literary world

Chapter 186 "Crazy Stone" is a big box office hit

Chapter 186 "Crazy Stone" is a big box office hit

[There are only two types of movies, good movies and bad movies]

[Fang Nan shouted at Chen Kaige again, what should Shangri-La do next]

["Crazy Stone" will join the Christmas file on December 12th]

[CCTV "Jiuzhaigou" tourism promotional video]

[Chen Kaige shouted to director Fang that he should not be so shameless]

[Guest at the premiere of "The Promise" Lu Chuan: Fang Nan is well versed in hype]

[Netizens broke the news that Lu Chuanbei’s exhibition hall ordered the driver to go on a rampage, disregarding the lives of movie fans]

[Northern Exhibition Hall, Fang Nanyong rescued movie fans incident]

[Chen Kexin's partner Zhou Xun, "If Love" staged the first domestic musical]

Fang Nan's answer to reporters' questions at the "Crazy Stone" promotional meeting caused the entire Chinese film market, online and offline major media, to become a complete mess.

Fang Nan, Lu Chuan, and Chen Kaige's fans were arguing a lot.

Lu Chuan is okay, he doesn't have many fans, he only gets beaten.

Even after Zhao Ritian and He Qianqian released the video before the North China Exhibition Hall, Lu Chuan became the target of netizens shouting and beating.

The most powerful is Chen Kaige.

Before "The Promise", Chen Kaige gave the audience the impression that he was still an international director.

It is the person who is famous at the international film festival with "Yellow Earth".

It is the person who won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival with a piece of "Farewell My Concubine".

Before the Olympics, the old man had to immerse himself in being a child in front of him.

At this time, it is rarely circulated that "Farewell My Concubine" is a support from Lao Tzu to his son.

Therefore, throughout the second half of November, fans of Fang Nan and netizens who were optimistic about "The Promise" and Chen Kaige scuffled into one another.

But since the two films haven't been released yet, netizens can only pour dirty water on the two directors, Fang Nan and Chen Kaige.

Netizens called Fang Nan a gossip, low quality, and didn't know how to respect senior directors.

To scold Kaige is to give up in chaos.

Compared to Fang Nan's unsubstantiated gossip, Brother Kai's scandals are no longer scandals, they are all documented and his behavior is even worse.

Netizens spat at each other.

For a time, the search volume of the two movies "Crazy Stone" and "The Promise" skyrocketed.

Lin Hao, Manager Mao, Manager Gu, theater manager and others had a great time.

"Stone" with a production cost of more than 300 million and "The Promise" with a production cost of more than [-] million were tied together for publicity, and it was hard to make money!

Moreover, Lin Hao, the director, seemed to have been forgotten, and no one scolded him, they were all complaining about Fang Nan.

Looking at Fang Nan again, he probably has thick skin and thick flesh, and he looks indifferent.

Seeing that the day was almost over, he turned off the computer, climbed into the bus and went to Hankou.

12 month 1 number.


Wang Liang glanced at Fang Nan, seeing him nodding his head, Wang Liang shouted excitedly: "I announce that all the scenes of "People on the Journey" are finished!"


The total shooting time of the film is less than two hours, and the cut out of the film is about 90 minutes, so the progress is very fast.

Of course, compared to the tentacle monster Wang Jing making a movie in seven days, it is much slower.

But it is also a rare fast film.

"In the later subtitles, you should take the position of director, and Wang Liang will be the assistant director."

When Wang Liang shook hands with the staff to thank him, Cai Yinong gave Fang Nan a bad idea.

Fang Nan refused straight away: "Forget it, the director will be named Wang Liang. We can't deprive someone of the director's authorship for the sake of publicity and box office. It's outrageous."

the first two years.

When Lu Chuan filmed "Borrowing a Gun", he wanted to find Lao Jiang, who was banned from directing for five years at the time, to play the leading role.

Lao Jiang agreed without saying a word.

During the period, I helped to attract investment, and also helped to contact the distribution.

