literary world

Chapter 181 Accidental Dispute During the Spring Festival Gala

Chapter 181 Accidental Dispute During the Spring Festival Gala
A cake, a bottle of red wine, a song.

Let Gao Yuanyuan and Fang Nan linger for the whole afternoon.

Tired and happy after.

Calm down the ups and downs.

Night falls.

The two surrounded by each other spoke sweet words to the moonlight, and chatted about recent work.

But Gao Yuanyuan startled Fang Nan when he opened his mouth.

"Shooting men's clothing, what are you kidding? Wang Jinghua picked it up for you?"

He is a director, and he can do things like kissing scenes with a woman and an actor.

Men's clothes?

Fang Nan's face was obviously unchanging, Gao Yuanyuan hugged his arm tenderly.

"It's just art photos, fashion magazines. I keep my most beautiful age group on film. We can lie down and read it when we get old."

After filming "The Richest Man in Xihong City" and "No. [-] in the World", her reputation in China is not as good as the four major female roles, but it is not far behind.

What is missing, the only regret is probably that the awards are a bit worse.

Zhao Yanzi, who is the worst of the four major actresses, now also has the Pujiang International Film Festival, Huabiao Awards and other actress awards.

Awards don't happen overnight.

Her agent, Wang Jinghua, wanted to start with the fashion that had only become popular in the past two years, and wanted to find another way to make Gao Yuanyuan's reputation even higher.

Thinking about it, I have to add a garden after the four major Huadans.

After Gao Yuanyuan explained Wang Jinghua's mental journey, Fang Nan jumped angrily.

Looking at Gao Yuanyuan's art photos while lying in bed when he was old, wouldn't this make him cry at that empty space?

Furthermore, fashion first and then the red carpet, isn't this Fan Bayi's popular operation?
Maybe a godfather is missing?
Thinking of my woman wearing a dragon robe, ink painting and other dresses, brazenly posing on the red carpet in Cannes.

Fang Nan almost stopped in one breath.

How useless he is to let a woman who is determined to work hard in the circle become a blanket star!

"Don't talk nonsense with me, who said that dew point is art? You have to use film to preserve your best figure, and I can also take pictures for you. I promise to take clear pictures of all the moles on your buttocks."

Gao Yuanyuan pushed Fang Nan angrily: "Fuck you."

"Where to go, I warn you, no men's clothing is allowed, these fake art and fashion magazines, I will make them look good sooner or later."

Gao Yuanyuan said contemptuously: "Cut, if you don't shoot, you don't shoot. You are still the director."

Fang Nan rolled his eyes: "Just because I am a director, I know how ignorant and stupid it is to treat Ludian as literature and art. Those people are deceiving little girls like you."

He has never disliked literary films in his two lifetimes combined.

Commercial films and literary films are the two legs of a film, and both are indispensable.

Not to mention the commercial value, awards and other aspects of the two theme films.

Just look at it from Fang Nan's director's perspective.

Commercial films with many selling points that can satisfy the tastes of most people are indispensable themes for the sustainable development of movies.

Without commercial films, audiences would have less fun in their lives, and the global film industry would stagnate, with huge implications.

And literary films that touch people's hearts and expose the dross of the world are also indispensable.

Because this world is not infinitely beautiful, the surface is glamorous, and the world is floating under the water. Some directors with conscience need to use literary films to expose, or to guide people to resonate, so that people can be inspired.

Of course, there are also many literary film directors who are not so tall, and they are immersed in their own literary world.

Jia Zhangke couldn't extricate himself from the small town of his childhood.

Lou Ye is still confused in the deformed emotions he has woven.

But no matter what, literature and art never refer to dew point.

Literature and art are not so lost.

Therefore, commercial films are the needs of the current film industry.

"Avatar" let filmmakers around the world see what IMAX is, and its appearance has driven the development of the industry.

Audiences watching "Avatar" in a hundred years' time may laugh out loud and curse the garbage special effects.

But audiences a hundred years from now will also see "Forrest Gump" of our era and "I'm Not the God of Medicine".

The audience at that time will realize that the filmmakers a hundred years ago have already taught us what is not to give up and what is conscience.

