literary world

Chapter 185 The Fortune Celebrity List

Chapter 185 The Fortune Celebrity List


Opposite the China World Trade Center, Jianwai Soho Apartment, where Mr. Xu's residence and studio are located.

Old Freak Xu brushed his messy hair and asked Shi Nansheng, "Nansheng, come to watch the TV news today, why did you go to Fang Nan's side?"

Shi Nansheng answered the wrong question, with a bitter mouth: "Master, our family property is almost lost by you."

The meaning in her words is self-evident, you, Mr. Xu, do not live up to your expectations, and a movie accompanied all of the two of them's savings.

Fang Nan and Tang Tang Film and Television gave too much.

She wanted to make a living for the two of them, so she could only sell her personal abilities and connections to Tang Tang Film and Television.

Old Freak Xu froze for a while, then comforted him, "Take your time, this is not the first time."

"My lord, do you have any plans for a new script?"

Shi Nansheng was afraid that he would bring up the pain in Old Freak Xu's heart again - "Seven Swords Under the Tianshan Mountains", so he changed the subject and asked about the new project.

"I haven't written it, and it's not easy to find investment after writing it. Let's rest first." Old Freak Xu shook his head and smiled wryly.

"Master, find someone to write low-budget comedies. I talked with Fang Nan in the past two days. This person has a thorough understanding of the mainland market and audience. He said that only comedies can make money now. I think it makes sense."

"Comedy, Fang Nan?"

Old Freak Xu laughed: "Nan Sheng, you were deceived by Fang Nan. He is very ambitious. I can assure you that he will let go and stop making comedies for five years at most, or two or three years at least."

Mr. Xu and Shi Nansheng were discussing how to make money from comedy films.

Fang Nan was questioned in public just because he made money from comedy films.

"Director Fang, you made so much money with two comedies, why didn't you think about changing the theme and making some more profound movies?"

"Director Fang Nan, you have earned so much money at such a young age, have you ever thought about helping those in need?"

"Director Fang, comedy is just a job to make money in your heart?"

"Director Lin Hao, Director Fang Nan has made so much money with comedy, don't you envy him?"

In the final media audience questioning session of the movie "Crazy Stone" press conference, Fang Nan was frequently asked by the media about his personal property and the creative direction of the theme.

This demonic wind was expected by everyone in Fangnan on stage.

The 2005 Furun Celebrity List released last night has been fermented overnight and is well known to the world.

On November 11, the 25 Furun Celebrity List was announced.

The most comprehensive celebrity in the mainland is basketball player Dayao.

In 2005, Dayao ranked first with an income of 1 million.

TV reports, newspapers and magazines, and endorsements have a combined search volume of 150 million and rank fifth.

The No. 2 overall ranking is the girl group Twelve Ladies, with an annual income of 1 million.

The No. 3 overall ranking is Fang Nan, who was on the list as a director.

The annual income calculated for him on the list is 6500 million.

Sources of income mainly include director's remuneration, screenwriter's remuneration, and producer's remuneration.

Subsequent box office share of "The Unknown Man" and "The Richest Man in Xihong City".

The money from the TV series "No. [-] in the World" and the variety show "Boys and Girls Chong Chong Chong".

In addition to annual income.

In 2005, Fang Nan's personal TV exposure rate was 78.

Paper media and magazines reported 2103 pieces, ranking fourth in the year.

The most outrageous thing is that Fang Nan has more than 300 million searches on the Internet, second only to the princess who entered the marriage hall with Li Yapeng this year.

The final overall ranking is third.

These are nothing, Fang Nan knows very well that his personal income will be exposed sooner or later.

He was angry when someone questioned whether his annual income was so high.

Furun's staff explained this sentence by the way, "Part of Fang Nan's total income is the appreciation of real estate."

Well, his four-entry courtyard will be exposed at once.

It hurt him to explain to Zeng Li who made a questioning call last night.

Fang Nan wandered around the world, compiled the Furun Celebrity List, and kept aside the media who asked questions. The audience thought that Fang Nan was speechless, and they were instantly chaotic.

Seeing that something was wrong, Lin Hao quickly fiddled with Fang Nan: "Fang Dao, Fang Dao"

At the same time, the media reporter who asked the question also said, "Director Fang, is this question difficult to answer?"

