literary world

Chapter 144 Bigfoot Fireworks

Chapter 144 Bigfoot Fireworks
When Zeng Li came to Pujiang ahead of schedule, Fang Nan felt the most uncomfortable.

Before Zeng Li came, Fang Nan was doing his favorite thing during the day and doing his favorite thing at night.

It's really fun during the day and fun at night!

Physically and spiritually, I got double satisfaction!

After Zeng Li came.

Fang Nan's good days are not said to be gone forever.

Instead, it has to be done aggressively, for fear of losing everything with one careless move.

Of course, he will not do nothing.

One: Strengthen security.

"Let me strengthen the security on the set. Even if Cai Yinong comes, you are not allowed to let her in without my order." Fang Nan gave the on-set producer Zhao Zhu a death order.

Two: Call Zeng Li from time to time to pay attention to her real-time developments.

Three: Hurry up and finish filming Xia Zhu's scene, and send Gao Yuanyuan away first.

Four: Take the opportunity to exercise more, feed one is one!
Setting four rules for himself and the crew of "The Richest Man in Xihong City", Fang Nan couldn't help but wonder if what he did was right.

They are all good girls, do you want to delay others like this?

But in the end, he shook his head and gave up the suddenly absurd idea.

His life is extra, it's ridiculous enough, and he still cares about such absurd things as two women, it's a day to hide it.

Besides, can he bear to see the two women being embraced by others?


Shaking off the absurdity in his mind, Fang Nan looked at the monitor in front of him.

Liu Jiannan: "I see that Mr. Wang is very confused, oh, the foreign-made Pialou in the [-]th century."

Wang Duoyu: "With good eyesight, you can tell at a glance that it is not made in China!"

"Retouch makeup, I'll do another one later, Xiao Ming, relax a little more, and the piano is called piano, don't mess around with me."

After leaving a word for Shen Teng, Huang Xiaoming, and the makeup artist, Fang Nan took a cigarette and left the bedroom.

"What were you doing last night? Why aren't you in the room." Immediately afterwards, Gao Yuanyuan spoke up.

Last night, she originally planned to go to Fang Nan's room as usual, wearing pajamas and cotton mop.

In front of Fang Nan's door, the knuckles of her hand that knocked on the secret signal were almost broken, but there was no movement. She went back to her room to make a call, but the call was still there, and she got angry.

Fang Nan yawned: "I'll go back to the company right after the filming. The filming of "No. [-] Under Heaven" will start soon. As the producer, can't I go back and have a look?"

Gao Yuanyuan didn't doubt that she was there, and when he got down to business: "I'm leaving tomorrow, the Cannes Film Festival is opening."

Fang Nan nodded: "Well, go ahead, after the fireworks show at night is over, you won't have many shots, just come back and make up a few more shots."

After two months of non-stop testing and finding a location, there was finally good news from Zhouda Road that the fireworks could be set off.

Without further ado, Fang Nan chose to finish filming this segment before Gao Yuanyuan went abroad.

Gao Yuanyuan, who thought it was cold outside at night, entered the house, and Huang Xiaoming walked up to Fang Nan: "Director Fang, come again."

After receiving it, Fang Nan asked with a smile, "How do you feel about this play?"

Huang Xiaoming said politely: "Very good, I heard from the staff that I am happy every day."

The corner of Fang Nan's mouth twitched, and he asked again: "It was uploaded on the Internet that you joined the crew of "The Banquet". How does it compare to this side?"

"It's hard to compare, there are two styles, one martial arts and one comedy." After perfunctory, Huang Xiaoming fled into the house.

He was just a small TV actor, and he managed to play two small supporting roles in a big-screen movie. He didn't want to get involved with Fang Nan and Hua Yi.

Fang Nan pinched his cheeks and let out a wry smile, Huang Xiaoming didn't fall into the trap, it's all right.

He originally wanted to chat a few more words before encouraging Huang Xiaoming to quit.

This person has an emotional intelligence and doesn't make trouble. The biggest black spot is probably his wife besides making too much trouble.

As for acting skills that come and go, Fang Nan never takes it seriously, and he doesn't expect Huang Xiaoming to follow the literary route, as long as he has enough acting skills in commercial films.

After throwing half a cigarette into the room, the actor is ready.

Fang Nan sat down in front of the monitor: "Let's shoot."

Corrupted by money, Liu Jiannan said solemnly, "I see Mr. Wang is very confused, oh, a foreign-made piano in the [-]th century."

