literary world

Chapter 176 The crisis brought by Ma Dayong [6000 chapters for subscription]

Chapter 176 The crisis brought by Ma Dayong [6000 chapters for subscription]

Yan Hong leaves.

Fang Nan turned back to the east wing and just turned on the computer.

Cai Yinong called as expected.

She and Yan Hong had the same idea.

Instead of clinging to all the copyrights like Zhou Papi, it is better to sell the singing copyrights, save effort and make money, and others will praise him.

Fang Nan had no choice but to agree.

Several contracts were signed over the next few days.

The singing rights of "Always Quiet" were sold to Ah Sang.

"Once Upon a Time" was sold to Xu Wei.

"B**J" and "In the Spring" were sold to Wang Feng.

"East Wind Breaks", "Blue and White Porcelain", and "Fireworks Are Cold" were sold to Jay Chou.

"Blue and White" and "Winter's Secret" were sold to Xiao Gang.

"Exaggeration" and "Love Song of the West Sea" were sold to Chen Yixun and Dao Lang respectively.

Among them, Liu Qianqian's godfather Chen Fei also got involved and bought the singing copyright of "Calorie".

Playing out ten songs in a row, Fang Nan couldn't help but feel happy for his swollen pockets while feeling sad.

The singing copyright of ten songs made him earn another nearly 2000 million.

There will also be copyright fees for lyrics and music in the future.

This income will be much less than the singer's concert fee, but as long as these people sing to death, his copyright income from lyrics and music should not be too bad.

Accompanied by Fang Nan letting go of the singing copyright of ten songs.

Big singers such as Jay Chou and Chen Yixun can finally sing songs such as "Dongfeng Break" regardless of the occasion.

Fang Nan's bad comments on the Internet were much less "swish".

There are more rainbow farts blowing on him.

Some clamored for him to write songs again.

It is said that he is the most powerful and talented songwriter.

Some say his movies are good.

All of a sudden, Fang Nan's personal blog friends once again surpassed the blog queen Xu Jinglei.

But among them, there are also those who question Fang Nan's songwriting ability.

Plagiarism was even brought up.

face these doubts.

Fang Nan continued to strengthen his study of composing, which he already knew.

While adding various musical instruments to the five-story villa in Pujiang.

I want to use my spare time to learn more about other musical instruments, but I can't always rely on a guitar to enter the rivers and lakes.

Generally speaking, his stay in the capital was comfortable.

He is comfortable.

The [-]th Huabiao Award Commendation Conference was really scolded miserably.

An awards ceremony that was regarded by netizens as the top three in the Mainland and received much attention came to an end.

Netizens don't discuss the award-winning actors or works, but unanimously criticize the awards ceremony and criticize the judges, which is rare.

On various forums, posts ridiculing the awards ceremony sprung up like mushrooms overnight and sprang out.

Tianya Forum:

001: Looking at film and television award ceremonies all over the world, it has never been seen that the "best film" is awarded to 8 films at a time. Huabiao Awards, you want to be famous internationally.

[email protected]: Dude, you underestimate the Huabiao Award too much. It’s nothing to be famous internationally. People obviously want to rush out of the earth and go straight to the depths of the universe. How else can they find the same kind?

007: I just want to ask who are the judges?

009: With such a ceremony, Huaxia Film is over.

011: Netizens who always mock Cannes, Venice, Berlin, and even Oscars, don’t you blush?Still playing?

025: After a while, the Golden Rooster Award will come. Let’s see if it’s the same as the Huabiao Award. If so, don’t hold an award ceremony in the future.

030: The Huabiao Award has completely lost its credibility since today.

111: Fang Nan and "The Nobody", which you have been talking about for a year, didn't win the best picture, didn't they get any of the eight spots?Ha ha!

Chapter 125 111: Go to Nima, you can say that Fang Nan's "Xihong City" is mediocre, but "The Unknown" is absolutely amazing!
134 back to 111: Isn't it a shame to win this kind of award?If I were Fang Nan, I wouldn't be on stage to receive the Outstanding Director Award.

Chapter 158, Chapter 134: Brother, Lu Chuan's "Kekexili" is still good.

Major forums are scolding the Huabiao Award, and online emerging media are also questioning the Huabiao Award.

The comment section of Fang Nan's personal blog was also full of resentment towards the Huabiao Award.

Some bloggers even wanted Fang Nan to come out and condemn him.

Fang Nan rolled his eyes, slipped away, and said hello to Gao Yuanyuan who was at home picking his feet every day, and he went straight to Jiuzhaigou.

