literary world

Chapter 156 The director's heart, the protagonist's life

Chapter 156 The director's heart, the protagonist's life

After Fang Nan revealed that he detonated the scene, some fans confirmed that he was the real Fang Nan through the few video memories.

Just now, Fang Nan's security guard couldn't sit still when he cursed arrogantly, and hurriedly picked up the walkie-talkie and yelled.

Lean slightly.

Ai Ai, the security guard who received the order, said: "Well, Director Fang, our manager only said to let you in alone, and the venue above has not been set up yet."

"Fart, put it all in, see how hot people outside are?"

At this juncture, the security guard was still struggling with the manager's order, and Fang Nan, who was sweating profusely, couldn't take it anymore, rolled up his shirt sleeves furiously, and cursed in dissatisfaction.

Seeing Fang Nan like this, all the people around him jumped up and responded with all kinds of obscenities.

"Grass mud horse, you don't hurt your back when you stand and talk, come out and stand for a while!"

"That's right, you little security guard Fang Dao has already talked, you're afraid of a fart!"

"Anan, I support you to go in and fuck him first!"

"I'll be a dog when I come to your studio to watch movies from now on!"

"Paralysis, call your manager!"

Many of them wanted to come here to see what Fang Nan looked like in private because they were so close to the film conference and panicked.

I never thought that I would meet so many like-minded people, and I was so angry that I was wronged by this.

Now when they saw Fang Nan helping them out, they all yelled and scolded with puffed cheeks.

Everyone was so angry that the security guard inside shrank his head in fright, and opened the door lock tremblingly.

The door opened, and Fang Nan turned around and shouted: "Listen to me, everyone. Let's line up and go in one by one. We will rest on the first floor for now. Please help us not to mess up. After the meeting, I will invite everyone to have a drink." .”

"Damn, Anan, is it true or not? Treat everyone to a drink?"

Facing the questioning crowd, Fang Nan nodded frequently with a smile: "Really, really, please invite everyone to have a drink. The Shuang'an Shopping Center is just across the street. Don't be afraid that I will make excuses and not be able to buy it."

"Don't make noise, they're all fucking in line, go in early to cool off"

"Line in line, line up, and drink Fang Dao's drink later"

As the college students with organizational experience left the field, three formations were quickly formed. Fang Nan waved his hand, and the crowd filed in one after another.

And Fang Nan himself stood by the door, maintaining the formation for people to watch, and at the same time took the time to greet each other, as if he was leading a review of the troops.

"Oh, Director Fang, you can't find a place to sit outside and squeeze into the crowd. If something happens, whoever is to blame!"

Beside the door, Fang Nan was watching fans file in.

Having worked with him once, Zhang Yan, who hurried over with the studio manager, was the first to complain.

Fang Nanyue, who was already full of anger, became angry.

Not to mention that he is just a little famous director.

No matter how famous a director is, he wouldn't dare to let this kind of thing trample on each other happen in his own film promotion meeting.

Something really happened today, none of him, Fang Nan, the organizer, or the movie "The Richest Man in Xihong City" got it right!

Think of the consequences of being trampled on, being dizzy and so on.

Fang Nan didn't care that Zhang Yan was Bona's publicity manager, and said coldly and angrily, "You know how easy it is for people outside to have troubles, why don't you let the studio open earlier?"

"Hey, Anan!"

"Hey, hello!"

Changing his face to greet the person who called him, Fang Nan continued to look at Zhang Yan coldly.

Zhang Yanlai said angrily: "The layout is not finished yet, so many people come in, what should I do if it messes up?"

"How messy can it be? These are not children. One more thing, even if today's publicity meeting is not held, it will not cause accidents to the audience. What is the priority?"

The job was not affirmed, and Zhang Yan was reprimanded by the director of the partner first, and Zhang Yan turned around angrily and walked towards the elevator.

Fans who passed by the door and heard Fang Nan's words gave Fang Nan their thumbs up.

From what I can see so far, Fang Nan is a good person and can deal with him!

Getting angry with Zhang Yan, Fang Nan nagged the manager of the film studio again, and then he took out his mobile phone and called Cai Yinong.

"What? How much? 500 cases of drinks!"

There were too many people in the movie theater to get in, so Cai Yinong led Liu Sishi to the Shuang'an shopping mall opposite.

