literary world

Chapter 149 On the Importance of Time Management

Chapter 149 On the Importance of Time Management

In June, the scorching sun is like a hot summer.

There are few people in the Qingming Shanghetu Scenic Area.

The crew of "No. [-] in the World" in a residential house in the Ming and Qing Dynasties was extremely lively.

The producer and producer, Fang Nan, fell from the sky like a blue sky master, and he doubled the food cost of the crew with a single sentence.

In addition, what makes the crew even more excited is that.

The big beauty Gao Yuanyuan and the little beauty Liu Qianqian changed their bad habit of going straight to the caravan at meal time, and sat in the same room with them for dinner.

Zeng Li, who was never too hot, also moved from the street to the residence.

Although everyone kept a distance from each other, the three beauties rolled up their sleeves to eat, revealing their white lotus-like arms and calf clearly visible.

That's all, it's worth a bunch of cattle's mouth watering.

But Fang Nan, who caused all these visions, felt uncomfortable.

The two women who had had skin-to-skin contact with him were taking small bites of food while glancing at him from different directions from time to time.

With such a keen intuition, he had already noticed it.

The high-horsepower pedestal fan blows "woo woo woo" and makes people have headaches.

Bite the bullet and shave a mouthful of rice, Fang Nan said angrily to Zhao Zhu beside him who was stuffing vegetables leaves into his mouth, "Don't eat, come out with me."

"Ah, I haven't finished eating yet." Zhao Zhu resisted.

In the entire crew, he was the only one who could feel that Fang Nan was on pins and needles, like a thorn on his back.

He provided convenience for Fang Nan and Gao Yuanyuan's passion.

At the beginning of the preparation of "No. [-] in the World", Fang Nan secretly explained to him his relationship with Zeng Li.

The purpose is self-evident, to cover Fang Nan's lower body.

Among them, La Kaigao and Zeng announced that it would be convenient for Fang Nan to visit the class one by one.

Increased the distance between Gao and Zeng's rooms so that Fang Nan could sleep with the two girls overnight.

Provide some unspeakable black-box operations such as Gao and Zeng Dongxiang at any time.

It can be said that he is Fang Nan's absolute confidant.

But it's because he has enough confidantes, knows things, and has done too many things.

Zhao Zhu was a little scared.

One day, what if his series of coquettish operations were exposed, and the fact that Fang Nan stepped on two boats was exposed?
Fang Nan is definitely fine, he has money and status, and he can't find any beautiful women, and the old saying goes, husband and wife fight at the head of the bed and make peace at the end of the bed.

What should he do?
How about being blown pillow by a certain woman in a superior position?
Even any woman wouldn't want someone like him to stay by Fang Nan's side, wouldn't she!

Such a pure old bustard!
Will he be able to settle down by then?
Therefore, he does not want to participate in this matter.

Looking at Zhao Zhu, who was eating slowly with low eyebrows, Fang Nan couldn't help saying angrily, "Whatever you want to eat, hurry up and come out with me."

Quietly looking at the two women who cast their eyes from a distance from time to time, Zhao Zhu, who was about to cry, tried to struggle and said, "Brother Nan, you go first, I'll be over later."

"Hurry up."

After giving instructions, Fang Nan raised his foot and passed Ma Dayong, who had already finished eating and lay down on the ground, ready to rest.

At the same time, Liu Qianqian urged Zeng Li, who was holding a lunch box, to frown, and said, "Sister Zeng Li, eat, my mother's sweet and sour pork ribs are pretty good."

"You eat too."

When Fang Nan left the residence, Zeng Li looked away at the same time, using the moment when Liu Qianqian was pinching the ribs, she pretended to glance at Gao Yuanyuan in the distance inadvertently.

Unexpectedly, Gao Yuanyuan was also looking at her.

Eyes met again.The two frowned deeper, and their doubts deepened.

It's not the first time they met. Fang Nan was an assistant director on the crew of "Yitian", and they met when Zeng Li went to visit the set.

At that time, under the pressure of a love triangle, Gao Yuanyuan, who was thinking crookedly, also staged a funny chicken leg grabbing scene.

He wanted to use this to destroy her relationship with Fang Nan.

What she didn't know was that she and Fang Nan were just friends at that time, so it made her feel a little funny.

But today, she felt something was wrong, Gao Yuanyuan's tone of calling Fang Nan for dinner was just as casual as her, too intimate.

Thinking of this, Zeng Li couldn't help but slander: "I have to ask tonight and see what he says!"

Zeng Li quietly speculated to herself.

Gao Yuanyuan, who was also suspicious, also muttered in his heart that he wanted to take care of his man at night. This friend of his man obviously wanted to make trouble, and the eyes of his man were too ambiguous.

