literary world

Chapter 177 "Number One in the World" vs "The Condor Heroes"

Chapter 177 "No. [-] in the World" vs. "The Legend of Condor Heroes"

Cai Yinong's cell phone is busy.

After getting through again, an expected news came.

Han Zhizhi really offered to terminate the contract.

She signed with Tang Tang Film and Television in early 2002. The contract lasted for seven years, and the liquidated damages were 100 million. Cai Yinong asked her for 70, and scolded her as a "white-eyed wolf" by the way!
Cai Yinong didn't know exactly who Han Zhizhi had come into contact with, or who had been poached by him.

the other side.

Fang Nan knew that his disaster was coming.

Even if Han Zhizhi doesn't have the proof that he is in two boats, as long as he reveals to Gao Yuanyuan and Zeng Li that he saw it with his own eyes, he can speak loudly.

The two women thought they would quarrel with him for a while.

Fang Nan had no choice but to take the initiative.

"Lizi, in order to promote "No. [-] in the World", I may have an affair with Gao Yuanyuan, so be prepared."

He first called Zeng Li who was doing publicity in Zhejiang Province.

"I'm also promoting "No. [-] Under Heaven", why don't you spread gossip with me?"

Zeng Li's rhetorical question left Fang Nan speechless.

"I'm thinking about it. It's a real scandal, so don't take it seriously."

After putting down Zeng Li's phone, Fang Nan reversed the words and said it again to Gao Yuanyuan who was doing publicity in Wuxi.

Gao Yuanyuan and Zeng Li have the same tone.

Feeling tortured, Fang Nan hung up the phone.

Leaning a little, he became cruel and started to do his own thing step by step.

Han Zhizhi is not a fool, her hasty threats are already inexplicable enough.

No matter how he was born out of nothing, he Fang Nan is not a vegetarian, the key now is not to mess up.

So in the next few days, Fang Nan got busy between the company and the single-person dormitory without distraction, no longer caring about what Han Zhizhi wanted.

He has never entered the marriage hall with one of the two women.

Being exposed is nothing more than a real love triangle.

There are many love triangles and sugar daddies in the entertainment industry, and the career will not be affected, but the two women will be troubled for a while.

Even break up or something, when the time comes, slowly redeem it.

A few days passed, Han Zhizhi didn't make any moves, and she didn't know if she was holding back some big moves or what.

Fang Nan wondered what was wrong with Han Zhizhi, and why he was in such a hurry to become the number one female.

On the one hand, they focused on the promotion of "No. [-] in the World".

Screenplay "You Who Came From The Stars".

And the upcoming filming of "People on the Journey".

Five days before the National Day, Fang Nan went to Hankou, Hubei Province to check the streets being built.

The "No. [-] in the World" broadcast by the three channels and "The Legend of Condor Heroes" broadcast exclusively by CCTV have been completely heated up in terms of publicity.

9 month 25 number.

Faced with media reporters, Zhang Big Beard said brazenly, "Old Mr. Jin Yong, after watching a certain episode of "The Legend of Condor Heroes", he shed tears three times in an hour", he was so moved.

the same day.

Director Huang Weiming, who was a guest at Tomato TV, clamored that "No. [-] in the World" is the challenge of Jin Yong's drama.

9 month 26 number.

Zhang Dahuzi told the media that the computer special effects of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" cost millions of yuan, and the fighting special effects in the play are definitely the ceiling of domestic TV dramas.

the same day.

Huang Weiming shouted to netizens that the special effects of "No. [-] in the World" were perfect enough for the producer Fang Nan.

Not to mention the wholly-owned acquisition of a special effects company, and overnight purchase of computers dedicated to special effects abroad, costing millions of dollars.

9 month 27 number.

At the premiere of "The Legend of Condor Heroes", Huang Xiaoming and Liu Qianqian talked about Yu Min, the director of "The Legend of Condor Heroes", who has a rich imagination and is a very good director.

The next day, when Huang Xiaoming and Liu Qianqian moved to Hangzhou to promote "No. [-] in the World", they praised the director of "No. [-] in the World" Huang Weiming for his good character.

