literary world

Chapter 145 "Boys and Girls"

Chapter 145 "Boys and Girls"

A firework show over the Pujiang River amazed the people around Changning and became popular on the Internet.

The Netease Entertainment section put up multiple blurred pictures with the title [A Fireworks Show in Spring].

Tianya is filled with a large number of private photos of this fireworks.

"Damn it, who's the richest man who released the fireworks?"

"It's so awesome" and other praises are all over the private posts of various private photography bloggers.

The momentum was so loud that Fang Nan was stunned.

He didn't intend to use this fireworks as a gimmick at all, but just spent a little more money to take a beautiful shot to add some highlights to "The Richest Man in Xihong City".

But I didn't expect Wai Da to do a wave of publicity for the movie in advance.

That being the case, he stopped carrying it and struck while the iron was hot, cutting out this scene that night, and putting it on the Internet as the first promotional video of "The Richest Man in Xihong City".

Unlike blurry private shots that affect the visual perception, Fang Nan's promotional video is high-definition, with perfect sound effects and full-textured images.

There is also a black business suit, a beautiful Gao Yuanyuan, a man who dances blindly.

Therefore, once the video is uploaded, the click-through rate has soared.

On the newly established, this promotional video exceeded [-] views overnight.

Fang Nan was very happy.

Bona, Guangguang, Huayi, Emperor and Cai Yinong were also dumbfounded.

"Internet, netizens, we must pay more attention to this aspect in the future! Director Feng's "Night Banquet" next year will be promoted first on the Internet."

Huayi, Wang Lei gave orders to a group of executives in charge of publicity in the company.

How Fang Nan started his family, he, his brother Wang Jun, and the senior management of the company had already discussed it.

The final conclusion is that it is because of the Internet and word of mouth from netizens.

Whenever Fang Nan wants to promote his works, he always goes online first.

"That Corner Suffered from a Cold" set off the campus network, and Gao Yuanyuan became the goddess of the entire network.

"Are you okay" in "The Unknown" was scolded by thousands of netizens.

"No. [-] in the World" has not been produced yet, because Fang Nan and Zhang Dahuzi quarreled on the Internet, it was first known to netizens.

"The Richest Man in Xihong City" hadn't finished yet, and Fang Nan caused a storm on the Internet.

"Da Pao, and everyone, let go of your prejudices for the time being, you have to learn from Fang Nan when it comes to the Internet!" In the Huayi conference room, the big boss Wang Jun decided on the future publicity strategy after his younger brother's statement.

At the same time, the boss of Bona and Wang Jinghua are also discussing the Internet.

"Sister Hua, Fang Nan can rely on the Internet to promote movies, and you can also rely on the Internet to promote your artists. These days, the smell of wine is also afraid of deep alleys."

"I think you have to let your subordinates learn from that Xu Jinglei. It's okay to register a blog and post small articles. If you don't know how to write, you can ask someone to write it. It doesn't cost much. It can attract a real movie ticket. It's good!"

Wang Jinghua glanced lightly at Bona Boss: "Mr. Yu, I have no problem here, but you have to think about it, too. There are so many artists under your hands who are waiting to be fed."


Sending Wang Jinghua away, Yu Dong slapped his desk on the desk, "Mother Xipi, a bunch of entertainers are useless, it's not worth what a Fang Nan makes for Bona!"

The four owners of "The Richest Man in Xihong City" paid attention to the news on the Internet, and being happy, they began to express their opinions one after another.

The higher the attention of the movie, the more box office, and the more they earn. At this moment, everyone is a grasshopper on a rope.

At the front line, Fang Nan, who learned about all this, was happy to further speed up the shooting.

The last big play football field set.

Holding the helical blades of the helicopter, Fang Nan handed the plastic bottle containing cereal to Wei Xiang who got on the helicopter.

"Drink it when the helicopter lands, walk a few steps smartly after landing, and then spit it out."

Wei Xiang took the bottle: "Understood, director."

After instructing Wei Xiang, Fang Nan reminded the extra performers who came down from the helicopter to relax later.

The three helicopters rented by China Eastern Airlines can only be flown once, and the real shots can only be shot once.

After the helicopter left, Zhao Zhu ran over: "Director Fang, Mr. Cai is here."

"What about people?"

