literary world

Chapter 183 Fang Nan is about 1 publicity expenses

Chapter 183 Fang Nan is approximately equal to 1 million publicity fees

Liu Qianqian's belated rebellious period caused Liu Xiaoli a lot of headaches.

Fang Nan is making a personal work schedule.

1: Continue to pay attention to the three programs created for the 06 Spring Festival Gala of Tomato TV.

2: Filming of "Lost in Thailand".

3: Arrange for Yan Hong to quickly acquire the minority shareholders of Tangtang Film and Television.

4: Have dinner with the managers of several cinemas such as Pujiang United Cinemas, and strive for more filming for the release of "People on the Journey" at the end of the year.

5: Urge Cai Yinong to speed up the layout of theaters.

6: Zeng Li tried his best to let him go to Hubei for the Spring Festival. If he didn't go, what excuses would he find? If he did, what attitude would he take to deal with Zeng Li's mother and sister.

7: Do you want to give Liu Qianqian a phone call? Liu Xiaoli's frequent stings are annoying.

Writing and drawing with a ballpoint pen, Fang Nan's numbed head gradually became clear, and was about to make a timetable to solve them one by one, when Cai Yinong knocked on the door and entered the office.

"The TV broadcasting rights of the two movies "The Unknown Man" and "The Richest Man in Xihong City" were sold to CCTV Movie Channel for 300 million yuan, and your share has been transferred to your card."

"En." Fang Nan nodded in response, and stopped Cai Yinong who was about to leave: "How much money is in the company's account now?"

After he acquired Li Guoli's shares for the second time, under his pressure, the company's top management finally started a big discussion on the layout of the theater chain.

A group of high-level officials discussed for more than a month and came up with two plans.

One: The location of the acquisition is not bad, but because of the shortage of funds and the lack of film sources, the movie theater cannot continue to open.

Two: Second- and third-tier major cities build their own.

There is nothing wrong with Fang Nanjue's two plans. This method is quite satisfactory and accumulates slowly.

It is right to seek victory while maintaining stability.

There are currently 36 cinema lines and 1243 movie theaters in China, mainly concentrated in first-tier and super first-tier cities.

Second-tier and third-tier cities have a very large capacity.

Tangtang Film and Television only needs to spend tens of millions or hundreds of millions of dollars in it every year.

After four or five years, a hot new theater line will definitely be formed.

But until now there has been no action, no money?

Fang Nan looked at Cai Yinong wonderingly.

"There are about 4000 million in the company's account!"

Cai Yinong's answer almost made Fang Nan spit out a mouthful of old blood, "What the hell, what a miser!"

He also thought, "Sword of Heaven", "No. [-] in the World", "The Unknown", and "Xihong City" are two popular dramas and two popular movies.

Tang Tang Film and Television should have follow-up income every month, why didn't Cai Yinong take any action.

It turned out that it wasn't that there was no money, it was that Cai Yinong was reluctant to spend money.

Fang Nan couldn't sit still anymore, time was waiting for me.

"Have you asked Shi Nansheng to talk?" He got up and asked Cai Yinong.

Fang Nan followed up and asked Shi Nansheng, Cai Yinong's face was a little unsettled, but he still said: "I will fly to Xiangjiang at night, and I will meet at the Peninsula Hotel tomorrow."

The two fell silent, and just as Cai Yinong was about to turn around, there was another knock on Fang Nan's office door.

He looked at Huang Bo, Lin Hao, and his old friend Guo Tao.

"Hey, Brother Tao, we haven't seen each other for a few years after the filming of "Unparalleled World". Huang Bo is here too. Lin Hao, is the post-production of "Crazy Stone" done?" Fang Nan went up to meet the three of them. A handshake.

Fang Nan was very enthusiastic, but Guo Tao became cautious: "Director Fang, hello, hello, it's been a long time."

On the contrary, Huang Bo greeted Fang Nan and Cai Yinong with a relaxed expression, and looked at Fang Nan's office by himself.

As for Lin Hao, he had a bitter face.

"It's for the stone." He said to Fangnan.

Fang Nan nodded, arranged the three of them to sit on the only three-seater sofa in the office, and asked curiously, "What do you mean?"

