literary world

Chapter 184 What a big wave of smearing

Chapter 184 What a big wave of slander
Shi Nansheng, the general manager of Tangtang Film and Television, who has not yet taken office, awakened the dreamer.

Fang Nan edited a blog post that night and posted it, "Crazy Stone" - Lin Hao, awesome!
As soon as the new blog post was uploaded, the originally dead "Fang Nan's personal blog" began to boil again.

The number of visits surged from a few thousand visitors the previous day to more than [-] in just two hours.

Fang Nan woke up again the next day.

Nearly 8 visitors have filled the comment area of ​​the new blog post, and several topics have been spawned.

1: Is there a new movie coming up, or is there a fight with someone again?

2: Condemn Fang Nan for not being a son of man, using the blog as a personal propaganda tool, and ruining the ethos of this private communication platform.

3: Ask who Lin Hao is, what movie is "Crazy Stone"?
4: When will my new movie be released?

5: Ask Liu Qianqian about black material.

6: Those who discredit Zhalang.

7: All kinds of rainbow farts, all kinds of chatting farts.

Fang Nan, who hadn't logged in to the blog for a long time, was dizzy, something was wrong.

He posted a new blog post before, and the blog posts were either filled with rainbow farts, or swearing and criticizing, and there were more rainbow farts.

But the theme of promoting movies will not change.

Now it is a mess of various topics.

Netizens even blacked out under his blog.

This is easy to understand.

Sohu, Penguin, Netease, Zhalang, and Tianya blog sites are grabbing traffic and grabbing crazy again. It is not uncommon for the flames of war to reach his blog.

His blog is on fire!

It can be programmed, what the hell is his bad manners?

Isn't it what netizens like to watch?
As a Fang Nan who came from the era of the Internet explosion and the various mutual blackmails of entertainment circles, he knew something was wrong.

He saw at a glance that someone was up to something.

As for the people who make trouble, there are only a few.


Han Zhizhi.

It is also possible that it is Chen Kaige.

This one belongs to Fang Nan's new friend, and "The Promise" is scheduled to be released on December 12th, a month later, so it is very likely that there will be a wave of hype.

As for Huayi and Han Zhizhi.

Hua Yi was also very suspicious. Tang Tang Film and Television and Hua Yi had just fallen out, and Fang Nan felt the anger when Wang Lei left.

Han Zhizhi might not be that talented.

At most, she secretly played tricks in front of Gao Yuanyuan and Zeng Li.

"Maybe there aren't so many twists and turns, but it's just that the netizen chatted?"

In front of the computer, Fang Nan shook his head, opened the browser and went to Tianya.

Someone in the blog discussion area asked about Liu Qianqian's gossip, and he found out, so he thought about going to Tianya in the entertainment industry's breaking news section to see what was going on.

As soon as the webpage was opened, Fang Nan casually glanced at it, and couldn't help being startled.

Tianya broke the news one after another against Liu Qianqian.

[Take a look at the fairy sister in your mind]

[Grab a new generation of little dragon girl]


Click on one at will, and the characters represented by English symbols such as lqq, lxl, cjf, zjz, etc. are interspersed in Chinese one after another.

It makes the whole newsletter look like a spy document, and those who are not familiar with the entertainment industry may have a splitting headache if they want to read it.

As for the story of the breaking news.

It's nothing more than someone being submerged somewhere, and the arrangement is extremely bloody.

It would be even more fun to read the comments from netizens. Lao Bai, who likes to follow the entertainment circle and is more gossipy, looked at the sky full of black material, and at the same time kindly helped break down the candidates corresponding to each letter.

So that later people can directly check their seats.

Xiaobai, who was attracted, desperately posted comments demanding to reveal who and who.

Fang Nan, who has collaborated with Liu Qianqian in several plays, is one of them.

There is even a direction to evolve into a big devil with unspoken rules.

Even turned over several tall buildings.

Fang Nan couldn't sit still, the defense of Liu Qianqian's personal fans was like a drop in the bucket in the vast tide of slander.

This fire was about to burn himself, so he had to deal with it quickly.

As for how to solve it, the only way is to stop Cai Yinong, the black hand behind the scenes, Fang Nan can't think of anyone except Cai Yinong.

"Hey, did you hire black sailors? Hurry up and stop, and if you continue, force me to death first."

"Wait a minute, I can control it."

Cai Yinong, who was in a certain hotel in the capital, said stubbornly.

"You pull it down, control the fart. You should watch the opening animation of my movie more times!"

"Hurry up, don't ruin Liu Qianqian, and then ruin me, don't do this in the future, Liu Qianqian can't escape my palm."

Fang Nan came to the fire.

After Liu Qianqian called to explain, Fang Nan hated Liu Xiaoli too.

But Cai Yinong's way of retaliation was really too harsh.

She wants to cut off her stardom, which is different from killing her parents like killing her parents.

Besides, he planted a seed in Liu Qianqian's heart, can she fly out?
Join Tang Tang Film and Television, sooner or later.

