literary world

Chapter 179 Liu Qianqian: Fang Nan, the bad guy

Chapter 179 Liu Qianqian: Fang Nan, the bad guy

Wang Lei left angrily.

Fang Nan left the office briskly.

Tang Tang Film and Television lost more than one million yuan, a small amount of money, not worth mentioning.

He thinks it's worth it to be able to disgust Huayi!
As for what Huayi's successors will do and what they can do.

Fang Nan thought about it, nothing more than trying to smear Tang Tang Film and Television to death.

Or he, the great director, the pillar of Tang Tang Film and Television, also smeared him incidentally.

This is a trick Hua Yi used in the 2000s.

Even Cai Yinong, the president of Tang Tang Film and Television, knows this well.

As for the effect of smearing, depending on the wrist and identity, it may be a fatal blow to ordinary stars.

In a few years, Liu Qianqian should have the deepest experience.

She did not join Tang Tang because she played the role of Zhao Ling'er in cooperation with Tang Tang Film and Television.

Because of cooperating with Huayi in "The King of Kung Fu" and putting pigeons on Huayi Film and Television, he was almost blacked out as a transgender person by these two!

But such nonsense is really believed by netizens.

The wave of smearing against Liu Qianqian at the beginning was not long after the mandatory download of "Young General Yang", and Fang Nan, who had been idle at home, had a deep memory.

But in this life, if Huayi wants to use the Internet trolls to smear Liu Qianqian's way of smearing him, it may not be so easy.

After all, he is a director, and he is also a famous director.

As a director, the work always comes first.

There are works, the works are popular, and he can't break the law. It's not so easy to black him.

Even if the love triangle is really exposed, he will at most be scolded for stepping on two boats, and his morals are not good.

Maybe there will be some netizens who ridiculed him while secretly envious of him enjoying the blessings of everyone.

I really want to press him to death, it's impossible.

A little gossip can kill a director and make him unable to make a movie. Directors such as Feng Dapao, Lao Mouzi, Gu Changwei, Lu Chuan and others have died [-] times long ago.

What's more, he also has millions of bloggers.

What's more, Cai Yinong is also a well-known naval leader.

Fang Nan returned to his personal office in a happy mood.

"When Gao Yuanyuan, Liu Qianqian and the others come to audition, you can take a look and give your opinion when you have time. After all, you provided the script and story, and you must have your own set of ideas."

Fang Nan was taken aback, looked at Cai Yinong curiously and said, "Ah? Why did you send an audition invitation to Liu Qianqian? Am I not the chosen heroine Gao Yuanyuan?"

Cai Yinong explained with a smile: "I sent someone an invitation, thinking about talking about long-term cooperation. The company's actresses are lacking in support, and they keep looking for outsiders, which is a waste of resources."

Fang Nan was speechless, he just thought that Cai Yinong might be one of the culprits who blackmailed Liu Qianqian in his previous life, so Liu Qianqian didn't mention Tang Tang Film and Television or Hu Ge for more than ten years.

Now she started to try to attract her mind again.

"It won't be reproduced."

Fang Nan muttered, and said very depressed: "Then you can be honest and talk about it honestly. It's nothing to use the role to deceive people. It's impossible for the female number one to give it to her."

"You expect me to make a special trip to the capital for this matter? Her mother and son are really thinking too much, isn't the plane ticket money?"

"Okay, I'll go and have a look at the audition later."

Promising to go to the audition later, Fang Nan told Cai Yinong about the idea of ​​recruiting Shi Nansheng to Tang Tang as the general manager.

She is still unwilling because the annual salary of 200 million is too high, which is simply scary.

Fang Nan talked badly and half threatened, so Cai Yinong opened his mouth to find an opportunity to go back to Xiangjiang and talk to Shi Nansheng face to face.

After finishing the two matters, Fang Nan was about to go to see the cat, Cai Yinong frowned and talked about another matter.

Han Zhizhi was photographed in a certain hospital in her hometown in Guizhou Province and posted on Tianya.

"Hospital? What's wrong with her at such a young age?" Fang Nan asked curiously.

"She is not well-known, and there are no paparazzi to follow her. I don't know why she went to the hospital. When she left, she didn't look sick, but she seemed pregnant."

When Cai Yinong said this, he looked straight at Fang Nan.