On the set, he also took the initiative to work part-time in multiple jobs, being both a father and a mother for Lu Chuan, but it didn't work out afterwards.

Lu Chuan said to the media, "Borrowing a gun to shoot is very painful."

Let Jiang Wen be criticized by public opinion, why do you want to grab someone's director position?
You, Jiang, can't appear on the subtitles as a director.

This is why at the Huabiao Awards, Jiang Wen originally agreed to change Fang Nan's position, but Lu Chuan refused after seeing Lu Chuan.

So, you can't do the job of grabbing a director's position. Lao Jiang, who has no idea and can't be a director, is scolded so badly.

If he really snatched Wang Liang's director, he might be scolded for it.

The celebration banquet of "People on the Journey" is over.

The next day, Li Guoli rushed back to Pujiang with all the shots for post-production.

Fang Nan led the filming crew and actors to the street market on Liushun Road in Hankou, where the crew of "Lost in Thailand" set up a filming location imitating a street market in Thailand.

There is a street between two rows of wooden houses. Some melons, fruits and vegetables are scattered on both sides of the street. The group performers wear bamboo hats and shout from time to time.

An old and broken three-wheeled motorcycle is already ready.

"Is the model house strong enough? Don't take a good picture. If it falls down and smashes people, spend some money and call a 120 to stand by."

Fang Nan shook the wooden house and said to the supervisor and Cai Yinong.

The local supervisor looked constipated, and Cai Yinong was speechless: "You really have nothing to say, can't you hope for something better?"

Fang Nan rolled his eyes: "I call it a rainy day."

"Red Cliff" did not have a solid pre-preparation work, and people were burned to death when the filming started. It is always right to be cautious in everything.

"Director Fang, don't worry. Although it is a wooden house, the structure of the house is very solid, and there is no problem for people to live in. I can assure you."

There was a "pop" sound on the supervisor's chest.

He invested a small 200 million yuan into this street, and there is still more than a million yuan in the final payment, but he dare not let the crew make mistakes.

"Don't be stubborn, call an ambulance to stand by. Besides, Yu Hai, put on makeup and act as Huang Bo's stand-in."

Fang Nan insisted, Cai Yinong had no choice but to turn around and contact the hospital, but Huang Bo was very annoyed, "Director, there is no need for that, there is no need for a substitute."

"you sure?"

Fang Nan frowned and pulled him closer, pointing to the nearly 20-meter-long messy street, and said, "Wang Bao and Xu Shanzheng are safe in the car. All kinds of chickens and dogs are jumping around."

Huang Bo snatched Yu Hai's helmet and put it on his head: "It's not in the way, it's not in the way, give it a try."

"When the ambulance arrives, I'll give you a try."

The preparations lasted until the afternoon. After eating the boxed lunch, the ambulance contacted by Cai Yinong arrived, and the shooting was ready to go.

"Ma Dayong, Yu Hai, Sun Ping, come and try as you said in the morning."

This kind of big drama, dangerous drama, before the official shooting, Wu Xing needs to go through the drama several times, so that the director can know it well.

Otherwise, it would be too exhausting for actors.

In this regard, Cheng Long is a recognized expert in the industry.

On Liushun Road Street, the big rocker arm of "Lost in Thailand" stood tall, and director Wang Liang returned to his old job as a photography director.

Executive director Huang Weiming and director Fang Nan were surrounded by a group of people in the center, saliva flying everywhere.

Until Fang Nan gave the order to "start filming", the crowd retreated to their respective departments.

"Di Di"


""囧 II" No. 18 scenes and 7-camera trial shootings begin once."

Behind the monitor, Fang Nan finished speaking into the headset.

Ma Dayong and Sun Ping drove the pickup truck into the street where only one car could fit, and Yu Hai followed closely behind in his three-legged car.

For a while, vegetables and fruits in the street were knocked into the air, and the crowd hid everywhere.

Leaning slightly, the three Wu Xing chased out of the camera and circled around.