Lin Hao said with a sad face: "Stone's post-production is all over, I want to talk to you about the release, and see if it can be released a year ago."

He has been looking for film distribution through his relationship recently.

It's a pity that when the distributors I contacted heard about the film with a total investment of 350 million, they were either not interested, or they opened their mouths.

The main investor of "Crazy Stone" 'Asian Star Director' was too far away, so he had no choice but to find Fang Nan.

Although Tang Tang Film and Television has no distribution ability, Fang Nan must have more connections than him.

After all, two films have made it to theaters.

Fang Nan was speechless.

Before he could sort out his mess, Lin Hao came to him again.

More importantly, the schedule that Lin Hao wanted was really dirty.

Therefore, Fang Nan had no choice but to try to persuade: "Is it too urgent to release the film a year ago? It's already November. Will the promotion period be too short?"

"Besides, you know Lao Shizi's Christmas Eve movie, just like the summer movie, they are all imported Hollywood movies."

"This year's Christmas files have been confirmed to include "Harry Potter, Goblet of Fire", "The Promise", and "If You Love."

Speaking of this, Fang Nan looked at Cai Yinong: ""The Great Sage of Love" is also running promotions, it seems to be a Christmas file. The New Year's file seems to have "Fearless", "King Kong", "People on the Journey" "I also want to participate."

"You can't wait until tomorrow's summer vacation in June and July? This schedule is pretty good now."

For the 100 million he invested, Fang Nan gave Lin Hao a lot of analysis, but unfortunately Lin Hao didn't buy it:

"Director Fang, next year's summer vacation will not be easy, and there will be Hollywood blockbusters."

"I heard from Huang Bo that "Lost in Thailand" also wants to be put on the summer vacation next year. Feng Dapao's "Night Banquet" has been filmed for a year, and he secretly couldn't make it for the New Year's Eve. Maybe he will follow you and go to the summer vacation. At that time, "Stone" would still not be favored by theaters."

Fang Nan was a little irritable, picked up the cigarettes on the desk and scattered them around.

He is different from others, he knows that "Crazy Stone" will be released next summer, and Lin Hao will become famous in one fell swoop.

In turn, he will become the fourth director of a domestic movie with a box office of over [-] million.

But others don't know, Lin Hao himself doesn't know.

Lin Hao only knows that "Stone" with a small investment is good no matter which time it is in.

If that's the case, why didn't it come out sooner?

His mentality was the same as Fang Nan's eagerness to push "The Unknown" to theaters.

The difference is that Fang Nan has the confidence and insists on going to fight after the summer vacation.

Lin Hao, on the other hand, was completely clueless, thinking that if he could get a good schedule, the movie would be considered a profit if it didn't lose money.

With a little fame, investment is easy to find, and you can put your destiny on the next movie.

Li Guoli also persuaded Fang Nan in the same way.

Lin Hao was persistent, Fang Nan was a little helpless, he took a puff of smoke to ease his emotions: "That's all right, you guys wait in Pujiang for a few days, I'll contact you to watch the film, have you brought the whole film?"

"Bring it, bring it." Lin Hao said happily.

Fang Nan turned to Cai Yinong: "Why don't Tang Tang take over the promotion task of "Crazy Stone", and then you can see how much promotion fee you invest?"

Lin Hao was determined to go to death, Fang Nan was unambiguous, and directly took "Crazy Stone" to the company's publicity team to practice.

Cai Yinong said: "Wait for me to come back from Xiangjiang."

After discussing Lin Hao's matter, Fang Nan signaled Guo Tao, Lin Hao, and Huang Bo to go out for a stroll, while putting on down jackets and going out.

There is still a lot of business over there at the tomato station.

A group of people filed out, and Fang Nan, who was hanging at the end, had a face-to-face meeting with Gao Yuanyuan.

"What are you doing? You've been in a hurry these days? Sometimes you don't come back at night." Gao Yuanyuan whispered.

"Busy, look how busy I am? Now I have to go to the tomato stage to watch Shen Teng and the others arrange sketches. I can't stop for a moment."

Gao Yuanyuan muttered: "Can't you not pick it up? Why do you make yourself so tired, and you are not short of money."

Fang Nan rolled his eyes: "You said so lightly, it's done, let's go. The role of Qian Songyi needs more snacks, it's not so easy to play."

