literary world

Chapter 160 The miracle of the box office during the summer vacation

Chapter 160 The miracle of the box office during the summer vacation

In the eastern part of the capital, it was noon when the sun was scorching hot.

'Famous Barber Shop'

When the store manager, Xiao Zhang, was fiddled with the long flowing hair of a regular female customer wantonly, the store door was pulled open with a "swish".

"Haircut!" The visitor straightened his back, raised his head to the sky, and looked aggressive.

"Wait a minute, I'll cut it for someone first, soon."

The store manager, Xiao Zhang, finished winking at the regular female customers, and turned to the customers who had just entered the store: "Sir, please wash your hair here."

After washing his hair, watching the customer sit down on the swivel chair, Xiao Zhang, who combed the hair with one hand, said politely: "Sir, can you cut it according to the current hairstyle?"

"According to the current cut, what a fart, give me a haircut worthy of 10 billion yuan!"

Zhao Ritian tilted Xiao Zhang in the glasses, and said badly.


The store manager, Xiao Zhang, was a little confused. He had been studying art and opening a store for many years. This was the first time he saw such a request from a customer, and he didn't know where to start.

"Damn, will it be, will I change it?"

Zhao Ritian, who had washed his head for nothing, went out. The store manager Xiao Zhang still frowned in confusion. The regular female customer urged him, and he finally regained his senses, cursing: "Crazy!"

Unexpectedly, another customer came to the store.

"Boss, cut my hair and give me a haircut worth 10 billion yuan."

The store manager, Xiao Zhang, was stunned for a moment!

at the same time.

Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Pujiang, Jinling, Suzhou, Changsha and other major first- and second-tier cities across the country have staged the scene of "famous hairdressers".


Hairstyles worth 10 billion became popular all over the country.

The trend was born in response to the movie "The Richest Man in Xihong City".

Fang Nan received "The Richest Man in Xihong City" in the early hours of the morning and broke the single-day box office record.

Suddenly, it was discovered that the 'billion hair style' was inexplicably popular all over the country.

Afterwards, he, the director, was completely dumbfounded.

It is very puzzling why the movie should be popular differently from what he thought.

When he wrote the script, the first selling point he thought of was "Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Young", not some billion-dollar hairstyle.

It is true that on the Internet, the stalks of "Crouching Dragon and Phoenix" are indeed blooming everywhere.

Zhalang, Netease, Sohu, Tianya and other major portal websites have all kinds of ridicule like "creeping dragon and phoenix chick" in the comment areas.

But compared with the popular 'billion hairstyles' across the country, it's a little bit less interesting.

One is a war of words on the Internet, which has no real benefit.

One is equivalent to driving the surroundings of the movie.

Although he couldn't get any money, the major barbershops across the country are making a lot of money!
This proves in disguise that "The Richest Man in Xihong City" has additional commercial value!
"Damn, it's hard to understand, I really can't figure it out." Fang Nan muttered and went out to buy vegetables.

Today, "The Richest Man in Xihong City" is released for the second day.

In order to compete for the box office, 36 theaters across the country are still fighting fiercely.

But Fang Nan, who was leisurely going out to buy vegetables at the moment, gave people the feeling of sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

So calm, without it.

"The Richest Man in Xihong City", which broke the first-day box office record of a domestic film at its premiere yesterday, has become the target of competition among major theaters.

The beginning of the film's release.

The two distributors, Bona and Light, contacted 20 theaters, large and small, with 1000 screens for "The Richest Man in Xihong City".

With 1000 screens and a ticket price of 27 yuan, the box office of the movie unexpectedly exploded to 2400 million.

The attendance rate of nearly 9% of each screening hall can be described as terrifying.

Can other theaters be jealous of such a lucrative film?

Without "Xihong City", the introduction of "Xihong City" has become inevitable.

It has become inevitable for theaters with "Xihong City" to increase their film schedule.

It goes without saying that all the nighttime filming of "Xihong City" will be arranged in prime time.

Because capital is profit-seeking!
"The Richest Man in Xihong City" is now a puddle of blood in the sea, and the theaters are like sharks smelling blood.

Can't wait to swallow it in one gulp.

That's why Fang Nan went out to buy vegetables and cook in such a leisurely way.

Instead of sitting in front of the computer and frantically typing on the keyboard to make my own movie with my arms closed and a cigarette in my hand every day like "The Unknown".

It was different from Fang Nan's incomparable calmness.

Some of the actors who starred in "Xihong City" are still nervous.

In the capital city, Huang Xiaoming, accompanied by his manager, followed Fang Nan, who was played by Nan above the screen, and happily tapped the time:

i want to fly to the sky

go go herd the sheep

give me some marshmallows for my beloved sheep
i want to stand on the sea

catch a big moon
Hanging on the roof is bright
I want to be willful, I will be willful

I want to be stubborn and I can be stubborn too
see what you can do to me

drop drop drop
"Haha, this song is quite interesting."

"I didn't expect Fang Nan to sing, why hasn't he released an album?"

"Damn, he said on his blog that he hurt his throat after practicing martial arts, and he couldn't sing high notes, so he could only sing plain songs."


Amidst the audience's laughter, Huang Xiaoming's manager said regretfully: "It's a pity, your role is much less attractive than the protagonist."

Huang Xiaoming shrugged and said with a smile: "Take your time, this step is not bad, thank you for persuading me to participate in the performance!"

He is no longer the fool who just entered the circle a few years ago.

Huang Xiaoming knows what a popular movie means to an actor.

Don't talk about big fire movies.

Xiao Yanzi, the classmate he had always dreamed of, pretended to be ugly in order to get on the big screen from the small screen, and he also became a director of Xiangjiang.

