literary world

Chapter 161 Box Office Breaks [-] Million

Chapter 161 Box Office Breaks [-] Million
Four days after its release, the news that "The Richest Man in Xihong City" has already paid off spread like wildfire.

Verbal criticism on the Internet has become more severe.

Loving someone doesn't need a reason.

There is no need for a reason to black a movie.

Because some people really scratch their heads when they see others making money!

What's more, Fang Nan, a careless director, is not without enemies.

It can even be said that there are many enemies!
One is bigger than the other!

As a result, a large number of specious comments from freelance film critics became more and more turbulent.

Douban, which was just established in 2005, has become a place where film critics linger.

Douban: "The Richest Man in Xihong City" comment area
001: If Douban provides movie ratings, and the full score is [-], [-] is a pass.

I can only give "The Richest Man in Xihong City" a passing score of [-] points, and the extra point is because of the director's other work "The Unknown Man"!
002: Strongly demand that Douban and Shishi open a scoring system for movies.

003: Back to the first floor, I also give [-] points, but the extra point is to encourage director Fang Nan, the child is still young, and there is still room for improvement.

008: Compared with Wang Jing's feces and fart comedy, "The Richest Man in Xihong City" seems normal, but the vulgar jokes are even more disgusting.

Buffett really has such a great ability, who has hired so many entrepreneurs in China?

The director seemed to be sarcasm, but also flattering. He thought he had both ways, and he obviously regarded the audience as fools.

021: The film is extravagant. The banknotes, luxury cars, and expensive clothes that appear anytime and anywhere show that the director has no inkling, because the director has nothing else to show off except for using these to attract attention!
053: Are there any netizens like me who only watch Gao Yuanyuan!
078: The director's filming is terrible, and the actors' acting is embarrassing.

086: I hope that there will be fewer and fewer movies like "The Richest Man in Xihong City". It is too easy to distort the three views of children.

091: After watching "The Unknown", I thought the director Fang Nan was going to become a new domestic star director, but after watching "The Richest Man in Xihong City", Fang Nan is not as good as Feng Dapao.

108: After watching the whole movie, Huang Xiaoming surprised me the most. Compared with "The Son of Heaven", Huang Xiaoming gave me a different feeling.

156: Pingci Pongci, there are really so many Pengci in China?Why haven't I met it before? Director, what do you want to express?
184: Liu Yan is very sexy!

200: Solemnly warn that this film is plagiarized from the Hollywood movie "Millionaire".

253: There are too few shots of the goal guarding the goal at the end of the film. Although the director hinted that there must be a bottom line in life, the proportion of the film is too small, which prevents the film from being sublimated. According to the first floor, 5 points.

Real and fake film critics on Douban and Time are calling out, and netizens who love Fang Nan and the movie "The Richest Man in Xihong City" are not idle.

The two sides have made a [-]-[-] split between you and me, and the positive reviews still account for the majority.

But this wave of slander poses a big threat to the movie "The Richest Man in Xihong City". On the fifth day after the film was released, the box office experienced a big drop for the first time.

Of course, this situation is also related to the large number of viewers in the first four days.

After all, the box office at this time has reached more than 6500 million.

Calculated based on the ticket price of 27 yuan, the number of viewers is nearly 200 million.

This number seems to be much less than the 600 million movie viewers when "House of Flying Daggers" was drawn last year.

However, the number of viewers of "House of Flying Daggers" was accumulated within more than a month.

And "The Richest Man in Xihong City" received nearly 200 million views in just four days.

It can be said that "The Richest Man in Xihong City", which has only been released for four days, has a rare movie-watching frenzy.

At this point, the major entertainment media have put the photo on the front page.

So, when the box office broke 6000 million in four days, but only broke 8000 million in ten days, and the film critics advocated that the movie was no good, Fang Nan and several producers didn't panic at all.

Those who have background data know that this data is normal.

But there must be certain measures, "The Richest Man in Xihong City" needs fresh blood.

Fang Nan, including the producer, will not let the box office stop at 8000 million.

Only 8000 million, they only earn a hard fee.

What's more, the movie has only been released for 10 days!
In the capital city, Fang Nan, who was at home using a computer to chat with film critics, thought about it, but felt that he couldn't do anything.

The ticket price has dropped to 20 yuan a piece.

Promotional activities will also be done again.

Another thing is to increase the cost of publicity.

This is exactly what he and several other producers are least willing to do.

Bona and Guangguang proposed to spend another 1000 million publicity fees, and the box office would have to pay at least 1000 million more to offset this part of the cost.

"Brain hurts!"

Fang Nan hesitated, Cai Yinong made a friendly phone call.

Beijing TV station invited him to appear on "Interview with Yang Lan", the earliest high-end talk show in China.

The audience is as high as 3000 million.

Pujiang also sent out an invitation for the same program - "Kefan Listening"!
Fang Nan agreed without hesitation.

He and "The Richest Man in Xihong City" are one.

His exposure meant the movie got publicity.

This is not the time to pay attention to the front and back of the stage. If he wants to step back, several producers will not agree.

"When will "Interview with Yang Lan" be released? See if we can discuss it, the sooner the better." Fang Nan asked eagerly.

The box office of "Xihong City" is 8000 million, and he is the most anxious one. Once the box office of the film exceeds [-] million, he will become the third director in the mainland with a box office of over [-] million.

Things I never dared to do in my previous life.

Cai Yinong said: "It will be recorded the day after tomorrow, and it will be broadcast on Beijing TV in a week."

Fang Nan asked: "Cheng, where is the location? Should I go to the TV station or where?"

