruptly: "Are you kidding? You don't practice singing and recording songs now, you go to play some kind of broken princess, and you might offend Zhang Beard when you play. It's not that I don't know!"

"It's not that serious! The matter of recording the song can be postponed to the second half of the year."

Liu Qianqian continued to fold her arms and act coquettishly, until she made her mother dizzy, angrily said "whatever you want" and walked out, and she did it like a comparison!
At the same time, Huang Xiaoming, who was also in the capital and also received a call from Fang Nan, took over the part of "The End of the World" in "No.

She couldn't stay idle, and Liu Qianqian and her elders got angry at each other by being too talkative.

Fang Nan sent out the audition invitation directly.

To come or not to come is entirely up to Liu Qianqian.

To such an extent.

He has done his best to this kid who has known him for several years and worked with him several times.

As for whether the other party will go the old way.

Because of the Japanese album and the development of the Hollywood market, the domestic market was lost.

Let Xiaohua rush up to her and become equal to her who became famous early in her teens, so Fang Nan can't care about it anymore, just do what she likes.

In winter, the nights are long and the days are short, and after a phone call, it gets dark.

Fang Nan was going to discuss with Zhou Dalu after dinner, but he didn't expect that old man Zhou came to the door first.

After several people left the house, Master Zhou looked at Fang Nan and pointed to the center of the yard: "Can we put it in the yard?"

"Yes." Fang Nan affirmed.

Old man Zhou nodded, and took out two cannonballs from his green canvas bag.

"Is there much movement?" Fang Nan asked him.

Master Zhou didn't answer, and went down the steps alone to stand in the center of the courtyard, and turned his head to look around the surrounding buildings.

He put the two fireworks down at a distance of two meters, driving away the crowd by the way.

The first firework was lit, and after a puff of white smoke, blue-green sparks shot up one by one.

When everyone in the audience marveled at the beauty, Ma Dayong on the side of Fang Nan bared his teeth and said: "Brother Nan, this is called Ji Jie Gao, Lao Zhou is good at playing with gunpowder, and he made all this stuff himself, you must find a way to get rid of it." He stays."

Ma Dayong encouraged him to stay, and Fang Nan also recognized Lao Zhou's ability, nodding frequently.

Another cannon was lit by Lao Zhou.

After a puff of white smoke, the cannonball in the yard let out a "boom".

It made the audience tremble in fright, and the spoon flew out of the hands of the aunt who was cooking in the kitchen.

Fang Nan's ears went "buzzing" for a while, and he felt that the ground under his feet trembled three times!

Ma Dayong was even more frightened by the sound and jumped back, smashing the moving glass door behind him to pieces.

"I'm rough, Lao Zhou, you're crazy, why did you take out Hong Tianlei!"

Amidst the sound of crackling fireworks in the sky, he sat on the plastic glass and cursed.

After recovering, Fang Nan looked up at the crackling fireworks and nodded secretly: "Good guy, homemade starry sky!"

Under the amazed faces of the crowd, Lao Zhou walked up to Fang Nan, with neither surprise nor joy on his face: "Director Fang, do you think it's okay? I have other styles here."

Fang Nan smiled with great satisfaction: "That's enough, but you definitely don't have what I want in your bag. I want you to help me make it as soon as possible so that I can arrange for the fireworks factory to make it."

Old Zhou pinched his ears: "??"

Ma Dayong got up from the ground: "Brother Nan, please speak up, his ears sometimes don't work, some are not very good!"

Fang Nan understood and increased the volume, waiting for Lao Zhou to nod to express his understanding.

He took out his pen and paper, and with a few strokes, a foot-like firework pattern appeared in front of Zhou Dalu.

Fang Nan was deeply impressed by the foot pattern in the 08 Olympic Games.

Now that he has money and people, he can still add color to "The Richest Man in Xihong City", so it's no wonder he didn't try it out.

The 200 million invested by Huayi was instantly let go by him.

How can there be endless money to make movies.

"This requires multiple fireworks in different directions to produce the effect." Taking the notebook in Fang Nan's hand, Lao Zhou frowned.

Fang Nan hoped: "If you control it, you can handle it? Not too many, just three or five."

After a long time, Lao Zhou solemnly nodded his bald head: "It should be fine."

"That's it. In the next two days, I will have someone take you to the fireworks factory. You can try it out there as soon as possible. Then I will tell you when and where to set it off."

Old Zhou: "??"

Fang Nan was speechless, and said loudly, "As soon as possible, I will inform you of the location and time!"

"it is good!"

"Auntie, is the meal ready?" After the matter was settled, Fang Nan rushed to the door of the kitchen, shouting in an angry auntie.

"Okay, it's time to eat."

Pulling Lao Zhou to the kitchen, Fang Nan angrily said to Ma Dayong who was following him: "Clean up before eating, the price of the door will be deducted from your salary, what kind of martial arts are you so brave!"

(End of this chapter)

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