All kinds of show operations are on the stage before they appear on the big screen, and they also play supporting roles.

As for him, not to mention jumping onto the big screen in one step, the movie he participated in seems to be even more popular.

At the end of the day today, the number of classmates and friends who called him to congratulate him was frightening.

When Huang Xiaoming said that, the manager felt ashamed.

"My original intention was just to let you show your face more on the big screen. I never thought that the movie would be so popular."

Huang Xiaoming didn't take it seriously and said, "That's also due to you!"

On the giant screen: Wang Duoyu, played by Shen Teng, sits on a pile of unknown objects facing the reporter.

"What annoys me the most these days is that no matter how much I spend my money, I spend more and more money. Are you angry at me?"

With Shen Teng's humble appearance and tone, the audience laughed and shouted in unison: "Come on!"

Looking at this scene, Liu Yan, who doesn't really need to hide, smiled knowingly.

She played the supporting actress who used her body to seduce Wang Duoyu in "The Richest Man in Xihong City". She was not a good character, but she was out of the circle with her hot figure.

When she was surfing the Internet last night, she found a lot of pictures about her, although it gave off a vile feeling.

At least not as unknown as before.


Compared with "The Unknown", "The Richest Man in Xihong City" seems to be a joke movie made up of sketches.


Buffett lunch.

Sarcastic 2002 Korea-Japan World Cup.

Ask the insurance company to eat the same instant noodles for two people.

The weight loss craze that has only emerged in the past two years!

It's a pity, it's a pity, I thought Fang Nan was only in his 20s, and he was at the peak of his creative power, so he didn't think about giving me shit for the second movie.

Gou Lin hated that iron cannot be made into steel, and belittled "The Richest Man in Xihong City" like no one else.

Ding Zhi couldn't stand it anymore, and whispered: "Master, please lower your voice."

Walking into the movie theater full of expectations, the result was that the movie didn’t meet the standard at all, and the apprentice looked like he was succumbing to fear of this and that, and Gou Lin, who looked at him angrily, shouted: “What are you afraid of? People say?"

This scolding made Gou Lin completely happy, but the audience around him was also completely upset: "What are you talking about? After a movie, I just heard you chattering here! I don't like you a long time ago." .”

"Why? Let's not talk about trash movies? You are willing to eat shit, but I am not, Xiao Zhi, let's go, leave early and don't watch it."

With the sharpness of his tongue, he cursed again quickly, and Gou Lin even uttered a disdainful "cut" to the guy with a height of up to 1.6 meters in contempt!
Not to mention that the yelling guy is a head shorter than him, so what if he is a head taller?

He has been in the entertainment circle for the past few years, who would dare to touch him?
Zhou Xingxing had to make a detour when he saw him.


Gou Lin made another sarcasm from the shouting guy.

"Did I rough you?"

Fifteen minutes passed, and there were footprints and fist marks all over his face and body; Gou Lin, who was bruised and purple and covered in wounds, walked out of the theater.

"Fang Nan, you bastard, I've spent the rest of my life with you!"

Outside the theater, as soon as Ding Zhi came out intact, he heard the master Gou Lin standing there gnashing his teeth.

"The Richest Man in Xihong City" was released on the fourth day, and the unanimous praise was broken.

There have been more criticisms of this movie on the Internet.

Especially the fate of the film critics made "The Richest Man in Xihong City", which had a perfect reputation, become a mixed bag.

"I'm almost dying of anxiety. If you don't want to make a mistake, you still have the time to clean up the pond?"

In Yard 28 of Yinding Bridge, Gao Yuanyuan, who doesn't like surfing the Internet, came here in a hurry when Wang Jinghua told her that the film's reputation was declining.

Unexpectedly, Fang Nan was digging mud in Erjin's pond wearing a raincoat and rain pants.

The whole person is very calm.

Fang Nan rolled his eyes and asked, "You clean it up if I don't clean it up? How funny!"

After the yard was acquired, the two ponds had not been cleaned, and there was a pool of stagnant water inside, which gave off a foul smell in summer.

He had a hard time finding time to clean up.

The two good ponds will be great to raise a few fish in the future.

As for the decline in word-of-mouth of the movie, is this not normal?

How many movies in the world are full marks!
More importantly, the box office of "The Richest Man in Xihong City" has not stagnated.

After the first day of 2423 million.

On the 2nd, another 1800 million was reported.

3 million on the 1500th.

The three-day box office was more than 5700 million. This result should not be too gratifying.

The four-day return of "The Richest Man in Xihong City" has been confirmed.

Now all people or companies related to this movie are waiting.

Wait for the next 20 days to pass slowly.

As long as the box office of "Xihong City" is stable in the next 20 days, and it will collect more than 4000 million yuan.

Summer vacation, which is not expected, may be a box office miracle!

It is a miracle of this era for a domestic film to break through [-] million at the box office during the summer vacation where Hollywood blockbusters gather.

Because there are only three directors in China with a box office of over [-] million.

Zhang Yimou, Feng Dapao, Zhou Xingxing.

Fang Nanda is likely to become the fourth director and the third mainland director with a box office of over [-] million.

As for why it was the same as the summer vacation, last year's box office was 1.5 million, and "House of Flying Daggers", which was obviously better than before, was not called a summer vacation miracle by the media at that time.

the reason is simple.

The director of "House of Flying Daggers" is Zhang Yimou.

The movie "Hero" released in 2002 directed by him has a domestic box office of 2.5 million and no one has broken it so far.

The box office of Zhang Yimou's movie with its own traffic has no reference value in this era!
Fang Nan is different.

He is just a young director with only two works!

(End of this chapter)

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