literary world

Chapter 174 Gifts

Chapter 174 Gifts
At 15pm on NO.8.30, the No.11 Huabiao Award Commendation Conference was a perfect curtain call.

To sum up this year's literary and art circle commendation conference, almost everyone is a big winner.

The underage actor won the Outstanding Children Award.

Rookie actors won the Outstanding Newcomer Actor and Actor Award.

Young actors and directors Zhang Ziyi, Zhao Wei, Fang Nan, Lu Chuan and others were awarded the Outstanding Actress Award and the Outstanding Director Award.

Old artists are honored and honored.

Liu Qianqian, Huang Shengyi, Lu Yi and others will also be exposed when they perform on stage.

"House of Flying Daggers" won the Excellent Co-production Award and the Technical Award.

Eight red films including "Zhang Side" and "Koke Xil" won the Outstanding Feature Film Award.

All the literary and art circles and film producers who came to the scene were all happy when they left.

No one knows whether there is a trace of bitterness behind the smile.

Anyway, Fang Nan didn't hear anyone yelling, saying that they were invited to dinner for a prize.

At the end of the ceremony, Fang Nan, Zeng Li and the others left the venue together. As soon as they arrived outside, they were stopped by many reporters who had been waiting for a long time, and then scattered away.

But Fang Nan obviously received more attention from the media, and there were more than a dozen reporters surrounding him.

There are media from major TV stations and even movie channels.

There are also media from portal websites such as Zlang, Netease, and Renren.

"Director Fang Nan, "The Unknown" did not win the Outstanding Feature Film Award, do you have any regrets?"

"No, no, "The Unknown" has already won many awards. I am very grateful to all the judges." Fang Nan said with a bright smile.

In the exhibition hall, he and Lu Chuan had two completely different styles, and he had just left a good impression on a group of big shots, so how could it be possible for him to fail in front of the media.

"Director Fang, did you say hello to Xu Jinglei, one of the four major actresses, tonight? You two are bloggers."

Fang Nan nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, yes, yes, she happened to sit in front of me, and we have exchanged experiences on blogging."

"A lot of eggs with double yolks, triple yolks, and even eggs with multiple yolks were laid at the Huabiao Awards tonight. Director Fang thinks whether the credibility of the next Huabiao Awards will decline."

Fang Nan lived in Bengbu, suppressed a smile and said: "The main reason is that the nominated works are all excellent, yes, they are all excellent!"

Is the decline in credibility not obvious?

There is no need to wait until the next session, and the winners will be announced. As soon as the award-winning films are announced, there will be a lot of noise on the Internet.

But that's not something he can do.

As for netizens' hatred of iron but not steel, that's a trivial matter.

After all, if you hate and hate, you get used to it and become numb. Isn't the men's football team living well?

How about the majority of football fans.

"Director Fang, "No. [-] in the World" and "The Legend of Condor Heroes" are broadcast simultaneously on National Day. The ratings are not as high as "The Legend of Condor Heroes". How would you apologize to Producer Zhang?"

Fang Nan said seriously: "Give him a meal of kelp fish, shall I stop talking?"

In fact, Zhang Big Beard had already been kicked out by Yang's mother because of his gambling contract and not being serious enough.

Gambling has long been a marketing strategy for TV stations.

But outsiders didn't know, Fang Nan happily played dumb.

After answering a few more questions, Fang Nan closed his voice and rejected the unrelenting media, and left hand in hand with Zeng Li's group who had been waiting for a long time.

They hadn't gotten into the car yet, and there was a quarrel behind them. Fang Nan turned his head and saw that Zhang Ziyi was yelling at someone while ignoring the reporter.

Fang Nan listened for a while, it seemed that Gou Lin was asking a question about Zhang Ziyi being dumped by the wealthy Huo family in Xiangjiang, which made Zhang Ziyi very upset, and walked away.

A group of reporters chased and intercepted Zhang Ziyi slowly approaching, Zeng Li couldn't help urging Fang Nan, "Let's go, why are you so curious."

"Let's go, let's go." Fang Nan nodded.

The two got into Cai Yinong's car, not far from the exhibition hall, Fang Nan got off the car first, went home and put the gift for Zeng Li in his pocket, then took a taxi and rushed to the hotel that Zeng Li had booked.

When he arrived at the hotel, Zeng Li was still taking off his makeup, so he stuffed the gift into the bedding calmly, and insisted on asking Zeng Li to wipe his back.

In the bathroom, Zeng Li wiped Fang Nan's body with a red face, and after being bullied again, the two just took a shower and lay down on the bed.

But before Fang Nan came to make an abrupt confession, Zeng Li complained first.

"You said that it's not that you don't have money now. You should buy a house anyway. You can either live in the company's single dormitory or in a hotel."

"Ah, oh."

Fang Nan was taken aback for a moment, and after realizing it, he hurriedly said, "I'll probably buy one in the past two years. The main reason is that I can't take time off from running around. Where do you want to live?"

He has two real estate properties, whether it is a four-entry courtyard house or the five-story villa in Pujiang, both are worth tens of millions.

The courtyard house is now a place that Gao Yuanyuan often visits.

He wants to leave the five-story villa for himself to relax.

With such a calculation, Zeng Li was really at a disadvantage.

Gao Yuanyuan and Zeng Li are both confidantes, and it is wrong to treat one more favorably than another.

"Where do I want to live? Bought it for me!"

Zeng Li pretended to be dissatisfied and turned her back, the plump and scratchy Fang Nan behind her felt itchy.

"Why buy it for you, our pears are so beautiful and good, I am willing to buy a house for you."

"Don't talk about buying a house, you just want a piece of our body, and we are willing to cut it."

"Besides, our Lizi wants to build a love nest." Fang Nan posted it, laughing.

"Go to the side, if you really want to cut your flesh, I'll cut this for you first." Zeng Li reached out with his right hand, grabbing the stuff full of things in his right hand and said angrily.

Two years ago, she saw Fang Nan as a good match. This boy is motivated, loves work, and has abilities.

In the past two years, Fang Nan has become more capable and motivated.

But whether it is still a good match, Zeng Li was confused and wavered.

She didn't see any other women in Fang Nan.

It's just that through the scandals on the Internet and the clues in life, I know that Fang Nan seems to be hiding something.

At least it's different from the boy who only played tricks before.

And now Fang Nan is the only one.

But looking at tonight's posture, Fang Nan, who is so popular with beauties and big stars in the entertainment industry, will only stay by her side?
I'm afraid it will be difficult.

"If you are willing, then you can cut it."

Fang Nan, who didn't know that Zeng Li was thinking wildly, pushed forward, and Zeng Li broke the defense in an instant.

"It's so annoying!" Zeng Li, whose thoughts were disturbed, slapped Fang Nan's body.

Wheezing and wheezing, the blurred eyes ended.

Fang Nan hugged Zeng Li on his chest, took out the gift box hidden under the quilt with his right hand, opened it, and a shiny platinum necklace appeared.

The brand of this necklace is Cartier, and it cost him about 10 yuan.

There are better and more expensive ones, but it's a pity that he has been short of money recently.

"Pear, happy birthday!"

"I've been busy these past few years, and I haven't given you a decent birthday or a decent gift."

As he said sincerely, he put the necklace on Zeng Li's slender and white neck.

Looking at Zeng Li again, she was so moved by his action that she covered her mouth and began to choke.

Fang Nan was sighing in his heart that this woman is too sentimental and easy to coax, and when I, scumbag Nan, has a talent for love, he couldn't help but feel hot.

(End of this chapter)

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