As long as Cai Yinong no longer superfluous, he is confident.

By the time the phone call was over, the sun was already bright.

Fang Nan could no longer pay attention to the news on Tianya, so he turned off the computer and began to wash.

Manager Mao made appointments with managers of several theaters to watch the film internally, and Cai Yinong also made appointments with several well-known film critics in China.

The investment in "Crazy Stone" is too small, and the director Lin Hao's reputation is not so famous. After the schedule is set, film critics are needed to help blow it up in the media.

After taking a taxi all the way to Beijing Film Studios, Manager Mao, Manager Gu, Cai Yinong, and the theater manager, four film critics had already arrived.

"Is there a traffic jam? The capital city is even more congested than the Pujiang River!" Cai Yinong laughed.

Fang Nan glanced at her: "I'm stuck."

"Director Fang."

"Lin Hao, Manager Mao, Manager Gu"

Fang Nan shook hands with a group of people, smiled and sat down next to Manager Mao.

The screen slowly lights up.

"Goofy, high-tech, driverless."

"You insulted my personality first, and now you are insulting my IQ"

"The first shit came later in 2002."

Brother Dao held Xie Xiaomeng in his hand and asked his father, the factory manager, to exchange him for stones. Xiaojun, played by Huang Ze, said worriedly: "This matter has become kidnapping. This is not our specialty."

"BMW, see, don't touch me"

"This is my sign, Baleno"

At the end of the film, I sincerely thank the producer, Director Fang Nan, Mr. Liu Dehua.

In less than ten days, after watching "Crazy Stone" again, Fang Nan was still grinning from ear to ear.

The director of this film, Lin Hao, put his heart into it, and the supporting actors Dao Ge, Huang Ze, Huang Bo, and Huang Xun were well chosen and well acted. It is a rare and good work.

"Thank you for the new one at the end of the movie? Did you watch it last time?" The subtitles were completely over, Fang Nan asked Lin Hao with great interest.

"The editing room of Beijing Film Studio added it overnight." Lin Hao laughed.

"It's superfluous. After the distribution and theaters are settled, you can't do the post-subtitles again?"

After shaking his head with a smile, Fang Nan said to Manager Mao, several theater managers and film critics next to him:
"From the expressions on everyone's faces, it can be seen that you are very satisfied with Director Lin's "Stone". Next, please help me a lot. I am also very optimistic about the prospects of this work. If the film schedule keeps up, it should not be better than "Stone". "The Unknown" is bad."

The managers didn't say anything, and after looking at each other, they nodded in approval of Fang Nan's words.

Before they came, they had been informed of the schedule of "Stone" by their superiors.

The first movie released by China Film Warner Hengdian, do you want to shirk because you think the theaters are making too much money?
The theater manager nodded. Fang Nan was about to urge them to go back and adjust the schedule. Manager Mao, who knew the release date earlier, said to Fang Nan.

"Nan, it's like this now. "If Love" will be released on December 12st, "The Promise" will be released on December 1th, and "The Great Sage" will be released on December 12nd, so we can only release it in December. Releases on Wednesday the 14th."

Fang Nan saw that the corners of Lin Hao's and Manager Gu's mouths had already parted, so he could only look at Cai Yinong.

"The poster is already in production, and it will come out in two days, in time for publicity." Cai Yinong laughed.

Fang Nan was helpless: "Then it's no problem, Lin Hao, you call people to the capital to prepare for publicity."

If Lin Hao hadn't been in a hurry, he would still prefer "Crazy Stone" to be put on next summer vacation.

Now this schedule is too dead, and he has no idea.

It is possible to lose everything in one careless move!

When the schedule of "Crazy Stone" is set, Cai Yinong is also busy in Beijing.

After leaving the Beijing Film Studio, Fang Nan rushed to the airport to fly to Pujiang. After Pujiang finished the rehearsal, he flew to Hankou again overnight.

During the city change, he also received an extremely dissatisfied question from the little girl Liu Qianqian.

On the phone, the two had a verbal exchange for the first time.

Liu Qianqian complained that Tang Tang Film and Television and Cai Yinong had problems in life.

Fang Nan blames Liu Qianqian for not fulfilling the gentleman's agreement.

After arguing with each other, they took a step back and made a private agreement: Fang Nan will take care of Cai Yinong, Liu Qianqian will take care of my old lady, and finally the filming crew of "Youth in Youth" will meet up.


Wang Liang had a meal of old wine, although it didn't solve the bumps and bumps between him and the crew once and for all.

The shooting plan is proceeding step by step.

When Fang Nan arrived, he had already photographed the scene where the two protagonists stayed in the small hotel, and it was almost over.

"Brother Nan, I'm going to shoot a big hotel scene for you, and I'll make up some leftover shots that don't have actors?"

"Alright, you go, speed up the progress."

Fang Nan didn't hesitate and agreed.

Wang Liang took a driver, a staff member, and a hand-held camera in the car and left.