"Why, do you doubt me? Am I crazy?" After Fang Nan defended, he stood up abruptly and asked, "Did you release the scandal between Hu Ge and Liu Qianqian a while ago?"

"No, Hu Ge doesn't have feelings for her. It's probably because she messed around with others."

Cai Yinong shook his head and left with a pun.

Fang Nan couldn't figure it out, Cai Yinong's so-called promiscuity meant that Han Zhizhi spent money to create publicity through scandals.

Or messing around with other people.

On the other hand, if Han Zhizhi is pregnant and afraid of delaying her stardom by having a child, it is understandable that she is anxious to get a female number one role to consolidate her stardom, but whose child does it belong to?

"I'm rough, could it be Ma Dayong's?"

Thinking of this, Fang Nan couldn't sit still, and ran out while pulling out his cell phone.

Ma Dayong is over 30 these days, if there is a child, no matter what kind of person Han Zhizhi is, the child is innocent.

He rushed to the door in a hurry, and bumped into someone with a swipe. With a "boom", his nostrils hit the forehead of the visitor very sourly.


Liu Qianqian squatted down clutching her forehead, and the black cat in her arms rushed into Fang Nan's office.

Fang Nan supported the door frame, rubbed his nose, and said with tears in his eyes, "Hey, Sissy, what are you doing in such a hurry?"

"I'm counting on you for the cat."

Liu Qianqian, who was squatting on the ground, finished speaking with pain, and complained: "Director, you are not walking slowly, like a Hot Wheels. Oops, my head hurts to death."

"Go sit on the sofa and rest for a while. I'll make a phone call first."

After arranging for Liu Qianqian to sit on the sofa, Fang Nan called Ma Dayong, but this guy refused to admit it.

Fang Nan thinks about it, it seems that Ma Dayong is an old driver, and he often walks into bright neon lights in the dark night, so safety measures should not be lax.

"Who is it if it's not Ma Dayong?"

Fang Nanzhan pondered for a long time at the entrance of the office, and finally chose to give up.

The child is neither his nor Ma Dayong's.

Back in the office, Liu Qianqian, who had regained her strength, sat on the sofa and picked up Fang Nan's little black cat again.

"Your mother didn't come today?" Fang Nan asked curiously.

Liu Xiaoli was Liu Qianqian's personal bodyguard, but this bodyguard was incompetent and was scolded miserably by her daughter's fans.

Liu Qianqian raised her forehead and said, "No, my mother is busy today, so I came with my manager."

Hearing that Mama Liu didn't come, Fang Nan couldn't help thinking carefully.

Cai Yinong, who has just left, is right in saying that Tang Tang Film and Television really lacks a female lead who can fight and support the facade.

Apart from the four major actresses, Liu Qianqian, who is currently the most famous, is indeed a good candidate.

In the original world, Liu Qianqian was originally due to appear in three dramas: "The Legend of Sword and Fairy", "The Legend of Condor Heroes", and "Dragon and Ba Bu".

Using the three characters of Zhao Linger, Xiaolongnv, and Wang Yuyan to gather countless fans in the 2000s.

Became the most famous actress besides the four major female stars.

Even Shuang Bing, who has not been forcibly hung behind the four big Hua Dan's buttocks, can't compete with her these days.

And now, Liu Qianqian has starred in two dramas "The Unknown Man" and "No. [-] in the World".

With the support of the two popular dramas, Liu Qianqian's current fame has really left Shuangbing by a large margin.

Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Ling'er, Cheng Shifei and Princess Yunluo, and Gao Xiang and Ma Yiyi in "The Unknown".

Liu Qianqian doesn't have anything to do with Hu Ge now, and the audience is willing to buy it if they go to one place, and the company will easily make money if the audience buys it.

Thinking of this, Fang Nan sat down on the sofa, thought about it and said, "Cissy, are you an adult this year?"

Liu Qianqian has no doubts about him: "The 18th birthday has just passed two months."


Fang Nan nodded unconsciously, 18 years old is an adult, and signing the contract has legal effect.

But Liu Qianqian is not a stupid girl, this little girl likes to read, if she reads a lot by herself, no matter how stupid she is, she can't be that stupid, the difference may be her life experience.