After awakening, Fang Nan said, "Oh, what question did you ask?"

"You earn so much money, will you help some people in need? For example, the orphanage that raised you."

"I've been doing what I can, maybe it's just that the help is not that great, and I don't want to use these things to attract attention, so you didn't pay attention."

He has been doing this for the past few years to send money to the orphanage. It used to be less, and it has been more in the past two years.

Moreover, there are remittance receipts, and it is too much to think about using this aspect to hack him.

"Director Fang, please answer my question just now."

"Do you want to keep doing comedies? Make comedies yourself and invest in comedies. Have you never thought about making other types of movies, more profound movies?"

"Your movie fans may like your movie style, but do more audiences who like movies think that Fang Nan, who is too commercial, is just the next Feng Dapao, and will never be able to go to the international A-list like Zhang Yimou and Wong Kar-wai. category film festival podium."

After the media used money to make things difficult, Lin Hao was in a hurry to discuss art again. He put aside the microphone and said, "Director Fang, why don't today's promotion end here? Let the host end?"

He is a director who has wandered around foreign film festivals, and he knows that domestic art films mean that the director may have nothing to eat.

So he was afraid that Fang Nan's head would get hot and he would be led into a ditch by the media.

And he also smelled that the publicity meeting seemed to have changed. Many media and even the audience seemed to be targeting Fang Nan in disguise.

"The next question, the next question, fans and media people, please abide by the agreement and ask more questions related to the movie "Crazy Stone"."

Compared to Lin Hao, Cai Yinong was more afraid that Fang Nan would make a sharp turn in his creation.

At the same time, Huang Ze on the stage whispered to Fang Nan, "Brother Nan, it seems that someone is going to make trouble, otherwise don't answer."

"It's okay, it's okay, just say it briefly."

Fang Nan shook Cai Yinong's hand away from the audience, and the reporter who was about to be driven away stayed behind.

He knew very well that it was impossible for others not to criticize him or "Crazy Stone" if the Christmas time was so crowded.

It's just that he didn't expect that the Furun Celebrity List was announced suddenly, throwing him on the cusp of the storm.

Fang Nan earned 6500 million a year with comedy movies.

The "Crazy Stone" he invested in will be released soon, and this topic is too conducive to "Crazy Stone".

In disguise, it is easy to generate many bad news headlines.

Fang Nan was about to answer the question of the hidden sneer, and the audience fell silent instantly.

Lin Hao, Huang Bo, Xu Shanzheng, Huang Ze, and Guo Tao on the stage also held their breaths and concentrated. They are all human beings, and no one can see the truth inside.

Cai Yinong even waved his hands frantically to ask Fang Nan to stop.

Manager Gu and Manager Mao were also full of doubts. Fang Nan couldn't answer well, and the slander will come tomorrow. What about "Crazy Stone"?
Don't be hacked into stillborn again.

On and off the stage, when many people felt uneasy, Fang Nan spoke slowly.

"There's nothing wrong with making comedy movies? It's up to the market and the audience to decide how well a comedy movie sells."

"What I can do is to try my best to make a good movie, so that the audience will not feel that they paid wrongly and that the movie ticket is not worth it!"

"Also, I personally don't like how you make movies so complicated. In my opinion, movies are very pure. There are only two types of movies, good movies and bad movies."

"Good movies receive box office and awards, while bad movies receive abuse and criticism."

"Many film critics and senior audiences will say after analyzing my "The Nobody" and "The Richest Man in Xihong City" that "The Richest Man in Xihong City" lacks humanistic care compared with "The Nobody". took that."

"Actually, I don't like the comments of these film critics, because these are two films, they are not that complicated, they are made by Fang Nan, two simple works."

"Really, movies aren't that complicated!"


Fang Nan's personal understanding of the movie, with his brows furrowed, made the audience burst into applause.

Everyone on and off the stage clapped their hands together with a "slap".

Even the media person who made things difficult for Fang Nan just now clapped his hands with the microphone under his arm.

Today, just now, they heard another understanding of the film from a young director.

good movie.

bad movie.

"Director Fang Nan said it very sincerely. If this is the case, then we don't have to worry about the quality of "Crazy Stone". If it is not a good movie, Director Fang would not recommend it to everyone."

The host promoted "Crazy Stone" with every stitch.

