literary world

Chapter 173 Invisible pretending, the most deadly

Chapter 173 Invisible pretending, the most deadly

Behind Yin Li and Lu Chuan.

Fang Nan's expression was neither sad nor happy, and he stood upright.

Zeng Li's worried personality exploded.

Huang Bo and Huang Ze were filled with indignation.

The anxiety and other negative emotions displayed by most people at the scene did not appear on Fang Nan.

He is very calm.

Adding up the two lifetimes, there are many people who have ridiculed him, who is Lu Chuan?

Can't even rank!
Another one, someone is determined to die, why did he interrupt?No relatives and no reason!
Fang Nan stared ahead, quietly staring at the first row of cultural gates and other bigwigs in the audience.

And the old man in the bureau who had met once.

"Today is the [-]th anniversary of the birth of our Chinese film."

"As a filmmaker and a director, what I want to say is that our films should pursue the artistic connotation of the film."

"Those laughing, fake movies really shouldn't be praised too much, even on this podium."

"Because such a movie can't help Huaxia movies to a higher level!"

As soon as Lu Chuan finished another sentence, throughout the afternoon and evening, the loud applause became sparse for the first time.

Many people have been petrified by Lu Chuan's almost blunt words of resistance.

Indeed, the subject matter of literary and commercial films is a matter that has been debated by audiences all over the world.

There are also internationally renowned filmmakers who belittle certain types of films in public.

But where are they now?

Is Lu Chuan so defiant that he wants to kill himself?Or is it a mentally handicapped in his thirties?

It’s okay to belittle, you score occasions!
Don't need to give face to the organizer, face to the judges?
No matter the occasion, no matter how you are from Beijing Film Studio, you have something to do with Yang Ma.

You, Lu Chuan, have to think for yourself, your "Looking for a Gun" and "Kekexil" are really good, but are you really going to stop changing themes?

Do you really believe that time can forget everything?
When countless people slandered.

The faces of the bosses in the front row still showed no joy or anger.

Fang Nan still had no sadness or joy, no shame and no anger.

Zeng Li, including the others at the scene, felt their hearts beat again.

Fang Nan Is this the calm before the storm?
A 30-year-old Lu Chuan did this, Fang Nan was only in his 20s, couldn't he be younger?
"You won't fight, will you?"

Many people in the audience rubbed their palms nervously and sweated.

Nervously forgetting to go to the bathroom.

Only Feng Dapao wished that Fang Nan would go up and fuck Lu Chuan.

In the whole of Huaxia, he and Fang Nan were the only ones making laugh-out-loud movies.

Of course, his next movie "The Banquet" is the kind of movie that Lu Chuan said has connotations.

But I can't get rid of the fact that he has made a lot of comedy movies before!
Didn't Lu Chuan slap Fang Nan, then turn around and slap Feng Dapao again?

The fuck!

As Lu Chuan stopped, needles could be heard in the venue. After all, Ni Ping had rich experience in hosting, and said, "Director Yin Li, we are short on time, please speed up your speech of honor."

"Okay okay."

After reacting, Yin Li hurriedly nodded, leaned into the microphone and said "Thank you judges", and then retreated directly behind.

He had to stay on the eerie podium for a while, Fang Nan hadn't finished speaking yet, the three of them went up to the stage to accept the award, two went down, and one was on top.

But thinking of Lu Chuan, Yin Li's heart rose to his throat again.

Fortunately, Lu Chuan still had a semblance of reason, and did not leave Fang Nan and him to step down first.

Yin Li and Lu Chuan stepped aside, Ni Ping slowly came to Fang Nan's side, and said with a smile: "Director Xiao Fang, please tell me your honor speech, but it's also a long story short."

Fang Nan glanced at her, knowing that Ni Ping was afraid of his violent actions.

That's why he called him "Director Xiao Fang" affectionately, and used the excuse that time was tight.

For a recorded program, the time is so tight, Fang Nan walked towards the microphone speechlessly.

It is true that time is not tense, but people are tense.

The hearts of most people on and off the stage are hanging.

Zeng Li: If it weren't for etiquette, she would have stood up with both hands in her mouth.

At this moment, she had already left her seat, and her upper body was leaning on the back of Fang Nan's chair, Qin Hailu looked radiant.


