literary world

Chapter 143

Chapter 143
"I wanted to get along with you as ordinary people, but what I got in exchange was alienation, stop pretending, I am a billionaire, I have a showdown"

"Director Huang, ask Shen Teng to raise his head at 45 degrees when he says that I have a showdown, and his expression should be a little more arrogant and sullen."

"The later group performers can laugh louder, and they can have body expressions!"

"Photographer, take a picture of the main character's nostrils from bottom to top, and take pictures of his snarky face."

In front of the monitor on the edge of the court, Fang Nan held the walkie-talkie and gave instructions.

Following Fang Nanxin's instructions, Huang Weiming stepped forward to discuss with the actors, leaned slightly, and continued filming.

"Stop pretending, I'm a billionaire, I'm having a showdown," Wang Duoyu in the monitor said incomparably.

Once again, Fang Nan felt that there were no flaws, and the actors and photography met expectations, so he said directly: "Okay, the actors will touch up their makeup, and the group will perform."

After talking that night, Shen Teng completely let go, no longer caring whether the movie and reality are logically consistent, and just acted according to the script.

With no lumps in his heart and a talent for comedy, Shen Teng's performance is getting better and better. Usually, Fang Nan's heart is captured in one or two shots.

The shooting progress of "The Richest Man in Xihong City" was once fast.

Huang Weiming commanded the security to guard the excavator stationed with money, and Fang Nan turned to look at the camera around Gao Yuanyuan on the monitor.

"Wang Liang, let her look more shocked."

Compared with Shen Teng, Gao Yuanyuan obviously hasn't adapted to the rhythm of comedy movies, and is obviously somewhat resistant to making some exaggerated expressions.

It's not that she doesn't perform well, her acting skills are not up to standard.

In fact, on the contrary, Gao Yuanyuan himself has acting skills.

If she didn't have acting skills, she wouldn't be able to act in the underground films of 17 generations of directors such as "Spicy Tang", "6-year-old Bicycle", and "Blue Red".

She just played too many bitter scenes, and suddenly there was a comedy, and she couldn't let go!

And Fang Nan asked her to make exaggerated expressions, it was actually for her own good.

Her appearance is too easy to attract attention, and the audience often only pays attention to her face instead of her performance.

The more exaggerated expressions can make the audience temporarily forget about her pretty face.

Because she is too beautiful, her acting skills are neglected, and she cannot get an acting award. This is a matter of great distress to beautiful actresses all over the world.

Charlize Theron has never been eligible for an Oscar because she is too beautiful, in order to break the shackles of a pretty face.

She began to play clowns and fringe characters one after another. Although some characters were ugly and even had only one arm, she won the coveted Oscar.

More importantly, the audience has changed their inherent impression of her.

Anne Hathaway, Natalie Portman's Oscar, acting is also recognized in this way.

Fang Nan's requirements for Gao Yuanyuan are not so high, but she is also developing her potential in due course.

"Sister Yuanyuan, brother Nan wants you to exaggerate your expression!"

On the road outside the stadium, next to Gao Yuanyuan, Wang Liang, who was temporarily an assistant director, said cautiously.

He climbed too fast. When Fang Nan filmed "The Unknown", he was just a camera assistant.

In "The Richest Man in Xihong City", she has already become a director of photography, and her background is too weak, which made her a little scared to face a big star like Gao Yuanyuan.

Gao Yuanyuan asked Wang Liang, "Why exaggerate?"

Wang Liang said with a shy smile, "Maybe it's because the eyes are wider!"

"Understood." Gao Yuanyuan nodded.

She is not stupid, the crew stayed on and off for a month.

She knew Huang Weiming, Zhao Zhu, Wang Liang, and Ma Dayong who had been following Fang Nan all along.

Gao Yuanyuan's big eyes appeared on the monitor, Fang Nan glanced at it and switched the camera to Huang Weiming's side.

"Director Fang, call."

Taking the assistant's phone, seeing that it was Huang Ze, Fang Nan hurriedly pressed the answer button, and then frowned.

What are you afraid of?

He has to take care of this mess of the "The Promise" crew.

I don't know if Brother Kai will pinch his nose like Zhang Dazi and admit everything, and make compensation afterwards.

"Email the photo to me."

Sighing and telling Huang Ze, just as Fang Nan's ass was about to hit the chair, Zhao Zhu, the on-site producer, came.

"Brother Nan, Miss Zeng is here." He whispered like a thief.

Zhao Zhu had never seen Fang Nan and Gao Yuanyuan scurrying back and forth between the two rooms.

But he is not only the on-site producer of "The Richest Man in Xihong City", but also the upcoming producer of "No. [-] Under Heaven".

"The Richest Man in Xihong City" was looking for a hotel, Fang Nan told him that he would live in the opposite door with the beauty.

"No. [-] in the World" began to arrange cast announcements.

