literary world

Chapter 155 Shocked: Anan turned out to be the protagonist

Chapter 155 Shocked: Anan turned out to be the protagonist
"Beep beep, beep beep"

"Hi, I'm Fang Nan."

"Uh, Lin Hao." Fang Nan pulled out the sore right arm under Gao Yuanyuan's body.

"Waiting for your call for half a year, why are you calling now, the money is all together?"

"Success, send me the bank account, and it will arrive tomorrow night at the latest."

Shaking his right arm, Fang Nan said "hmm" twice and said, "The contract is sent to Tangtang Film and Television Co., Ltd., No. 536, University Student Industrial Park, Jindu Road, Minhang, Pujiang City."

Throwing away the phone, Fang Nan couldn't help feeling that the filming of "Crazy Stone", which he had been waiting for for half a year, was finally about to start, and this chubby Lin Hao was about to make it through.

Besides Fang Nan, there will be another successful director in China.

"Who, you called before dawn." On the bed, Gao Yuanyuan stretched her waist and yawned curiously.

"The Richest Man in Xihong City" started a national publicity mode, and she only lived in Fangnan's No. 28 courtyard last night.

Fang Nan wiped the corner of his eyes: "Lin Hao, do you know him?"

Gao Yuanyuan turned over, faced Fang Nan, grabbed Fang Nan's right arm again and hugged him in his arms, before he lazily said, "I know him, I've seen his "Green Grassland"."

"That's fine, don't hold it, I'll go out to practice." Fang Nan struggled to free his right arm.

Gao Yuanyuan faced up, pressed Fang Nan's arm with his whole upper body, and said softly, "I won't let you go!"

Fang Nan chuckled and said "Look at the move" The veins on his right arm bulged, pulling Gao Yuanyuan's entire upper body off the bed, unexpectedly Gao Yuanyuan took advantage of the momentum and climbed onto Fang Nan's back like an octopus.

"Hurry up and get down." Fang Nan patted his buttocks angrily.

Gao Yuan, who hugged Fang Nan's neck tightly, said happily, "No, unless you sing a song to coax me down."

Fang Nan felt speechless, and sang some bad songs early in the morning.

Helpless, Gao Yuanyuan had no choice but to get out of bed carrying the octopus-like Gao Yuanyuan on his back.

He is about the same age as Gao Yuanyuan, and after being together for a long time, he gets tired of doing it, so he fights like many couples.

And he and Zeng Li have been together for a long time, and they are tired of doing it.

One of them is making tea, and the other is writing scripts. They are ambiguous, and at most they will come forward to have a small talk, but there is nothing noisy about it.

Zeng Li was three years older than him, at 29, more intellectual beauty of women, less naughty and innocent girls!

Carrying the octopus to the Sanjin yard, Fang Nan stopped in front of the wooden dummy that had been propped up not long ago, "Don't blame me if you get elbowed later."

Having tasted Fang Nan's strength, Gao Yuanyuan grinned in pain and pouted, "Then I'll go down, and you give me your slippers."

Fang Nan had no choice but to take off his shoes and stand barefoot on the open space, and then, under the gaze of Gao Yuanyuan, who was holding his chin, he said "bang bang bang bang" to the wooden dummy.

The wooden dummy is not suitable for practicing dog boxing, but the hardness of the arms, elbows, knees and other parts is very effective.

Around the wooden dummy, he punched a set of southern style Hong Fist. Fang Nan finished work panting heavily. Gao Yuanyuan said with admiration, "Husband, next time we make a Kung Fu movie, you will be the protagonist!"

Fang Nan laughed and said, "Pull it down, I never thought about it."

The audience of pure kung fu movies is too low. If you learn from Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige, and Feng Dapao to make "Golden Armor", "The Promise" and "Night Banquet", the payback is too slow, and the gains outweigh the losses!

It's better to spend a few more low-cost comedies to make money and lay the foundation.

After punching, the two of them lost their sleepiness. After washing up, they went out to have breakfast and acted separately. They didn't leave the same place until two or three o'clock in the afternoon - Haidian UME Huaxing Cinema.

The only UME cinema in Beijing was chosen to hold the first publicity of "The Richest Man in Xihong City". The idea is that it is cheap, and the venue is almost free.

This cinema has only been built for more than two years, and it is not well-known.

Only when James Cameron's "Avatar" lands in China, the audience will find out, "Wow", going to UME to watch "Avatar" is awesome.