Zhao Zhu pointed to Wu Yaya's stand full of people: "It's on the stand, look, it's coming down."

Fang Nan went up to meet him.

"Tomato Channel and the host Zhou Yun have already been contacted, you ask someone to take a picture with me." Cai Yinong said.

"I'll go with you later, the cameras and photographers from every angle on this side of the court are dead, and I can't leave."

Cai Yinong urged: "Hurry up, Zhou Jin is busy too, it's not easy to agree to be a guest star!"

"It'll be fine right now."

Just as Fang Nan was talking, the helicopter that had just left flew back from a distance in a circle.

Executive director Huang Weiming shouted with a large electronic speaker, "All departments are preparing, and all seats perform their duties. Ordinary staff are responsible for mobilizing the atmosphere of the group performance."

"Three two one, action."

At the same time Huang Weiming called to start filming, Fang Nan pulled Cai Yinong away and sat in front of the monitor.

Screen [-]: "What are you showing off, stinky rascal" Liu Jiannan played by Huang Xiaoming.

Screen [-]: Gao Yuanyuan in business attire.

Picture three, four, five: the dull faces of the audience in the middle, the audience on the left, and the audience on the right.

Screen [-]: Helicopter

Screen [-]: Wei Xiang, who walks two steps proudly, but vomits while helping the helicopter
Screen [-]: Shen Teng and other team members performing together.

Screen Nine: Sluggish opponent players.

Taking a glance at the Jiugong grid, Fang Nan picked up the walkie-talkie in satisfaction: "Director Huang, OK, pass."

"Everyone is great, the coordination is perfect, and the actors touch up their makeup."

When Huang Weiming praised the actor, Fang Nan grabbed the coat on the back of the chair, and walked towards Shen Teng and Huang Weiming while putting it on.

"In the following shot, besides being happy, your expression should also be more persistent. This not only reflects Wang Duoyu's love for sports, but also implies that no matter how rich a person is, he must have his own bottom line."

"This is the main reason why I let Wang Duoyu be the goalkeeper."

After speaking to Shen Teng, Fang Nan turned to Huang Weiming: "I'm going to shoot the radio segment, and I'll leave this to you."

Huang Weiming nodded and said, "OK."

In the end, although the scene was a big one, it was all spliced ​​shots. After all, the actors were not real players, and it was difficult to pass and stop the ball. We could only grind the shots one by one slowly, and it took more than ten days to finish shooting.

Holding the camera in his arms, he got into Cai Yinong's car, and the car drove all the way to the Tomato Building.

In the car, Cai Yinong listened to "Decent" sung by "Super Girl" contestant Zhang Jingying on the radio, and wondered: "A variety show can become so popular, don't you think it's strange!"

Fang Nan was speechless: "What's so strange about this? If a show attracts attention, more people will watch it. "Super Girl" will feature popular singers, so there must be a lot of people watching it. It's a gimmick to become famous overnight."

These days, there are not only good variety shows in China, but also TV dramas, and dramas produced in Hong Kong and Taiwan are popular.

Even Korean dramas once dominated a large number of domestic ratings.

The reason for this is that without it, the concept of domestic film and television dramatists has not kept up.

That's why Cai Yinong made such a fuss.

Maybe it's not just Cai Yinong, many people in the circle are confused about the popularity of "Super Girl".

It's really so messed up that I can't play it anymore.

All the way to the Tomato Terrace building, unexpectedly Zhou Yun was greeted at the gate post.

"Hey, host Zhou, thank you for being a guest star!" Fang Nan hurriedly greeted him when he saw him.

He has to remember Zhou Yun's favor of not accepting a penny for a cameo appearance in "The Richest Man in Xihong City".

After passing the gate and seeing the SMG building in front of him, Fang Nan, who had been here once, was still fascinated.

This building contains 10 TV channels, 8 radio frequencies, 6 national digital pay TV channels, 3 publicly issued newspapers and magazines, and thousands of employees.

In front of him is an out-and-out huge propaganda machine that faces the whole country.

Seeing Fang Nan standing still in front of the SMG building, Cai Yinong pushed him and said, "Why are you in a daze, let's go."

"let's go."

Fang Nan cast a thoughtful glance at Cai Yinong, and followed Zhou Yun.

