literary world

Chapter 147 The ratings exploded

Chapter 147 The ratings exploded
early morning.

Cai Yinong, the president of Tangtang Film and Television, was busy inside and out early in the morning.

The company's relocation is imminent, and things are messy and disorderly, and she is devastated.

On the contrary, Fang Nan on the beach chair under the eaves maintained a single posture, still caressing one big and one small two black cats leisurely.

"The editing of "The Richest Man in Xihong City" is finished, and "No. [-] Under Heaven" with such a large investment is still being filmed in Hengdian, so you should go around."

Cai Yinong couldn't stand it anymore, and accused Fang Nan of being an old man in his seventies and eighties.

Everyone is a shareholder, Fang Nan is happy like a fairy, but she has become a housekeeper and a laborer, it is too shameful.

"Wait a few days before I go. Tomato Channel's "Boys and Girls Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong" is going to be recorded for the first two episodes, I have to go and have a look."

Fang Nan's seemingly casual answer was actually a stroke of panic behind his back.

It's not that he doesn't want to go to Hengdian, but he doesn't dare to go, what should he do if he goes.

Going to Hengdian now is really delicious and delicious. There are friends to drink with, and there are long legs to resist at night. The days should not be too beautiful.

But what will Gao Yuanyuan do after joining the group?
With Zeng Li on one side and Gao Yuanyuan on the other, if he didn't reveal his secrets, it would be no problem for him to sing and sing every night for several nights.

He can serve the two women comfortably.

Once the stuffing is exposed, it is really chicken and egg.

He's not so foolish as to think he's a bastard.

As soon as he is angry, whether you are a goddess, a girl, or a female nerve, you will all crawl under your feet and lick his toes.

Moreover, his two girlfriends are not the ones who are short of money.

Even his outlook on money is similar to his, as long as he has enough money, a man who pays attention must be talented, and he must be able to get along with her spiritually.

Therefore, before he finds a good solution, he can delay it for a day.

"At that time, I was confused by lard. How could I choose such a lineup?"

On the beach chair, Fang Nan felt that he could not get off the tiger. He wanted to slap himself twice.

"The variety show you made for Tomato Channel is really good? Tangtang still has to rely on Tomato Channel. Don't make it too stiff, and it will affect the future cooperation between the two."

After handing over the documents he had read to the staff for boxing, Cai Yinong asked about the new collaboration "Boys and Girls" with Tomato Channel.

Dakang Water Park, she took the time to go there, the game is very interesting.

But that's all there is to it, unless Tomato Station offers high bonuses to attract attention.

Otherwise, she doesn't know where to look.

Of course, after Tomato TV approved Fang Nan's idea, Tang Tang Film and Television was not allowed to make an advance payment.

But if the show can't go on, and the two cooperate again, Tomato TV will probably not trust Tang Tang Film and Television, and Fang Nan that much.

This is a soft question.

"After two or three episodes, it shouldn't be a problem if the audience rating breaks through 0.8, and I can probably make a small profit of one million." Fang Nan said with a frown.

Cai Yinong is still not at ease: "When will the first two episodes be recorded?"

Fang Nan said, "The day after tomorrow."

"I'll go and have a look then." Cai Yinong nodded and left.

He didn't dare to go to Hengdian, the variety show on Tomato Channel hadn't started recording yet, and Fang Nan would post it on his blog to reply to netizens' comments in the next two days.

Or go to the special effects company that Cai Yinong found.

The only place where special effects are used in "The Richest Man in Xihong City" is in the fireworks scene, where the lights in the city are turned off, and the special effects are not complicated.

What Fang Nan didn't expect was that he also knew the person Cai Yinong introduced.

Back then, he was stationed in the crew of "Yi Tian Slaying the Dragon" and did special effects for "Yi Tian". The big eyebrow with very thick eyebrows is called Lu Qing.

This person is less than 30 years old, and he started to do this job after school, but he has been doing small things all the time, and is famous in the film and television industry for his low prices.

Technology, compared with foreign special effects companies that calculate prices by the second, is just playing tricks.

Compared with some special effects companies in Xiangjiang, Taiwan, and South Korea, it is not worth mentioning.

The advantage is that it is cheap and can complete simple tasks, so Cai Yinong finds him.