Fang Nan came to the fire.

Gao Yuanyuan, who was still under the quilt, turned on the phone and called Wang Jinghua, and declined the invitation of "Men's Clothes".

Only then did Fang Nan calm down, turn on his phone, and get out of bed to prepare dinner for two and one cat.

The big black cat lost its cub, which was about the same age as it, and cried a little sadly.

Fang Nan didn't know what to do, he went downstairs and bought two fish, thinking of comforting them.

"Honey, your boss called just now."

As soon as Fang Nan entered the room with the vegetables, Gao Yuanyuan put on his white shirt and a small piece of cloth on his lower body, leaning barefoot on the bedroom door and shouting coquettishly.

Fang Nan's chicken couldn't stop moving when he saw it.

"Did you take it?" he asked.

Gao Yuanyuan said in a dissatisfied voice, "If you want me to pick it up, I will pick it up next time."

She originally thought that Fang Nan was a log, but after today, she no longer thought so.

Not only is Fang Nan not a wood that can’t make surprises, but he is also talented, good at kung fu, and at the same age, so there is no hesitation. He has been open and tired of being together for a few years, and it is good to get married and have children. Unfortunately, Fang Nan always talks about career. For the heavy.

"Cook the meal first, and come back later." Fang Nan said indifferently.

In the kitchen, Fang Nan was busy, but Gao Yuanyuan was not idle either.

She would hold Fang Nan from behind while washing, chopping and frying vegetables, jumping off the ground from time to time and hanging onto Fang Nan's body.

When Fang Nan turned his head angrily, she leaned forward and kissed her head lightly.

Smile sweetly.

After so many times, Fang Nan lost his temper, and insisted on cooking three dishes and one soup behind his back.

When the vegetable soup was served, Gao Yuanyuan changed to lying on his back and sat on Fang Nan's lap, curling up in Fang Nan's arms.

Fang Nan ate at a tilted position for a while, and couldn't take it anymore, pulled the dishes and chopsticks from the table aside, and gave Gao Yuanyuan a solid punishment on the spot.

After the complete silence, the two had a good meal, and Fang Nanshun called Cai Yinong back.

On the phone, Cai Yinong knew that Fang Nan hadn't returned to Hankou yet.

Let’s say that Tomato TV has a leader looking for him to go to the SMG building tomorrow,

Fang Nan was puzzled at first, but after thinking about it, he thought of "Boys and Girls Go Chong Chong".

"Boys and Girls Chong Chong Chong" landed on Tomato Channel in summer, and the initial ratings have been good.

Nielsen's highest ratings exceeded 4% for several days in a row, which aroused the jealousy of many stations.

During the finals of "Super Girl" on Mango Channel, Tomato Channel managed to survive the one-off defeat by relying on this program, and stabilized the ratings in the station.

In order to thank Fang Nan, Tomato TV took the initiative to transfer another 50 yuan to Fang Nan according to the contract.

But this variety show is simple and crude after all, and it doesn't need to spend too much manpower and material resources.

Extremely easy to replicate.

Therefore, various copies of the coveted "Boys and Girls Chong Chong" began to appear.

In the end, it evolved into major TV stations across the country, with as many as thirty or forty programs that were almost identical to "Boys and Girls Clashing" appearing in succession.

Even more interesting and more eye-catching.

After all, some guests dare to show off, and some stations dare to shoot.

At that time, the frustrated Tomato TV had called Fang Nan who was in the capital, trying to make him think differently.

It's a pity that Fang Nan really has nothing to do.

A person who cared so much about copyright, he took out "Boys and Girls Chong Chong Chong" but never mentioned the copyright ownership.

I just know that this program cannot use copyright to bluff people.

Fang Nan couldn't help it. The ratings of "Boys and Girls" on Tomato TV gradually dropped, until it was on an equal footing with the latecomers and disappeared from everyone.

Guessing that Tomato Channel was looking for him to do another show, Fang Nan had an idea.

There are ideas, but no time.

But I must come to the door to explain that Tangtang Film and Tomato TV is in the honeymoon period, and the relationship must be maintained.

