literary world

Chapter 152 The Propaganda War Begins

Chapter 152 The Propaganda War Begins

Beijing, July, a certain restaurant.

Fang Nan shook hands with Mr. Xu, Sun Honglei, and Zhang Jingchu and sat down.

What are you talking about, I didn't say anything when I first came up!
After all, Fang Nan and Mr. Xu met for the first time, and the distribution companies behind both parties arranged to sit together in order to promote each other's films.

But compared to Fang Nan's personal director resume, there is nothing to talk about.

Old Freak Xu's resume is too thick, and there are too many things worth mentioning.

Fang Nan did not dare to say that he was familiar with everything.

But he can tell the general plots of many films directed by Mr. Xu such as "Shushan", "The Legend of Shushan", "Huang Feihong", "Black Man", "Swordsman", "Swordsman", "Green Snake" and so on. .

Therefore, Fang Nan spoke first.

"Director Xu, let's join hands to deal with foreigners this time."

Before he finished speaking, Old Freak Xu interrupted with a smile, "Director Fang, I'm also a foreigner!"

"Ah?" Fang Nan was taken aback, and then remembered that Mr. Xu was from Vietnam, and his family moved to Xiangjiang when he was young, and he studied in America.

"Sorry, I mean foreigners, but Hollywood movies, not just individuals."

As soon as Fang Nan finished speaking, he looked at Old Freak Xu who was smiling.

If Old Freak Xu talks to him again, he will have to talk to this person.

You, Old Freak Xu, live in Xiangjiang and become famous in Xiangjiang. Not to mention how much affection you have for the whole Xiangjiang, at least you have to regret the decline of Xiangjiang movies!
Why did Xiangjiang film decline, and why did a bunch of filmmakers come to the mainland?

It's not because Hollywood has seized the global film market, especially the Southeast Asian film market.

As a result, your films of Old Freak Xu and Xiangjiang Films have been in a slump?
Steven Spielberg's dinosaurs beat you all over again.

The truck driver James Cameron’s big boat crushed you again. If you are not angry or jealous, Mr. Xu, even I, Fang Nan, look down on you!
Of course, Xiangjiang filmmakers stick to the rules and don't think about making progress. There is also a gap in the film industry that has caused Hollywood films to wreak havoc on the domestic film market.

But we can't be cowardly, we can't be beaten up, we have to fight against those Hollywood people.

What's more, our two families are still fighting locally this time!
"It's okay, you continue."

Old Freak Xu didn't mind Fang Nan calling him a foreigner, but with a smile, he raised his legs, took out the cigar box, took out one from it and handed it to the other party, and then to Sun Honglei.

He was still quite interested in Fang Nan.

According to Wu Jing, this young man, Wia, is good at playing, and he knows the fist moves as well as Li Lianlian. Such a young man is rare.

Worthy of attention.

After taking the cigar handed by Old Freak Xu, Fang Nan said again: "I mean, apart from today's posing, after the movie is released, we two will go to the theater to watch each other's movie, and praise each other vigorously in front of the media." Praise each other, don't be embarrassed."

The publicity before the film's release is actually that.

Either blow it up, or turn it into black, but it's right to hype it up.

As long as it can attract the audience into the movie theater, it is considered a success.

Of course, he is not bragging without a bottom line, forcibly blowing up the most bad movies in the hearts of most audiences into masterpieces, that is humiliating himself, and it is also overdrawing his personal credit.

The blowing standard is at least qualified.

His "The Richest Man in Xihong City" and Mr. Xu's "Seven Swords" should be regarded as passing movies.

Old Monster Xu nodded with a chuckle: "That's no problem, but I have to trouble you to watch "Seven Swords" on the 29th first."

"Sure, sure, let's make an agreement." Fang Nan replied with a smile.

After negotiating and holding each other, and after taking pictures, the four chatted and began to move their chopsticks.

During the period, Fang Nan and Old Freak Xu were mainly chatting about movies there.