When they met again, Fang Nan took the initiative to exchange numbers with Lu Qing.

He desperately registered his scripts with the Hollywood Screenwriters Association, and they were all sci-fi blockbusters, and special effects were a key part.

There are not many special effects companies in Lu Qing's kitty. Although they may not be able to help in the future, talking about special effects and other things will also help provide him with ideas.

After making friends with Lu Qing, Fang Nan spent the rest of his time dealing with netizens.

The Internet and netizens are the biggest keys to his success in the past two years.

Although he gave some netizens a bad impression.

But generally speaking, netizens are more optimistic and close to him.

The main reasons are two.

Fang Nan, a young director, was not afraid of big bearded directors like Zhang Kaige and famous directors like Chen Kaige.

Zhang and Chen destroyed the ecology of the local scenic spot. He said he would report it when he said it, and he did not hesitate at all.

Because of this, Zhang Dabeard had a bad relationship with him, and he pointed it out in the interview.

What Fang Nan did was to make the netizens watch a lively scene, so he was naturally willing to accept this stunned young man.

What netizens don't know is that Zhang Dabeard was punished for this extremely unserious and undisciplined behavior.

The TV station gave up his production rights.

However, "The Legend of Condor Heroes", which was produced two months ago, has indeed not yet landed on TV.

Fang Nan couldn't figure out the trickiness in it.

He wondered if CCTV also wanted to take advantage of this wave of public opinion to increase the ratings of "The Legend of Condor Heroes".

After all, even CCTV wanted to sell the broadcast rights for the second round and the third round at a high price.

As for Fang Nan's match against Brother Kai.

There is not much Internet disturbance in this regard, mainly because Zhang's big beard only looks good at the front.

Moreover, there have been rumors on the Internet that "The Promise" has destroyed the ecology of the scenic spot, and netizens are prepared.

The reason why netizens encouraged Fang Nan to report with his real name was to see if Fang Nan's character design could stand up.

Whether it is the next mouth strong king!
Fang Nan gave the answer, he is really not the king of mouth.

He really dared to confront Chen Kaige head-on.

Although Brother Kai said, "Who the hell are you, anyone can touch me?" He didn't hesitate to talk to him at all.

Brother Kai looked down on Fang Nan and did not face Fang Nan directly. Netizens were disappointed, but Fang Nan was both surprised and delighted.

His operation is not insignificant.

Brother Kai's qualifications are too old, and the relationship in the circle is even more complicated. It looks like the northwest circle, but is closely connected with the Beijing circle.

This time, not only did he escape without any danger, but he also attracted a wave of favor from netizens.

Even though the official handling of the "The Promise" crew, netizens are not very satisfied.

But Fang Nan, netizens agree.

The result of the approval was that the attention of Fang Nan's blog, which had no Wenqing ditty at all, soared all the way, approaching the queen of blogs, Xu Jinglei.

Even Fang Nan, who left netizens with a straightforward personality, has a better reputation.

Xu Jinglei is too fake, fake Wenqing, Fang Nan, who speaks the vernacular, gives people a sense of reality, which has become the consensus of many bloggers.

Fang Nan's good reputation on the Internet, and the number of people who browsed his blog exceeded one million, not without causing troubles.

The first person who troubled him was Cai Yinong, the president of the company and his personal manager.

Faced with Cai Yinong's smiling face, "Use your blog to send me some advertisements", Fang Nan's face turned black at that time.

What are you kidding?
Advertisements can be messed up, food and drink have accidents, isn't he the first one to be unlucky?
Thinking about money is crazy.

Cai Yinong didn't give up, and entangled in making huge profits: "Fifty-fifty."

Fang Nan didn't agree to anything, and kicked her out directly.

The [-]-[-] split is indeed quite high. Tang Tang Film and Television's most popular artist, Hu Ge, has only [-]-[-] split with the company, the company has eight, and Hu Ge has two.

But Fang Nan didn't want to earn this kind of money, and it was prone to problems.

The trust of netizens in him is hard-earned.

Wo stayed at the company for another two days, and at noon on the third Sunday, Fang Nan, Cai Yinong, and Wang Liang went straight to Dakang Water Park.

Go to the place and have a look, there are huge crowds of people, surrounding the competition venue.

