literary world

Chapter 180 Sweet daily life

Chapter 180 Sweet daily life
Liu Qianqian hugged the little black cat and left with a heavy heart.

Fang Nan left the office and went straight to the dressing room.

In the middle of a row of dressing tables.

Stylists, hair stylists, and makeup artists circle around Gao Yuanyuan.

Cai Yinong, Wang Jinghua, and Lin Yufen chatted enthusiastically behind the scenes.

As soon as Fang Nan opened the door and entered, Wang Jinghua greeted him enthusiastically, "Hey, didn't the news say that Director Fang was in Hankou? When did you come back?"

Fang Nan is one of the hottest directors in China right now.

He has blossomed in film and television, and can write lyrics, making the small workshop Tangtang Film and Television flourish.

Tang Tang Film and Television's newly relocated address is a large factory building of thousands of square meters. This room and that room have already dazzled people.

Horizontal development in the future, Tangtang advertising, distribution, brokerage, music, theaters, isn't this the next Huayi?
When that day comes, Fang Nan is afraid that he will make a big contribution.

Who in the circle doesn't envy Cai Yinong's shit luck.

Didn't she, known as the No. [-] agent in the entertainment industry, also come to the door to say hello to her?

"A company that just arrived at noon."

After returning to Wang Jinghua with a smile, Fang Nan went straight to Gao Yuanyuan's side and looked at the make-up in the mirror.

"Modern makeup is almost done. Yuanyuan's face is enough to go abroad even without makeup." He said to the makeup artists.

Zeng Li's face is also beautiful, but too colorful and aggressive.

Gao Yuanyuan's face has a softer curve, which is more in line with the public's aesthetics.

As soon as Fang Nan finished speaking, everyone in the dressing room laughed, and Gao Yuanyuan was praised even more, ashamed and annoyed, he tried to pull Fang Nan's pants with his backhand.

The scene of the two being intimate and close, made Cai Yinong sigh inwardly while watching Wang Jinghua's heart bursting with joy.

"That's it for the makeup, let's change clothes, take a photo of the makeup and I'll take a look first."

When Fang Nan spoke, no one would bite the bullet and refute. A group of people walked out of the dressing room and walked into the audition room next to it.

In "You Who Came from the Stars", the female number one played by Gao Yuanyuan is named Qian Songyi, and the name Fang Nan was not changed at the beginning.

After the outline of the story was handed over to the screenwriting department, some screenwriters questioned whether Huaxia had a 'Qian' surname.

After looking through the information and contacting many people, the screenwriters and Fang Nan knew that although there were not many people with the surname Qian in Huaxia, there were thousands of them.

They are concentrated in a small village called Qiancun in Henan.

The village has a history of 600 years.

In recent years, people from South Korea, North Korea and other places have even come to recognize the sect!
After the information was found here, the screenwriter department asked people to go to Qiancun to confirm the truth and report it to Fang Nan. Fang Nan immediately made the decision, and the heroine's name was Qian Songyi!
Afterwards, he secretly looked up Du's surname again, not to mention, there are also Du's surnames, but there are fewer.

Some of them didn't fit the low-key personality of the male protagonist in the play, the alien, so Fang Nan didn't mention changing Chen Minjun to Chengdu Minjun.

Cheon Song Yi in the play is a female star, with all kinds of expensive clothes, hats, clothing, shoes, and accessories, and many props need to be carefully crafted.

But what should have been a headache was instantly resolved by calls from brand owners after the news of the establishment of "You Who Came from the Stars" came out.

Xtep: "Who is the director? Director Fang Nan?"

Cai Yinong: "No, the chief director is Director Lin Yufen, and Director Fang Nan is still the producer."

Xtep: "Producer? That's fine, Xtep is willing to provide all the sportswear and shoes in the play, and the sponsorship fee is 100 million."

Cai Yinong: "We will consider it."

Anta: "Mr. Cai, is the director of your new project Director Fang?"

Cai Yinong: "No, Director Fang has to work on his own film, but he is still the producer, just like "No. [-] Under Heaven"."

Anta: "How many episodes are there? Are you willing to sign a ratings guarantee contract?"

Cai Yinong: "We don't sign guaranteed contracts."

361 Degrees: "Mr. Cai, we at 361 Degrees are willing to provide sportswear for your company's "You Who Came from the Stars". Can you find a time to sit down and talk about sponsorship fees?"

Ultimately, 361 Degrees is offering a full cast of sportswear.

And the sponsorship fee of 300 million won the right to place the brand advertisement of "You Who Came from the Star".

After sportswear, men's and women's formal wear, jewelry, watches, cosmetics, cars and mobile phones were also taken over by multiple brand companies.

Among them, BBK, which is endorsed by Gao Yuanyuan's image, won the right to implant mobile phones.

Mercedes-Benz won the right to implant a series of luxury cars and sports cars in the play.

After negotiating the sponsorship, Cai Yinong made up his mind afterward, almost making his lips crooked.

More than 20 brand owners provide all the expensive costumes and jewelry props, and there are up to 1500 million sponsorship fees for implanted advertisements.

Just for the placement of advertisements, the total number of episodes is expected to be 20, and the total budget of 1000 million "You Who Came From the Star" has not yet started filming, and has already made a profit.

She has been in Xiangjiang and the mainland film and television industry for so many years, and she has never seen a TV series that makes money like this.

Of course, she is also very eye-catching, knowing that Fang Nan is the source of so much money in "You Who Came from the Star".