I want Liu Qianqian to sign the contract, or give a verbal agreement.

It's definitely not enough to use fooling around, you have to come up with something real, something that can impress her.

"You've become an adult in a blink of an eye. When "Dragon Babu" first met you, you were still a little yellow-haired girl."

While recalling the past with an amiable smile, Fang Nan thought of reaching out to pat the little girl on the head to show her intimacy.

But she didn't expect that what met her was Liu Qianqian's shrewd eyes of seeing things, talking about things, what do you want to do.

Fang Nan was helpless, withdrew his hand, and said, "Uh, Qianqian, when you were in Zhejiang Province in summer, you said you were going to release a Japanese album, did you release it?"

"Not yet, I'll give you a copy then."

After Liu Qianqian finished speaking, she turned her phoenix eyes and looked at Fang Nan, waiting for the next sentence.

"OK, thanks."

After expressing his thanks, Fang Nan organized his speech, using a tone like a big bad wolf in a Chinese textbook telling a little white rabbit to open the door, and said in a persuasive manner:

"Actually, it's all false if you sing and you are good at acting, and you are good at acting and you are singing."

"Liang Chaowei can sing, how many songs have you seen him sing? Maggie Cheung can also sing, but not a few. I can also sing, have you seen me sing in public?"

"For actors, the most important thing is to choose a good script, cooperate with a good director, slowly polish your acting skills, and focus on your own work."

"Your mother, your godfather, including the idea of ​​the management team behind you signing you to Sony, I said it last time when I was in Hengdian."

"They just see you becoming popular in China so quickly, and they are complacent and want to learn from Korea, so that you can become popular in Japan and go abroad by singing and dancing, but do you think it is possible?"

"How do you think your Japanese album will sell? Can any song in it be as popular as my "Korie"?"

"I'm not bragging, it's inevitable that you will fail in your trip to Japan soon!"

"But if you focus on your job now and slowly polish your acting skills, it is not impossible to be on the three major podiums in Europe in the future. Then who would say that you are an international actress? Zhang Ziyi, Maggie Cheung, Kong Li's international actresses Isn’t that how the stars came from?”

After Fang Nan finished talking, he got up and took a sip from the teacup on the desk, then quietly glanced at Liu Qianqian.

"Then director, do you have a good script?"

Liu Qianqian's eyes changed, from calm and mature at the beginning to looking expectant.

Fang Nan smiled knowingly.

Liu Qianqian is only an 18-year-old girl now, and she has never endured Huayi's smear wave, and she doesn't know the dangers in the world.

Always pretending to be mature and grown-up outside is just a layer of protection for himself.

But she was still 18 years old at heart, Fang Nan dropped the pretense as soon as she dropped a few words.

"That's for sure, I have a good script right now, listen to me tell you."

After drinking two more sips of water, Fang Nan sat down on the sofa again, saliva flying all over the place.

After speaking, look at Liu Qianqian again, the tears are really dripping down.

Especially when Fang Nan talked about [the part where Xiao Bei helped Chen Nian push his hair], he really sobbed and cried.

"Sissy, what do you think of my script?"

Fang Nan was secretly happy, but in order to arouse Liu Qianqian's emotions, he pretended to be sad in his tone.

It seems to be affected by the tragic fate of the two characters in the story.

Liu Qianqian wiped the wet corners of her eyes with her palm, and nodded her head vigorously: "Okay, I have never heard of such a tense script. Director, do you mean that I can play Chen Nian?"

Fang Nan's eyelids drooped, and he looked serious: "That's natural, I told you the general outline of the story I thought of."

After "The Unknown", "The Richest Man in Xihong City", and "囧 II", he has made three comedies in a row.

It is possible that "囧一" will also be counted on him.

In this way, there are four comedies.

Comedy, he's really tired of playing.

It's time to let your stage dream go one step further, and this step is to win the prize.

Of course, in addition to winning prizes, the box office also has to be considered. Tang Tang Film and Television has just started to improve, and it can't stand the toss for the time being.

In this way, he thought about finishing "Youth in Youth".

This work can not only win awards but also take care of the box office. Looking at it now, it may be possible to cheat a golden phoenix who can lay eggs.

In fact, the moment Fang Nan took out "Youth in Youth".

He had already wondered who Chen Nian, the leading female character with strong tension, would choose.