Following Zhou Yun all the way to the door of one of the broadcasting rooms, Fang Nan looked around hastily, nodded happily and said, "It's fine for Zhou Yun to host this one, is the station willing?"

Zhou Yun smiled and said: "It's fine in the station, Mr. Cai has already talked about it, but you just wait a while until they finish broadcasting."

Fang Nan whispered, "Okay, okay."

"The audition for the second season of Super Girl is coming to an end, let's hear what good songs were brought into the scene by the contestants and loved by the audience."

"The first song, Zhang Liangying's "Decent", don't say goodbye when you break up. How can you owe me?"

"The second song, Zhou Bichang's "She Doesn't Understand", she doesn't understand your heart, she doesn't understand yours."

Listening to the radio at the door, Fang Nan's face was full of smiles. Although he couldn't earn copyright money for these songs, they became popular quickly.

What's more, wait until these contestants reach the final championship stage to sing, and then he can charge again.

Zhou Jin smiled and said, "Director Fang, I'm very surprised. It's rumored that you wrote these songs when you were a teenager? Are they true or not?"

"To be honest, it's about the same. I remember that when I was [-], [-], seven or eight years old, I started to go to the nursing home next to the orphanage to learn rhythm from my master. When I learned less than five years, I wrote I wrote the first song, and my master also said that I have talent in this area."

Fang Nan said nonsense.

While throwing out these songs, he had long thought that he would be questioned one day, even on the show in the future, so he made up a set of true and false statements.

Orphanages are real.

The old people's home that was demolished is also real.

The master who taught melody was a fake. This thing was one of the few hobbies he had in his previous life when he was idle.

"Director Fang, can you reveal your teacher's name?"

As soon as Zhou Yun said this, Cai Yinong couldn't help pricking up her ears. She asked about this, but Fang Nan smiled perfunctorily.

"Let's not talk about it. It's not good to spread the word. My teacher was forced to come to us a few years ago. He has been gone for many years. Forget it."

Zhou Yun was thoughtful, probably an old artist from that era.

Therefore, instead of asking, I feel that the "Super Girl" that the announcer has been talking about is too popular.

Along the way, Fang Nan's ears grew calluses from Cai Yinong talking about "Super Girl".

Now Zhou Yun said again, he couldn't help frowning and said: "Although your station is special, you should be able to do variety shows, you can make "Super Boy" to guarantee it will be popular."

Fang Nan doesn't know whether the current Tomato Channel is serious or not. Anyway, in the future, don't make it too popular to buy the copyright of other people's variety shows!

Zhou Yun laughed and said: "It is possible to do variety shows, but Zhaomaohuahutai will not agree."

"Then make a show by yourself, isn't it so difficult!" Fang Nan said disapprovingly.

"Director Fang, do you have an idea?" Zhou Yun's eyes lit up.

Variety show ideas, the planners in the station have been thinking again and again, the reason why they didn't work was because they came up with it, and they were all rejected by the above.

Fang Nan raised his eyebrows: "There are many ideas. If your station is interested, we can cooperate."

Although he is a film and television drama director, he can watch a lot of variety shows, and any idea can boost the ratings of Tomato TV.

Zhou Yun became interested: "When can you provide a planning plan?"

"I don't have time to write a plan for the time being. Why don't you discuss it with the station, and I'll make two episodes at my own expense. When your station broadcasts, you will pay according to the percentage of the audience rating?"

Zhou Yun frowned and said, "I can't promise you, I'll try writing a report to the leader."

"Okay, let's contact after passing." Fang Nan said indifferently.

Doing a variety show for Tomato TV is a rush. Fang Nan didn't expect the other party to agree to it when he arrived here, and Zhou Yun's level was not high enough.

Another thing, he didn't want to do a large-scale variety show like the later generations, which fits this era, and it's over like "Boys and Girls Rush Forward".

Don't underestimate this variety show. At most, there are more than a dozen domestic TV stations showing similar programs at the same time.

It's hot!
Fang Nan watched it with great interest back then, especially when the girl in a cloth pocket fell into the water, he wished the TV had a pause button.

Not so empty.

It's purely for fools to catch up with the fun and have fun!
 The vest of an old author, the writing style is quite coquettish, and the driving is quite 6, you can go and have a look
(End of this chapter)

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