She was happily picking out skirts when Fang Nan called, and as soon as she opened her mouth, there were 500 boxes of drinks, which startled her.

Beside Cai Yinong, Liu Sishi shyly asked Cai Yinong who put away his phone, "Miss K, why did Director Fang buy so many drinks?"

It's been almost a year since she joined Tang Tang Film and Television. After a year, she made a cameo appearance in several plays, but unfortunately there was no splash.

But Cai Yinong has always been very kind to her, and has said a lot of personal things.

Among the many personal words, there were many stories about Fang Nan. When she heard that Fang Nan wanted to buy 500 cases of drinks, she couldn't help being curious.

"Why? He just has two dollars to mess around with!"

After despising the nouveau riche Fang Nan, Cai Yinong hurried to the manager's office of the mall.

Contempt is contempt, things still have to be done, and infighting is not allowed at this critical time during the movie promotion period.

In the studio, Fang Nan sat on the floor and chatted with the fans for less than half an hour. Cai Yinong led the staff from Shuang'an Shopping Center in.

Boxes of drinks showed up, no matter how fans of Fang Nan's movies were present, and even those who came to see the fun couldn't help but feel good about Fang Nan.

What Fang Nan did made them feel respected.

Feel the friendship from a friend.

However, Fang Nan, a friend, can no longer chat with him. There are more and more guests attending the film conference. As a director, he has to go upstairs to welcome the guests.

Bona President Yu Dong is here.

Wang Changtian from Guangguang also came.

Emperor is the general manager in charge of investment in the Mainland.

Then there is Huayi's second child, Wang Lei, who is accompanied by Cai Yinong and Huang Xiaoming.

"Director Fang, "The Richest Man in Xihong City" is a big hit!"

The two shook hands, and Wang Lei smiled, without showing the slightest bump from before.

Looking at Fang Nan again, he also smiled brightly.

With him, Hua Yi is just a tool person who pays for him to take risks. It is impossible to publicize the film, and he is willing to cooperate if he keeps it like this.

But it should be just this one time.

"Young General Yang" will be released soon, Hua Yi and Cai Yinong's honeymoon period has come to an end.

After exchanging greetings with all the bosses, and chatting with CCTV host Jing Wei for a while, Fang Nan just sat down in his personal seat when Zhang Yan came running.

"You have too many fans, and you can't get enough seats!"

As soon as Zhang Yan said this, Wang Changtian, Yu Dong, and Wang Lei on both sides of Fang Nan's front and back.

And the main creators Shen Teng, Huang Xiaoming, Gao Yuanyuan, Liu Yan and other actors in the back row.

The invited host Jingwei, guests Liu Qianqian, mother and daughter, Liu Sishi, Hu Ge, Huang Ze, Zhao Zhu and other staff all looked at each other in blank dismay.

What does this mean?
Fang Nan [Brother Nan] has too many fans?

Wang Lei and the others were all dumbfounded.

When they entered the theater from different directions, there were indeed many live audiences downstairs sitting on the ground in twos and threes, occupying the stairs, talking nonsense, and drinking drinks.

At that time, Wang Lei was still muttering about Bona and Enlight's two distribution companies' killing hands.

He spent money to hire so many people. If the effect is good today, he will learn to try it in the future.

Then this fantasy was shattered by Zhang Yan!
Quan Fangnan fans?

What the fuck!

Not only Wang Lei didn't believe it, but Huang Xiaoming and other actors, even Gao Yuanyuan couldn't believe Zhang Yan's words.

Admittedly, they are not big-name movie stars who have been around for many years.

But it doesn't mean that Fannando doesn't have fans.

They are actors in front of the scene, and Fang Nan is the director behind the scenes with only one work.

The number of Fang Nan's bloggers is scary.

But that's good for netizens, do you know what virtual network is?
When everyone looked at Zhang Yan like a fool, Fang Nan frowned and said, "Let the staff go down to discuss, those who are willing to stand and watch, and those who are unwilling, let them go back."

Wang Lei: With a chuckle, he secretly said, "You braggart!"

Wang Changtian: He raised his legs comfortably, seemingly indifferent to all this.

Yu Dong: I deeply forgot to take a look at Zhang Yan, a subordinate, who is acting together in a play, or is he already in a mess and thinking of changing jobs, fooling ghosts.

