literary world

Chapter 159 Breaking Records at the Box Office in a Single Day

Chapter 159 Breaking Records at the Box Office in a Single Day

"Director Xu, relax, the movie has only been released for three days."

In the theater, Fang Nan comforted Old Freak Xu.

He and Old Freak Xu are also enemies.

Even bigger enemies.

After all, the films directed by the two were screened side by side, and they were all during the summer vacation when others didn't want to come.

What is a good schedule in the 2000s?
The Spring Festival and Lunar New Year is the only good time!

The summer vacation, which is full of Hollywood blockbusters, is terrible, and domestic blockbusters are not willing to come.

Last year, "House of Flying Daggers" chose the summer vacation file because they knew that there was Zhou Xingxing and Feng Dapao in the Lunar New Year file, and the old Mouzi was unwilling to confront the tough.

This year "Seven Swords" chose the summer vacation file, and I also knew that there was "The Promise" in the Lunar New Year file.

So the two of them are brothers and sisters.

Since he was a brother in distress, it was not surprising that Fang Nan put down his guard to comfort Old Freak Xu who was cooperating with him.

After Mr. Xu did two chest-expanding exercises to cheer himself up, he said with a smile: "The movie is on, watch the movie, watch the movie."

Although the box office data he received before coming here made him a little disappointed.

But after so many years of experience, it's no problem for him to adjust his mentality to deal with Fang Nan.

After all, he laughed and laughed after watching "Seven Swords", and even preached to the media.

The theater lights went out and the giant screen came on.

After the dragon mark slowly disappeared.

Among the thousands of green hills, the flowing water is gently floating, and a light boat is twisted and crooked under the manipulation of the pole-pillars.

"Fang Dao, you have great ambitions. Does this mean that water can capsize a boat and carry it?"

Fang Nan turned his head and looked around, just as he was happy that the hall was nearly [-]% full, Shi Nansheng asked with a small smile, passing Old Monster Xu.

"No, no, just an opening animation." Fang Nan said modestly.

The corner of Shi Nansheng's mouth turned to the big screen, and an overhead shot of the city came into view.

Joint production company:

Heung Kong Emperor Co., Ltd.
Tang Tang Film and Television Co., Ltd.
Huayi Film and Television
Bona Pictures
Enlight Pictures
"I don't know which leader of your team is in the crowd, and he caught me as an old goblin at a glance. Although I am 37 years old, because I developed relatively late, fortunately, I am at the peak of my body. With my young mind, I have the confidence to beat the age of 60."

It took only a few tens of seconds for the screen to appear, and Shen Teng, the film's leading actor, had already finished speaking a large part of his lines.

This line is to reveal to the audience that the next plot may be related to football.

But Shen Teng said solemnly, "It hit me, an old goblin."

Words such as "late development" still make the audience chuckle.

Old Freak Xu also said to Fang Nan without hesitation, "The actor was well chosen"!
"This dish is not cold yet, do you want some?"

"You're welcome, I'll just take one bite."

With a shy face, the protagonist took the bench and approached the dining table, which caused another burst of laughter from the audience.

Looking at the movie hall full of laughter, Shi Nansheng said with emotion in his heart:
"It's said that it's hard to live up to a prestigious name. I didn't expect Fang Nan to be the opposite. In the first 2 minutes of the movie, this young director established the protagonist's personality."

Thick-skinned and fearless.

Just as Shi Nansheng thought, in the following flashbacks, the protagonist called Wang Duoyu played women's football, made Japanese food, and worked as a mannequin.

This series of magical operations combined with the beautiful and unsightly pictures made the audience laugh out loud.

The laughter was still echoing in the theater, and the scene of Wang Duoyu being hit on the face by a tennis ball made the audience laugh again.

Three minutes into the film's opening, the atmosphere in the theater suddenly became lively.

Fang Nan himself was a little confused!
what's going on?
Is it because the audience's laughter is low?

Or do you really like the contrast shown by Shen Teng?
When Fang Nan thought about it, he stroked his chin beard with one hand and pointed at the screen with the other, and said to Shi Nansheng.

The audience is happy to watch this kind of comedy of contrasts.

Comedy themes are generally divided into two types.

One is an exaggerated comedy performed by the Xu brothers, Zhou Xingxing and others with body language movements.

The other is serious nonsense.

Representatives include Uncle Ge and Zhou Xingxing.

And Fang Nan obviously knew how to shoot this kind of comedy.

His "The Unknown Man" is like this, and now "The Richest Man in Xihong City" magnifies this even more.

Of course, the leading actor in the film knows what Fang Nan wants, and the acting is very good. The director and the leading actor complement each other perfectly.
Thinking through the mystery for a moment, Old Freak Xu sighed and said, "Nan Sheng, "Xihong City" is going to be popular, and so is the starring role!"

Shi Nansheng smiled helplessly: "What can we do? Let's watch a movie."

After the Daxiang team was kicked 0-5 in the opening game, the first soundtrack of the movie sounded and the subtitles reappeared.