Fang Nan approached him again, secretly beckoning to separate the announcements surnamed Gao from the announcements surnamed Zeng as much as possible, and asked for a longer interval.

At this moment, Zhao Zhu had a guess in his heart.

A fool can't be a producer.

Therefore, the staff outside the studio informed that it was Zeng Li who asked to come in to visit the set, so he rushed to inform Fang Nan.

"Who? Zeng Li? My god, slip away."

Zhao Zhu nodded to make sure that Zeng Li was here, Fang Nan couldn't sit still for a moment, and strode towards Huang Weiming.

"Well, Shen Teng, Zhuang Qiang, and you guys in security costumes, come with me, Director Huang, I'll leave this to you." Fang Nan said anxiously in front of Huang Weiming.

He once thought that it would be possible for Gao Yuanyuan and Zeng Li to meet each other until the filming of "No. [-] in the World" started.

After all, the two had a rivalry scene, and there was a hurdle they couldn't get around.

For this reason, he also planned to come to the scene in person at that time, to see if he could use gags to get away with it, and don't let the two of them sit together and chat.

Unexpectedly, today Zeng Li came to visit the class without warning, completely catching him by surprise.

Before he had time to think, he had no choice but to go 36 times as the best plan.

Huang Weiming was puzzled: "There are two shots of these two people below, where are you taking them?"

Fang Nan said, "I'll go to the bank vault to shoot the part where I get the money."

"Huh?" Huang Weiming was puzzled.

The fire was imminent, Huang Weiming was still in a daze, Fang Nan couldn't help urging: "Stop it, I'm in a hurry, Shen Teng, Zhuang Qiang, I'll go out first, and you guys will follow."

After the urgent explanation, Fang Nan took the coat handed over by his assistant, and together with Zhao Zhu, went straight to the direction Zeng Li came from.

When they bumped into each other head-on, Fang Nan pulled out a bright smile and said, "On the phone a few days ago, didn't you say that it would take a few days to come?"

"The filming of my emotional drama started ahead of schedule, so I came here two days in advance."

Zeng Li finished explaining with a smile, and seeing Fang Nan who was already sweating profusely after wandering around, she said distressedly: "Why are you in a hurry? Your forehead is full of sweat, it's only April! It's early in the morning Up."

"Hey, don't mention it, I agreed with the bank to go to their vault to take pictures the day after tomorrow. I just called again, and I have to go now, or I will go back on my word. You said you are not angry! I am rushing there!"

Fang Nan opened his eyes and talked nonsense, and at the same time glanced at Gao Yuanyuan's group in charge of Wang Liang on the road.

Watching them pack up their things and get into the car, with the posture of taking pictures, the sweat on his forehead grew even more.

Zeng Li thought he was afraid of not being able to catch up with time, so he was sweating profusely.

Therefore, she said empathetically, "Well, ah, a bank is not a small place, and its system has many rules, unlike ours, so go quickly."

"The director and the makeup artist don't bring it?"

Fang Nan thought he had a plan, and nodded happily.

Shen Teng and Zhuang Qiang who played the role of Crouching Dragon rushed over, and the two who were at a loss opened their mouths and revealed Fang Nan's flaws.

Fang Nan was so angry that he wanted to kick Shen Teng.

Taking a sneak peek at Zeng Li, seeing that she was fine, Fang Nan continued to explain, "You guys just need to look like this."

Made up nonsense and urged Shen Teng and the others to get into the car.

In front of Zeng Li, he put on a coy look as if he had to leave.

Unexpectedly, his look of wanting to stay longer was actually self-defeating.

The next moment, Zeng Li said reluctantly: "In such a hurry, you still don't get in the car. I'm fine anyway. I'll go play with you."


Fang Nan was stunned, leaning forward slightly, he had an idea, and said regretfully: "Oh, no, the bank has regulations, only a few actors can enter the treasury, and others are not allowed to enter."

After thinking about it for a while, Zeng Li believed it.

It is a great blessing for the bank vault to allow the crew to shoot two shots, and it is also possible to enter a group of people like traveling?

When Tong Qingda realized his ideal, Zeng Li couldn't help laughing and said, "Oh, oh, then I'll take you there."

Seeing Gao Yuanyuan's car approaching, Fang Nan said without any hesitation: "That's fine, let's get in your car."

Arriving at the bank that had been negotiated at lightning speed, Zeng Li was satisfied to see Fang Nan leading a group of people in, then turned and left.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she left, Fang Nan brought out another group of people.

"Director, what are we doing here?" Shen Teng said speechlessly.

Facing the question from the bank staff, Fang Nan said that it was a construction site worker who came to withdraw the money, and he was completely taken aback. How does this kid play house?

Fang Nan didn't blush and said without heartbeat: "Take some money to treat you to a meal. After the meal, we will continue to shoot the court scene in the afternoon."

(End of this chapter)

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