literary world

Chapter 146 For Promotion and Level Design

Chapter 146 For Promotion and Level Design

"I announce that "The Richest Man in Xihong City" will officially wrap up on May 5, which is today!"

At the stadium, as soon as Fang Nan, the director of "The Richest Man in Xihong City", finished speaking, the scene instantly became a crowd of "Oh".

Fang Nan couldn't help rolling his eyes, "Damn, it's as if I've abused you all."

"The Richest Man in Tomatoes" was filmed in 2 months and 12 days.

Since the total production cost is as high as 1200 million, the funds are sufficient, and the basic necessities of life are fully covered.

Not to mention how good it is, at least there is an air conditioner to live in, and there is big meat to eat. It’s fine if these people don’t miss it, and they are still booing. I don’t know if there are outsiders here?

"Director Fang, congratulations." Huayi's producer with the funds in hand stepped forward to congratulate him first.

Although the 200 million he brought was worth over a million when Fang Nan set off fireworks, but as long as the film finally makes money, everything is worth it.

Moreover, his fireworks have at least been well received, and the online reviews are rave!

It's better than buying film.

"Producer Hao, Tongxi, Tongxi, please help me thank the two presidents." Fang Nan shook each other's hand.

If you don't deal with Huayi, you don't have to deal with it. As long as you give money readily and don't care about expenses, everyone can cooperate sincerely.

After the producer Hao, the three producers Bona, Emperor, and Guangguang also came forward to greet each other for a while.

With these three, Fang Nan talked more about follow-up publicity and theaters.

Except for Emperor, Bona and Guangguang, who are responsible for distribution in the mainland, want to arrange the schedule of "The Richest Man in Xihong City" in the middle of the summer vacation, around August 8st.

The schedule is pretty good, Fang Nan has nothing to dissatisfy.

But when he learned that the summer vacation of 2005 not only included foreign films "Madagascar", "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" and "War of the Worlds".

There were also Old Monster Xu's "Seven Swords" and Cheng Long's "Myth", and they were dumbfounded.

None of the five movies packed with summer vacation time is similar.

Others don't know, how can he know?

Others want to touch it, but he has no such idea for the time being.

"Shouldn't we discuss it with the theaters, either advance or delay?" Fang Nan asked the representatives of the two distributors.

"We have already made an assessment, and the two days difference between August 8 and "Seven Swords" is the best schedule."

"The three foreign films were concentrated in July, and "Mythology" was released at the end of August. There was a nearly 7-day relaxation period with "The Richest Man in Xihong City". Judging from the Spring Festival file in 8, the domestic film market has been able to accommodate two films at the same time. It’s a big movie, we should have no conflict with “Seven Swords.”

Bona Manager Zhao's analysis was straightforward, but Fang Nan frowned deeply. He couldn't remember the box office of "Seven Swords".

But Mr. Xu's "Seven Swords" definitely belongs to the second-class blockbuster of this era. The film is full of stars, and the box office should be indispensable.

"Which movie is before the schedule of 'Seven Swords' and 'The Richest Man in Xihong City'?" Fang Nan asked.

"War of the Worlds!"

Fang Nan buried his head in thought: "Tom Cruise is also an opponent not to be underestimated!"

"Why don't we contact Mr. Xu to see if we can have a joint venture?" Fang Nan looked at Manager Zhao, Cai Yinong and the other five people with some hints.

When he said this, he shut up instantly, some things can only be felt, not expressed in words.

Everyone here is fine, so there is no need for him to explain in detail one by one.

Moreover, tampering with publicity is the specialty of every distribution company.

In this regard, Hollywood plays more slippery.

It's not uncommon to slander the stars and protagonists in the other party's movies, slander other people's racial discrimination, and even burn film.
"If I'm not mistaken, your foreign finger"

Manager Zhao and the representatives of the Emperor were the first to wake up, especially the representatives sent by the Emperor had a deeper understanding of this aspect.

After all, Xiangjiang Films was also a prosperous existence.

The propaganda I have experienced is more dirty, and I learned the Hollywood set earlier.

"Isn't it good to do this! Don't forget, the film is not fake, but the company that imported the film is a domestic company."

After the five people stood still at a place far away from the crowd, Cai Yinong, the only female streamer, questioned aloud.

Manager Zhao and the others glanced at her, their eyes filled with disdain. There is no good or bad way of propaganda, only whether it is effective or not.

As long as it works and the movie makes money, everything else has to give way.

If you want to be a gentleman, don't play movies, because you can't afford them.

"Anyway, you guys are discussing it. Call me if you need my cooperation. Recently, I will only be in Pujiang and Hengdian."

After leaving the words, Fang Nan ran to Huang Weiming and the others who had been waiting in the distance.

When they arrived at the place, they told everyone to go back and wash up. In the evening, Fang Nan had a wrap-up banquet at the hotel, and Fang Nan went straight to his car, the Santana 3000.