In the audition room, Fang Nan, Cai Yinong and others stood next to each other. Gao Yuanyuan, who had changed into a costume, briefly said a line, and the assistant director in charge of the audition ended the process.

Hu Ge and Gao Yuanyuan had already been selected as the number one male and female roles, and the audition was just for outsiders to see.

"Where are the audition shots of other actors? Let me take a look."

Gao Yuanyuan was close, Fang Nan pushed the assistant director aside, and clicked on the other actors' shots on the computer.

"Where's the written information for this young actor? What role did you audition for?"

Leaning slightly, he pointed to a young dancing girl on the screen and asked the assistant director.

"Ni Ni?" The assistant director took out the folder, took a look, and introduced: "Ni Ni, 88 years old in 17, from Jinling, can dance, model, and play the role of the female lead in ancient and modern childhood."

"This candidate is okay, and he looks good."

After Fang Nan finished speaking, he said to Cai Yinong who was in front of the table, "Miss K, come over and have a look, if you can, sign this little girl."

Ni Ni.

Another generation of certain girls after Kong Li and Zhang Ziyi.

In terms of awards and commercial box office, this certain girl is not as good as her predecessors, nor is she as good as her juniors.

so awkward.

But it is more than enough to make a beautiful vase.

Many people may look down on the "vase" on the screen. After all, being called a "vase" means that there is no acting skills, and the acting skills are bad.

An actor is defined as a vase, and this life is over, blah blah blah.

Fang Nan never saw it that way, not everyone can be a vase, especially a beautiful "vase" that can decorate the camera.

After Ni Ni, Li Fangnan, the remaining audition actor, got nothing, dropped the mouse and left his seat.

After going out and waiting on the Santana 3000 for about half an hour, he edited a text message to Gao Yuanyuan.

Leaning slightly, Gao Yuanyuan, who was stepping on high heels, opened the car door with a hat and sunglasses.

"Come back for a few days?" When the car started, Gao Yuanyuan gave Fang Nan a sideways look, and said, "Where do you want to take me?"

Fang Nan chuckled, "Take me to the bed."

Gao Yuanyuan pouted, patted Fang Nan's arm, and said shamefully, "You're not serious."

Fang Nan stayed silent, turned the steering wheel and rushed to the apartment building where he lived.

"Put on your hat, glasses, and mask, and follow me upstairs."

In broad daylight, bringing Gao Yuanyuan to the place where he lives, the risk factor is a bit high.

But when he came back this time, the main purpose was to make up for Gao Yuanyuan's birthday, and the room was all set up, so it would be impossible to change the place.

Fortunately, most of the residents in this apartment are company employees, and most of them are at work.

All the way into the elevator, upstairs, Fang Nan fumbled for the key and opened the door, Gao Yuanyuan flashed in.

"One living room, one bedroom, one bathroom and one kitchen. It's much better than your previous room, but it's just as dirty."

Gao Yuanyuan said something, took off the beige windbreaker, revealing the white sweater inside, stretched his hands behind his head and combed his long hair, rolled up his hair, and rolled up his sleeves.

"I'm always not at home." After closing the door and turning around, Fang Nan looked at Gao Yuanyuan's posture again, and couldn't help being speechless. At a critical moment, he was thinking about doing housework: "What are you doing, walk around, and follow me into the house."

"Whether you have a good job or not, you can think about it in broad daylight."

Gao Yuanyuan blushed halfway through speaking.

Fang Nan didn't bother to argue with her, bent his waist, and carried the screaming Gao Yuanyuan into the bedroom.

Finish the work early and rush back to the Hankou studio early.

"Fang Nan, you pervert."

Gao Yuanyuan struggled to get to the room, until he was hugged by Fang Nan and sat on the side of the bed, then he looked at Fang Nan who suddenly stopped and squatted affectionately.

"What are you doing? Looking at me like this!" Gao Yuanyuan felt terrified.

Fang Nan himself was also confused. At this point, he originally wanted to call "Baby" or "Honey" provocatively.

But when things came to an end, he found that these words were a bit difficult to say.

"Well, didn't you forget your birthday a few days ago? I will make it up for you today. You will wait."

After finishing speaking, he went back outside the house to order the cake in the kitchen, and took out a bottle of red wine and glasses from the refrigerator into the bedroom.

Seeing these three things, Gao Yuanyuan covered his hot face.

Not ashamed but excited.

This is the first time Anan celebrated her birthday, and he bought a cake and prepared red wine.

After lighting the candles and turning off the lights, Gao Yuanyuan's face turned redder, and his big eyes watched Fang Nan put the birthday cake hat on her.

"Yuanyuan, don't blow out the candles later, in order to have me in your wish, I have specially prepared a small program, don't turn your head."

After Fang Nan finished speaking, he took a big step and took out his guitar from the bedroom closet.

【Want to see you smile】

【want to fight with you】

Amidst the melodious guitar and singing, Gao Yuanyuan turned her head in surprise, Fang Nan grinned, but she burst into tears.

【Want to hug you into my arms】

[The last second was arguing while blushing]

[Turn around in the next second and you will be reconciled]

【Not afraid of you crying】

【Not afraid of you calling】

【Because you are my pride】

【A pair of eyes running after you】

【A heart is already ready】

【Just once, I'll take you to see the old days】

【laughing on a sunny day】

【Noisy in the free air】


Omit 8000 words.

 The number of words in the lyrics is considered good, and no coins will be deducted.

  In addition, there are so many today, I really have no desire to write today, I am almost useless!I will ask for a day off tomorrow, and see if I can make up for today.

(End of this chapter)

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