Arriving at Tomato Channel in a flash, Fang Nan hung up his clothes in their exclusive studio, "Ma Li, how are you doing today? Are you still nervous?"

Ma Li came here with Shen Teng and Wei Xiang, and it has only been two months since she joined Happy Twist.

The three of them met Fang Nan at Tang Tang Film and Television. Shen Teng tried his best to promote Ma Li and said a lot of good things. Fang Nan couldn't help laughing.

In terms of knowledge of people, he is the second, and few people in the entertainment industry dare to recognize the number one.

How many amateur actors have become popular?

"It's okay today, and I can gradually catch up with Brother Teng's rhythm." Ma Li, who was wearing old lady makeup, replied.

"That's good, sketch, just remember when to say the lines, and it's not a live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala, so don't be nervous."

After speaking to Ma Li, Fang Nan said to Shen Teng and the others: "Come here and let me take a look."

The total duration of the skit "Help or Not" is only fifteen or six minutes. The three of Shen and Teng have been practicing recently, and they are very familiar with the steps, and the whole picture will be shown in a short while.

What did Fang Nan, who was watching from the audience, say?

In "Help or Not", the jokes such as "walk according to the watch", "Boenggai, the root of the tail", "because I helped three people in a row, I used to drive a big run, but now I can only ride a bicycle" are laughable.

But compared with Uncle Benshan's whole witty skit, it's day by day.

"Pull the general out of the dwarves—use the general." Fang Nan sighed, and beckoned Shen Teng and the others to get off the stage and rest.

There was nothing wrong with "Help or Not", Fang Nan then looked at Zhang Jie.

He wrote "Just One Time" for Gao Yuanyuan. He couldn't sing it himself, and Gao Yuanyuan didn't have singing talent, and he didn't want to go to the Spring Festival Gala.

CCTV Spring Festival Gala contacted her when she was on the Spring Festival Gala.

She said "I don't have any talent", which blocked the words in the voice of the assistant director.

When Fang Nan was having trouble finding whom to sing "Just One Time", Zhang Jie, who happened to make his debut with "My Model, My Show" held by Tomato Channel in 2004, came to the rehearsal.

Fang Nan didn't even think about it, he wanted someone.

The chief director, Lu Ping, was quite depressed, but he had no choice. Fang Nanhong, who was able to make money for the TV station, earned the ratings, and the TV station treated him as an illegitimate child.

As for Zhang Jie himself, he has no right to refuse.


【Just once, I'll take you to see the old days】

【laughing on a sunny day】

【Noisy in the free air】


There is nothing wrong with Zhang Jie's singing, but Fang Nan wants to feel, emotionally: "Be more expressive, be more affectionate, and sing the feeling that I would give everything for you."

Zhang Jie said submissively, "Director Fang, let me do it again."

In front of the most powerful songwriters in the country, even he who thinks he has the talent to sing and write songs can't be proud.

"Go back and practice more in front of the mirror yourself. I'm very short on time. Let's watch "Rainy Lane in a Small Town" first."

Just as Fang Nan finished rejecting Zhang Jie, someone pinched his waist.

"How can you sing it to someone again? How serious is it?" Zeng Li said dissatisfied in a low voice.

Such a good song, she still wants to listen to it one more time.

I just don't know if Fang Nan will think of strangling someone to death once he knows that Fang Nan wrote the song to Gao Yuanyuan.

"Have you finished the rehearsal for "Dao Ma Dan"?" Fang Nan asked without waiting for an answer, and went to the team of "Rain Lane in a Small Town".

There are 55 behind-the-scenes teams for the performance, planning, and music of "Small City Rainy Lane", among which 20 are from the Suzhou Song and Dance Troupe, and the leader is Hu Xin.

Fang Nan doesn't know much about dancing, but he has watched "Rainy Lane in a Small Town" and can provide design ideas for modeling, dressing, and props.

It gives green, cyan, and pink and white as the theme colors, umbrellas as props, and silk and bamboo choreography ideas for music.

He also emphasized that the whole dance should show the beauty of the water towns in the south of the Yangtze River and the beauty of the women in the south of the Yangtze River!
The last point, he told the girls, "There will be an artificial rain at the end of the dance, so don't panic."