A few months ago, Environmental Protection made a connection and wanted him to be the image spokesperson of Jiuzhaigou.

After he refused, in order not to offend others, he agreed to help Jiuzhaigou make a group of promotional videos.

He just took advantage of the meeting to be free and had plenty of money in his pocket, so he wanted to fulfill the oral agreement.

"Brother Nan."

Arriving at the management department of Jiuzhaigou at lightning speed, Zhao Zhu, Ma Dayong, and Wang Liang, who came back from seeing the scenery in Thailand, have already lived in the guest house.

The surname of the leader in charge of contacting the Jiuzhaigou management department was Chen, and his name was Chen Dachuan.

Seeing Fang Nan alone and dressed like a passer-by, Zhao Zhu and the others got up and shouted "Brother Nan" before he realized that the young man in front of him was the director Fang Nan who had just started in the past two years.

"Director Fang, hello, thank you for remembering this."

Fang Nan made a fuss at the beginning, and the crew of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" and Jiuzhaigou were well-known throughout the country.

For a moment, the two of them became the targets of everyone's shouting and beating, and Fang Nan became a fighter and a guard.

In order to save their image, they thought about asking Fang Nan to speak for them.

After Fang Nan declined, they thought it was an excuse for the other party to help film the promotional video.

Just when he almost forgot about it, Tang Tang Film and Television called, saying that Fang Nan was coming to fulfill the agreement.

The leader was surprised and asked, "Do you want a film salary? How much money do you need for filming?"

The director's salary of [-] million box office, the scenic spot may not be able to afford it.

As for the filming funds, Zhang Dabeard lost hundreds of thousands of funds to them when he left.

The money was paid to the scenic spot by Zhang Dazizi who didn't have time to shoot the promotional video himself, and let them shoot it themselves.

Tang Tang Film and Television: "According to what was agreed at the beginning, the filming will be fully funded by director Fang Nan."

The leader wondered: "Then what do we need to do?"

Tang Tang Film and Television: "It would be good to provide Director Fang with some help outside of filming."

The leader nodded happily: "We will definitely take good care of Fang Dao and the staff."

After putting down the phone, the leader called Chen Dachuan twice with "tsk tsk", one of them was to treat Fang Nan and others well.

Second, if the other party has any needs, just report it, and he will coordinate it himself.

Therefore, when seeing Fang Nan, Chen Dachuan was very polite.

The other party was so supportive, Fang Nan was no longer polite, and made a few demands with a small mouth.

Indispensable helicopters, cars, and more staff who are familiar with the local area can lead them to various scenic spots.

After Chen Dachuan agreed, he ran to the leader for coordination.

Fang Nan asked about Zhao Zhu's trip to Thailand and the preparations for the crew.

The first film of the low-budget "囧" series, "People on the Journey", does not have so many complicated scenes, and the plot is relatively thin.

So he wants to speed up the progress and put "People on the Journey" in this year's Spring Festival file.

In the Lunar New Year file in 06, it seems that there is only one blockbuster "The Promise".

And he knew that "The Promise" had a high box office and a bad reputation.

His small-budget film "People on the Journey", with its decent quality, has no problem making a fortune.

A source of self-confidence.

Naturally, it was because the film director was Fang Nan.

With the blessing of two movies, "The Unknown Man" and "The Richest Man in Xihong City".

[Fang Nan's works] There are still some audiences. Chen Kaige's "The Promise" is obviously not that easy to make "People on the Journey" do nothing.

Even with the polarization of the audience's reputation, it is not impossible for the low-cost "People on the Journey" to explode at the box office again!
Fang Nan planned to use the word-of-mouth of "The Promise" to cause trouble in the guest house, and Chen Dachuan reported Fang Nan's request to the leader.

Knowing that the money for renting a car and a helicopter was still paid by Director Fang Nan himself, the leader continued to report without saying a word.

So, on the second day of his arrival in Jiuzhaigou, Fang Nan boarded Zhi-9 with his camera in his arms, preparing for aerial photography.

The three of Wang Liang followed the guide to the depths of the Jiuzhaigou jungle.

The two used a wide lens in the sky, and the other shot details underground.

Not long after the helicopter spiraled into the sky, Fang Nan yelled that the detachment leader who came with the team should help him fasten safety measures, saying that he was going to hang in mid-air to shoot, which shocked the instructor.

"Director Fang, are you sure you want to do this?" Captain Luo was dumbfounded.

The director he imagined was the one looking at the monitor, and he had never seen Fang Nan so desperate.

Of course, his security measures must be in place, but there is a saying that a gentleman should not stand under a dangerous wall.