Fang Nan got up and asked the staff to return to the scene, and said to Huang Weiming, Xu Shanzheng, Wang Bao, and Huang Bo beside him: "They are fast, wait a little longer, at most twenty yards."

"Good director." Xu Shanzheng and the three took off their military coats, tremblingly agreeing.

Winter dramas are filmed in summer, and summer dramas are filmed in winter, which is normal in the film and television industry, but the taste is really uncomfortable.

Wu Xing got out of the car and the actors came on stage. This scene included peripheral scenes, and it took five days of slow shooting before Fang Nan went on vacation temporarily and rushed back to the capital with Xu Shanzheng and Huang Bo.

On the evening of December 12th, "Crazy Stone" started its first screening, and the audience feedback was overwhelmingly good.

The dialect comedy movie "The Unknown Man" is the first, and the audience has no discomfort with the dialect of "Crazy Stone".

It seems inevitable that the film must make money.

But Fang Nan was very calm, the box office didn't come out, everything was false.

Moreover, "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire", which was released on November 11, and "The Legend of Zorro", which was released on October 18, still occupy some Christmas slots.

The only thing that made him feel lucky was that the box office of the song and dance film "If Love", which hit theaters on December 12st, did not do well.

Seeing that it has been released for a week, the box office is less than 500 million.

Fang Nan went to the cinema to watch "If You Love".

There is nothing to say about the film, the director has a solid foundation, and the performances of the leading actors are also remarkable. It is a very good film.

It's a pity that there is no market for "Musical and Musical Films" in China, and the musicals and musicals played by Hollywood are really nothing in China.

It is not even as attractive as the quintessential Peking Opera and Kunqu Opera, at least there are fighting dramas.

Another day passed after Lin Hao and the others suffered like this.

At 12:6 on the evening of December 23th, the last national half-price ticket show, Beijing UIM Cinemas and Donghuan Studios will be the first to sell "Crazy Stone".

The 24 yuan ticket price of "Crazy Stone" will only be 12 yuan. Many viewers who like movies but are on a tight budget take this opportunity to enter the cinema.

Zhao Ritian and He Qianqian also hid in the crowd.

Zhao Ritian is not short of money. My buddies used to hang out in bars all the year round, spending a lot of money, and no longer care about half-price tickets.

I don't want to watch movies in the middle of the night in winter.

Besides, the film director is not his idol Fang Nan.

It's a pity that the male silver who has a female partner has no right to speak.

He Qianqian's dominance forced him to go to the movie theater to watch "Crazy Stone" produced by Fang Nan.

Sitting down in Donghuan Studios, He Qianqian complained to Zhao Qiang, who had been promoted to boyfriend: "Brother Nan's filming is too slow, there is no material, and the post bar is empty."

"He is a director but not an actor, so it would be good if he can make two films a year." Zhao Qiang yawned.

He Qianqian threw a piece of popcorn and chewed it, then asked vaguely, "You asked Brother Nan when the next movie will be released on the blog, did Brother Nan come back?"

"He said it would be around summer. But during the Chinese New Year, the first part of the comedy series he supervised will be on."

After Zhao Qiangqiang finished speaking, the big screen lit up, and he curled up in the chair, thinking that the movie was boring and just fell asleep.

"The city is the matrix, and we live in her."

In the opening 2 minutes of "Crazy Stone", Zhao Ritian opened his eyes in shock from a bold line.

But before he could take a closer look, the camera turned to a man in a suit and leather shoes, and the scene turned into a demolition scene again.

Once the demolition scene is over, the screen picture changes again, and it becomes moving.

"Hey, Qianqian, this movie is interesting. It looks like it's an episode of "The Nobody". What's the name of the director?"

"I think so too. The director seems to be called Lin Hao."

When Zhao Ritian and He Qianqian whispered to each other, the movie theater, which was only [-]% full, was already chattering.

On winter nights, I went to the cinema to watch movies. Most of them were fans of Fang Nan's movies, and there were very few ordinary audiences.

Therefore, I am very familiar with the shooting method of "Crazy Stone".


