literary world

Chapter 151 New Company

Chapter 151 New Company

Liu Qianqian was interested in "Calorie", so Fang Nan and Ma Dayong stayed in Hengdian for a few more days.

He originally did not plan to add the group song "Calorie", which he created 101, to "The Richest Man in Xihong City".

I thought about using a yordle tune "Inflation" as an interlude to finish the work.

Who would have thought that Liu Qianqian would pay attention to the domestic market in a few words.

Even sing aloud.

Fang Nan thought about it, adding Liu Qianqian's "Calorie" to the movie would be a selling point, and the matter is not complicated. It would be great if it could add some box office.

After all, Liu Qianqian is the hottest new-generation actor in China right now.

So he also took the opportunity to agree.

Instructing Liu Qianqian to record a good song and send it to Tangtang Film and Television as quickly as possible, Fang Nan and Ma Dayong rushed to the company.

Before he left, Tang Tang Film and Television was already moving, and the new company's address was on Jindu Road, Xinzhuang, Minhang, near Hongqiao Airport.

Fang Nan visited once, and the new company looked like a big warehouse, so he was not impressed.

It's nothing more than empty space, a large space, and you can run rampant when you walk.

But the scenery on both sides of the road in front of the company impressed him deeply, and the beautiful and long white legs dazzled people.

Driving Ma Dayong to Wukang Road in the afternoon, the yard became much quieter, so Fang Nan went out of the room with the cat's litter in his hands after packing up his things.

It is impossible to say that there is no trace of nostalgia for this place.

After all, I spent two Spring Festivals here.

He put it in front of the door and sighed, Han Zhizhi, who lived in the same company as him, came diagonally across: "Director Fang, you are also going to the new company? Can you give me a ride?"

"Do you have a lot of things?" Fang Nan asked her.

Like Zeng Li, Han Zhizhi was also his former neighbor.

It's just that Fang Nan didn't like her earlier using human means.

But she is also an artist under Tang Tang's company, and now she is helping him earn money, so it is not right to reject her as before.

What's more, Han Zhizhi's request was not too much, and she didn't take off her clothes as soon as she came up like last time.

Han Zhizhi smiled and said, "Not many, only a few stuffed dolls sent by fans."

Fang Nan nodded and said, "Then you should sit down, pack up and get in my car."

Over the past few years, Han Zhizhi, who often plays supporting actresses in company dramas because of her good looks, talking, and blogging, has also gained fans.

She doesn't have as many fans as Hu Ge, but it's not just one or two. The company has indeed received letters and toys from her fans.

Fang Nan knew this.

Hehe let Ma Dayong, who had nothing else, take the tall doll bear in Han Zhizhi's hand, and Fang Nan and the three went straight to the Santana 3000 parked on Wukang Road.

"Brother Nan, look at your travels and dust, did you just come back from Zhejiang Province?"

In the car heading for Jindu Road, Han Zhizhi in the passenger seat asked curiously.

Fang Nan, who was steering the steering wheel, was about to say "I came back from Huzhou".

Ma Dayong in the back seat had already slapped his face flatteringly: "Yeah, if I knew Zhizhi that you would come back from Hengdian to move, I would have asked Brother Nan to give you a ride."

"No, Brother Dayong, didn't the production crew spread the rumor that you were in Huzhou two days ago. So you were blocked?"

Speaking of this, Han Zhizhi couldn't help but look shy.

"No. [-] in the World" is the TV series with the largest investment since the establishment of Tangtang Film and Television. Han Zhizhi heard that the investment is tens of millions.

For such a big drama, how could Cai Yinong not put his own artists in it.

So Hu Ge, Yuan Hong, Liu Sishi, including her Han Zhizhi, all the artists in the company participated.

Yuan Hong plays the emperor in the play, and she and Liu Sishi play the role of the princess, but there are not as many roles as Liu Qianqian's princess.

Since she was on the set, how could she not know that Fang Nan went to Hengdian.

How could he be unaware of the fact that Ma Dayong was stopped in Huzhou for gambling and Fang Nan went to rescue him.

But today, it seems that something is not right, Ma Dayong did not say anything.

From his tone, he and Fang Nan seemed to have just returned from Hengdian.

But in the past few days, she obviously didn't see the two of them appearing on the set.

"Uh, gambling, ah, haha."

Almost showing his feet, in the rearview mirror, Fang Nan's eyes seemed to be killing people again, Ma Dayong hurriedly hummed in embarrassment!

Han Zhizhi was at a loss, but more or less knew that there was an unspeakable secret here.

It probably also involves the big shot in the company, the director - Fang Nan.

So she kept an eye out and didn't ask any more questions.

Meilong Jindu Road Science and Technology Industrial Park is very famous, but there are not many companies settled in it. The newly moved Tangtang Film and Television is considered a major taxpayer.

When the three of Fang Nan arrived, they were even warmly welcomed by the town leaders.

Glancing at Han Zhizhi who had removed the ribbon from his body, Fang Nan shook hands with the leader, then looked at Cai Yinong in surprise.

"It's a coincidence that you came here, we are being inspected by the leader." Cai Yinong solved Fang Nan's doubts with one word.

Fang Nan was speechless, so he had to hang behind the large army and follow.

The benefits of this wandering are not without it, as I have a rough idea of ​​the directions of the various departments of the company.

The layout of the new company Tang Tang Film and Television is in the shape of [concave]. When you enter the company's gate, the first thing you see is the LOGO wall at the front desk. On the wall, Tang Tang Film and Television is written in big characters.

Divided into two sides, there are storage room, prop room, clothing room, shooting equipment room, dressing room, modeling room, audition room, and actor rest rooms with smaller spaces.

On the other side are the external publicity department, finance department, artist management department, marketing department, creative planning department [screenwriter's room], TV drama production department, film production department, and administrative management department.

At the end of the two roads, the side facing the gate is the conference room, president's office, general manager's office, artist manager's office, director Li Guoli's office, and director Fang Nan's office.

After that, the large blank space in the middle, where the white desks have been placed, is the office space for ordinary employees.

At this meeting, many staff members are already busy.

Hanging outside the crowd, Fang Nan walked through the offices, and couldn't help smiling: "Hey, it looks a bit like, the place is empty, but the momentum is coming out."

After walking around with the leader and seeing him off, Fang Nan was free to drive to the community behind the new company.

Where he lived, he estimated that he would not live long.

When filming "The Richest Man in Xihong City", he promised Tan Palace's real estate agent that after the filming, he would buy a villa in Tan Palace.

He did what he said, as soon as the movie ended, he applied for a bank loan, and the house would be available after a while.

The style of the new villa is not the same as that of the courtyard house in the capital. It belongs to the European style, and he hasn't looked at it in detail yet.

There are only a few villas left in Sandalwood Palace, and it makes no difference whether you look at it or not.

And this time, he bought it quietly without telling anyone.

After all, as the old saying goes, "the cunning rabbit has three caves", it is fine for the first cave to be known by Gao Yuanyuan, and it is wrong to expose the second cave!
(End of this chapter)

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