literary world

Chapter 175 1 Become a great villain at night

Chapter 175 Became a villain overnight

Comforting with a necklace, Zeng Li was moved.

The next day.

Zeng Li, who stayed in Hengdian for a few months while filming "No. [-] in the World", chose to go back to her hometown to film with her parents.

Fang Nan yawned and went back to Yinding Bridge Alley.

Open the door, pass the screen, pass the yard, and before entering the main house, a string of singing voices came from the east wing: "Ulala Ulala, Ula, Ula."

Some sobs are hidden in the singing.

Fang Nan walked a few steps into the bedroom to have a look. Gao Yuanyuan was sitting on the bed hugging his knees while staring at the TV and sobbing.

Next to it was a whole box of tissues.

He watched TV again, "Dae Jang Geum" on Mango TV!
"Tell me, you can see a lot of tears and snot when watching a Korean drama, can you still have something to do?"


Gao Yuanyuan let out a dissatisfied Jiaohan, and threw the tissue she was holding towards Fang Nan.

"Yeah, watching a TV series is almost touching, and I really shed tears watching it. I'm really convinced."

Fang Nan rolled his eyes, covered his mouth, yawned and lay down on the bed.

As "Dae Jang Geum" entered the commercial time, Gao Yuanyuan, who had been ridiculed for a while, began to question Fang Nan.

"Why didn't you come back last night? Where did you live?" She glanced at Fang Nan and asked.

Fang Nan said in a relaxed tone, "I'll drink after I win the award, and if I drink too much, I'll stay with Huang Bo and the others in the hotel."

Gao Yuanyuan asked again: "Where's the trophy?"

"I lost the back room."

"I'll go take a look." Gao Yuanyuan kicked on her sandals and ran out.

Leaning a little, he went into the bedroom with the trophy certificate again, "Go and buy a cabinet for trophies, there will definitely be more and more trophies in the future."

Fang Nan was tired and didn't want to move: "I'll buy it later."

After finishing speaking, he flipped into the bed, thinking about it for a while, but after a while, the "Ulala" of "Dae Jang Geum" started again.

"Wang Jinghua didn't arrange a job for you, did you have any film and television roles? Didn't you have any commercial endorsements?" Fang Nan, who was restless, said with a headache.

"No work for the time being, didn't "Number One in the World" just finished?"

While talking, Gao Yuanyuan lay down on Fang Nan's chest, crossed his legs, and swayed his pure white feet leisurely.

Watching this scene, Fang Nan's head hurt more and more.

Does Gao Yuanyuan really have any work?
Just bullshit.

"The Richest Man in Xihong City" is a big hit at the box office, and none of the actors in the play are still idle.

Crouching dragon and phoenix chick running crew ran in full swing.

Shen Teng has accepted several commercial endorsements.

What's more, Gao Yuanyuan?
She is just lazy, and she likes the current life because she has savings and can slow down the pace of life.

Gao Yuanyuan was like this, Zeng Li was like this, Fang Nan was completely worried.

It would be great if the three of them could sleep together, he had the energy to deal with the two of them at the same time.

Unfortunately, this is a fantasy.

Can't be slept together, and work in a Buddhist department one by one, and why don't you torture him to death after going back and forth?

Thinking of this, Fang Nan made a decision instantly.

Forget it with Zeng Li, she is a true Buddha.

Gao Yuanyuan can't do it, she has to arrange a script for her, and let her have something to do, otherwise she will always stick to him and run all the way to No. 28 courtyard, and sooner or later she will be exposed.

"Okay, look, keep your voice down, I'll sleep for a while."

Fang Nan got down on the ground, thinking to wake up his head first, and then think about the script.

Gao Yuanyuan just turned down the volume obediently, when Fang Nan's cell phone rang.

A call from Yan Hong.

Fang Nan had no choice but to let Yan Hong come to No. 28 courtyard, and accompany Gao Yuanyuan to watch "Dae Jang Geum" which has become popular all over the country.

Not to mention, after watching it for a while, he really took it in.

I have to admit that Korean dramas have their charm.

"Fortunately, it's a Korean drama where the screenwriter is respected, so I still have some skills." While thinking about it, Fang Nan had an idea.

He watches more Korean movies and less Korean dramas, but it's not like he doesn't have none.

Like the popular "You Who Came from the Star", he also watched it intermittently.