Producers: Fang Nan, Cai Yinong, Yu Dong, Wang Changtian, Wang Lei

Assistant Director: Huang Weiming.
Leading Starring: Shen Teng, Gao Yuanyuan
Starring: Huang Xiaoming, Wei Xiang, Liu Yan
【Fang Nan's works】

"Ha ha"

On the court, the scene of the wolf dog catching the ball made the audience laugh.

Bird droppings fell on the windshield, and the wipers couldn't wipe it off, and the audience laughed.

Seeing this, Fang Nan completely curled up in the chair, happy.

Before "The Richest Man in Xihong City" landed on the theaters.

What he is most afraid of is that because the movie is too advanced, it lacks a lot of stalks and has a lot of shots. The audience these days may not understand the meaning of it, and thus lose a lot of fun.

Although he watched this movie in theaters back then, he didn't notice so many stalks in it, but the stalks did exist.

Just because he didn't notice it doesn't mean other viewers didn't notice it.

Now, he is completely at ease.

In his theater alone, the audience gave him quite good feedback, and it can even be said that it has become more and more intense. No audience cares about the melodrama, and they are all attracted by the performances of the actors and the casual jokes.

"Huh, the box office should be stable! At least I can get my money back."

When Fang Nan was thinking this way, the audience who had just quietly listened to the rules of the game burst into a burst of "Wow", followed by various noises.

Banknotes, in front of tons of banknotes, the theater seemed to become a pot of boiling water in an instant.

"Give you 5 million, can you spend it in a month?" Someone asked his companion in a whisper.

"Why can't I spend it all? I charter a plane to travel all over the world. I only choose the expensive ones and not the right ones for everything."

"Cough, haven't you heard that you can only consume it in Xihong City?"

This scene was staged in major movie theaters from Beijing to Shenzhen, from Pujiang to Chongqing.

Every audience who was asked was either racking their brains to figure out how to spend it, or staring intently at the screen.

Because Wang Duoyu started his spending plan.

Needless to say, re-entering the field where he was expelled.

But is it too much to dump money with an excavator!
Including the top-notch hotel and driving the most luxurious car, Fang Nan accompanied the audience as they watched this scene with a surge of emotion!

"I'm rude, so what does Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Cub mean?"

The director's reinterpretation of "Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Young" surprised the audience.

The whole city is dark, and the scene of fireworks that look like human feet walking towards the hero and heroine is amazing.

When everyone was amazed, Old Freak Xu whispered to Fang Nan: "You are so good at storyboarding!"

Fang Nan, who was staring intently at his favorite shot, was awakened, "It's okay, I wanted to use a helicopter to shoot at that time, but because of the special location, I couldn't apply for it, so I had to ask a camera assistant to stand on the crane and shoot from top to bottom. At that time, eight cameras and eight angles were used to shoot what is happening now."

After this shot was processed by special effects, the whole city was dark except for Wang Duoyu's villa.

The sky is a big foot that comes slowly.

Behind the hero and heroine is a magnificent villa that looks like a palace after being blessed by lights.

The heroine played by Gao Yuanyuan clenched her fists and made a wish on the fireworks.

The male protagonist played by Shen Teng is dancing blindly.

It didn't feel like watching it at the time, but when it appeared on the big screen, not to mention the audience, Fang Nan wanted to give a thumbs up to this shot.

When Fang Nan and Mr. Xu were discussing the use of lens technology, Shi Nansheng whispered: "Hey, Director Fang, I'm sorry, I have something to do here temporarily, and I have to go back to Xiangjiang."

"Ah, it's okay, the movie is almost over, let's go together."

"No, master, you can watch it with Director Fang. I wish you both a big box office success in advance."

"Don't, don't, come together and go together, I don't know how many times I have watched the movie."

When Fang Nan said this, he felt a little regretful in his heart, but he still insisted on coming and going together.

Without it, Shi Nansheng is worthy of fellowship.

And he is full of interest in Shi Nansheng, thinking about inviting this talented woman to create brilliance together in the near future.

The three of them left the movie theater, Shi Nansheng and Old Monster Xu left straight away, Fang Nan took a taxi to go home.

The feedback from the movie theater was very good. Fang Nan bought vegetables in the afternoon and drank a lot of wine happily that night.

He didn't expect to sleep until midnight, and the two mobile phones would ring one at a time, and the other would ring at a time, and he didn't wake him up until the two mobile phones rang at the same time.

In a daze, Fang Nan didn't know who it was, grabbed his phone and asked, "What's the matter?"

"The box office broke records!"

On the bed, Fang Nan blinked, then immediately sat up with his waist hard, and his mind cleared up for two seconds, he couldn't help being furious, and he didn't care who was on the phone, he just cursed away.

"What the hell, the movie has only been released for one day, what a record! Who are you!"

"Director, I'm Shen Teng, our movie has really broken the box office record. Mr. Cai called me just now, "The Richest Man in Xihong City" has a single-day box office of more than 2400 million, breaking the first-day box office record of "Mobile" in 03! "

(End of this chapter)

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