"Director Fang, I can ask one last question."

It was the same media as before, but Fang Nan still showed no signs of timidity, "Just ask."

"The release time of "Crazy Stone" and "The Promise" is only one week apart. I heard that the shooting cost of "The Promise" is 3 million yuan. Director Fang is not afraid of investing in waste."

When Fang Nan heard about "The Promise", Fang Nan's mind turned, thinking that no matter what, he would hack Chen Kaige.

Today's publicity meeting was full of strange things, and his blog was also a mess these past few days. Fang Nan blamed all of this on Old Chen, and personally took the blame for him.

"There is nothing to be afraid of. The production cost of "Stone" is 350 million, and if the box office exceeds 1000 million, it is a profit."

"Instead of asking me if I'm afraid of "The Promise", you might as well ask Chen Kaige if he helped Shangri-La restore the ecology after the incident, or if he helped the scenic spot to do what he could."

"Finally, have you seen CCTV's "Jiuzhaigou" promotional video? It was shot by me. Help me promote it."

A dozen or so reporters at the scene were excited and kept defaming.

"I'm rude, Fang Nan is going to kill people, and there will be headlines tomorrow, and there are quite a few."

At this point, the promotion will end.

After leaving UIM Studios, Fang Nan led Lin Hao, Huang Bo, Huang Ze, Guo Tao, and Brother Dao to buy some cooked food and take a taxi to Yinding Bridge.

Cai Yinong has a car and waits at Yinding Bridge first.

His lair was exposed, so he didn't bother to cover it up.

If it wasn't for the fact that the room he lived in was clean, he might as well let Huang Bo, Huang Ze and others live in No. 28 Courtyard together, so as to save some money.

"Oh, Brother Nan, your yard is really big." Huang Ze and the others went around and returned to 2 into the main room, sighing.

Fang Nan didn't feel much: "I'm probably alone, let's eat, let's eat."

"Alone? How do I see cosmetics for women in your east room?"

Cai Yinong woke up the dreamer with a word, Fangnan Baba ran into the east room, packed Gao Yuanyuan's things, and hurried out of the room to the wine cellar where the wine cellar entered.

Huang Ze and others were confused by his operation. What can a 26-year-old woman do?
I have to run a publicity campaign tomorrow, so I didn't dare to drink too much at night.

But halfway through, Fang Nan still pretended to be half-drunk and half-awake and gave Manager Gu a meal.

He and Liu Dehua are both producers.

He can kick ass on his busy heels for "Crazy Stone."

Liu Dehua didn't even have a decent waving flag in the air. Is he really so afraid that "Stone" will not do well at the box office, which will affect his personal image?

Manager Gu didn't know what to do, stood up with a glass of wine and respected Fang Nan and said, "Director Fang, I guarantee that "Crazy Stone" will be released in Hong Kong and Taiwan smoothly."

Fang Nan casually clinked glasses with Manager Gu: "I hope so."

Manager Gu sat down, and Manager Mao said again: "Fang, you are very capable. I hope that all your future films will be distributed by China Film Warner Hengdian, and we will make money together."

Fang Nan couldn't help rolling his eyes while he was lighting a cigarette, and slandered: "Damn, think I'm stupid, you all think about dolls, there are 20 people in a company, and everything is second-hand."

After lighting a cigarette, Fang Nan raised his glass and said perfunctorily in English: "Let's see when the time comes."

"No, no, no, our cooperation is very good for you, and you will gain the friendship of our Warner Group."

"Let's talk, let's talk, come, drink."

Fang Nan chuckled, no matter how he didn't know about Hollywood, he knew that it was a circle of cannibalism, and it was a hundred times more snobbish than the Xiangjiang circle.

In Hollywood, if you are capable, you can help film and television companies make money, and you are their real father.

The same applies to the eight major Hollywood studios.

On the contrary, if you can't make money, you just want to be a grandson, and no one wants to talk to you.

Therefore, even if he intends to go to Hollywood in the future, he will not believe in Warner's friendship.

The premise of friendship is that he can help Warner make money.

And this money is not RMB, but US dollars.

Hollywood will recognize that movies can make money in North America, and other places will give you two words "hehe".

Hollywood is so realistic.