On the streets of Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Fang Nan took Zhao Zhu to the outermost street before stopping.

"Check the watch." Then, he raised his arm and said.

Zhao Zhu was stunned: "Ah? What do you mean?"

Fang Nan said in dissatisfaction: "If you tell me to be right, you are right, why ask so many questions!"

"It's 12:20 noon. When do you start work in the afternoon? When do you start work in the evening? When will actors put on makeup tomorrow morning?"


Fang Nan pondered for a moment, then asked again: "Have you been in Gao Yuanyuan's group this afternoon, or have you been running back and forth between the two groups?"

Zhao Zhu said: "I will probably stay in Gao Yuanyuan's group in the afternoon."

Fang Nan nodded and said, "Then at 3:00 on time, you let your group of directors rest, and you call me 5 minutes in advance to let me go."

Under the bright sun, Zhao Zhu scratched his sweaty head, confused: "What are you calling? What are you going to do?"

"Don't ask, just do it!"

Fang Nan kicked Zhao Zhu, who was asking endless questions, and after running his head wildly for a few times, he continued, "You guys arrive at the hotel at about 10 o'clock in the evening, and then I should be in Gao Yuanyuan's room, and then you are at 24:00 at night. Call me again between 1 and 00:[-] am."

Zhao Zhu was dumbfounded, what the hell is making people live, and after a busy day, he has to watch his phone to call you in the middle of the night, what the hell is that.

Before Zhao Zhu could ask, Fang Nan rubbed his chin and said again: "You have to find a bigger reason for the phone call at night, or I'm afraid I won't be able to get out."

Zhao Zhu has completely lost his temper, so let the boss say what he said, who made him do it.

"What are you looking for?" Zhao Zhu said helplessly.

"If it doesn't work, just say that Ma Dayong went to Huzhou to gamble and got into a fight."

"By the way, if you put it this way, you have to transfer Ma Dayong out at night, give him some money, and let him find a computer room to play overnight, or get a room in another hotel."

After talking about this nonsense, Fang Nan sorted out his thoughts and found some loopholes, so he hurriedly called Wu Gao again.

Let Wu Gao call himself at 15:20 and 16:00 respectively.

Next, Fang Nan began to urge Zhao Zhu to remember the time. After Zhao Zhu had memorized it thoroughly, he went back to the residence in peace.

In the afternoon, at 14:10, the filming of "No. [-] Under Heaven" started on time.

Fang Nan, who was pretending to be asleep on the beach chair of a certain deputy director of the residence, woke up leisurely.

At 14:40, the producer and producer of "No. [-] Under Heaven" saw that the sun was too big, so he took the initiative to stop Huang Weiming's crew and let the actors rest.

In a corner where no one was around, Zeng Li's distressed Fang Nan said: "Look at you, you haven't done anything, and you're still sweating from the heat!"

Leaving a kiss on the delicate face in front of him, Fang Nan chuckled and said, "It's not like you don't know how angry I am. I can sweat all over my body in winter."

Zeng Li bashed Fang Nan shyly: "Whatever nonsense you say in broad daylight, let people hear you."

"This is nonsense. It seems that you didn't understand it deeply before. I will work harder tonight."

"I don't know if I will be your guest of honor tonight, the great beauty of Zeng!"

"Deadly, 4018."

Shyly hitting Fang Nan again, Zeng Li restrained her smile, glanced at the cheap Fang Nan, and asked hesitantly, "How are you and Gao Yuanyuan doing now?"

Up until now, Fang Nan was waiting for this question. If Zeng Li didn't ask, Zhao Zhu's phone call would have come.

"Oh" sighed.

Fang Nan said slowly, "Don't mention it, it's so annoying, you also know about the love triangle scandal."

"But what you don't know is that in order to clarify the scandal, I asked them to reconcile, and I went to the bar in the capital with her to explain to Zhang Dong. I remember Su Youpeng and Jia Jingwen that day."

Speaking of this, Fang Nan stopped and took a look at Zeng Li. Seeing her curious baby look, she obviously believed her, so she continued.

"Who knew, Su Youpeng, Jia Jingwen and I were humiliated by Zhang Dong."

"I don't care. Then the deputy director will be ruined, and no one will know him. But what about Su Youpeng and Jia Jingwen who accompanied me? They were scolded for no reason. I was so angry that I went on stage and sang the song " "Once Upon a Time", I tried to make Zhang Dong stop looking down on our actors in the future!"

Speaking of this, Fang Nan stopped again, Zeng Li, who hadn't heard the point at all, became anxious: "Say it."