The next day.

Fang Nan drove Gao Yuanyuan and Big Black Cat to Tangtang Film and Television successively, and then drove to the SMG building.

After all the cast members of "You Who Came from the Star" are decided, the whole team will discuss the script together, and Gao Yuanyuan will stay in Pujiang for a period of time.

All the way to the SMG Building on Weihai Road, Fang Nan originally thought that Zhou Jin would still welcome him.

I didn't expect that Li Gang, the director of SMG's drama purchase, would come today.

"Director Li, presided over by Zhou."

After parking the car, Fang Nan shook hands with the two and stood still.

"It was said on the news that you were in Hankou. Luckily, Zhou Jin called President Cai smartly, and that's when I found out that you sneaked back to Pujiang." Director Li laughed.

Fang Nan laughed and said, "In our business, we have to be true and false. I'm also a behind-the-scenes person. It's best to have an uncertain schedule. Try to keep a distance from the audience in your spare time."

Li Gang and Zhou Jin looked at each other and laughed: "Fang Dao is so transparent, let's go, talk while walking."

The two walked side by side, Zhou Jin followed, after a while, Li Gang spoke.

"Some time ago, Nandu Weekly interviewed me. I said that Huaxia only had TV, but no dramas. The host asked me what I meant? I explained that Huaxia TV's original dramas are weak, and the style of programs is too scarce."

Fang Nan got a headache when he heard it, so he could only agree with "hmmm", Li Gang was meandering and didn't make a point, he didn't know what he was going to say.

"Last year, we spent nearly 2 million yuan on the purchase of TV dramas on Tomato TV, with a total of 13000 episodes. The TV dramas that are truly original are "No. [-] in the World" produced by your company. The variety show is "Boys and Girls. ""

Fang Nan understood Li Gang's words, and he should be praising him and Tang Tang Film and Television.

But he frowned even deeper.

This is boasting, what is this for?
Fang Nan only found out after sitting down on the sofa in the reception room of Li Gang's office.

Tomato Channel didn't seek him out to create any new variety show, but wanted to hire him as the chief director of Tomato Channel's 06 Spring Festival Gala.

Fang Nan was speechless, this was the end of his life.

The Tomato TV Spring Festival Gala does not need to be polished as much as the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, but it must be rehearsed for a month or two before recording.

How can he have time.

Knowing the purpose, Fang Nan hurriedly stood up and declined, "Director Li, I won't hide it from you, I really don't have time, I guess I have to be abroad during the Spring Festival."

In their line of business, the most fearful thing is the unreasonable demands of the TV station you have made friends with.

Just like now, he agreed to Tomato TV, not to mention that he was troubled, and even delayed the filming of "Lost in Thailand".

No, once "You Who Came from the Star" comes out, it will have to sell the show.

This kind of TV series with a cost of hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of episodes, except for the top few satellite TVs in China, ordinary satellite TVs may not be willing to spend money.

Really willing to spend money, he and Cai Yinong have to worry about the low ratings of these stations.

So it is very difficult.

Li Gang was curious: "Are you abroad during Chinese New Year?"

"Well, I'm currently filming two films in a set. As soon as the Hankou film is over, I will take the crew to Thailand. I may not be able to come back during the Spring Festival."

Knowing that Fang Nan was filming, but Li Gang didn't know whether it was true or not to go abroad, so he frowned and said it.

"Oh, it's a pity, SMG and you Tang Tang have been cooperating very well."

"The "No. [-] in the World" channel will fight for your stars."

""Sword of Heaven" and "New Liaozhai" are also broadcast on our city channel, and "Young General Yang" almost appeared on the second channel."

"We bought nearly 200 episodes of your dramas a year. What Taili means is that the two are neighbors and we will continue to strengthen cooperation in the future. That's why we want to ask Director Fang to be the chief director of our 06 Spring Festival Gala."

When Li Gang said a lot, it seemed reasonable, but in fact, it was obvious that the two families benefited from each other, but Fang Nan had to listen honestly and nod frequently to express his agreement because of his powerful family.

