literary world

Chapter 150 Actually, I'm Your Brother-in-law

Chapter 150 Actually, I'm Your Brother-in-law
early morning.

Fang Nan, who was no longer alive and well, looked at Zeng Li, who was leaving in all her glory, thinking like this.

That night, his back was sore and his legs were weak.

The catastrophe is over.

And there is something else to gain.

Because of his careful cooperation with Zhao Zhu and Wu Gao, Zeng Li complained to Gao Yuanyuan.

Gao Yuanyuan also had a feeling of disgust towards Zeng Li.

The next two people should not be able to sit together.

Thinking of this, Fang Nan, who hadn't closed his eyes all night and was visibly depressed, became excited. He took out his work cell phone from his bag, and made an international call with a smile on his face.

"Yan Hong, are you comfortable staying in Lao Mei's territory?"

Yan Hong has been in the United States for a while, looking for singers to promote his two songs, and also registered the script of "Gravity" for him.

And purchased the adaptation copyright of the movie "Brewster's Millions".

"The Richest Man in Xihong City" is an adaptation of "Brewster's Millions" in 1985.

The idea of ​​getting rich overnight can even go back years.

But it is undeniable that the idea of ​​getting rich, the movies all come from Hollywood.

Therefore, copyright purchase is an indispensable part.

When Fang Nan first wrote the script, he originally planned to let Cai Yinong, who was in the United States, pay for the copyright, and the copyright eventually belonged to Tangtang Film and Television.

Who would have thought that Cai Yinong would have to go back to the country without saying a word, this meeting would have to be taken over by Yan Hong, and the copyright belonged to him personally.

After chatting for a while, knowing that Yan Hong spent US$20 to purchase the copyright and registered "Gravity" for him, Fang Nan dialed Lu Qing's number again.

Fang Nan put down the phone and fell asleep after telling Lu Qing to bring his team to the crew of "No. [-] in the World" and make two samples to show.

I slept until mid-afternoon, and saw the sun setting outside.

Fang Nan didn't dare to neglect, took a hasty shower, and opened the door quietly.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she went out, she was bumped into by Liu Qianqian who came out from the next room, wearing a ponytail, a white suspenders, and flip-flops.

"Hiss, why are you in the hotel?" Fang Nan was stunned.

This little girl was almost his nemesis, she found her squatting in a corner, and she found her again when she came out of Zeng Li's room.

Is he being positioned or something?

The most important thing is that he has completely exposed his secrets at once, and he has been busy all night running around in vain.

Liu Qianqian is not her own person like Zhao Zhu!

He had known this little girl a few years ago and had worked with her several times, so he knew that Liu Qianqian was a little girl with dual personalities.

For those who are not familiar with her, this girl is always holding a book, a demure little beauty in the eyes of outsiders.

Familiar people, this girl is a crazy little beauty when she makes a fuss, if she can't guarantee that one day she will go crazy talking, and then sell him.

What made Fang Nan even more anxious was that Liu Qianqian was too good to her mother, saying whatever she wanted, whatever she wanted to say.

And he and Liu Xiaoli had a rift for a long time.


Taking a deep breath, Fang Nan's eyes on Liu Qianqian became uncertain.

It's a bit too much to do that first and then that, but it's not enough.

But he had to find a way to shut up Liu Qianqian, especially her mother.

Fang Nan was thinking about how to buy it.

Seeing Fang Nan coming out of Zeng Li's room, Liu Qianqian, who realized something, became gossipy, "You and Sister Zeng Li"

Liu Qianqian's name was Sister Zeng Li, and Fang Nan's eyes couldn't help but brighten up. While his gaze was so soft, "Yes, it's what you think, in fact, I'm your brother-in-law", he reached out and tried to pat Liu Qianqian's head to show his closeness!
While Liu Qianqian reached out to block Fang Nan's rough hand, she spat, "Bah, who is your sister-in-law!"