Amidst the roar, Fang Nan said loudly: "I'm sure, I'm sure, Captain Luo, help me out, don't be afraid, it's fine."

Fang Nan insisted that the Luo detachment stop trying to persuade him. After teaching a few hand gestures, he helped Fang Nan put on safety measures, and slowly let Fang Nan down while holding the camera.

With the safety rope to the end, the beautiful scenery of Jiuzhaigou can be seen in full view, Fang Nan couldn't help but be fascinated by it.

The helicopter flew slowly all the way, Fang Nan recorded all the way, and fascinated all the way.

In this way, the helicopter hovered in Jiuzhaigou for two days, and Fang Nan finally completed all the overhead shots.

Then they plunged into Wang Liang's ground troops.

Seven days later, the entire promotional film was edited in Jiuzhaigong, with a total duration of less than 2 minutes and a cost of nearly 50.

On the second day after the editing was completed, the leaders of the scenic spot invited a number of urban leaders, including the promotional opening and the environmental protection opening, in order to show that Fang Nan attached importance to the promotional film.

Fang Nan didn't take it seriously either. There were as many people as there were few to watch. Isn't the promotional video just for watching?

"Wang Liang, let it go."

After shaking hands with several leaders, Fang Nan asked Wang Liang to press the play button.


【Fang Nan's Works】Gone in a flash.

"Jiuzhaigou" slowly appeared.

Then the white clouds floated in the sky, and then there were pictures of pleasing scenery:
Under Gonggang Ridge, there are vast forests.

The holy water of the snow mountain nourishes all things.

Among the mountains, there are snow-capped peaks, emerald green seas, cascading waterfalls, picturesque colorful forests, and dazzling blue ice.

Immortal Pond, Spark Sea, Five Flower Sea, Pearl Beach Waterfall.

Giant panda, Sichuan golden monkey, red panda, green-tailed rainbow pheasant.
The progress bar of the promotional video was finished, and a needle could be heard on the scene. A second later, applause rang out.

"Director Fang, thank you, thank you so much." The leader of the scenic spot seemed extremely excited.

At the same time, Fang Nan got up and said with a smile: "Leaders, I have fulfilled the original agreement. I personally think that although this promotional film has some flaws, it is still good overall. It can be used as a tourism promotional film." , bothering everyone for so long, I won’t be staying soon.”

"Director Fang, stay for a meal." Someone said.

Fang Nan hurriedly shook his head: "No, no, the company has a lot of things to do, and the new play is also busy. I really can't stay any longer. I have to go back to Pujiang today."

Fang Nan was persistent, and it was not easy to stay in the scenic spot, so he had to arrange a special car to take him to the airport.

Fang Nan readily accepted this special treatment.

What he didn't know was that he, Zhao Zhu, Wang Liang and his party hadn't arrived in Pujiang yet.

The promotional video, which he thought was not perfect, had already landed on the desk of a CCTV desk uncut.

Back on Jindu Road, Fang Nan slept in the company's single dormitory for less than two hours. Fang Nan was woken up by the alarm clock, and went straight to the company after a simple wash.

"How's the progress of "Number One Under Heaven"?"

Cai Yinong was not there, so he ran directly into the office of the general manager who was in charge of the company's daily affairs.

During his time in Beijing, "No. 35 Under Heaven" completed all the later stages, with a total of [-] episodes.

Many TV stations have been paying attention to this hugely popular drama that has been fired before it was produced, so it is only natural to watch the film quickly.

Tomato, Lychee and other TV stations selectively watched the finished film, and the evaluation was very good.

I think "No. [-] in the World" is superior in terms of plot and special effects compared to the costume TV dramas that have been broadcast in recent years.

More importantly, "No. [-] in the World" is inherently hot.

Therefore, the wishes of several TV stations to purchase dramas coincide with each other.

The wealthy Tomato TV even wanted to stealthily win the exclusive broadcasting rights, so they called Fang Nan.

At that time, Fang Nan didn't even think about quoting 150 million per episode.

The total investment of "No. 2000 in the World" is more than [-] million, which is higher than the investment of the movie "The Richest Man in Xihong City".

Huang Xiaoming, Gao Yuanyuan, Zeng Li, Liu Qianqian, Hu Ge, Huo Jianhua and other front-screen actors of the crew have tens of millions of dollars in salary alone.

For the later soundtrack, Taiwanese soundtrack master Mai Zhenhong and others were invited.

Cai Yinong, the president of Tangtang Film and Television, was once in a trance by the high investment of "No. [-] in the World".

