literary world

Chapter 178

Chapter 178
"No. [-] Under Heaven" sold well in mainland China, but progress in expanding Hong Kong, Taiwan, Southeast Asia, and even North America was slow.

On the contrary, "The Legend of Condor Heroes" is a double flower in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Fang Nan was also puzzled.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is the reason why domestic martial arts dramas are popular outside the mainland, and even in the North American market.

Ang Lee's "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" has a global box office of more than 2 million U.S. dollars and won four Oscars.

A group of big film directors and producers in the mainland began to shoot "Hero", "House of Flying Daggers", "The Banquet", "The Promise", "Ink Attack", and "Curse of the Golden Armor".

TV dramas have also shifted from crime themes to costume kung fu movies.

This has been said for several years.

The reason for stopping this trend of ancient costumes is because "The Promise" and "Night Banquet" have ruined their reputation outside, which led to the gradual end of Chinese ancient costume Kung Fu movies.

But now that "The Promise" hasn't been released yet, "No. [-] in the World" should sell well, so why can't it go out?
Fang Nan, who was on the crew of "On the Journey", was puzzled.

In the end, he blamed the release of Tang Tang Film and Television for the failure of "No. [-] in the World".



Distribution is all about relationships and contacts. Li Guoli, a director who doesn't talk much, has no advantage in doing distribution.

So, Fang Nan called Old Freak Xu, who was still depressed because of the collapsed box office of "Seven Swords", and asked for Shi Nansheng's contact information.

He wanted to find a time to chat with Shi Nansheng, and see if he could invite her to Tang Tang Film and Television.

Feng Dapao has a well-written line, what is the most important thing in the 21st century-talent!
At Tianhe Airport, where people come and go, Fang Nan was thinking about how to invite Shi Nansheng to join Tangtang Film and Television. Wang Liang walked over holding his nose, and whispered:

"Brother Nan, Wang Bao said that he can drink half of a large bottle of milk, and he can take long shots without editing."

Fang Nan didn't understand: "Then let him drink, what's the problem?"

Wang Liang was taken aback: "Ah, oh, then I'll let him try."

Fang Nan was helpless. After Wang Liang met him, he climbed too fast, obviously lacking in enthusiasm, and came to ask about big and small things.

There are not many Tang Tang film and television directors.

The chief director of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" Li Guoli ran "No. [-] in the World" in Hong Kong and Taiwan to announce.

Huang Weiming is the executive director of "The Unknown Man" and "The Richest Man in Xihong City", and the chief director of "No. [-] in the World". His film salary is not much less than Fang Nan's, so he is not suitable to be the director of "On the Journey".

Not to mention Fang Nan, the current pillar of Tangtang Film and Television, the director's salary of 500 million yuan is higher than the total production cost of "On the Journey".

The other two directors are busy with "Flying Immortals Under Heaven".

The company has already recruited a large number of directors who can direct plays independently, but this cannot be done overnight.

It can't be hydrolyzed in the near thirsty situation.

Fang Nan took the initiative to mention Wang Liang to the director position of "On the Journey", and his actions now seem to be a bit of a blow to the seedlings.

With two hands in his arms, he arrived at the filming set pulled out by the drawer, and Wang Bao had already picked up the jug of milk.

This plot is about [Wang Bao wanted to board the plane with a jug of milk, but he couldn't pass the security check, so he drank the milk immediately].

"Are the photography, lighting, actors, and group performances all ready? We're ready to start filming." Seeing Fang Nan approaching, Wang Liang said with a guilty conscience.

"The cast is in place."

"Ryoko, wait a minute, I'm still looking for an angle for the camera."

"Director Wang, don't you need to adjust the lights? Would you like to take another look?"

The two bosses of the photography and lighting groups just finished speaking and smiled at each other knowingly.

It wasn't until Fang Nan passed behind the two of them as if no one was there that the two couldn't help but froze and said one after another.

"The camera crew is ready."

"The lighting team is fine."

Upon hearing this, Wang Liang hurriedly said: "The record is set, ready to shoot."

"The first scene of the fifth scene of "囧一", a real shot, let's start."

As the recording of the scene ended, Wang Bao in the camera picked up the plastic pot and started "gudong gudong".

After drinking for less than half, Fang Nan glanced at Wang Bao who was obviously struggling, frowned and said to Wang Liang, "Stop, drink a few times, he can't finish it all at once."

Obtaining Fang Nan's order, Wang Liang kept saying, "cut."

Wang Bao, who was forced to stop, was anxious, "Director, I'm fine, I can drink it all at once."

Fang Nan glanced at Wang Liang, and saw that he was speechless and didn't know how to refute.

He opened his mouth, and once he opened his mouth, there was no excuse: "I said that if there is a problem, there will be a problem!"

Fang Nan chimed in to support Wang Liang.

Wang Bao, Xu Shanzheng standing in the group performance, and a group of group performances, the on-site staff were instantly as quiet as cicadas.

Wang Liang, they dare to talk about it; Fang Nan, they dare not borrow their courage.

Let alone these young actors, there should be few actors in China who would dare to argue with Fang Nan.