Wang Duoyu put on a dead face with a bitter face: "Confused, I am very confused, with good eyesight, I can tell at a glance that it is not made in China."

Fang Nan: "Crack, next one."

Xia Zhu, played by Gao Yuanyuan, accused Wang Duoyu: "Your yard is rented, what kind of tree do you plant, besides, he is an educator, not a gardener."

Wang Duoyu: "I am purely cherishing talents, then... if you don't want to, then forget it."

Huang Xiaoming: "Forget it, why forget it"

Fang Nan: "Crack, come again, Yuanyuan, you turned your head a little slower."

"Ah, sorry!"

At the end of this segment, Fang Nan glanced at his watch, the time was exactly eight o'clock.

"Let's go, let's go, let's set off fireworks, let's set off fireworks, let's go one by one, the fireworks are only enough for one shot."

As Fang Nan walked towards the balcony, he reminded Shen Teng and Gao Yuanyuan who would leave the country later.

On the way, Gao Yuanyuan asked, "Director, do you want to cry?"

Fang Nan: "No, but it has to be moving."

"Then it's better to cry, it's much more difficult than crying." Gao Yuanyuan thought.

Gao Yuanyuan murmured that it was difficult to act, but the real estate agent of Tan Gong next to Fang Nan was trembling with fear.

The sandalwood palace was full of big shots, and he was afraid that he would be complained if he set off fireworks here.

But when he thought that Fang Nan was swearing to take out a bank loan, and once he got the money, he would guarantee to buy a villa in the Sandalwood Palace, the real estate manager felt courageous again.

"Hey, hey, Ma Dayong? Hear that?"

On the balcony, Fang Nan picked up the walkie-talkie and asked Ma Dayong who was with Zhou Dalu and others below.

"Brother Nan, let it go now?"

Ma Dayong's reply startled Fang Nan, "Fart now, the machine is not installed yet, wait for my order, you give the walkie-talkie to Li Guoli and Director Li."

Ma Dayong is a big guy, he has the walkie-talkie in his hand, don't give orders by mistake, that's nonsense.

After setting up the camera on the balcony, Fang Nan ran downstairs, and seeing that everything was in order, he called Huang Weiming at the outermost corner, and after confirming that everything was in place, he went upstairs again.

"The emotion is in place, Shen Teng, your dance is free to play, happiness is the main thing."

After exhorting Shen Teng, Fang Nan ran to Gao Yuanyuan, who was brewing emotions behind his back, and encouraged him: "Yuanyuan, you must be moved, and I believe that I can complete it."

"Well, I will definitely not make mistakes and waste your money." Gao Yuanyuan, whose eyes were already red, affirmed.

"All irrelevant people are out of the camera."

After dispersing the staff on the balcony, Fang Nanchong kept on hanging up the phone and said, "Director Huang, get ready, May Fourth...Three...Two...One, start a fire."


A few miles away, the outermost fireworks gypsophila first exploded in the sky an hour later, a group of brilliant fireworks rose to the sky at the same time.

In the sky, a firework that looks like a human foot takes shape.


Another one.


Another one.


Finally, the fireworks under the balcony rose, and Bigfoot came close.

At this moment, everyone who saw this scene was dumbfounded.

I have seen a lot of fireworks, and this is the first time I have seen fireworks walking step by step in the shape of feet.

"It's too crazy!"

Holding a slider phone and hoping to take pictures of some ordinary fireworks, Huang Xiaoming, who captured this scene, burst into obscenities in shock.

Assistant Huang Xiaoming said in a low voice: "I heard that Fang Nan planned to pull the switch to cut off the power, otherwise it would be even more shocking."

"In the future, no one will have to call Director Fang. This director will not be willing to keep shooting niche comedies. Just look at his handwriting today." Huang Xiaoming reminded his assistant.

Watching the sky full of fireworks, Gao Yuanyuan didn't need to brew any feelings, but had to desperately suppress them. Women are born with no resistance to rotten things.

Cai Yinong and Li Guoli downstairs were relatively silent. For this fireworks, Fang Nan spent more than one million yuan.

But it seems worth it!

When the staff downstairs and all the passers-by were amazed at the fireworks show.

Fang Nan wiped his nose and shamelessly worried about others.

"What should Zhang Yi do? I took over the big foot fireworks first, and my head hurts!"

(End of this chapter)

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