In the corridor of the rest hotel, the two looked at each other, and they saw a trace of exhaustion and helplessness in each other's eyes.

The gods fight, and the mortals suffer. If it is miserable, the two of them are the worst.

On September 9th, the promotional battle between the two dramas continued, and this time it was the trailer.

CCTV released the footage of Yang Guo and Little Dragon Girl fighting Jinlun Fawang in "The Legend of Condor Heroes".

In the camera, the little dragon girl fights gracefully, with sharp and concise movements.

In the hotel, after watching the clip, Fang Nan even gave Liu Qianqian a thumbs-up. Dancers do have advantages in acting, and their movements are quite good.

But backhandedly, he posted on his personal blog the clip of "Number One in the World" just released [Gui Hai Fights Eunuch Cao].

Is the domineering knife like an electric fan more dazzling?

On September 9th and September 29th, the two publicity final battles.

"The Legend of Condor Heroes" held a hero ceremony, Huang Xiaoming, Liu Qianqian, Meng Guangmei, Chen Zihan, and Yang Xiaomi all appeared in ancient costumes, and the media praised the all-star lineup.

The next day.

"No. [-] in the World" held an activity to watch the first episode with big stars.

Huang Xiaoming, Gao Yuanyuan, Huo Jianhua, Zeng Li, Hu Ge, Liu Qianqian, Liu Songren, Liu Sishi and Yuan Hong all appeared on stage.

The lineup of handsome men and beautiful women watched the on-site media and audience's eyes straighten.

So far, the publicity of the two dramas "The Legend of Condor Heroes" and "No. [-] Under Heaven" has temporarily come to an end.

However, the discussion on the Internet about the two dramas is still turbulent.

Tianya, Douban, Renren, Tudou, NetEase, Zhalang, Sohu, and even Fang Nan's personal blog are all about rivalry among netizens.

On the horizon:
A picture of Huang Xiaoming with messy hair and the corner of his mouth crookedly stroking Xiaolongnv's cheek, which was obviously taken from a video, topped the trending posts.

The author bravely ran into the world: How can I feel that Yang Guo has become so wretched when I see Huang Xiaoming's crooked smile?

[email protected]Traveling to the End of the World Bravely: It hits the nail on the head.

[email protected]Bravely Climb to the End of the World: Haha, landlord, you are not alone.

012: The host is obviously a fan of Fang Nan, and he took the dog out of context. Huang Xiaoming's acting skills can definitely support Yang Guo. If you don't believe me, go and watch "The Son of Heaven".

[email protected]: Indeed, what can be seen in a film?The landlord's ass is probably crooked.

018: There is nothing wrong with what the author said. I always feel that Huang Xiaoming's acting skills are going up and down. Maybe he will screw up Yang Guo's acting.

[email protected]: Did the show fail?Can Mr. Jin Yong cry three times an hour?Jin Yong watched Gu Tianle's version of "The Legend of Condor Heroes", right?
[email protected]: Brother, how old are you? Do you believe Mr. Jin Yong’s tears?Is it too brainless?

064: It is not clear whether Mr. Jin Yong shed tears or not. "No. [-] in the World" is also good at challenging Jin Yong's dramas.

078: Agree, "No. [-] in the World" is a challenge to Jin Yong's drama, and it may become the best joke of the year.

114: To be honest, the special effects of "No. [-] in the World" are good, and the special effects are obviously better than "The Legend of Condor Heroes".

164: I'm so stupid, there are people really looking forward to the Jin Yong drama produced by Zhang Dabeard?After he ruined "Swordsman" and "Dragon and Babu", can "The Legend of Condor Heroes" suddenly be tough?
187: "The Legend of Condor Heroes", TVB Gu Tianle and Li Ruotong's version is really a ceiling, no one can do it.

194: Revisit the TVB version of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" tonight.

There is a lot of noise on the horizon.

Portal websites such as Renren, Zlang, and Sohu are not far behind.

In general, netizens are more dissatisfied with "The Legend of Condor Heroes".