"Of course I won the lottery later, but Zhang Dong broke up with Gao Yuanyuan in a fit of anger. Then, probably from this meeting, Gao Yuanyuan recognized my talent, and not long after, he treated me poorly. Chase and hit!"

Zeng Li frowned and said, "Then you agreed?"

Fang Nan pretended to be dissatisfied and said, "What are you talking about? If you agree, won't you be in a love triangle? Can I still be a human being? Besides, when the two of us get married later, we won't be able to change our minds."

"What kind of combination, it's so ugly!" Zeng Li, who was still looking for Fang Nan's flaws, blushed all over her face.

Leaning a little, she forced herself to say: "Then is she chasing after him like this now?"

"Will they be chased by others? Keep your own heart. Besides, you have to pay a certain amount of responsibility!" Fang Nan opened his eyes and said nonsense.

"What's the matter with me?"

Zeng Li was dumbfounded, okay, why is it that she is an outsider?

Fang Nan wiped his head with sweat, and pretended to complain: "I said I wouldn't come to Hengdian, but you called me every three days to encourage me to come. This is what I'm afraid of. Look, are you paranoid?"

Zeng Li thought about it, and found that she had hinted to Fang Nan several times that she missed him, so she really couldn't say anything to Fang Nan's complaint, so she said, "Uh, then you can go back now."

"It's already here, let's go tomorrow, besides, I'm thinking about it too." Fang Nan secretly pinched Zeng Li's buttocks with a shy face.

"Beep beep beep"

Zeng Li patted Fang Nan's rough hand away: "Don't make trouble, your phone is ringing."

"Zhao Zhu really knows how to find time."

Taking out his mobile phone, Fang Nan scolded Zhao Zhu openly, pressed the answer button, and said dissatisfiedly, "Why do you call me when you have nothing to do?"

"What? The lens is blurry? Is the film too wet? No? What's the problem? I'll go and have a look. I'll come here once in a while to help you watch this thing. I'm not free!"

After finishing speaking, Fang Nan put down the phone directly, looked at Zeng Li affectionately, and wanted to climb back with both paws.

"Hey, hurry up and invest so much money yourself, why don't you take it seriously? My side will start filming soon."

"I don't really want to go, Gao Yuanyuan is there."

"Then I have to go, and I can avoid her for the rest of my life? Just don't give her a good face, and I won't give her a good face in the future, who is this!"

Fang Nan pursed his lips unwillingly and said, "Oh, annoying, that's fine, then I'll go."

Turning around, Fang Nan just pulled the corner of his mouth, when Liu Qianqian looked straight at him.

Fang Nan was startled: "Hey, why are you walking so silently? When did you come here?"

"The director called to start filming. Let me call Sister Zeng Li." After speaking, Liu Qianqian glanced at Fang Nan curiously: "Why did you laugh so strangely just now?"

"When did I laugh? I still have something to do, so I won't mess with you little girl!"

Fang Nan kicked his legs together and rushed out, leaving Liu Qianqian with a confused face.

She is 18 this year, and she is still a little girl in Fang Nan's eyes!
At the end of the Ming and Qing Pedestrian Street, in a room decorated in a Japanese-style van, Fang Nan and Zhao Zhu met each other.

"Hey, let's rest!"

Fang Nan avoided Gao Yuanyuan's cold gaze, and looked curiously at Director Ye in this group.

Director Ye: "Nan Zai is here, um, I just finished filming a fight scene, and Producer Zhao asked me to rest for a while."

Fang Nan shrugged and said, "Oh, then you guys rest, I haven't been to this place for a long time, let's go out for a walk."

Not long after walking, Fang Nan rushed into an empty house, and Gao Yuanyuan followed as expected.


Pushing Fang Nan away, the limp Gao Yuanyuan complained, "What are you doing, you wiped off the makeup and lip liner you just finished."

Regardless, Fang Nan went upstairs to Gao Yuanyuan's light waist: "Oh, isn't this Xiaobiesheng's newly-married, I want to die."

Gao Yuanyuan sneered and said: "Cut, think I'm easy to deceive, don't you think I didn't see the way Zeng Li looked at you, hey, that's called tenderness like water!"

Fang Nan dilated his pupils and said in shock, "Is it true? Alas, this silly girl is still thinking about all this nonsense. She seems to be two or three years older than us, and she is still entangled with me, a famous girl." What are people doing!"

Gao Yuanyuan was startled: "Is what you said true or false?"

She suspected that Zeng Li had some interest in Fang Nan, or that the two had long had a passion.

But just now it was just a scam, but I didn't expect to cheat a big melon!

But from Fang Nan's tone, it seemed like Zeng Li's wishful thinking!