Huang Xiaoming, Hu Ge: I glanced behind me, but unfortunately the auditorium was empty, and I couldn't tell who was whose fan.

Liu Xiaoli: I rolled my eyes.

Liu Qianqian: With a quiet smile on her face.

Zhao Zhu: Pretend to be stupid, pretend to be stupefied, every time Brother Nan tries to act aggressive, he can't escape, it's hard for him to find him today, he has to be quiet.

Gao Yuanyuan's cheeks were hot, "Fang Nan is a dead man addicted to acting? Don't be afraid of being ashamed! Oh, I'm so ashamed."

The host Jingwei: Glancing at Fang Nan, he wanted to ask whether the following are really his fans or not, so that he would target the publicity later, but finally shook his head and gave up.

Zhang Yan: "Then there is no other problem. The audience will enter the venue immediately, and the press conference will start in 20 minutes."

The audience filed in, and the first promotion of "The Richest Man in Xihong City" kicked off.

Under the flashing lights, the host Jingwei came on stage.

"Hi everyone, I am Jing Wei, the host of the movie channel, and I am deeply honored to be invited to participate in the promotion conference of "The Richest Man in Xihong City"."

After finishing the opening remarks, Jingwei beckoned to invite Fang Nan and the main creators to the stage.

Gao Yuanyuan, who was dressed in a tight white professional dress, stood up and went on stage. The audience booed a while, and the "goddess" voice was endless.

Huang Xiaoming, dressed in a black suit and black bow tie, stood up and went on stage, and the audience whistled.

Shen Teng in a black suit came to the stage, and there was sparse applause from the scene.

The crouching dragon and phoenix chicks came to the stage, and the applause became even sparser.

"President Wang, President Yu, and Manager Liu, I'm sorry, I'm on stage, so please chat slowly."

In the front row, Fang Nan bowed and said hello to the big guys, then greeted Hu Ge and the others, then straightened up and prepared to go on stage.

Unexpectedly, there was an instant burst of restlessness in the audience.

"clap clap"



"Director Fang."

A wave of applause, boos, and shouts resounded throughout the press conference. When Fang Nan turned his head in surprise, he felt a wave of heat blowing towards his face.

The masculine hormonal aura that belongs to men shocked him, "I'm rough, is this the straight man of steel?"

Fang Nan was shocked, and Wang Lei was even more shocked.

With such vigor, are the thousands of people at the scene really fans of Fang Nan's personal movie?

Wang Changtian once again changed to a comfortable sitting position, muttering to himself, "The box office should be the same!"

Yu Dong cleared his doubts a bit, he was basically sure that the audience really came from the south.

Instead of Zhang Yan conspiring with Fang Nan behind the company's back!
Liu Xiaoli stared blankly at her daughter who was still calm.

Huang Xiaoming, who was already on stage, looked enviously at the audience.

Liu Sishi, who was still a newcomer, opened her small mouth slightly, her heart fluttered and she turned her head.


Everyone in Cai Yinong is stupid, is this the power of a bottle of drink?

If it wasn't for the power of a bottle of drink, how regretful she would be!
At that time, she knew at a glance that Fang Nan could be an actor, but what she promised was a supporting actor.

If Fang Nan had joined Tang Tang Film and Television as an actor as promised, would the company still be making a lot of money?
You know, a director only shoots one or two movies a year, or even longer.

Actors are different. As long as an actor is famous, he can shoot four or five movies a year for fun!
"My God, look at today's posture, Fang Nan is the protagonist's life!" Cai Yinong regretted it all the time!
Liu Yan, who was sitting behind his boss, showed stubbornness in his eyes.

In the future, she will definitely let such a scene happen to herself.

I want red!
Must be red!
Halfway through the process of calming down, Fang Nan looked back. Liu Qianqian sat on the chair and did not move. She couldn't help but smiled and waved: "Qiqian, you come up too! You are in trouble now, the phrase 'burn my calories' is red. All over the country!"

"Let us invite Liu Qianqian, the singer of the theme song of "The Richest Man in Xihong City"!"

After a brief introduction, Liu Qianqian, who smiled and flinched in the audience, had no choice but to put on a red skirt and came on stage.

(End of this chapter)

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