After all, TVB's version of Gu and Li's "Sculpture of God" is dedicated to beauty.

It is a fact that TVB's drama costumes turn into garbage, and the setting is petty, but there is nothing wrong with the casting, and the audience has filters.

When the audience of TVB's version gets old and the audience of the new "Sculpture of God" grows up, the yellow version of "Sculpture of the Gods" will gradually improve its reputation with its grand scenes and better special effects than the boss.

But now, the reputation of Huang and Liu's "The Legend of Condor Heroes" is not good, and it can be regarded as losing at the starting line.

"No. [-] in the World" is a coincidence in terms of word-of-mouth because it is original.

No one has read the original martial arts story, and they don't know the plot, so it is impossible to say whether it is good or bad.

As for the ratings, no one can guess, Fang Nan estimated that "The Legend of Condor Heroes" should be slightly better in the early stage.

After all, "The Legend of Condor Heroes", adapted from Jin Yong's novel, is naturally popular, and the broadcast platform is CCTV with the largest coverage area.

And "No. [-] in the World" is broadcast on three satellite TVs, but the platform is slightly superior.

October 10st is fast approaching.

Fang Nan hurried back to Pujiang from Hankou, Hankou was basically confirmed to shoot "On the Journey", he had to go back to meet the actors now.

The two main actors of "People on Lost Journey", Wang Bao has already signed contracts for two plays.

His current masterpieces are still two small supporting roles in "Blind Well" and "A World Without Thieves".

When Fang Nan asked him to act in a play, he was too happy, let alone asked for it, and signed two contracts without even turning over the script.

The salary is pitifully low, not as good as some TV actors who have made some famous names on the small screen.

Another main actor, Xu Shanzheng, has a relatively higher salary. "Bright Spring Pig Bajie", "Li Wei as an Official", and "Love Through Time and Space" are all extremely popular TV series.

After talking about Wang Bao and Xu Shanzheng in "People on the Journey".

Fang Nan called Huang Bo again, Fang Nan came to the door again, Huang Bo never refused.

He said coquettishly that he was offering Fang Nan a friendly price.

In the end, Fang Nan asked the company's accountant to add 5 yuan to Huang Bo's account. Huang Bo felt insulted and thought that he was going abroad to film a movie, so he finally endured it.

The cost of the two films is not large, and the company's budget for "On the Journey" is only more than 500 million.

The production cost of "Lost in Thailand" was only 1500 million, and out of the 1500 million, Fang Nan's personal director's salary was deducted 300 million.

His salary of 300 million yuan was still discounted because he was directing a company drama, and Cai Yinong's quotation to him was 500 million yuan earlier.

But these days, the money-making studios have their own directors.

Zhang Yimou was bound to Zhang Weiping.

Feng Dapao is bound to Huayi.

Zhou Xingxing played with Columbia.

Fang Nan is in Tang Tang Film and Television.

Rich film companies have their own directors, while poor film companies cannot afford to hire these big directors to make low-budget films.

After all this, Fang Nan could only make his own film, and no one lost 500 million yuan for the time being, saying that he was asked to help direct a film or something.

The main actors of the two dramas "People on the Journey" and "People on the Journey: Lost in Thailand" were confirmed.

Fang Nan left some supporting roles to Zhao Zhu and the producer.

Everything is pinched, the movie is not good, and it is impossible to expect that the subordinates will not be greedy at all, only small favors and small favors can win people.

As for the producer, "People on the Journey" was contracted by Tang Tang Film and Television and Fang Nan because of the low production cost.

There are four producers of "Lost in Thailand", Tang Tang Film and Television, Fang Nan, China Film, and Emperor.

The distribution of the two films was handed over to China Film.

For this reason, Bona and Guangguang bosses have opinions.

When Fang Nan was still in Hankou, the two high-level executives tried to look for it all the way, but Fang Nan used China Film as an excuse to stop him from going back.

The audio-visual copyright has temporarily reached an agreement with the audio-visual publishing house in Zhejiang Province. Once the box office of the two films comes out in the first week, they will give a quotation. Fang Nan agrees, and the other party will start production immediately.