After giving Wang Bao a hard time, the filming continued, the intermittent shots ended, the crew packed up their things, Fang Nan greeted the leaders of the air station, got in the car and left.

On the way back in the car, Fang Nan just wanted to teach Wang Liang how to be a director and what director authority is.

Instead, Wang Liang spoke first: "Brother Nan, why don't you go and film the Huang Bo scene of "Lost in Thailand" first."

Fang Nan was surprised: "Are you sure? I'm leaving, can you surround the crew with no. 40, old and young?"

Wang Liang gritted his teeth and said, "I want to try!"

Fang Nan nodded his head in relief: "Sure, then I'll leave overnight, and the crew will leave it to you."

At the end, he added another sentence: "As long as you are doing your job seriously, then you don't have to be afraid of anything. The longer the running-in period is, the longer it will be. It doesn't matter if the budget is too much. I have everything."

"Well, I see." Wang Liang said gratefully.

Wang Liang changed his temper and suddenly rose up, Fang Nan had no reason not to agree.

So, he packed his things and went back to Pujiang that night.

I gave Zeng Li a birthday present in September.

In October, he completely forgot Gao Yuanyuan's birthday. He thought that when Gao Yuanyuan came to Pujiang to audition for "You Who Came from the Star", he would make up for it anyway.

Fang Nan went to the airport.

Wang Liang stepped out of the hotel, led the crew back with a cart of liquor, and then announced that all the crew of "囧一" will have a day off.

Fang Nan left the crew, and the next day all the crew members were on vacation. Everyone in the crew was thinking about carpe diem, but Wang Liang knocked on the room one by one.

What are you doing?


Chinese people can never talk about things without the wine table and wine. The wine culture has lasted for thousands of years.

And drinking is Wang Liang's forte.

On the wine table, before moving chopsticks, Wang Liang picked up the wine glass and said the first thing.

He is a rookie director, he climbed too fast, there are many things that he doesn't understand, please feel free to enlighten me seniors.

Second thing.

Wang Liang solemnly clarified that Fang Nan hopes that "On the Journey" will be released in the Lunar New Year file, and the schedule has been discussed again. Please work together to help him complete the entrustment of Fang Nan and the company.

The third thing.


Today, as long as someone can drink him down, in the crew of "囧一", he, Wang Liang, is willing to devote himself to being a small boy.

If not, his authority as a director cannot be doubted when the crew starts up again.

The elders are the most afraid of excitement, not to mention which crew member can't drink half a catty of liquor?
The new director was threatening and defiant as soon as the three things happened, everyone in the crew screamed for him to fight for a drink.

This is what Wang Liang wanted, and he didn't hesitate at all until the glass was dry.

Even if he fights with two people alone, he must be allowed to drink plain water.

A table of people drank to the end, and the crew of more than 30 people fell down halfway.

Wang Liang, who was able to stand earlier, also sat down, but his body was straight and his belly was round.

Three thermos jugs and five empty white wine bottles are neatly arranged at the feet.

Wang Bao, who was dumbfounded at the same table, asked Xu Shanzheng, "Brother Shanzheng, have you ever seen such a drinkable person?"

Xu Shanzheng bowed his head and counted the liquor bottles under Wang Liang's feet, and said in shock, "I've never seen him drink five bottles of liquor by himself. How can this be human?"

Wang Liang used his strengths to win over the crew, and when they got drunk, Fang Nan returned to Pujiang at noon the next day.

Along the way, he squinted for a while in the car and slept for a while on the passenger plane. He was quite energetic, so he didn't go back to the apartment and went directly to the company.

Just after turning around the logo of Tang Tang Film and Television, Fang Nan ran into an acquaintance, the female director Liang Yufen who had worked with Tang Tang.

This female director is amazing, comparable to Yu Ma's number one thug Li Huizhu.

The ancient costume idol dramas he has filmed in later generations include: "Scary Step By Step", "Small Smiles Are Alluring", "Drunken Linglong", "A Thousand Bone Flowers", "Wuxin Master", "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossom" and so on.

It can be regarded as another godmother of costume idol drama.

"Just came back from another place?" Seeing Fang Nan, Liang Yufen stopped to greet her.

Fang Nan nodded curiously, "Yes, you're here to do something?"

"I just accepted Mr. Cai's invitation, and I have already joined Tang Tang Film and Television. Mr. Cai asked me to direct "You Who Came from the Star", and I came to see the actors audition today."

As soon as I heard that Liang Yufen changed from the director of the first film to her own director.

Fang Nan said with a smile on his face, "Well, thank you, Tang Tang needs your help so much now."

With two blockbuster movies and two hit TV series, Tang Tang Film and Television has no shortage of small money, big money to build a theater chain, and a director who can independently control the crew.

"We'll talk later, I'll go get a cup in the car."

Lin Yufen went to get the water glass, and Fang Nan continued to move forward.

The company has released four new films, "囧一", "囧二", "You Who Came From The Stars", and "Flying Fairy Beyond the Sky", which made everyone busy.

Seeing the staff running around in various offices, Fang Nan's spirit was lifted and his vitality was full!