"Damn, come on, write a story outline and throw it to Lao Tu from the screenwriting department, and then arrange a suitable director to shoot, let Yuanyuan be the heroine, kill two birds with one stone!"

While Fang Nan was thinking about the outline, Gao Yuanyuan was thinking about...

Grasping that delicate right hand, Fang Nan couldn't help being speechless: "What are you doing?"

Didn't sleep all night, was exhausted early, and went to the battlefield, wouldn't it be self-inflicted?
Therefore, Fang Nan quickly got out of bed.

"You..." Gao Yuanyuan was dumbfounded, grabbed the pillow and threw it at Fang Nan, angrily said: "Then you still tease me!"

Fang Nan was filled with righteous indignation: "Who teased you, I can't help thinking about the script."

"See if I'm not done with you."

Gao Yuanyuan quit, and ran after Fang Nan as soon as she put on her slippers. The two of them went around in the yard, until the doorbell rang, and she returned to the bedroom panting heavily.

When Yan Hong entered the courtyard, Fang Nan asked with a smile, "How is it, the beautiful country is not easy to mess around with?"

"It's almost the same, if you have money, you can hang out, it's the same everywhere."

Fang Nan nodded and said with a smile, "Why did you seek me today?"

Yan Hong, who is in charge of the copyright company, is the owner of the Three Treasures Hall for everything. If she can come, she must have something important to discuss.

"Let's discuss it. Give up the singing rights of more than a dozen songs, and only keep the copyright of the lyrics. All the copyrights are in your hands, and the profit is not much. Instead, it costs too much manpower, which is not proportional."

Fang Nan didn't understand: "What do you mean?"

Yan Hong muttered and explained.

After a long time, Fang Nan probably understood.

When Yan Hong sold the singing copyright of a song, she had to send several people to follow her.

In order to make more money before the copyright expires, the singers who bought the copyright are like frightened mice running wildly all over the country.

What bar resident singing, company annual meeting, wedding reception, developer ribbon-cutting, as long as someone pays, they will sing.

After all, after making money, he had to spend part of it to deal with Fang Nan, a vampire.

It's okay for these singers to rush around, and there are middlemen who reimburse air tickets, train tickets and various transportation expenses.

It was this that made Yan Hong really unbearable. It was okay to follow a few people before, but now she followed a dozen people at once.

She couldn't bear it, and the resources were too wasteful, not worthwhile.

I bought a lot of cameras for taking pictures.

In addition, Yan Hong said another thing related to copyright.

Taiwan singer Zhou Jielun sang "Blue and White Porcelain" written by Fang Nan at his solo concert yesterday at the request of fans. The effect was particularly good, turning the scene into a chorus of thousands of people.

As soon as the concert ended, many fans jointly asked Jay Chou's agency to buy "Blue and White Porcelain" and even "Dongfeng Po".

In desperation, Jay Chou's management company poured out bitterness on the fans, disclosing that Fang Nan did not sell the singing rights.

Suddenly a company came out to expose Fang Nan's ugly deeds and Zhou's pickpocketing.

Singers who had a rift with Fang Nan responded one after another.

For this matter, Fang Nan became an out-and-out villain overnight.

Hearing this, Fang Nan was a little confused: "Is it true, what happened last night?"

He had sex with Zeng Li last night after winning the award, and Cai Yinong was also in the capital, but no one told him about it.

"Yeah, Cai Yinong should call you later to mention this."

"Damn, it's really annoying. What do you mean, give up the singing rights to Jay Chou and other well-known singers? We will only get the lyrics and music in the future?"

Yan Hong nodded happily: "This is the best way, and it is also the most profitable way."

"Well, let's go out and try a few songs to see how the profit effect will be."

"In my opinion, let Jay Chou and Yixun Chen first try the copyright of the three songs "Dongfeng Po", "Blue and White Porcelain" and "Exaggerated".

"If the profit is really considerable, let's talk about the follow-up. You can look at the contract and so on. I will sign it when the time comes." Fang Nan frowned.

Yan Hong nodded: "That's okay."

"How's the CRBT talk going? Speed ​​up the progress, I'm relatively short of money now."

"We're still talking about it. The ring tones still sell well with cheerful songs. Look at "Mouse Loves Rice" and it's very popular. Your songs have depth!"


Fang Nan lived in Bengbu.

"Do I have to write "Little Apple" that is easy to understand and can be sung by a three-year-old child?" When he returned to the house, he felt speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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