The three finally squeezed in and took a look. It turned out that the recording of the show had already started, and many people gathered around to watch the fun.

Or get ready to sign up to win prizes.

The three-piece set of TV, refrigerator, washing machine and home appliances is too big.

It's a pity that Tomato Channel obviously misunderstood the focus of this variety show designed by Fang Nan.

"President Cai, Director Fang!"

In order for this brand new program to boost the flagging ratings.

Tomato Channel directly dispatched the host job to the head of Huadan Zhou Yun. When Fang Nan and the other three came over, she greeted with a smile.

After greeting, Fang Nan asked, "How's the feedback from the audience?"

Zhou Jindao: "It's pretty good. You'll laugh when you see it. There's also an endless stream of contestants signing up for the competition. After one day, it's no problem to record two episodes."

Fang Nan circled the scene for a week, "Where is the program director?"

"Over there." Zhou Jin pointed to the parasol at the corner behind the host stage.

"I'll go and have a look, Liangzi, you change your clothes and get ready to go into the water, and take pictures as I taught you."

The biggest highlight of "Boys and Girls Rush" is the joy, not the prizes, and the waves during the competition are also the biggest highlights.

Saying that is a bit of a wet guy, but it is what it is.

Of course, Fang Nan would definitely not be so stupid as to tell Wang Liang to take a look at it. A few shots of this thing will make sense. If there are too many, the review may not pass.

Accompanied by Zhou Yun, he came to the monitor. The program director of Tomato Channel did not hold it domineeringly. Fang Nan sat down beside him. He took the initiative to chat about the highlights of this variety show.

What to watch?

Fang Nan raised his fingers.

One: Prizes.

Two: The confidence of the contestants before going on stage, and the embarrassment after falling into the water.

Three: Fang Nan secretly revealed some small details.

Four: The fun of breaking through the level, the actions of falling into the water in various strange postures.

For the fourth item, Fang Nan specially reminded that some places have to use slow motion.

After reviewing the previous few contestants who lost so dryly, Fang Nan immediately gave the host Zhou Yun an idea.

In the interview before the contestant goes on stage, she must pay attention to showing her self-confidence, and the hosting style can be more relaxed and lively.

After Fang Nan finished explaining, Zhou Yun returned to the host stage. This time, the program crew chose a girl in short jeans, a white T-shirt, and breasts.

"How old are you and where are you from?" Zhou Yun smiled.

"I'm the same as the girl just now. I'm a local. She's my friend."

"That's right, your friend fell into the water on the big turntable, do you have the confidence to surpass her!"

The girl tremblingly said: "It must be surpassed!"

Zhou Yun smiled and said: "You don't seem to have enough momentum, can you speak louder to our camera."

"I can!"

"Okay, let's wait and see the third challenger."

The girl stepped onto the stage and passed the first level tremblingly.

Before the turntable of the second round started, she knelt on the turntable, unable to move.

Until falling into the water with all fours upside down, the onlookers laughed out loud.

All this was fed back to the monitor, Fang Nan and the director murmured for a while, and then chose to let this girl appear on TV. The other party knew it well, and Fang Nan stopped participating.

After watching several contestants in a row, Fang Nan, Cai Yinong, and Wang Liang chose to leave after the program director had fully grasped the rhythm.

This reality show was originally an idea provided by Fang Nan, and it was enough for them to pay attention to it.

But I didn't expect Fang Nan to arrive in Hengdian the next day.

The ratings of the fourth issue of "Boys and Girls Clashing" exploded.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the ratings of national TV channels at the same time period, Tomato Channel ranked first in the country, and Nielsen's national ratings were as high as 3.3%!

Fang Nan and Tomato TV's 0.8% viewership rating of 100 million is guaranteed, and at the same time, the plan fee contract of 50 yuan will be automatically triggered for every additional percentage point.

With this simple idea, Fang Nan earned 250 million by doing nothing.

Mr. Cai Yinong tossed and turned on his personal bed enviously, unable to fall asleep.

But Fang Nan himself did not show his joy at all, so there was nothing to show off with such a small amount of money.

If possible, he is willing to exchange the money for the decline in the IQ of the two girls in Hengdian.

At the entrance of Hengdian Film and Television City, Fang Nan bit the bullet and got out of the car.

(End of this chapter)

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