In addition, also called Tang Tang Film and Television, saying that they wanted to discuss the online broadcasting rights of two films in the "囧" series.

After all this, compared to "The Unknown Man" and "The Richest Man in Xihong City", the early stages of the two "囧" are well done.

After another day wasted in the screenwriter's office, Fang Nan, who sprayed countless spittles, returned to the one-person apartment arranged by the company.

Feeding the cat, washing up, going to bed and watching the upcoming TV series have become his rare leisure time today.

At eight o'clock in the evening, "No. [-] in the World" will be broadcast on time on the Tomato Channel.

After the opening animation, dozens of galloping horses appeared on the screen, and the horses were dressed in black and masked.

Through the size, Fang Nan caught sight of Ma Dayong, Yu Hai and others in Fang's class.

"Oh, Ma Dayong is such a coward!"

While sighing, Duan Tianya, who played the role of No. [-] Tianzi, appeared in a black mask.

Duan Tianya's clothes were blown up by the blower, and with his sharp knife skills, Fang Nanjue was right about this extremely coquettish editorial smell.

For TV dramas, you have to do it right from the first episode, and put the best special effects and fighting moves into the audience's eyes crazily, so as to attract the audience.

Fang Nanjue's first act of "No. [-] in the World" is pretty good, and he should be able to replicate the conflagration of his previous life.

"No. [-] in the World" was fine, Fang Nan turned to CCTV again, the moment the camera cut, a child's voice came out, Fang Nan glanced at the young actor Xie Junshan.

In the past two years, he acted in "The Young Imperial Envoy".

Holding back his temper and watching a few young actors making trouble there for a long time, Fang Nan lost interest in an instant.

From his point of view, without one or two episodes, the protagonist may not grow up, and the growth process is too slow.

Turning off the TV, throwing away the remote control, Fang Nan leaned on the bed and read a book.

It is true that the bigger the bragging, the greater the pressure.

He has composed so many songs, and he is at best a half-baked composer, so he will have to frantically supplement his knowledge.

Fortunately, his mind is not bad, he learns things quickly, he has a foundation, and his progress can be considered rapid.

Fang Nan was leisurely reading a book, to enrich himself.

"The Legend of Condor Heroes" producer Zhang Dahuzi, director Yu Min and other high-level crew members are worried.

The publicity is finally over, they met today to drink and watch "No. [-] in the World" which was broadcast at the same time.

Drinking and drinking, it was eight o'clock in the evening, and a table of people turned to the TV screen.

But before long, one by one faces collapsed.

"Fang Nan really deserves to be a master of hype. The TV series he produced are all about catching the audience's attention."

Looking at the swords and swords on the screen, director Yu Min sighed with emotion at the bearded Zhang.

Everyone was silent, they were all behind the scenes of the crew all the year round.

As soon as the first episode of "No. [-] in the World" started to draw, the huge horses chasing each other, and the martial arts special effects of the protagonists were all extremely shocking shots. They had to sweat for "The Legend of Condor Heroes" and the bearded man .

On the night of October 10st, two episodes of "No. 1 in the World" and "The Legend of Condor Heroes" were broadcast simultaneously.

The next day, at noon, Nielsen's national ratings came out. Tomato TV's "No. 3.038 in the World" had an opening rating of 2%, ranking second in the country. No.1 was "Bright Sword", and the ratings of the finale of "Bright Sword" were 7.73%.

Litchi TV ranked second with a rating of 2.3%.

Blueberry Channel ranked fourth with a rating of 1.8%.

"The Legend of Condor Heroes" ranked 0.6th with 18%.

The ratings of "No. [-] in the World" won a big victory on the first day.

The ratings were put on the Internet by good people, and the whole network clamored, and Fang Nan beat Zhang Beard violently.

Netizens ridiculed Fang Nan and Zhang Dabeard's bet, the discussion about the two dramas skyrocketed, even more intensive than during the publicity period.

