literary world

Chapter 172 Outstanding Director Award - Fang Nan

Chapter 172 Outstanding Director Award - Fang Nan

Fang Nan was completely moved by the [-]% copywriting on the big screen.

It was so sensational that he almost forgot to go on stage.

Until Huang Ze and Huang Bo fiddled with him behind his back.

He just came to his senses, stood up, and excitedly hugged Huang Bo, Huang Ze, Zeng Li, Hu Ge, and Liu Qianqian in the back row.

In my previous life, I wanted to make movies, win awards, and be recognized.

Today, I finally took the first step like a long march.

"clap clap"

After embracing the creators of "The Unknown", Fang Nan came on stage amid applause.

Standing still on the stage, Zhang Yimou and Zhang Ziyi picked up the trophies and certificates held by the hostesses and handed them over.

At the same time, the host Ni Ping said in the soothing music: "The three are excellent Chinese filmmakers, and we hope to cooperate in the future. But now, our honor winner, Director Fang Nan, will give a speech."

Standing still in front of the microphone, Fang Nan looked at the two people on one left and one on the right, and said, "Thank you, Director Zhang, and Miss Zhang Ziyi. I am deeply honored that two outstanding filmmakers can present awards to me!"

"Thank you, all the judges of Huabiao Award!"

"Thank you to the cast and crew behind the scenes of "Nobody's Name". A good movie can never be completed by one person. It takes everyone to gather firewood to make a flame. Thank you for your dedication to "Nobody's Name"."

After thanking everyone, Fang Nan said his personal speech with a serious face:

"Once upon a time, I heard an unknown filmmaker say: Falling in love with movies is a lifetime thing!"

"I take this sentence very seriously. Movies can make me sleepless nights and food, and can make me forget everything around me. I think I can't live without movies in my life!"

"Thank you!"

Before he came here, he hadn't thought about winning the Director's Virgo Award, and he wasn't nominated at all, which was a bit sudden.

So there are so many testimonials to deal with.

However, it does come from the heart.

"Clap clap clap"

Amid the roaring applause, Fang Nan bowed and stepped off the stage together with Zhang Yimou and Zhang Ziyi.

As soon as the audience sat down, Huang Ze snatched his trophy, with a strange look on his face, he seemed more excited than Fang Nan.

He and Fang Nan were the earliest acquaintances, and they also had fights with monsters, and they didn't deal with each other for a while.

After being impressed by Fang Nan's ability, he called out Brother Nan.

Just now, the brother Nan who brought him to the big stage was finally honored, and Huang Ze was really happy from the bottom of his heart.

But the next moment, Huang Ze completely lost control.

"The winners of the Outstanding Newcomer Actor Award at the No. 11 Huabiao Awards Commendation Conference—Huang Ze and Huang Bo from "The Unknown"!"

"Clap clap clap"

Amidst the warm applause, Huang Ze's face flushed.

Even if he secretly told himself beforehand that if he really won the prize, he should be calm, pretend to be mature, and be more prudent!
But when the honor came to him, Huang Ze couldn't hold back anymore.

"Brother Nan, I've won an award, and I've won an award too!" Huang Ze pulled Fang Nan with excitement.

Fang Nan looked amused, and urged: "Yes, yes, go up quickly."

Huang Ze's name as a street bum, and his behavior regardless of the occasion, people with big stomachs probably don't care, and will even give some good-natured laughter.

If you are petty, you may think that Huang Ze has lowered the grade of the party.

Lu Chuan was one of them, and Fang Nan could clearly hear his "chi" just now.

"Thank you to the judges of the Huabiao Awards, thank you to Ms. Cai Yinong, director Fang Nan, and thank you to everyone on the crew of "The Unknown Man."

After Huang Bo finished his speech in a regular manner, Huang Ze stepped forward, with sincerity in his excited tone:

"Thank you, Brother Nan, you helped a small group performer in Hengdian realize his dream of being an actor."

"I wouldn't be here without you, thank you! You are the best director in my mind! The best director in the world!"

As soon as Huang Ze's speech of honor came out, there was another round of applause, but Fang Nan felt extremely embarrassed.

Especially Zhang Ziyi, Zhao Yanzi, and Zhou Xun in the front row smiled and turned their heads.

Many people in the left and right rows and the back row also looked sideways, and he felt like he was sitting on pins and needles.