She called Zeng Li her elder sister because the same film crew had a chance to talk, and Fang Nan wanted to take advantage of her in this way, but there was no way for her.

The little girl refused to eat this set, Fang Nan couldn't help being anxious.

People passed by in the hotel corridor from time to time, and the two of them kept arguing about it.

"No, it's not, don't tell others that today's matter will be done, especially your mother!"

When he said this, he looked left and right, and even glanced at the door behind Liu Qianqian, for fear that Liu Xiaoli would appear out of nowhere like a daughter.

Seeing that Fang Nan was out of her wits, Liu Qianqian, who felt that she had caught something, couldn't help but pouted, and said in a small voice, "It's okay if you don't say anything, then you have to promise me something!"

"What's the matter? Tell me quickly." Fang Nan urged.

Liu Qianqian grinned and said, "The last time you analyzed the domestic film and television market on the phone, the analysis was too rough. Please explain it to me in detail!"

"Here? Of course not!" Fang Nan kept shaking his head.

"Then let's go outside, anyway, I'm going outside."

Fang Nan said helplessly, "Okay, okay, let's go, it just so happens that I have to leave quickly."

The two left the hotel one after the other and got into the car. Fang Nan first found the computer room that Zhao Zhu said and carried Ma Dayong out.

Seeing Fang Nan, Ma Dayong kept moaning and sighing, making Fang Nan puzzled.

After asking several times, Ma Dayong avoided Liu Qianqian and put Fang Nan's ears on: "Marriage is a man's tomb, women are a man's fetters, and brothers are the true love!"

"Ma Dayong, you bastard, did you watch the funeral of the love family all night! This is all a mess!"

After scolding Ma Dayong, Fang Nan sent Liu Qianqian to the library first. She was originally going out to buy books.

When getting out of the car, Liu Qianqian asked Fang Nan and the two of them, "Don't you usually read?"

Ma Dayong's head was shaking like a rattle in a child's hand, but he was just a rough guy who had nothing to do with books.

Liu Qianqian looked at Fang Nan again.

"Let's go, I'll accompany you to buy some books."

Fang Nan also reads books. If he didn't hold books, he wouldn't be able to be an executive director in his previous life.

It's just that he reads the books he uses, learns English, and reads English tutoring materials.

I want to hold a camera, and read books about lens language and camera movement.

He wanted to be a director and learned to draw storyboards, so he read books about sketching.

His education is not high, but he has read a lot of books, but it may be relatively simple.

As Liu Qianqian, who had made a disguise, entered the library, the two parted ways.

Next, Liu Qianqian was holding a copy of "Five People Met in Heaven", while Fang Nan and Ma Dayong carried a bunch of books on directing, photography, and lyrics.

Liu Qianqian supported her forehead and said speechlessly, "You've finished watching."

Fang Nan rolled his eyes: "Learn from each other's strengths to make up for our weaknesses, don't you understand? A lot of this is just talk on paper, so I can only provide me with ideas."

Among this pile of books, what he really wanted to read were music books. After writing so many songs, he needed to strengthen his knowledge in this area.

As for camera language, he already has his own set of behavioral standards, and it's not easy to change.

Finding a corner to sit down, Ma Dayong fell asleep with the air conditioner on, while Fang Nan and the two chatted from time to time while reading a book.

However, contrary to the past, the conversation between the two was mostly for Liu Qianqian to ask questions, and Fang Nan answered based on the current situation.

Sometimes he will also reveal some advanced ideas a little bit.

For example, how huge the domestic film and television market will be in the future.

Of course, all of this is his personal opinion based on the current film and television development.

But through the little eyes Liu Qianqian looked at him, Fang Nan learned that he was a blind BB who aimed at the two-person industry, so he was quite knowledgeable.

"Invitation song?"

When the time came, Fang Nan frowned and said to Liu Qianqian who was looking forward to singing, "I have a song that no one has sung, so I don't know if you would like to sing it?"

"What's the name of the song?"


(End of this chapter)

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