literary world

Chapter 142 Night Chapter

Chapter 142
In the evening, "The Richest Man in Xihong City" entered the hotel.

"Boom boom, boom boom"

There were two soft sounds from the porter, and Fang Nan got out of bed with a squat.

After opening the door, Gao Yuanyuan, who was dressed in cotton pajamas, slipped under Fang Nan's armpit.

"It's like being a thief every day, it's so uncomfortable!"

Fang Nan was used to Gao Yuanyuan complaining as soon as he entered the door.

Recently, the two of them would come and go out like this every day.

Gao Yuanyuan, who is in love with the brain, wants to make it public regardless.

Fang Nan tried his best to dissuade him, and talked about his career all day long!

Fang Nan didn't respond in the usual way, Gao Yuanyuan lay down on the bed angrily, "Give me a massage, wearing high heels every day, I'm exhausted."

Once again perfunctory, Fang Nan flicked his shoes, and lay down on the bed as well: "Can you still be as tired as me? You step on my back first, and when you're done, I'll pinch it for you."

Gao Yuanyuan turned sideways and bargained with Fang Nan with his small mouth, "Pinch it first."

"No, you can't be angry after pinching? Want to play tricks?" Fang Nan said dissatisfied.

Pulled onto Fang Nan's body, and kissed cheek to cheek, Gao Yuanyuan raised her face and vowed, "I promise to be strong today!"

"I believe you are the only ghost!" Fang Nan, who took advantage of it, remained unmoved.

"Guaranteed to have strength", Gao Yuanyuan said every night.

When the bone setting and massage were over, she would be paralyzed, and every time she used the excuse that she didn't even want to move her toes, let alone step on his back!

The tried-and-true tricks were useless, facing Fang Nan who suddenly became obsessed, Gao Yuanyuan had no choice but to support Fang Nan's chest with both hands and stood up.

"Step on the front and back!"

While she was angrily asking the triumphant Fang Nan, she stretched out one foot where it shouldn't be and teased him.

It's a pity that this little trick didn't work for Fang Nan. He turned over and said, "I must step on the back, why not step on the front!"

On the bed, Fang Nan, who had a pair of bouncing little feet on his back, kept chanting "comfortable. Comfortable", and Gao Yuanyuan was so angry that he almost danced on his back.

It's a pity that the harder she danced, the more Fang Nan talked about how comfortable she was.

Gao Yuanyuan is less than 1.7 meters tall and weighs no more than 50kg. No matter how heavy this weight is, Fang Nan doesn't take it seriously.

Jumping from top to bottom, stepping from bottom to top, no matter how hard he exerted himself, Fang Nan still groaned and groaned, Gao Yuanyuan couldn't help but said dejectedly: "It's rough and thick, I can't step on it, don't step on it anymore , Substitute!"

Fang Nan looked at Gao Yuanyuan who sat down next to him, and said unwillingly, "Why do you give up halfway?"

Gao Yuanyuan raised his chin and said in a low voice, "I'll give up halfway!"

Fang Nan said helplessly, "Okay, okay, change, change."

A hotel room is not a set, and he is not a director.

In private, because of the relationship between male and female friends, Fang Nan is also willing to play some so-called boudoir fun with Gao Yuanyuan.

Sex is a physical need, and emotion can satisfy spiritual needs!
The relationship between the two of them reached this point, there was no need for dressing and massage, Fang Nan skillfully stripped off his clothes, after a short operation, Gao Yuanyuan became unwilling to move his toes again.

[800 words omitted here]

Hugging after something happened, Fang Nan said: "Cai Yinong told you about the new play?"

""No. [-] in the World"? I've said it, but Miss Hua doesn't want to accept it. Your boss is too stingy. Give me [-] episodes!" Gao Yuanyuan said with her face up.

Fang Nan frowned and nodded, "[-] is indeed a bit small. You're going to walk on the red carpet in Cannes soon."

Cai Yinong is stingy, he has personally experienced it, but he can't do it, and when it comes to this boss, he can only remedy it slowly.

"How much does Wang Jinghua want for you?" Fang Nan asked Gao Yuanyuan.

