literary world

Chapter 158 The release of "Xihong City"

Chapter 158 The release of "Xihong City"

Beijing, dormitory of Haidian Forestry University.

A thin man wearing glasses sat opposite a fat man, staring at their respective computer screens intently.

"Bingzi, why don't you just order GG? Do you want Juggernaut to be promoted to 6th level? There is no door, let me push you down!"

Halfway intercepted the orc army that was gaining experience, and killed a few wolf knights, the fat man controlled the undead army to go straight to the orc base.

"Tch, do you want me to raise the flag and surrender?"

The corner of Wang Haibing's mouth curled up in disdain, but he didn't stop operating at all.

All the orc farmers went into the cave, with the infantry in front, and the wolf riders wandering to the left and right. Led by the sword master who opened an all-acceleration scroll, they rushed towards Fatty's army of undead.

The Juggernaut becomes invisible and kills a spider.

The Juggernaut became invisible again, and then killed a bloody ghoul. With a flash of golden light, the Juggernaut reached level six.

"Hahaha, you die, fat man, look at my blade storm."

As soon as the blade storm, the ultimate move of the sixth-level sword master, was launched, the undead army, which mainly attacked the wrong ground, suffered heavy casualties in an instant.

The fat man said helplessly: "GG GG, your mother, where did you get your experience, and you rose so fast, did you go to the island?"

Wang Haibing laughed and stood up, while stretching, he said: "Yes, you idiot!"

The fat man said: "This one didn't do a good job of investigating, go on, go on, let me torture you to death."

Wang Haibing stood still, frowning tightly, always feeling that he forgot something today, and his heart was empty.

The fat man got up and shouted: "The room is open, what are you doing with Chu, come in quickly."

Wang Haibing evaded: "Wait, I seem to have forgotten something!"

"What's wrong with you, the two of us in the whole dormitory, wake up every day to eat, and play "WAR3" after eating, what's the matter?" the fat man said dissatisfied.

Wang Haibing shook his head and said, "It seems that I really forgot something, and I feel very upset."

The fat man stood up and asked curiously, "Is there something wrong at home?"

"No." Wang Haibing shook his head, turned around and frowned to look at the six beds behind him, and then he was attracted by a movie poster.

"I'm rough, today on the 1st, Anan's "The Richest Man in Xihong City" premiered."

Wang Haibing slapped the table, hurried to the bedside and pulled the T-shirt over his body.

Hearing that he forgot to go to the movies, the fat man felt speechless: "Are you sick? What's so good about a movie? It's made in China. It's not a Hollywood blockbuster starring Stallone or Schwarzenegger!"

"Crap, it doesn't matter if the movie is good or bad, go support a wave of directors, Anan is a nice guy, last time I drank two bottles of green tea from him."

After putting on his clothes and pants, Wang Haibing looked at his roommate Fatty and said, "Are you going? Go, I'll show you!"

The fat man was happy: "You please?"

"I invite, I invite, let's go!"

On August 2005, 8, the Army Day, there were an unusually large number of audiences who walked into the cinema like Wang Haibing.

Some of them came for the martial arts movie "Seven Swords", which was invested by Mr. Xu with a huge investment of 1.4 million yuan.

Some came for the cartoon "Madagascar" released half a month ago.

But some people came for Fang Nan's hilarious comedy "The Richest Man in Xihong City".

Compared with Fang Nan's "Nobody with Nobody", the number of viewers on the first day was very small.

The number of viewers on the first day of "The Richest Man in Xihong City" can be seen with the naked eye!
In the major theaters across the country that have the copyright to broadcast, the voices of choosing to buy tickets for "The Richest Man in Xihong City" keep coming and going.

"Xihong City" has a lot of tickets, and the theater will start selling tickets and publicizing in due course according to the contract.

The poster of "Xihong City" was placed in a conspicuous place, and banners were pulled up around the theater.

Even individual theaters independently launched activities such as promotional ticket purchases, gift purchases and other activities.