"It's been so many years. When we were neighbors in 2001, we knew each other. Everywhere I went, I felt that she looked at me a little strangely. After the failure of the hotel confession in "The Unknown Man", I didn't expect her to give up."

Fang Nan said with a distressed expression, whether it was true or false.

Seeing Fang Nan's swear words, Gao Yuanyuan was dumbfounded: "Ah, what else is there?"

"No, don't tell outsiders about this. No matter how good Zeng Li is, she is one of my few friends. It was also thanks to her that she introduced me to the crew of "Yitian". Otherwise, we would not have made it together. Together, she is our old age!"

Gao Yuanyuan said in a disbelieving voice: "I didn't realize that you are so good, Zeng Li is so beautiful and can fall in love with you!"

With malicious "hmph" sounds, Fang Nan held up two hills and pretended to be fierce, "I will let you see my strengths tonight!"

"Tch, I'll lock the door tonight."

The lump in his heart was temporarily untied, Gao Yuanyuan couldn't help but regained his love brain, flirting with Fang Nan.

"Yeah, then I went back to Pujiang overnight. When you say that today, I always feel that Zeng Li is watching me from behind, so I feel uncomfortable."

While putting on airs, Fang Nan pointed out something.

When Fang Nan said this, Gao Yuanyuan was distressed and said, "Why is Zeng Li like this? It's not because she's so beautiful that she can't find a good man."

Fang Nan raised his brows, and said with a serious expression, "Now I know how good and talented you are."

After a mocking "cut", Gao Yuanyuan raised her pretty face and said complacently, "Well, my husband is indeed quite talented!"

The two hugged each other for a while, Wu Gao's call came, seeing that Fang Nan had business to do, Gao Yuanyuan didn't want to keep him, but just stuffed the room card into Fang Nan's pocket.

After leaving Gao Yuanyuan's group, Fang Nan stayed in Huang Weiming's group for a few more minutes, and Wu Gao called again.

Before leaving, Fang Nan said to Zeng Li: "Lizi, Wu Gao and Lao Yang called me for dinner, I may go back later tonight, remember to leave the door for me, no matter how late, I promise to live up to the day." Night, live up to you!"

Zeng Li rolled his eyes at him, took another "spit", and said: "Don't just talk nonsense, drink less!"

Before ten o'clock in the evening, the crew of "No. [-] in the World" finished work, and the room was hidden. Gao Yuanyuan went back to the house without eating.

Two hours devoted themselves to hugging each other and going to sleep, Fang Nan looked at his watch and the time was approaching 24:00, he hurriedly turned on his off cell phone, a series of messages popped up, he didn't dare to reply, just sat and waited for the call.

At 24:20, Zhao Zhu's call came.

"Hey, what, is Ma Dayong gambling again? He even went to Huzhou to gamble, let's see if I don't break his leg this time!"

Gao Yuanyuan was awakened by Fang Nan's scolding, "What happened in the middle of the night?" She asked Fang Nan who was hurriedly putting on his shirt.

"Ma Dayong caused trouble again and was surrounded by people in Huzhou. I have to go there overnight." Fang Nan said.

"Ah, go in the middle of the night?"

Fang Nan nodded and said, "Well, you should go to sleep. After going to Huzhou, I'll probably go back to Pujiang directly. I'll call you again when the film is being promoted."

Gao Yuanyuan sat up worriedly: "Don't fight, send money to give money."

"I know, I know, go to sleep, don't worry, don't call me, I want to drive with peace of mind, the matter is settled, I will send you a message."

The moment his lips kissed Gao Yuanyuan's forehead, Fang Nan felt more guilty.

But with a slight tilt, this hypocrisy was thrown out by him.

The better the girl, the more he will not let go, even in these two relationships, he violated his personal rules and lied a lot.

But he knows that in this world, there are many more scumbags than him.

He is Zha Zha Nan, but there is still Zha Zha Nan, Zha Zha Nan!
When he came back in the afternoon, Fang Nan had already found Zeng Li's room once, and now he walked around in the quiet corridor to the door.

Push the door open.

"Dinner, why did you turn off your phone?" Zeng Li was still asleep.

Fang Nan unbuttoned his shirt that he had just buttoned up less than 2 minutes ago, and said with a smile: "Wu Gaobai, I must be joking with Lao Yang, saying that no one will turn on the phone today, and whoever turns it on will be a coward."

After preventing Zeng Li from turning on the light, Fang Nan stripped himself naked and rushed to the bathroom.

Under the quilt, Zeng Li: "I don't seem to be energetic today."

Fang Nan pursed his lips and said tiredly: "After drinking, just take it easy and talk."

【800 words omitted】

 There is only one chapter today, and I just finished writing this paragraph.

(End of this chapter)

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