Fang Nan rubbed his aching head, pondered for a long time, and came up with a compromise.

"Director Li, I definitely don't have time for the chief director. No matter how hard I press, I won't be able to find time."

"I don't think it's better than this. I can give a few ideas and even direct a few shows. This is another collaboration between the two. What do you think?"

TV stations can really handle their production companies.

In this regard, Huayi, the leading film and television company in China, should not try to make a show on the TV station.

But I really want Fang Nan to just nod his head and act as a petty person, making decisions at will. I'm afraid Tomato Station is thinking too much.

Rabbits are in a hurry and bit people.

At worst, he will sell the next episodes to other channels, or if he can't, he will sell them at a reduced price.

Of course, this is because Tomato Station is too persecuted, and it is a last resort.

"Create a show idea? I have to discuss it with the station."

Fang Nan secretly rolled his eyes, thinking:

"It's good if I can come up with some creative ideas. The creative viewers I come up with may still be able to take a look at Tomato TV. Otherwise, how can you compare Tomato TV with CCTV's Spring Festival Gala? Even if the current Spring Festival Gala has gradually become more preaching, but At least Uncle Benshan is still there! With this person around, the CCTV Spring Festival Gala will not be able to collapse."

After muttering in his heart, Li Gang came back from the phone call and said that the station had to think about it.

Fang Nanba had to think about forgetting about him, and didn't want to accept this at all.

"Then, Director Li, I'll go back first, you guys have thought about it and give me a call."

After finishing speaking, he added: "But as soon as possible, I will go abroad if I can't."

Many people want to participate in the annual Spring Festival Gala, but he doesn't have that kind of thought. He is busy all year round, so he might as well take a rest.

After leaving Director Li's reception room, Fang Nan didn't let Li Gang see him off, and followed the corridor before he came, and got on the elevator all the way.

Before he got out of the elevator, the phone rang, and Tomato TV agreed to his proposal, asking him to go up and chat with the current director.

"Damn it, you really crush people to death!"

Fang Nan had no choice but to go back upstairs and follow the studio that Li Gang was talking about. Before he arrived, a series of disputes could be heard.

He listened carefully, and among the voices of fierce confrontation, there was a submissive voice that was a bit like Zeng Li's voice.

【Dressing room】

Fang Nan raised his head and muttered, pushed the door open and went in.

In the dressing room sitting in a row, there are more than 20 men and women, No. 30 people form a circle, the actress Fang Nan in the middle is known, her name is Huo Yan, she played a female role in a unit of Tang Tang Film and Television's "New Liaozhai" number one.

Belonging to artists under Huayi, Huayi was flirting with Cai Yinong at the time, and there were many Huayi artists in "New Liaozhai".

But the most widely circulated name of this woman is the title of Huayi social butterfly.

Rumor has it that this innocent actress in her early years drank a lot, and Wang Jun, the boss of Huayi, often took her to various banquets.

But Fang Nan knew more, this guy was about to become famous soon, and walking the red carpet in a backless outfit would be a trivial matter.

He would even openly tear up another actress surnamed Huang on Weibo for the sake of a man, doing a lot of flirting.

Of course, in the future, people will use variety shows and "uh huh" to clear up all of this.

The entertainment industry is like this, as long as you don't break the law, if you are black today, tomorrow the opportunity comes, you may not be white.

The person who opposed Huo Yan had opera makeup on his face. He didn't know who he was or who he was.

Seeing the situation clearly, Fang Nan glanced at the chattering crowd, but Zeng Li didn't see them.

He stood back from the crowd calmly, wanting to see what kind of gossip he encountered.

At this moment, Huo Yan pointed at the girl next to Hua Danzhuang, and started swearing:
"You are raised in a small batch. It's none of your business whether my old lady has plastic surgery. You talkative, see if I don't tear your mouth apart today."

She cursed, and started to walk forward along the way, yelling "I see who dares to pull me" as she walked.

At the same time, a man followed Huo Yan bullying him.

Probably her assistant.

"Damn it, it's no loss that Huo Yan dared to publicly tear people up on Weibo. With so many people watching, how dare he do it?"