After dinner at 10 o'clock, everyone dispersed. Fang Nan didn't need to help the platform anymore, so he turned on the computer with peace of mind.

The blog still had all kinds of topics, and it was messy. He flipped through the comment section, turned it off after getting bored, and chose to "surf" the Internet.

[From October 10th to October 12th, the manned spaceflight of Shenzhou-10 was a complete success]

Zha Lang's webpage opened, and Fang Nan glanced at the news and clicked in.

Watching some scientific and technological news when he is free will help him make several science fiction films in the future.

After reading the hundreds of words of news, Fang Nan flipped through the comment area again. He was struck in the head by a comment, "Science Fiction World", issue [-], "The Wandering Earth"?
"Thump, thump, thump" out of the east room, Fang Nan went to the side room next to him and brought out a cardboard box, which was full of "Science Fiction World".

After searching for a long time, he found out that the seventh issue of "Science Fiction World" probably dates back to 2000.

Back in the East Room, Fang Nan called Yan Hong and asked her to contact Da Liu tomorrow to buy the adaptation rights of "The Wandering Earth".

Instructing Wan Yanhong, Fang Nan began to frantically search for books such as "Ghost Blowing the Lantern", but found nothing in the end.

But in order to remember this lesson, he deliberately created a reminder text on the computer.

Then I started to write various novel titles such as "Ghost Blowing the Lantern", "Tomb Raider Notes", "Scary Step by Step", "Gong", "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms".

He definitely doesn't know how to make these novels, but it would be great to raise stars, directors, and company employees.

Wrote about 20 titles of novels, sleepy, Fang Nan twin bed after washing.

In the next period of time, Fang Nan was first invited to participate in the recording of the Tomato TV Spring Festival Gala.

After the recording of the Spring Festival Gala ended, the chief director Lu Ping looked at Fang Nan with a look that seemed to be devouring.

There are a total of 24 programs in the whole party, taking the meaning of 24 solar terms, of which Fang Nan's programs account for three.

It is these three programs that make the whole party look out of place.

At the last moment, a singer from "My Style Me Show" came on stage with a messy hairstyle, and Barbara sang an old song.

Not long after, Zhang Jie, who also came out of "My Style, My Show" on the same stage, came on stage.

The song is a new song "Just One Time" with a moving melody and a very emotional feeling.

The hairstyle is very natural 'comma bangs', the hair color is all black, it's not that fashionable, but it makes people look comfortable.

Besides the sketches, Lu Ping's sketches also didn't have any decent actors, they were mediocre, and the jokes were mediocre.

Shen Teng Mali's "Help or Not" is not really funny.

Even the actor Shen Teng forgot his lines on stage, but fortunately, Ma Li had a sharp mind and used the sentence "You stole my lines" to wake up Shen Teng in time.

Generally speaking, in terms of skits, "Help or Not" still caused two big commotions among the audience.

Wei Xiang said with infinite emotion, "I used to drive big, but now I ride a bicycle", which made the scene laugh even more.

Compared with "Just Once", which made the audience mesmerized.

And "Help or Not" with occasional bursts of laughter.

The leaders of Pujiang City who came to the scene obviously appreciated the song and dance "Rainy Lane in a Small Town" more.

""Rainy Lane in a Small Town" is good. This dance shows the gracefulness of our Jiangnan girls."

""Rainy Lane in a Small Town" is like a clear spring, allowing people to smell the breath of nature in the bustling city, bringing a little coolness and purity to the lively New Year!"

"You little director has a lot of ideas. The artificial rainfall in the last part has the feeling of misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River."

Fang Nan didn't know what the audience was like. Anyway, he was praised by all the leaders of Pujiang for "Rainy Lane in a Small Town", from dance, to music, to candidates, to the color of clothing.

After the party was over, Fang Nan was also relieved to be praised, and finally settled some affairs.

"Let's go, treat you to a big meal."

In order to thank many actors, dancers, and vocal teachers for helping him complete the task.

With a wave of his hand, Fang Nan led more than a hundred people to the restaurant. They ate and drank until midnight, which made him not even go to the 25th Golden Rooster Awards the next day.

In the evening, Cai Yinong called him, and he won another Virgin Director Award for "The Unknown".

Then it's gone.

Zeng Li also won the Best Supporting Actress Award for "The Unknown".

(End of this chapter)

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