The words made the girls "giggle" into laughter, and the lead dancer Hu Xin let the girls take the stage.

"The leader of Tomato Station is here, pay attention to the influence of what you say."

Fang Nan was listening attentively to the music teacher's explanation of the idea of ​​the silk and bamboo soundtrack for "Rainy Lane in a Small Town", Zeng Li reminded him in a low voice again.

"Guide Lu, Director Li." After greeting the two people he was most familiar with, Fang Nan stretched out his hand to take the hand extended by the deputy director.

There were only three programs on Fang Nan's side, and he finished explaining the creative ideas in less than half an hour, received a lot of compliments, and the leader left in a hurry.

It's the end of the year, and people are busy celebrating the new year.

Those in the entertainment industry are busy running various awards ceremonies.

Leaders also have to report to work, everyone is the same.

The choreography of "Rainy Lane in a Small Town" was not perfect enough, the dancers danced a little messy, Fang Nan asked them to practice more and improve, and then he was ready to leave.

As soon as the clothes were put on, Zeng Li reminded again: "Don't forget to go to my house for the New Year this year."

Fang Nan looked hopeless, Zeng Li had said this about eight hundred times, and his head hurt.

"Understood, I'm leaving, I may not be able to come for the next two days, maybe I will go to the capital."

Leaving the SMG building, Fang Nan sat in the car and took out his mobile phone to call Vice President Han.

China Film is both the producer and distributor of "Lost in Thailand", and he wanted to find China Film to distribute "Crazy Stone".

Lin Hao reminded him that at this moment, only China Film had the ability to take out a part of the film and distribute it to Shishi.

"Lin Hao, I know, he is too hasty at this point in time, why is he in a hurry."

Fang Nan said happily, "The child is in a hurry, there is nothing to do."

"Fuck, okay, can you bring him to the capital? I'll introduce you to a publisher."

After receiving the order, Fang Nan called Lin Hao non-stop, picked him up, and went straight to the airport.

When they arrived in the capital, the foreigner Manager Mao introduced by Vice President Han had to wait until the next night to see him, Lin Hao, and Manager Gu sent by the new star director.

"China Film Warner Hengdian? What is the relationship between Warner and China Film and Hengdian? Why haven't you heard of it?" Lin Hao asked Fang Nan curiously when Manager Mao went to the bathroom during the meal break.

Fang Nan said perfunctorily, "It's just established."

China Film Warner Hengdian Film and Television, of course he knows.

This company is a joint venture between China Film Group, Time Warner America, and Hengdian Group.

The shareholding ratios are 4, 3, and 3 respectively. It is the first film company in China to have a joint venture with a foreign country.

Of course, Lin Hao doesn't need to know the reasons behind the establishment of this company.

The conversation at the dinner table was good, and the results of watching the film at Beijing Film Studio the next day were also very good. Manager Mao was full of praise for "Crazy Stone", saying that it was very "Nobody Known".

Release seemed inevitable.

But at the end of the day, Manager Mao mentioned the package service, and the four-in-one distribution, publicity, audio-visual production, Internet, and TV had to be handed over to them.

"The publicity has been given to Tang Tang Film and Television." Fang Nan and Manager Gu winked and said bluntly.

After another three days of nonsense, when Lin Hao's anxious mouth was blistering, Cai Yinong sent good news that Shi Nansheng accepted the invitation of Tang Tang Film and Television.

After the year, he officially took up the post of general manager of Tangtang Film and Television, with an annual salary of 150 million.

Fang Nan was overjoyed, and hurriedly contacted Shi Nansheng to come to the capital from Xiangjiang first, so as to help him settle the current negotiation.

He is not a negotiator, he will only bite the bullet and be rash.

When Shi Nansheng arrived in the capital the next day, he didn't even read a draft written by Fang Nan.

The simple sentence "Director Fang Nan alone is worth millions of publicity fees" won Tang Tang Film and Television the right to publicize "Crazy Stone".

Fang Nan and Lin Hao patted each other's thighs with big eyes and small eyes.

"Hey, it's really dark under the lights, he even forgot [Fang Dao]'s personal publicity ability!"

 I feel that my update is okay. I haven't stopped updating for three months since I started the book. I wrote nearly 45 words while going to work!

(End of this chapter)

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