It was just launched this year, and it has been called by thousands of netizens to open ratings on Douban.

"No. 7.1 in the World" scored 5.9 points, and "The Legend of Condor Heroes" scored [-] points.

In addition to ratings, netizens are also making fun of the first two episodes of the two dramas.

"No. [-] in the World":
001: The arrow shot by that father-in-law has a legendary navigation system?
005: I'm rough, Huang Xiaoming is handsome on stage, it's the first time I feel Huang Xiaoming's handsomeness.

007: Guihai Yidao starring Huo Jianhua, I am rough, really handsome.

008: Shangguan Haitang's Zeng Li is also very handsome, really a scholar in white.

012: Fighting is not the most handsome thing?

023: The most handsome thing is not special effects?

045: Qianqian's Princess Yunluo is very cute, and she can compete with Zhao Linger.

054: Tomato TV, show two more episodes!

087: The punk played by Hu Ge has no sense of disobedience!
Compared with netizens' comments on the lineup, fighting, special effects, actors, and scenes of "No. [-] in the World".

"The Legend of Condor Heroes", which is not good in terms of word-of-mouth and ratings, is not as good.

002: I'm rough. What did I watch? After watching two episodes, I didn't see Huang Xiaoming who played the leading role.

005: Who said Huang Xiaoming played the male lead? The hero of "The Condor of the Gods" is not Ding Dong, Xiao Yang Guo played it very well.

007: Damn, why isn't Zhang's bearded version of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" a children's version?Why are there still adult actors?

015: The plot is too procrastinated, is it not good to start directly from adulthood?
052: Really, Big Beard Zhang, hurry up and stop ruining Jin Yong’s dramas. You are really not that kind of material. You can even make Journey to the West.

On October 10, the third and fourth episodes of "No. 2 in the World" and "The Legend of Condor Heroes" were finished.

There is no suspense in comparing the ratings of the two dramas.

Since "Bright Sword" ended, "No. [-] in the World" reached the top directly with its good reputation on the first day.

Next, we will compare the ratings, which is the comparison between Tomato, Lychee and Blueberry.

But "The Legend of Condor Heroes" has indeed become popular again today.

Because little Yang Guo finally grew up at the end of the third episode!
On October 10, the fifth and sixth episodes of "No. 3 in the World" were broadcast on Tomato Channel.

The ratings soared to 5.078%, and won the ratings champion for another day.

In this way, Blueberry TV was the first to be unable to sit still, and played a show operation, cutting each episode by 2 minutes, which was a little bit ahead of the two TV stations.

Sure enough, for the seventh and eighth episodes of "No. [-] in the World", the national ratings of Blueberry TV were higher than that of Litchi TV in Jiang Province.

Lizhi Taiwan was very angry, and a deputy director in charge of broadcasting matters in the station couldn't make a theory, so he called Tangtang Film and Television.

"Blueberry TV has no spirit of contract." On the phone, the deputy director Fang Nan said angrily.

Fang Nan spread his hands and sold a round of broadcasting rights to the three of you. You can discuss it yourself. He has no binding force on Blueberry Channel.

With this move, Blueberry Channel abruptly added two small advertisements to the theater when No. 15 in the World aired to No. [-] and episode [-].

Blueberry TV was the first to play, and the other two TVs were unwilling to do it.

In the end, the two parties negotiated and moved up the file at the same time, changing the broadcast from 20:00 to 19:40, trying to catch Blueberry by surprise.

Unexpectedly, Blueberry TV had this idea early on, and finally three companies moved up at the same time.

"No. 20 in the World" has [-] episodes.

The second round of broadcast was on the schedule, and at this moment, the salted fish "The Legend of Condor Heroes" that Fang Nan thought had blossomed outside the wall.

"The Legend of Condor Heroes" landed on Taiwan's TV channel and won the championship in ratings.

"The Legend of Condor Heroes" landed on Xiangjiang TVB, and the ratings are quite good.

Zhang's big beard shook again, and shouted at the media again, "The Legend of Condor Heroes sells very well overseas, an episode of 5 US dollars!"