The No.1 that he thought of at the beginning was Zhouxun.

Now in China, only Zhou Xun can perform Chen Nian's despair and sadness.

The latter is Liu Qianqian who is about the same age.

But if Liu Qianqian is unwilling to join Tang Tang Film and Television, he will not hesitate to hand over the role of Chen Nian to Zhou Xun.

Since he lost his interest, how could he spend so much effort to polish Liu Qianqian's acting skills and delay his winning the award.

So at this moment, he handed over the choice of the role of Chen Nian in "Youth in Youth" to Liu Qianqian.

This shouldn't be considered a conspiracy, it's an out-and-out conspiracy.

Liu Qianqian said with tears in her eyes: "Then I am willing to play the role of Chen Nian. When can I get this script. By the way, Brother Nan, what is the name of this script?"

"I will tentatively title the script as "Youth in Youth"."

""Youth in Youth", "You in Youth"!"

Liu Qianqian chanted it twice before admitting, "The title of the script fits the story very well. Brother Nan, when will it start up? I'll ask my manager to reserve a half-year schedule."

"Sissy, wait a minute, this is what happened."

Interrupting the impatient Liu Qianqian loudly, Fang Nan frowned and said that he also stopped halfway.

Make a hesitant to speak, serious constipation look.

Liu Qianqian, who was still deeply moved just now, reacted to Fang Nan's death.

Fang Nan, who was hesitating to talk, was not the kind of unspoken director that Liu Tao had talked about with a smile.

Let me tell you about the role first, and when you want to sign a contract, the other party will make unreasonable demands?
"Fang Nan wants to cheat on me? When I'm sure, I'll call Zeng Li and see if I don't want you to look good! Fang Nan, you bad guy!"

With hatred together, Liu Qianqian took a glance and pretended to be at a loss. Fang Nan, who didn't know why to speak, spoke delicately on purpose.

"Brother Nan!" After making a whimper, she said again: "How can I play Chen Nian, isn't that the case?"

As she spoke, she tugged at the collar of the red down jacket, and cast an obviously unflattering wink at Fang Nan.

Fang Nan was confused: "What are you doing? Sit down quickly."

He is not a beast, how can he attack a girl who has just grown up and is only 18 years old?
I didn't feel the green bean sprouts, did Zeng Li's long legs smell good?

Gao Yuanyuan's little body is uncomfortable lying on the stomach?
"Ah, Brother Nan, didn't you mean that?" Liu Qianqian was also dumbfounded.

"Stop thinking about it." Fang Nan stopped pretending that something would happen.

Therefore, he scolded Liu Qianqian, and said bluntly: "You have to sign the film and television contract to Tang Tang Film and Television, and I can give you the role of Chen Nian."

"Is that so?"

Liu Qianqian, who had regained her dignity, was in a bit of a dilemma. She really didn't dare to make decisions on her own about the manager's appointment.

Otherwise, the family, especially her mother, would definitely nag her to death.

Just like what Fang Nan said to her in Hengdian, she actually listened to it and thought it made sense.

But in the end, I couldn't help but follow the strategic goals set by my family and the brokerage team.

Liu Qianqian looked embarrassed!
"It's hard to make a choice, isn't it? One is your family, and the other is your future."

"If you join Tangtang Film and Television, I dare not guarantee anything else. I will let you appear on the big screen and win one or two domestic acting awards."

"Think about it for yourself, think about why you can only sing and dance on the stage at the Huabiao Awards, while others either accept the award on the stage, or look at you like a clown off the stage!"

"dong dong dong"

Fang Nan's last words were like a heavy hammer hitting Liu Qianqian's little heart that hadn't fully grown up yet.

After a long time, she nodded slowly, and said solemnly, "Brother Nan, I promise you verbally for the time being, and sign my film and television contract to Tangtang Film and Television."

Verbally agree?

Cai Yinong's verbal agreement almost blocked Wang Lei from bringing it up.

Therefore, Fang Nan felt a little regretful.

But he still agreed: "That's fine, we should go home and discuss it."

After all, Liu Qianqian is not Cai Yinong, maybe he really keeps his word.

I would rather turn against my old mother and fulfill the verbal agreement.

Fang Nan looked forward to it.

(End of this chapter)

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