I'm afraid that I won't be able to make money, and I don't want to throw money in it.

Fang Nan had no choice but to roll up his sleeves and throw in nearly 150 million yuan. Now that there is no [-] million yuan per episode, don't even think about it.

One word scares off Tomato Station.

In the end, "No. [-] in the World" won the first round of broadcasting rights jointly by Tomato, Lychee and Blueberry.

Fang Nan came in abruptly, and the general manager of Tangtang Films hurriedly got up and said, ""No. [-] in the World" has started a national promotion in groups, and it is currently targeting the Delta area."

"In addition, Director Li has already taken the whole film to Hong Kong, Taiwan and other places yesterday. Mr. Cai went to Zhejiang Province and said that he contacted the sale of audio-visual copyrights."

Fang Nan nodded and asked again: "Have you negotiated with Emperor and other companies about the Southeast Asian broadcast copyright and audio-visual copyright of "The Richest Man in Xihong City?"

"It's settled. Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Southeast Asia are worth 1200 million, and the audiovisual rights in the mainland are only sold for 300 million."

Fang Nan was speechless: "So little?"

"The Unknown Man" sold tens of millions at the box office and sold 1000 million.

"The Richest Man in Xihong City" with a box office of more than 1 million sold 200 million more?
"Several companies in the Emperor said that the pirated version of "The Richest Man in Xihong City" is too serious, and there are many places in the country."

Speaking of piracy.

Fang Nan also felt helpless.

Pirates and paparazzi’s cameras are more powerful than the equipment used by ordinary small film crews, and no one can do anything about it.

"Okay, you are busy."

After Fang Nan finished speaking, he turned and went to the screenwriting department.

"Old Tu, what book have you written recently? Let's take a look at the new script."

In the screenwriting department, Fang Nan yelled at Lao Tu behind the desk.

Lao Tu poured Fang Nan a glass of water: ""Flying Immortals" has just been completed, and I've been quite free recently."

"That's right, give me a continuation of the outline." Fang Nan handed out the outline of "You Who Came from the Stars".

[The process of falling in love with Chen Minjun, a mysterious man who came to China from an alien, and Qian Songyi, a top national actress]

[A romantic love story in which two people from different planets eliminate misunderstandings, overcome dangers and pursue true love]

After reading the outline of the story handed by Fang Nan, Lao Tu almost collapsed.

The "Flying Immortals Beyond the Sky" they just finished is a love story between immortals and mortals.

But anyway, there are various versions of legends that can be used for reference.

Fang Nan's book is good, and he directly punished the aliens. He didn't have anything to learn from, and he even wanted to read science fiction novels.

"What's wrong? Difficulty? What does it mean to frown like this?"

Lao Tu said honestly, "It doesn't look easy to write."

Fang Nan laughed and said, "Let me write a paragraph first, and I'll see. I will write more according to cultural differences and ideas. The plots are mainly about romance and comedy, and some big scenes can be added."

"Let me ask a few more people to write it. Everyone's entry point is probably different for the continuation of this kind of book."

Fang Nan nodded happily: "Sure, you guys are busy, I'll go take a look at my cat."

Throwing "You Who Came from the Star" to Lao Tu, the boss of the screenwriting department, Fang Nan walked to the storage room where miscellaneous goods were stored.

He went to the capital for dozens of days, and left two black cats inside when he left.

And hired a staff member who has a cat at home to help feed some food every day, and the two cats will not be hungry.

From the general staff area in the middle, it is interspersed with the storage room on the opposite side.

Fang Nan, who opened the door, saw not only the cat, but also a squatting figure from the back.

Han Zhizhi turned around and saw that it was Fang Nan, put down the cat food, got up and said with a smile, "Hey, Director Fang, are you back?"

"En." Fang Nan replied, frowning, "Why did you come to the storage room? You have been feeding my cat lately?"

"When I come to the company occasionally, I will help feed it." Han Zhizhi said with a low eyebrow.

"Thank you."

Fang Nan thanked him, picked up the cat litter on the ground, and walked out of the storage room.

When he was in the capital, he was questioned by Zeng Li if he really went to save Ma Dayong.

Afterwards, Fang Nan pondered over and over again, and finally settled on Han Zhizhi.

Only Han Zhizhi would probably guess that he and Ma Dayong were having trouble.

On the day the three of them moved, Ma Dayong made mistakes in the same car.

Of course, Fang Nan had no proof.

So, I didn't question Han Zhizhi just now.

Back to the personal office, before sitting down, Han Zhizhi came in.

Fang Nan asked her, "What's the matter?"