Fang Nan returned to Hankou, and the atmosphere of the crew of "On the Journey" took on a new look. The group of people who used to like to chat and fart couldn't hold back enough.

The crew does not have an executive director, and the task of telling the play is entirely on the director.

Fang Nan came to the script to glance at it, then took a look at the room of seven or eight square meters, and began to imagine the actors moving, and even changed the lines.

Because "囧一" was too urgent, there were almost no storyboards, and many things had to be edited on the spot.

Wandering around the cramped and dark small hotel, Fang Nan pointed to the chair by the wall and said to the actors.

"Xu Shanzheng, when the camera started, you were sitting on this chair with a suit in front of you, short sleeves on your upper body and red pants on your lower body, watching TV with misty eyes."

After speaking to Xu Zheng, Fang Nan pointed to the TV and said to the staff, "Turn off the limited TV and switch to a channel full of snowflakes."

The staff followed the instructions, Fang Nan frowned and looked at Wang Bao.

"Wang Bao, you should take off your clothes and lie on the bed, tightly wrapped by the quilt, with your face exposed and your expression on, it's right to sleep soundly."

"Xu Shanzheng, Wang Bao, do you understand? If you have any questions, let's talk about it now." Fang Nan looked at the two of them.

When filming, sometimes the actors in it may have a deeper understanding, and it is easy to provide the director with ideas.

"Director Fang, I'm fine."

Xu Shanzheng sighed in his heart while taking off his clothes and said it was okay.

"An expert will know if there is one as soon as he shoots it. Compared with Fang Nan, Wang Liang is really not a level director. I don't know how the effect of this shot will be. Just listening to Fang Nan's words, he thinks it is funny." .”

"Single bed, trembling middle-aged man watching the snowflakes on the TV, red underpants!"

Wang Bao: "Brother Nan, do I take it all off?"

"Take it all off, take it off."

After Fang Nan finished speaking earnestly, his expression changed, and he laughed and teased Wang Bao: "Besides filming, I will also give you a chance to prove your worth to the beauty. Look, our big beauty Huang Xiaoyu is watching eagerly."

The crew of "囧一" has a lot of weird actors, besides Fang Nanding's two protagonists, there are Huang Xiaoyu, Zuo Xiaoqing, Li Xiaolu, Li Man, and Zhang Xinyi.

Fang Nan didn't ask how these beauties and supporting actors got into the crew, as long as they didn't delay the filming.

The rather serious director suddenly made a nasty remark, and the people in the room couldn't help laughing.

Huang Xiaoyu even took a step forward, hammering Fang Nan half ashamed and half annoyed: "Director, you are taking advantage of me, I want to see if your capital is strong enough!"

Scene: "Haha."

"Forget it, I'm too strong so don't scare you anymore."

He laughed and teased Huang Xiaoyu again, Fang Nan's face turned serious, and he waved his hand, "Every department is ready, actors are ready."

After one or two minutes.

Xu Shanzheng and Wang Bao: "I'm fine."

staff member:

"Lighting OK"

"Photography OK"

"props OK"

"Radio OK"


Fang Nan: "The marker plays the board."

"The 33rd scene of "People on the Journey", the second scene, the first real shooting, start."

In the camera, in a small dim hotel room, Li Chenggong shivering sleepily curled up on a red single chair.

The camera turned, and the TV flickering with snowflakes made a sound.


A siren-like grunt sounded.

The camera returned to Li Chenggong from the TV, and then turned to Niu Geng on the bed with Li Chenggong's shocked eyes.


Another string of sweet snoring sounded, Li Chenggong finally couldn't bear the temptation of the single bed, threw off the suit on his body and walked towards the single bed.

"It's over." At the end of the shot, Fang Nan took the lead in clapping his hands and said, "Not bad, not bad, the two actors cooperated quite well, and I have another spare."

After another one, Fang Nan started the lecture mode again, this time to teach two actors how to grab the quilt.

And let Xu Shanzheng say that famous line.

"What are the conditions? Play naked and sleep."

The scene in the small hotel lasted for three days, and when the scene was about to change, Fang Nan received a call from Lin Hao.

Ask him to go back and help the platform do two promotions.

As one of the producers, there is nothing to say on the platform to help promote it.

He stayed in Hankou for an extra day, and when Wang Liang came back to take over, Fang Nan chose to go home.

With Fang Nan's support, Cai Yinong solidly spent 200 million publicity fees for "Crazy Stone".

Made a lot of promotional banners like "Smile a little in 3 minutes, laugh a lot in 5 minutes, keep smiling for half an hour, and get a full refund if you don't smile within an hour".

Banners, well-crafted posters.

Three publicity sessions will also be held in Beijing, Shenzhen, and Pujiang, three super first-tier cities.

When the movie is released, actors will also be arranged to go to Wuhan, Changsha and other places for several road shows.

On November 11th, "Crazy Stone" started a 20-day publicity campaign.

(End of this chapter)

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