Why awesome, because they have the first IMAX screen in the country!

But now, this studio that sells high-priced movie tickets with VIP rooms and VIP rooms has to open the venue for "The Richest Man in Xihong" for free in order to get the broadcasting rights from Bona and Guangguang.

Taking a taxi all the way to Haidian, Fang Nan was afraid that there would be too many people in the studio, so he wanted the driver to park the car at the opposite Shuang'an shopping mall.

When I went to the place and looked around, I was so stupid. There were so many heads on the side of the road that I couldn't get my feet in, let alone stop the car.

"The shopping mall is promoting sales?" Fang Nan, who was forced to get out of the car in the middle of the main road, was full of doubts.

Rubbing shoulders and squeezing a few steps towards the film studio, he realized that so many people at the scene were all thinking of attending the premiere of "The Richest Man in Xihong".

"I didn't expect the combination of Huang Xiaoming and Gao Yuanyuan to attract so many people. These two people really found the right one."

Fang Nan was sweating profusely as he squeezed it in, while the corners of his mouth were cracked and he was laughing happily.

As for whether so many viewers came here for Gao Yuanyuan and Huang Xiaoming, what's the point?
It's not like he came to see Shen Teng, who is not well-known.

"Squeeze Nima, you squeeze, squeeze to the front and get in?"

"Damn, you are here to support my movie, I won't argue with you!"

Staring fiercely at the crooked young man in glasses, Fang Nan bit the bullet and continued to move forward.

He had to go in quickly and arrange for the staff to clear a path so that the later actors could come in.

Fang Nan's way of domineering, it was convenient for those who followed him all the way.

The young man with his glasses crooked laughed even more, hanging on Fang Nan's heels and never leaving him.

Tiptoeing over the top of his head, he finally saw the security guard at the entrance of the studio. While the young man in glasses was relieved, he couldn't help feeling that it's not easy to be a movie fan. This kind of scene is not for human beings.

In summer, with so many people crowded together, it is hot and smelly, and most people can't stand it.

"If Anan is both offline and online, I won't be able to be his fan in the future. What a shame!"

The young man with glasses muttered and straightened his glasses.

In reality, Wang Haibing is a student in a certain university on the street of Haidian University.

On the Internet, he is one of the millions of people who follow Fang Nan's blog.

The reason why he came here to suffer because he didn't go home during the summer vacation was very strange. Fang Nan checked his cards through the blog, left him a message, answered his questions, and then he came here as soon as his brain got hot.

At this moment, many people on the scene came for such a weird reason.

They are not for Huang Xiaoming.

Nor is it for the goddess Gao Yuanyuan.

It was purely seduced by Fang Nan.

In today's unorganized gathering, the real protagonist was Fang Nan who was kept in the dark, or many people at the scene were kept in the dark.

No one could have imagined that what Fang Nan did on the Internet would attract a large number of straight steel men to the movie promotion site.

At the gate of the studio, Fang Nan, who finally touched the corner of the security jacket, said loudly, "Open the door and let people in! It's so hot outside, what if someone suffers from heat stroke!"

A man with a tanned face educated himself, and the annoyed security guard couldn't help but sneered and said, "Who the hell are you? I'll let you in. Wait, it's not up yet."

Fang Nan's tone faltered. It was indeed his responsibility to keep the security guards from letting him go, so he couldn't say much.

But all the way through, Fang Nan knew that the situation was serious, because even a strong man like him was exhausted and his head was foggy.

Therefore, he didn't care about his identity being exposed, so he yelled:
"I'm Fang Nan, Fang Nan, the director of "The Richest Man in Xihong City", hurry up and contact your manager, or the film promotion manager Zhang Yan, if you don't go, something will happen to fans, and I will definitely let the manager fire you !"


Before the security could react, the people around Fang Nan blew up the pot first, looking at Fang Nan frequently, and some people with good spirits even jumped three feet high and shouted: "Where is that hair loss, Anan? Let me see what it looks like! I just came to see him!"


Fang Nan, who had a series of question marks in his head, turned his head, the scene was instantly quiet, and a group of people stared at him.

"Look at mine?" Fang Nan pointed to himself.

Everyone at the scene said in unison: "Yes!"

Fang Nan expressed shock, he didn't know that he was the protagonist of today's publicity event!

(End of this chapter)

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