Fang Nan looked bright.

The entertainment circle is also known as the right and wrong circle, and there are often four walls.

But most people have been making paste under the water, and not many get it on the table. They wear bright clothes, but their expressions are extremely hideous, which is not good-looking.

This action of Huo Yan subverted Fang Nan's three views.

He didn't know whether Huo Yan's true EQ was low, or whether he was relying on Huayi, so he had nothing to fear.

"What are you doing, what are you doing, people haven't scolded you, isn't it enough that you scolded me for so long?"

Huo Yan and the two of them stepped forward with open teeth and claws, and the man in fancy makeup opened his hands frantically to prevent Huo Yan from beating his little assistant, while shouting.

Fang Nan's happy smile disappeared instantly. Is it Zeng Li who is wearing fancy makeup?
What's the matter?

"Stop it, what the hell are you doing?"

With a loud roar, he squeezed away several people outside and rushed in.

By the way, he grabbed Huo Yan's male assistant's hands that were grabbing Zeng Li, and after pulling and twisting, Huo Yan's assistant squatted at his feet.

"Hey, Director Afang, why are you here?"

The messy scene suddenly stopped as Assistant Huo Yannan squatted on the ground.

Ceng Li waved her hands indiscriminately, and Zeng Li, who hadn't caught anything, stopped, seeing that it was Fang Nan, she almost shouted "A Nan" with joy.

"Is it really Zeng Li? Damn, I didn't even recognize you with your fancy makeup. What are you doing?"

For the last sentence, Fang Nan looked at Huo Yan coldly and asked.

"Director Fang, you come to judge. The little assistant Zeng Li slanders me for plastic surgery indiscriminately. Do you think I can let her go?"

For no reason, Huo Yan was not stupid enough to offend Fang Nan, he honestly told the cause and effect.

But Fang Nan's words instantly made her anxious, "Then are you doing it right?" Fang Nan asked.

"Director Fang, are you taking advantage of your close relationship with Zeng Li to deliberately favor her little assistant?"

While Huo Yan questioned, she straightened her back.

Fang Nan let go of the male assistant and was about to speak, when Zeng Li said first, "Who's taking sides? Didn't you slap Yang Yang? What else?"

Fang Nan glanced at the little girl Zeng Li mentioned, there seemed to be fingerprints on her face.

"Then it's easy to handle. Yangyang apologizes to you, and you slap Yangyang in the face. You owe nothing to me." Fang Nan looked at Huo Yan with a half-smile.

Huo Yan's eyes were bloodshot: "Fang Nan, do you dare to hit me?"

"I won't slap her, but Yang Yang." Fang Nan said, and said to Zeng Li's little assistant, "Apologize first, then slap her, go."

The little girl Yangyang was dumbfounded by what Fang Nan said, and she was about to back away timidly.

It wasn't until Fang Nan carried her all the way to Huo Yan that she bent down and said "I'm sorry", then looked at Fang Nan in a daze.

"Look what am I doing?"

Fang Nan was also getting nervous, and the little assistant was hesitant, afraid that he might not be born soft-tempered.

If he doesn't do anything, he will be lazy. He hates this kind of character the most.

"Fang Nan, you are powerful, but there is always someone who can cure you, so don't be complacent. I'll see when you finish."

Yangyang didn't dare to do anything, knowing that Huo Yan, who couldn't please her today, was going to leave with a harsh word, and would only be the best son of Huayi in the future.

Unexpectedly, Yang Yang, who was originally buried in his head, stretched out his hand and gave her a solid big ear scrape, which stunned her all of a sudden.

Fang Nan was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly took precautions.

He doesn't know how to beat women, so it's okay to protect his own people, but Huo Yan, who was obviously blushing and thick-necked, unexpectedly chose to turn around and leave with his assistant.

Fang Nan laughed aloud, looked at Assistant Zeng Li beside him and said, "You little girl is quite bloody, what's your name?"

"Director Fang, my name is Yang Tianzhen."

"Huh? Yang Tianzhen? Isn't your name Yangyang?"

"Yangyang is a nickname."

Fang Nan was speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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