The future Yan Wang Sun Honglei is only responsible for toasting and drinking, he is not capable of participating in the conversation between the two of them.

Zhang Jingchu made jokes from time to time.

But this woman's reputation is too bad, Fang Nan deliberately avoids it.

He didn't even understand why the publisher of "Seven Swords" arranged for Zhang Jingchu.

Not to mention that "Xihong City" didn't have any scandals, "Seven Swords" first got him and Zhang Jingchu together.

According to legend, this woman is good at being a director.

And he is an out-and-out cutting-edge director,
After having a pleasant meal with Mr. Xu, the next day, "Seven Swords" and "The Richest Man in Xihong City" started their publicity.

On the first day of publicity, the two publicists conveniently put this dinner party on the headlines of the Internet.

The promotional titles of the movie "Seven Swords" are mostly "Xiangjiang Great Director Tsui Hark Meets New Mainland Director Fang Nan" and "Tsui Hark Learns from the Classics and Director Fang Nan Discusses the Importance of Online Propaganda".

"Secret Dinner with Tsui Hark, Fang Nan, Sun Honglei and Zhang Jingchu".

However, under Fang Nan's intervention, the publisher of "The Richest Man in Xihong City" compiled the UC title party ahead of time.

"Scary: Fang Nan's idol turned out to be him."

"Shock: Fang Nan and Tsui Hark Sit and Talk"

"Rare: Fang Nan and Tsui Hark talk happily while drinking, and they are actually chatting"

Although the two publishers have blown the cowhide to the sky, the effect is also leveraged.

The attention of many netizens almost crushed Fang Nan's blog.

Zha Lang saw the needle, and immediately posted a title titled "Shocking 13 Billion People, Blog User Breakthrough."

Fang Nan was startled, there is an expert behind Zha Lang.

Take his lurid headline-party ethic by leaps and bounds.

However, Fang Nan didn't have time to take care of it. As soon as the blog system maintenance was over, he hurriedly advertised for "The Richest Man in Xihong City".

Needless to say, netizens who like to browse his blog are really interested in his new movie.

Some netizens who have watched "The Unknown" even helped Amway give it to their friends.

Fang Nan was startled. Could this be the legendary personal tap water?
In fact, he had expected that there would be a scene of personal tap water in the near future.

After all, what he does online is quite friendly.

Basically, when netizens ask, he will say everything he can say implicitly.

Questions such as how to film a movie, how to hang on to Wia, how to be a good group performer without being scolded, etc., when he has free time, he also wrote long articles to explain to netizens.

What Fang Nan didn't expect was that this day would come so soon.

He himself originally thought that he would have to accumulate four or five films with good reputations in order to form his personal tap water.

I never thought that my second novel would receive such preferential treatment.

You must know that because of his popular face, most of the people who follow his blog are straight men of steel. It is too difficult to expect straight men of steel to help promote the movie.

But it's also because most of his fans are straight men of steel.

Not many people go to pick up his private life, let him live every day with gusto.

"Oh my god, I'm so excited."

As a result of Fang Nan's excitement, Baba uploaded a video.

Propaganda, you have to strike while the iron is hot.

"Bye bye donut bubble tea instant noodles. Calories calorie burn my natural enemy!"

As soon as Liu Qianqian's "Calorie" was uploaded, Fang Nan was thinking about the lack of dancing and taste, and the straight men on the blog started clamoring.

All kinds of problems come one after another!

"I'm rough, Anan, your song is so fucking penetrating, especially the last line."

"Is it Liu Qianqian who is singing?"

"Liu Qianqian can sing?"

"Brother Nan, is this the theme song of the movie?"

While the straight men were clamoring, this video even attracted many Liu Qianqian fans. For a while, a sharp "burn my calories" sounded on many computer screens across the country

 Going home on vacation, having dinner with my family, I guess there is only one chapter today, and the day after tomorrow will be a holiday, so I guarantee a minimum of 3 chapters every day!
(End of this chapter)

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