Han Zhizhi intertwined her hands and said in a tight tone, "Director Fang, Mr. Fang, I want to ask you for a role."

"What role?" Fang Nan frowned: "If there is a role that suits you, President Cai will naturally let you take it."

"No, Miss K is afraid that the show will not be sold and lose money, so she will definitely ask a female star outside the company to play the leading role in "Flying Immortals in the World", and she will not let me be."

While Han Zhizhi was talking hastily, she walked towards the office step by step until she was only separated from Fang Nan by a desk.

Fang Nan looked up at Han Zhizhi and said, "President Cai is right to do this, why don't you wait a little longer?"

"Fang Nan, I'm two years older than you. I'm 28 years old this year. I can't wait any longer. Please help me. I promise to act well. I promise that I will act better than the female stars Sister K found. Okay, please, for the sake of our being neighbors, help me once."

Han Zhizhi grabbed Fang Nan's hand that was resting on the table, with an excited tone and expectant eyes.

""Flying Immortals Under Heaven" Lin Yichen?"

While pulling out his hand, Fang Nan recalled Lin Yichen's appearance, and then looked at the lovely and pitiful Han Zhizhi.

To be honest, Han Zhizhi is prettier than Lin Yichen, and she may be more immortal in ancient costumes.

But just like what Han Zhizhi said, Lin Yichen is well-known, and the show will sell better when it comes out.

For the sake of the company, Fang Nan said: "You should wait a little longer, play a supporting role in it first, get your qualifications, and don't think about getting ahead overnight."

"But I don't want to wait any longer."

Han Zhizhi, who was still cute and pitiful just now, said in a serious tone: "Fang Nan, if you don't do me this favor, you will definitely regret it."

Looking at her like this, Fang Nan couldn't make a guess in his heart.

It is certain that Han Zhizhi's acting skills are indeed better than those of ordinary female stars.

With a chuckle of "hmph", Fang Nan glanced at Han Zhizhi and said, "Did you get a picture of me entering the actress's room? If you didn't, go out, don't threaten me here."

"Fang Nan, there will be, there will be, trust me."

Han Zhizhi backed away slowly while gritting her teeth.

It wasn't until Zhao Zhu and Ma Dayong opened the office door and came in that she glanced at Ma Dayong, turned around and drifted away.

"If you don't come, I will go find you."

Fang Nan, who was disgusted for no reason, got up and looked at Ma Dayong maliciously.

"Brother Nan, what's the matter?" Ma Dayong said with averted eyes.

Fang Nan sneered, "Did you say something to Han Zhizhi?"

"I, I..." Ma Dayong hesitated for a long time, and finally turned to Zhao Zhu, who had a gloomy face, for help.

Fang Nan shifted his gaze to Zhao Zhu: "Zhao Zhu, you also know? Then tell me, what's the situation now, let me tell you that I'll make preparations early."


"That fart, if you don't say it, I'll kick you, believe it or not?" Fang Nan said angrily.

"Uh, Brother Nan, don't be angry, it's just that Ma Dayong fell into Han Zhizhi's beauty trap."

After Zhao Zhu finished pouring the beans from the bamboo tube, he jumped to the edge of the door with a "shua", thinking that the situation was not right and he wanted to run away first.

"I, Ma Dayong, you bastard, you really want to kill me."

Halfway through Zhao Zhu's speech, Fang Nan had already pushed Ma Dayong down on the sofa.

The cattail fan's big slap was about to fall, but it was stopped in time.

Zhao Zhu's words were so frankly meaningful.

He was so embarrassed to slap Ma Dayong on the face.

"Brother Nan, I never thought that Han Zhizhi would use this to get a role."

"On the second day after moving, she mentioned this matter to me in bed, and I realized that I was fooled. Before I had time to say it, I went to Thailand again. I thought this matter would be forgotten. Who knew that she would come to the office to find you in person today."

Ma Dayong said aggrievedly.

"Go away, it's annoying to see you."

Fang Nan angrily grabbed Ma Dayong by the collar and threw him out the door.

"Brother Nan, Ma Dayong really has no brains, but Han Zhizhi is really too much. To be honest, Sister K, the company treats her pretty well. Every time a new play is opened, her role is always there. The same is true for Liu Sishi. She does it like this. What is it for? Are you afraid that the company will terminate the contract with her?"

Zhao Zhu said curiously.

"Ghost knows, this woman has a lot of gossip. Terminate the contract? I guess Han Zhizhi has already found a new home."

"Forget it, wait for the follow-up development." Fang Nan sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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