literary world

Chapter 154 Dispute

Chapter 154 Dispute
The situation is not big, less than 300 people.

When Fang Nan found the release licensing office, there were only four people there.

He came here with anger, resentment.

But his mind is still clear, and he hasn't yelled since the sentry box came in.

Facing the clerk's "You are Fang Nan", he nodded calmly.

But after the other party finished explaining the reason, Fang Nan became angry.

What is promoting wealth?

What is it that is easy to distort the values ​​​​of young people?

Since you are afraid that I will spoil the children, why don't you draw a frame and let me know that this thing can't be done and that thing can't be done?
Wouldn't I have made these mistakes?
It's not out of the box
Fang Nan's words shocked the little clerk Wai Jiao Linen who was listening to his defense, this is going to die, he is going to follow Jiang Wen's footsteps, and it will take 5 years, how about a brother?
The other three staff members in the office all turned their heads and stared at Fang Nan dumbfounded.

They have always been afraid of the guys from the fifth and sixth generations. This group of people has no scruples, and they take their works abroad for exhibitions without warning, which often makes them burnt out.

But now there is another fear.

A person who really dared to run here and stare at their desks with angry eyes.

This kind of person looks so dazed!

Has there ever been a director who came here with resentment?

There are many veteran directors, great directors and producers who have been here.

But everyone said that they just let the film be cut as little as possible through whispering complaints and gags, or they didn't cut it, just prevaricating to let the film be released.

How could anyone dare to slap the table and make such a big commotion.

"Fang Nan, don't be too excited. The film just has some flaws, it doesn't mean it can't be released."

Just as the staff in charge of "The Richest Man in Xihong City" and other film matters said this, the office was pushed away, and a thin old man with long eyebrows came in.

This person is estimated to be more than ten or twenty years older than he was in his previous life.

Fang Nan also knew him, he often appeared at cultural seminars, and he was a deputy in the bureau.

The clerk stepped forward and whispered a few words, and the old man said to Fang Nan without doubt: "What does it look like, come to my office and tell me if you have anything to do."

After the sound of "Oh", Fang Nan pretended to be wronged and buried his head to follow.

Fang Nan looked like an aggrieved child, looking at the fourth office staff's teeth itching, but there was nothing to say, Fang Nan's age was indeed much younger than them.

Compared with them, people in their 20s are just children.

The old man's office is not luxurious, there is even an old-fashioned wooden tea cabinet and a four-seater cotton sofa.

After Fang Nan sat down on the cotton sofa, the old man also sat down at his desk, "How old is this year?" He asked Fang Nan.

"26 years old." Fang Nan lost the high spirits just now, and said honestly.

"No wonder you're so angry!" The old man chuckled, glanced at Fang Nan and said, "You've become a great director, how many times have you been back to your hometown in Yangzhou?"

Fang Nan was taken aback, and then said, "I went back once in 01, and these few years are just sending some money back at the end of the year."

As soon as the old man appeared, Fang Nan had guessed that this was the old man who made "The Unknown Man" pass the trial.

But he didn't expect that the old man seemed to be inextricably linked with Yangzhou.

"Then tell me." After listening to Fang Nan's talk about remittances to his hometown at the end of each year, the old man couldn't see any joy or anger, so he changed the subject abruptly.

"What are you talking about? Anyway, I just don't accept it. I just like making movies. I don't want to add anything to the movies. I just want to entertain the audience. If that doesn't work, then what am I going to make?" Fang Nan asked aggrievedly. up.

"Can't think about it, it means that your spiritual level is not high enough. There are so many scenes of money in your movie, what is it if it is not to promote wealth?"

"Don't say I don't want to promote wealth, even if I want to."

Speaking of this, Fang Nan glanced at the old man, bit the bullet, and boldly said: "Then what do you think of the song "Gong Xi Fa Cai" in this year's Spring Festival Gala?"

In the 05 Spring Festival Gala, Mr. Liu Dehua of Xiangjiang sang "Congratulations on getting rich, congratulations on being wonderful" in front of audiences all over the country!
What do you say?
Wanting to get rich overnight is obviously something that everyone in the world is passionate about. Why do I have to worry about the scenes in my movie!
Aiming at the Spring Festival Gala across the country, you can sing and make a fortune, but even if there are a few banknote scenes in my movie?

Fang Nanjian's slanted words made the old man behind the desk stagnate, and he didn't answer for a long time.

After recovering, the old man said in a flat tone: "You have the ability, you can sing at the Spring Festival Gala this year, I want to see what you can sing!"

"I don't care about going to the Spring Festival Gala, I just want my movie to be released?" Fang Nan insisted.

He is not keen on going from behind the scenes to the front of the scene, and he has no interest in Spring Festival Gala or something.

What's more important is that in order not to make mistakes, the Spring Festival Gala always sang with the microphone closed, which violated personal rules.

Fang Nan showed disdain for the Spring Festival Gala, the old man finally got a little angry, slapped the table and said, "Go back and do your movie promotion. From now on, be a diligent person and use movies to promote the national culture."

Hearing this, Fang Nan immediately got up with a smile on his face, "Oh, yes, yes, I understand."

Only when he gently opened the door and closed it again did the childish air in his body dissipate slowly.

"Oh my god, acting is really tiring, especially in front of big shots. Fortunately, this test has finally passed."

Huaxia, after all, is a society of personal relationships. Even in the situation of managing their group of people, as long as they have a good grasp of the situation, they can get some bargains.

Otherwise, there would be no such and such being valued by the higher authorities.

Walking down the stairs briskly, Fang Nan ran into an acquaintance head-on, he didn't know if Chen Kaige knew him, anyway, after the two looked at each other, he stretched out his right hand out of embarrassment.

Clasping both hands together, Chen Kaige asked curiously, "Are you Fang Nan?"

"Hi Director Chen, I'm Fang Nan." Fang Nan nodded with a smile.

Separated his hands, Chen Kaige frowned and said, "Is your method of hype too low?"

Fang Nan was dumbfounded, is this guy a kid?

Do you want to learn from his jokes just now?
How can someone speak so hard when they come up.

Most importantly, when did he use his real name to report to hype?

He's not that mean.

Mr. Chen Kaige led the bad words, and Fang Nan was not used to him, so the corner of his mouth got involved: "Director Chen, can you pay attention to the ecological protection of scenic spots?"

After questioning with a sneer, Fang Nan withdrew his smile and said mockingly: "As the old saying goes: the predecessors planted trees and the descendants enjoy the shade! Our generation destroys the trees planted by the previous generation and doesn't want to plant them. What about our next generation?
"I don't care. I'm a bachelor. You have a child. You have to think about your child."

Putting down the last harsh words, Fang Nan swaggered past the liver-colored Chen Kaige.

He didn't talk speculatively, and he didn't think about making friends with this person.

Being a person and doing things is obviously not the same way!
(End of this chapter)

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