"I'll let you know the location. I'll fly over and arrive at night." Cai Yinong said hastily.

Fang Nan thought he was the most anxious, but he didn't know that Cai Yinong was even more anxious. Once Fang Nan became the third director after Zhang Yimou and Feng Dapao to break [-] million at the box office.

What concept?
It means own flow.

What is traffic?

That's money, that's movie tickets.

So, can she be in a hurry?
Waiting for a more expensive production, Fang is anxious to break the box office, Cai Yinong is anxious to break the box office, Fang Nan is also anxious, but there are actors who are more anxious.

Among all the actors in "The Richest Man in Xihong City", only Gao Yuanyuan who is holding the decoration design picture book is relatively calm.

Others either hold their mobile phones every day, restlessly waiting for Cai Yinong's call.

Or frantically change TV stations to find entertainment channels related to movies.

Or frequently open the entertainment pages of one portal website after another.

"Shen Teng, the dark circles under your eyes are heavy again, it's time to sleep and eat, the box office will exceed [-] million sooner or later!"

In the small office of Happy Twist Dingdian, Zhang Chen criticized Shen Teng who went to work with dark circles, but couldn't hide his envy on his face.

"Early, early."

Without waiting for Shen Teng to refute, Wei Xiang entered the office. Shen Teng took a look and was amused: "Hey, Wei Xiang, did you become a thief last night? These are thick and big dark circles."

"Our eldest brother doesn't laugh at the second brother, it's half a catty."

After Wei Xiang sat down beside Shen Teng, he laughed.

Shen Teng yawned: "What's the matter, are you tossing and turning too?"

Wei Xiang grinned: "I can't sleep all night!"

Laughing loudly, the two hugged each other: "Same sickness, pity for each other, pity for each other!"

Shen Teng and Wei Xiang were teasing about their dark circles, while Huang Xiaoming, Liu Yan, and Liu Qianqian were also teased by their managers and mothers with a smile.

Huang Weiming, Zhao Zhu, Wang Liang, Ma Dayong, Zhou Dalu and other behind-the-scenes personnel are also paying more or less attention to the box office.

Zeng Li, Hu Ge, Liu Sishi, Yuan Hong, and Han Zhizhi, who were filming "No. [-] in the World" in Hengdian, were also paying attention.

At this moment, accompanied by Cai Yinong, Fang Nan walked into the studio of "Interview with Yang Lan" of Beijing TV station in good spirits.

"Hello audience friends, hello audience in front of the TV, hello host, I'm Fang Nan."

In a studio with only two single cotton sofas and a tea table, Fang Nan greeted the audience with a radiant face.

"Hello, Director Fang, please sit down."

Watching Fang Nan take his seat, Yang Lan smiled dignifiedly and said, "Director Fang, many of your fans are here today."

"Really!" A row of spectators looked over, Fang Nan's gaze stayed on Zhao Ritian for a second, and he couldn't help saying happily, "I really saw an acquaintance."

"Would you like to say hello?" Yang Lan asked with a smile.

Fang Nan smiled and waved at Zhao Ritian.

At this point, the interview officially began, "Is Director Fang from the capital?" Yang Lan opened the conversation.

"I don't know exactly where. My parents dumped me in an orphanage in Yangzhou, so I am a native of Yangzhou." Fang Nan laughed.

With Fang Nan's understatement, the off-court scene immediately exploded.

There were indeed many fans of Fang Nan at the scene, but there were also many viewers who liked the show and fans who didn't pay much attention to Fang Nan's personal life.

It was at this very moment that they realized that Fang Nan was an out-and-out orphan!

Yang Lan said softly, "Do you hate your parents?"

"I had it when I was young, but I didn't have it later. I don't have any picture memory, and I can't hate it even if I want to."

Fang Nan used another understatement to poke the hearts of the audience to pieces.

The older audience even wiped away tears.

"Before doing this show, our station actually went to the orphanage in Yangzhou to investigate. Here, I can guarantee that what Director Fang Nan said is true."

Yang Lan said this very abruptly to the audience, and the scene fell silent for a moment.

"Although saying that your blessings are deep may somewhat cover up your personal efforts, I still hope that you will have deep blessings in the future."

After speaking to the audience, Yang Lan said to Fang Nan with a smile on her face.

"Thank you, but you don't have to be so heavy. I have lived a good life these years. Dean Cai has always taken care of me when I was young. When I entered the society, there were many kind people who helped me. I became a director step by step. The movie is also a big hit, and I personally live a very happy life!"

Fang Nan showed an extremely bright smile to the audience.

"Clap clap clap"

As soon as Fang Nan finished speaking, the laughter stopped, and the scene burst into applause like a tide, which lasted for a long time!

The "Interview with Yang Lan" recorded on NO.12 will be broadcast on time at 19:22 on the night of NO.00.

The host Yang Lan, who the audience was looking forward to, appeared on the stage with a smile in a white professional attire.

At only 26 years old, he is the third major domestic director with a box office of over [-] million after Zhang Yimou and Feng Dapao.

Parents abandoned, he does not resent, not persistent.

When the young man left home, he was at a loss, but he never changed his mind.

When performing group performances, doing martial arts, and learning rhythm, he enriches himself every moment.

Under street lights, in front of a car repair shop, in a musty small hotel.

He said: "The more difficult life is, the more he must persist in learning, and learning can help him get out of the predicament!"

The 126th issue of "Interview with Yang Lan", let me accompany you into the art world of Fang Nan, a director with hundreds of millions of box office!

 Two more than 6000 characters, you have the nerve to say I am short?
(End of this chapter)

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