Fang Nan has no time to care about whether he is bragging or not. Now he is in Hankou again, and the filming of "囧" series has started.

As for "No. [-] Under Heaven" and "The Legend of Condor Heroes", which is better, the audience will judge for themselves.

He and Zhang Dabeard are now the TV station's tool people, and the money can be stopped when they get the money.

To say it was miserable, the worst was Huang Xiaoming and Liu Qianqian.

What is the two heavens of ice and fire, these two people have a personal experience.

"No. [-] in the World" has exploded in ratings. It stands to reason that the two people's salary will increase significantly, and their popularity will also increase.

The anger is there, and the two are still starring in another tepid drama in the Mainland.

Liu Qianqian is okay, the audience just scolded her for not being as good as Li Ruotong, not as beautiful as Li Ruotong.

Huang Xiaoming was in a much worse situation. He was really scolded by the audience, scolded from head to toe.

What shit is the most greasy Yang Guo.

What a wicked smile, like a wicked pen, spouting all kinds of obscenities.

At the end of the scolding, "No. [-] in the World" was brought up again.

Why Huang Xiaoming is really not suitable for the role of a hippie smiling punk.

He should play Duan Tianya in "No. [-] Under Heaven".

Why Liu Qianqian is really not suitable to play the little dragon girl who suffers from bitterness and hatred.

You should play lovely characters such as Princess Yunluo in "No. [-] in the World" or Zhao Ling'er in "Sword of Heaven".

Fang Nan received a call from Huang Xiaoming complaining about his distress in the crew of "On the Journey". He laughed and advised him not to keep acting.

Walk around more to see the true feelings of people on the street, and hone your acting skills.

Fang Nan didn't care whether Huang Xiaoming listened or not.

It's not an actor in his crew, and he doesn't have the energy to be a teacher.

Fang Nan actually looked forward to Liu Qianqian's call more than Huang Xiaoming's complaining call.

The two "囧" series will be filmed very quickly, and he has already written the script for the next one.

It's not a comedy, it's a movie that goes to the box office and wins awards.

In this work, there is a role that is very suitable for Liu Qianqian at her age.

It's a pity that Lang has a concubine and has no intention of doing so.

On October 10th, the day the filming of "People on the Road" started, "No. 13 in the World" started its second round of broadcast on 6 TV stations including Guangzhou, Chongqing, and Wuhan.


On October 10, the three TV stations that won the first-round broadcast rights of "No. 17 in the World" ushered in the finale.

The five-clawed golden dragon with fluttering hair and fluttering eyes fought against the naked golden-skinned Hu pigeon, and the audience was hooked.

But the ending will always come. "No. [-] in the World" ended in the shadows of Duan Tianya, Guihai Yidao, Cheng Shifei, and Princess Yunluo.

The episode just ended.

That night, shouts for the sequel erupted on the Internet, and in the end, the voices became louder and louder.

Fang Nan, who directed Wang Liang's filming for a whole day, was so tired that he was falling asleep on the bed, and the phone calls kept coming one after another.

"Is there a possibility for a sequel!" Cai Yinong asked.

"Sequel!" The purchase manager of Tomato TV.

"Sequel!" Lizhi TV station's purchase manager.

"Director Fang, is there really a sequel?" Huang Xiaoming asked.

"Brother Nan, can there be a sequel?" Yuan Hong asked.

The drama purchasing manager of Blueberry Channel didn't call to ask Fang Nan about the possibility of a sequel, they just took the sequel as inevitable.

As soon as the finale of "No. [-] in the World" ended, Blueberry Channel first organized an activity to title the staff behind the scenes of "No. [-] in the World".

Immediately after that, the sequel of "No. 2000 in the World" was called for submissions on the second day, and once it was selected, a cash bonus of [-] yuan would be given.

Fang Nan was so angry that Fang Nan's teeth were itchy, so he edited a blog on the spot and posted it out.

The sequel to "No. [-] in the World", see you in ten years.

 I broke my promise, I don't have 1 words, my butt hurts from sitting on it.

(End of this chapter)

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