With all kinds of publicity, the premiere of "The Richest Man in Xihong City" can be regarded as perfect.

The next step is to wait for the box office and word of mouth to come out.

The painting of "The Richest Man in Xihong City" started at [-]:[-] in the morning, and Fang Nan went out in the afternoon wearing a tennis cap.

At the entrance of a movie theater under the New Film Federation, Fang Nan saw Old Freak Xu who had come to meet him.

"Director Xu, you don't look very well."

As soon as they met, Fang Nan could see that Old Freak Xu was a bit disheveled and looked like he hadn't woken up.

"He, he has an anxiety disorder."

Fang Nan turned around in surprise, and recognized Shi Nansheng as the person with a cup of coffee in his hand. He couldn't help laughing and said, "Oh, sister Shi, I didn't recognize you wearing sunglasses for a while, hello, hello!"

Shi Nansheng is Mr. Xu's wife.

But Shi Nansheng himself is also a big player in the industry, knows multiple languages, and has a wide network of contacts, especially in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Southeast Asia and other places.

As a producer, she has produced many blockbuster films, and will promote Chinese-language films internationally in future generations, earning her great respect from the industry.

Without this old monster to check and fill in the gaps, Mr. Xu's achievements in movies would not be able to reach the current heights.

A cup of coffee was handed to Xu Ke, and when Shi Nansheng handed another cup of coffee to Fang Nan, he said with a smile, "Director Fang is indeed young and promising!"

Refusing the coffee, Fang Nan hurriedly said modestly: "Don't dare, I still have a lot to learn from Sister Shi and Director Xu. You two wait, I'll buy tickets."

"I bought the ticket, let's go in and talk."

"Come on, Director Xu, please, Sister Shi."

The three of them entered the theater hall hand in hand, they didn't wait for the coolness they took for granted, but the noise hit the eardrums crazily.

Tickets for "Seven Swords", "The Richest Man in Xihong City", "World War" and "Madagascar" kept coming.

Among them, "Seven Swords" and "The Richest Man in Xihong City" are the most popular.

After all, one of the two films was released on the third day and the other was premiered.

"Two copies of Seven Swords."

"3 "Tomatoes"."

"Five copies of Madagascar."

"4 "Tomatoes""


"Seven Swords."

The session Shi Nansheng bought hadn't started yet, so the three of them hid in the corner of the hall and waited.

But waiting and waiting, Old Freak Xu's face became more and more gray and defeated.

Fang Nan was puzzled and looked at Shi Nansheng.

"The box office of "Seven Swords" was only about 2000 million in the first two days. It looks like it can't sell "Xihong City" today." Shi Nansheng explained with a smile.

"The schedule of our two companies is not good, more than 2000 million is a lot." Fang Nan was speechless.

Switching to "The Richest Man in Xihong City" with 2000 million in two days, he can jump up happily, which is obviously the rhythm of paying back his capital in a week.

"The total investment of "Seven Swords" is 1.4 million, and most of the money is paid by his personal studio."

"cough cough cough"

Resisting the cough, Fang Nan looked at Old Freak Xu with a speechless expression.

He just watched "Seven Swords" two days ago, and he really didn't see how this movie required such a large investment.

With a total investment of 1.4 million, Mr. Xu must not lose to his grandma's house?
Don't even try to make money back!

"Seven Swords..."

""Xihong City"."

"Look for your manager, I'm going to make a deal."


"I'm not kidding, hurry up and call the manager, I want to play "The Richest Man in Xihong City"!"

When the three of Fang Nan were queuing up to check the tickets, the sound of booking out from the ticket office made the entire ticket hall audible.

The three looked at each other and turned their heads curiously.

At the ticket office, with his nostrils upturned, a man with the style of a local tyrant is waving his hands arrogantly, and behind him are surrounded by a group of young people who are full of vigor.

Fang Nan looked familiar at the leader.

Leaning a little, he couldn't help being startled: "Damn, isn't this Zhao Ritian who hangs out in the bars on the bar street all the year round?"

(End of this chapter)

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