Huang Ze subconsciously swallowed his saliva.

Cai Yinong also yelled frantically in his heart, telling Fang Nan to stay calm, don't get angry, if he really wants to ignore it and have sex with Lu Chuangang, the consequences are unclear.

But Fang Nan and Tang Tang Film and Television's future life will definitely not be as easy as it is now!

The bosses in the first row who had stopped talking a long time ago also looked at the little guy Fang Nan on the stage with drooping eyelids.

At this moment, Fang Nan on the stage was really the focus of attention.

Even the corner of his mouth raised did not escape the eyes of his colleagues.

"First of all, I would like to thank all the judges and teachers of the [-]th Huabiao Award Commendation Conference for awarding the honor of 'Excellent Director' to me, a junior. I am really flattered!"

"In the future, I will definitely dedicate more and better film and television works, and even film and television songs to the audience!"


Fang Nan's first speech came out, and the scene seemed to be a huge leaking balloon, frantically venting the depression brought about by the first 2 minutes.

But as Fang Nan approached the microphone again, the atmosphere became tense again, and everyone continued to hold their breath.

"Thank you to Fang Yangma, the organizer of the Huabiao Award Commendation Conference, for bringing so many filmmakers together and discussing films with fellow seniors, which has benefited me a lot!"

"Seniors in the industry, not only made me firm in my film path, but also made me understand what the mission of a Chinese filmmaker is. From now on, let Chinese films go out and be seen and liked by audiences all over the world. It will be my mission in life!"

"Clap clap clap"

As if because he forgot the applause just now, Fang Nan just finished his second speech.

The most enthusiastic applause tonight was heard at the scene.

Huang Ze, Huang Bo, Huang Xiaoming, Wang Bao and many others who knew and worked together; those who didn't know and had never worked together stood up and applauded regardless.

The roar was so loud that it seemed to knock off the entire roof.

What made Fang Nan most gratified was that there were even some big bosses in the front row clapping their hands indifferently.

As for Lu Chuan, Fang Nan couldn't see his expression.

He who wanted to calm down should have realized his impulsiveness, stupid!

She even hoped that Fang Nan would follow suit, so she said something strange on stage.

But he obviously thought too much.

Fang Nan is indeed usually eccentric, but not regardless of the occasion. Not only will he not be eccentric to Lu Chuan, but he will also agree with Lu Chuan.

What is this called?
This is called killing with a soft knife!This is the pattern,

Therefore, he calmly moved closer to the microphone.

"Finally, I would like to say that movies need a hundred flowers to bloom. I personally agree with Director Lu that movies need connotations."

"In this regard, I will work harder to cultivate my artistic accomplishments, and try to come up with a work that is better and more artistic than "The Unknown" next year. Thank you everyone!"

"Clap clap clap clap"

At the end of the last paragraph, Fang Nan picked up his trophy and certificate and invited Yin Li and Lu Chuan to step down together.

Seeing that one of them was relieved and the other was pale, he gave a chuckle and walked down the stage first.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he reached the edge of the first row, the old man Yan, who was in the third position in the first row, waved at him.

Last time, Fang Nan searched for old man Yan's information when there was a real and fake quarrel in the police station. Only then did he know that old man Yan and him were fellow villagers, both from Yangzhou.

The leader, Fang Nan, stood still, and Lu Chuan and Yin Li could not stab sideways, so they had to wait behind.

It's okay to wait a while, the key is to ask Fang Nan's old man to make their calves tremble.

Especially Lu Chuan.

The three of them stopped suddenly in the middle of their walk. Many people stood up and looked curiously. After taking a look, they sat back and wondered why Fang Nan was so respectful to his elders.

The old man also looked amiable and intimate.

Shaoqing, old man Yan let him go, and Fang Nan and the three returned to their seats safely.

Then, people who thought they were close to Fang Nan repeatedly made jokes to find out.

Fang Nan couldn't help being depressed, the old man Yan who was about to retire didn't say anything serious, after a few words of encouragement, he reminded him to use movies to promote Chinese culture in the future.

But Fang Nan could still guess that thought, and praised him for doing a good job tonight, being sensible, understanding the righteousness, and paying attention to the overall situation.

(End of this chapter)

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