Gearing up all the way, they happily came to the door of the personal office, and a burst of noise came indistinctly.

He pricked up his ears, and took two steps towards the door of Cai Yinong's office full of doubts.

Cai Yinong's yelling sound became clearer, as if he was going to fight with someone.

He took another two steps calmly, and then he heard another voice other than Cai Yinong.

Huayi Wang Lei?

"Young General Yang" is released?

Fang Nan knocked on Cai Yinong's office door.

"When did you come back?"

"Didn't you just come back, I heard you guys arguing here, what are you arguing about?" Fang Nan looked curiously at Wang Lei and his companions on the sofa.

Cai Yinong frowned: "The TV station of Anhui Province forced "Young General Yang" to be broadcast down."

"Ah, what happened?" Fang Nan pretended to be curious.

"Young General Yang" left a deep impression on him.

Firstly, the show was dragged on for a while because it hadn't passed the trial and couldn't get a star.

It was finally bought by a TV station in 06, and it could be broadcast on local stations, but it was forced to be broadcast because it was too tear-jerking.

Fang Nan pretended to be blind, and Wang Lei on the sofa stood up abruptly, accusing rather impatiently: "Director Fang, Mr. Cai, you Tangtang Film and Television is not honest in this matter."

"At the beginning, the two of us made an agreement that Huayi would pay for it, and Tangtang Film and Television would work together to create an all-star big production after the production, so as to pave the way for stronger cooperation in the future."

"For the film "Young General Yang", Hua Yi invested nearly 500 million yuan in it."

"The result? "Young General Yang" couldn't even pass the review, and Hua Yi couldn't use so many connections."

"I haven't passed the review. It's okay to take advantage of "No. [-]" to sell it at a good price. It's okay if the wish is gone. I can only broadcast it on local stations first. After two years, the two of us will work hard together, and we will always make the show a star." of."

"Then "Young General of the Yang Family" was directly cut in half by the local TV station?"

"How did you film this show behind the scenes?"

"Or Mr. Cai and Director Fang, did you two deliberately dig this hole for Huayi? Watch us Huayi jump in?"

"How else to explain it?"

"Based on Director Fang's vision and experience, he shouldn't be unable to notice that there is a problem with the plot of "Young General Yang", right? "Young General Yang" and "No. [-] in the World" have only been shelved for a few days!"

After Wang Lei got up, the whole paragraph was full of saliva flying and his hands waving wildly, obviously extremely angry in his heart.

Looking at Fang Nan again, he sniffed and almost laughed out loud.

Damn it, don't want to be fooled by this bad drama in your previous life, just heard Wang Lei talking about this big thing, what's the matter with suddenly wanting to laugh?

Stared at by Wang Lei, Fang Nan just wanted to explain that he was very busy and didn't have time to watch "Young General Yang".

Cai Yinong was the first to shout.

"Huayi has indeed lost money. Did Tangtang Film and Television make a profit? You invested more than 400 million, and Tangtang Film and Television also invested about 100 million?"

"Hua Yi and Tang Tang started early, and they are both domestic first-tier private film and television companies. The two Mr. Wang and I have been working in this industry for so many years, and it is just now that they are easy to lose money in making movies and TV series. concept?"

"One more thing, Mr. Wang, is it useful to call me here? Can the investment money be returned? Everyone is responsible for their own profits and losses!"

After Cai Yinong finished speaking, her expression was even more ferocious than Wang Lei's. Tang Tang Film and Television had lost a total of 100 million, and she felt heartbroken just thinking about it.

"Boss Cai is right, you are responsible for your own profits and losses, but you should fulfill our earlier agreement. Why did you regret not selling part of your shares to Huayi in the phone call a few days ago?"

have to.

Hear this.

Fang Nan probably understood what was going on here.

It turned out that the premise of cooperation between Cai Yinong and Huayi also included company shares.

It's just that the agreement was not strict, or it was just verbal, so now Cai Yinong has backtracked.

As for why Huayi still got involved in Tangtang Film and Television after the cooperation failed, the target would not be anyone else, only Fang Nan.

This, in addition to his personal ability.

Originally, Huayi in the 2000s was indeed holding a large number of shares in other film and television companies.

"Mr. Wang's words should not be mentioned. At the beginning, our verbal agreement was to say 'happy cooperation' before deepening the cooperation."

"It includes me transferring some shares and so on. But now, the cooperation between our two companies is obviously not happy, and there is no possibility of cooperation in the future!"

Cai Yinong was only halfway through his refusal, and Wang Lei's face turned pale, and when he finished listening, he was so angry that smoke was coming out of his nostrils.

I'm afraid he remembered the phrase 'Only a woman and a villain are hard to raise'!
Wang Lei was so angry that he couldn't speak, but the companion beside him spoke.

"Director Fang, you've listened to me for a long time, so please be fair!"

Fang Nan glared: "How can I sell you Huayi shares, you are really dreaming!"

"Starting from today, Huayi Tangtang's cooperation will end here!" Wang Lei said viciously, and said loudly: "Old Chen, let's go!"


(End of this chapter)

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