"Damn, Huang Ze wants me to die, he licks too much!"

Fang Nan's face was sullen, and he cursed in his heart, but only he knew whether he was really dissatisfied or not.

After Huang Ze and Huang Bo left the stage with smiles on their faces, a performance was interspersed.

Later, Zeng Li won the honor of "Outstanding New Actress" for "The Unknown".

"Don't be depressed, I will definitely win the best actress award in the future."

When Fang Nan got up to give Zeng Li a hug, he whispered.

Zeng Li's qualifications are obviously more in line with the Outstanding Actress Award, and Cai Yinong also helped to register for the selection.

In the end, she was not shortlisted, but instead entered the list of nominations for outstanding new actresses.

And it's also a double yolk egg, and Zhang Jingchu won the award with her.

Zeng Li smiled and replied indifferently: "I didn't think so far, it's great to win the prize."

It's been a few years since she debuted, not to mention winning awards, she hasn't attended many decent award ceremonies.

She has never been keen on these things, and she believes in luck. Not winning an award shows that luck is not good enough in her opinion.

Seeing Zeng Li take the stage, Fang Nan smacked his lips feeling helpless.

This woman obviously lacks the aura of looking down on the world and daring to be the first. It seems that she is destined to embark on the half-popular acting path in her previous life.

Thinking of this, Fang Nan said silently: "Forget it, I won't force her in the future, just live happily."

On the stage, Zeng Li's testimonials seemed dull compared to Zhang Jingchu's testimonials with red eyes. She simply thanked her, and then slid off the stage.

It looked like someone was chasing after him with a knife.

Fang Nante was speechless.

The commendation ceremony is still going on. After Zeng Li and Zhang Jingchu, Cai Yinong, Wang Jun and Zhang Weiping won the Outstanding Producer Award.

Zhang Ziyi and Zhao Yanzi won the Outstanding Actress Award for the main event.

The Outstanding Actor Award was won by Pu Cunxi.

"The winners of the [-]th Huabiao Award for Outstanding Director are Yin Li, Lu Chuan, and Fang Nan!"

With the announcement of the outstanding director winners on stage, Fang Nan won the award for the second time, but compared to the first award earlier, he didn't have the excitement.

It seems that too many rewards have been given out, and that passion has completely disappeared from him.

After embracing Huang Bo, Huang Ze and the others again, Fang Nan shook hands with Huang Xiaoming who stood up in the distance while everyone was watching.

Then he smiled and waved to the four major Huadans who turned their heads to congratulate them, and then walked onto the stage following Yin Li and Lu Chuan.

The award presenter was the leader of Wenhuakouzi. Fang Nan, who was the last to receive the award, said politely, then watched Yin Li and Lu Chuan stand in front of the microphone to deliver a speech of honor.

"Director Yin's "Zhang Side" was well shot and deserves the award. Congratulations!"

"I also."

Lu Chuan opened his mouth first, but after opening his mouth to praise Yin Li, there was no follow-up, which completely stunned Yin Li.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly, and stopped immediately after the word "I".

Fang Nan was still standing behind, Lu Chuan congratulated one, but not the other, did he forget or something?

After waiting for two seconds, Lu Chuan just laughed and said nothing. No matter how stupid Yin Li was, he knew that there must be a rift between Lu Chuan and Fang Nan, and Lu Chuan was about to make a fuss.

Thinking of this, Yin Li hurriedly said: ""Kekexili" and "The Unknown Man" are all good movies, and "House of Flying Daggers" and other nominated works are all excellent works!"

Yin Li is not stupid, and the two thousand people in the audience are not so stupid. The atmosphere on the stage is obviously wrong.

For a moment, Huang Bo and others who were familiar with Fang Nan frowned.

Zeng Li was even more worried, not because she was worried that Fang Nan would be ridiculed.

It's okay to be ridiculed for a few words, and you won't lose a piece of meat on your body.

He was worried that Fang Nan would not be able to contain his temper, would explode and make trouble on stage too ugly.

Faced with this scene on stage, other people were watching the show, and even more worried. With so many big people present, just saying a word would cause an earthquake in the industry!
For a moment, the two thousand people at the scene were so nervous that they couldn't help but tighten their hands.

 That's all for this chapter, I don't feel like writing it, I obviously have a lot of things in my mind!

(End of this chapter)

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