The movie is finished, others can rest, but he can't.

Not to mention that I have never been to "No. [-] Under Heaven", which has already started filming in Hengdian.

He has never been to the variety show "Boys and Girls Clashing" jointly created by Tomato TV and Tangtang Film and Television.

When Manager Zhao and the others rubbed their heads together to discuss what to do, Fang Nan drove to the side: "Miss K, I'm going to the water park, and you'll bring back the production equipment and so on."

Cai Yinong nodded, and Fang Nan rushed out.

Dakang Water Park, when Fang Nan arrived, the planner sent by Tomato Station was holding Fang Nan's sketch, directing the workers to complete the final round of the big disc level.

Ma Dayong and a few Wu Xing sat on the arbor, dripping wet, smoking.

"What's your situation, why don't you work?"

Ma Dayong and other martial arts were of little use in "The Richest Man in Xihong City". As soon as the group acting was over, Fang Nan sent a few people to the water park, where the work was easy, and Tomato TV also paid wages.

"Brother Nan, we tried the levels you designed. Don't say it, it's really difficult. Except for Xiao Yu, none of us passed the level, and we were all drowned."

Ma Dayong said with a shy face.

Fang's class was at the end. Xiao Yu and Yu Hai, who were only 21 years old this year, blushed when they saw Fang Nan's eyes, and said shyly, "No, no, Brother Nan, it's really difficult. I'm just lucky."

Fang Nan smiled and looked at the six levels that had already been built in sevens and eighties. He became interested and stretched, "I'll try it."

After saying hello to the planners, the staff who stepped aside looked with interest at Fang Nan who was starting to warm up.

After most of the levels were formed and electrified, they hadn't tried it.

But it almost ended with Ma Dayong and the others.

This would make him want to take a look at the embarrassment of Fang Nan, who is a big shot.

Level [-]: Leap Over the Rainbow
There is a water gap between the rainbow triangle and the runway. When people jump over the pool and step on the triangle board, they need to try their best to control their body balance and quickly jump to the next platform. Fang Nan doesn't even seem to stop.

Let them down a bit.

Level [-]: Wheel of Fortune

Since the Lucky Wheel was not powered on, Fang Nan strolled over it.

The third level: step by step to win
Eight uneven bars that go up and down immediately, Fang Nan passed through an iron bridge, or bent over easily, and finally passed with a forward pounce.

Level [-]: Swinging Dominoes

Putting his head against the stake five times, Fang Nan slowed down a bit, as if standing on a shaky platform.

"Damn it, brother Nan is awesome, his feet are so stable, that's how I fell into the water."

Outside the checkpoint, Ma Dayong, who had already stood by the water, praised repeatedly.

"Brother Yong, you don't go to that kind of place at night, you must be as stable as Brother Nan!" Yu Hai said with a blushing face.

Ma Dayong waved his hand and slapped Yu Hai: "You little boy knows what a fart, your brother Nan is not as steady when singing and singing every night, I am lack of exercise."

While speaking, Fang Nan had stepped onto the fifth level, the single-plank bridge of happiness.

This level also seeks stability, one must stand in the middle so as not to be swayed all the time. After Fang Nan got used to the shaking rhythm, he successfully stepped onto the last level, the sixth level, the ice and snow swing.

There are two large swings that sway regularly from side to side, and are covered with foam to increase slipperiness.

Jumping from the first swing to the second, if the take-off force is too small, it will slip because it is too slippery to grasp the leverage point, and if the take-off force is too high, it will rush through the swing and fall into the water because of too slippery.

But Fang Nan obviously didn't run and jump as planned, he took a slow step and swing, and easily reached the other side.

The planner who watched and Ma Dayong and his party were dumbfounded.

"Director Fang, is there a problem with the level?"

Fang Nan went around to the front, and the planner sent by Tomato Channel to be in charge of this program hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

Fang Nan shook his head: "Don't use me as an example, the level is fine, this is just right. I suggest that your station put up an advertisement quickly and let the audience sign up. The prizes in the first few episodes will be richer. It is best to hold such a variety show in summer."

The "Boys and Girls" he planned for Tomato Channel was charged according to the Nielsen ratings.

When the audience rating exceeds 0.8%, the reserve price of 100 million is automatically generated, and every time the ratings pass a point, an extra 50 will be added, which can be described as simple and rude.

When Tomato TV presented the contract, Fang Nan signed it without even thinking about it.

It doesn't take much effort to run this show, and you can earn money.

Even if the ratings didn't trigger the reserve price of 100 million, he would have lost an idea.

After looking around at the water park, there was nothing wrong with it, and after promising to come over for the first episode, Fang Nan led Ma Dayong and the others back to the hotel to attend the wrap-up banquet.

(End of this chapter)

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