Of the six protagonists in "No. [-] Under Heaven", only the sisters Liu Shengxueji and Liu Sheng Piaoxu are still undecided. Fang Nan is still thinking about letting Gao Yuanyuan play two roles.

It wouldn't work without her.

Gao Yuanyuan said arrogantly: "I'm going to have to play a hundred thousand episodes now."

Fang Nan was surprised: "So many?"

"Ang, Sister Hua's commission, I have to spend money on assistants, I don't have so much money, how can I support so many people?"

The whites of his eyes rolled up and he had thought about Gao Yuanyuan's two roles, Fang Nan couldn't help hugging her to his chest, hoping: "I'll try my best to do it again, you can give me a discount, the [-] episodes are almost the same."

His infringement compensation has already come down to more than 1000 million, half of which will be invested in "No. [-] in the World".

Today, when he sells meat, he earns money at both ends. It is true that he earns money with blood!
After the two people who had known each other for a long time changed a few tricks, Gao Yuanyuan gasped and said, "[-] is [-]. I'll call Sister Hua tomorrow."

Once Gao Yuanyuan is settled, the main actors of "No. [-] Under Heaven" will be assembled.

They are Huang Xiaoming's Duan Tianya, Hu Ge's Success, and Huo Jianhua's Return to the Sea.

Actress Liu Qianqian plays the princess.

Shangguan Haitang played by Zeng Li.

Gao Yuanyuan plays Liusheng Xueji and Liusheng Piaoxu by himself.

Fang Nan's nonsensical comparison operation was one of the reasons why Ge Qian reunited.

Second, the old brothers Hu Ge and Huo Jianhua got married in advance.

Again, he also wanted to see if Huang Xiaoming's acting skills, who played the role of suffering, would be so embarrassing.

Thinking about it, Fang Nan climaxed alone, "This "No. [-] in the World", what comments will netizens give in the future?"

Behind his back, he was still a little flustered, Zeng Li and Gao Yuanyuan appeared in the same scene.

Don't skin him while chatting someday.

"Before filming starts, the actor coordinator must be reminded to stagger the announcement time between the two."

Before going to sleep, he muttered in a daze.

The next day.

At the stall before dawn, Fang Nan woke up Gao Yuanyuan as usual, and watched her rush into the guest room opposite, and just as the door was about to close, Shen Teng appeared at the door like a ghost.

Fang Nan glanced at his hesitant footsteps, knowing that the little secret had been overlooked, he couldn't help saying angrily: "You don't sleep in the middle of the night, why are you wandering in the corridor?"

"In the middle of the night? It's time to put on makeup later."

After slandering, Shen Teng forced himself to forget the scene just now, and said cautiously: "Director, I've been thinking about it all night, and I feel that there is something wrong with this paragraph about Buffett."

Fang Nan said angrily, "What's the problem?"

"I know about Buffett's lunch, but is it really that effective to treat Buffett to a meal? Can the protagonist make so much money at once? Will the audience play?"

Seeing Shen Teng stop, Fang Nan opened his eyes wide, with a look of disbelief on his face: "It's over? That's all? Is this enough to keep you up all night?"

"hold head high."

"You're kidding me." After cursing, Fang Nan spoke quickly, "Where did the story in "The Richest Man in Xihong City" take place?"

"Xihong City!" Fang Nan asked, "Is it fabricated?"

Unable to guess what Fang Nan was going to say, Shen Teng nodded his head: "Yes."

"It's a fabricated story, it shows that this is an absurd comedy."

"Since it is an absurd comedy, the audience will only have two thoughts after watching this part of Buffett."

"One: The director is making fun of Buffett's lunch; two: "The Richest Man in Xihong City" is a brainless comedy, just watch it for fun!"

Seeing that Shen Teng frowned deeply, he obviously couldn't turn the corner.

Fang Nan rubbed his numb legs and said urgently:

"Happy Twist is also a comedy, and every plot in it is reasonable? Movies are products after artistic processing. If you blindly pursue rationality, you may end up with nothing but chicken feathers!"

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(End of this chapter)

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