[Goofy, high-tech, unmanned driving, don't touch me if you don't see it]

"Ha ha."

The few episodes at the beginning of the movie finally became one at 7 minutes into the movie. The audience who came to know it laughed at the actor Wang Xun's lines while marveling at the director's superb skills.

Next, whenever the three stupid thieves Liu Ye, Huang Bo, and Huang Ze appeared in the movie, their words and deeds always made the audience laugh.

【You insulted my personality, and now you are insulting my IQ.】

"Ha ha."

【Guess who I am】

Xiaojun went to the password box.

【I'll smash your lungs】

"Ha ha."

Xiaojun was trying to open the password box, and Heipi smashed it open with a hammer
"Ha ha."

The duo of stupid thieves from "Nobody Knows" once again cooperated "perfectly" in "Crazy Stone", and the superb performance made the audience laugh again and again.

Heipi was trapped in the sewer and called for help.

[Hey, Brother Dao, Brother Dao, think of a way by yourself?How to think of a way?You Mahler Gobi.]

【Hey, I'll call the police and the thief in front runs faster than a dog.】

"clap clap"

At the end of the film, the applause and laughter were so loud that the audience waiting outside the cinema could clearly hear it.

"I'm rough, is it from the theater of "Crazy Stone"?"

""Crazy Stone" is so good-looking?"

"Really? Is it really so beautiful?"

"Brother, did you watch "Crazy Stone"? How was the movie?"

"'Crazy Stone' is absolutely awesome, it's hilarious."

"I laughed from the beginning to the end!" "Brother, buy "Crazy Stone", it will definitely make money, it's so funny."

The audience who had just finished the first show met the audience who had not yet entered the venue, and those who had watched "Crazy Stone" first had Amway.

In fact, without their Amway, newcomers can see the difference by looking at their expressions.

After all, there are smiles on everyone's faces.

Talking with peers is also a joy.

What's more, I went directly to the counter to buy another round of "Crazy Stone", which clearly meant that I wanted to watch the movie all night.

"One piece of "Crazy Stone"."

"Two of the same."

"Me too!"

For a time, UIN Studios and Donghuan Studios chose to buy tickets for "Crazy Stone" accounted for more than half of the midnight show.

"Hey, Director Fang, is there any data from the midnight show?"

Fang Nan glanced out the window, it was dark, and looked at the time, it was six in the morning, and he couldn't help but sigh, "No, what's the rush, there's nothing interesting about the data in the midnight show, we'll wait until the first week is over to see the box office. "

Under Yan Hong's introduction last night, he sat down with Da Liu and the editor-in-chief of "Science Fiction World" for a meal.

Because they were happy to win the right to adapt "The Wandering Earth", and the three of them had a heart-to-heart chat, so they drank a few more glasses.

The fee for the film and television adaptation rights of "The Wandering Earth" is pitifully low, less than 3 yuan, and the other party is quite satisfied with this price.

"The Wandering Earth" was published in "Science Fiction World" in 2000, with bonus and copyright, Da Liu only got 2000 yuan.

Isn't he the one who can let Lucian promote "Three-Body Problem", and "Three-Body Problem" has not yet been published.

But at the wine table last night, Da Liu and Fang Nan also confessed that there is a work that has been created for a long time and will probably be published next year or two.

Fang Nan didn't even think about it, so he wanted to carry out a follow-up cooperation.

He even said that the two of them would cooperate to start a company, and the profits would be split [-]-[-], but the other party refused because they didn't get paid for nothing.

However, Da Liu was particularly interested in the script of Fangnan's "Gravity".

When the wine was half drunk, he kept saying that Fang Nan was his confidant.

Just like that, the two exchanged numbers, and even the ten-year adaptation right of "The Wandering Earth" became an indefinite adaptation.

Fang Nan was overjoyed, whoever is the author of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" is here, and I will have a drink with him then!

Lin Hao called one after another like a ghost, and then he probably made too many calls because he was embarrassed, and even used his girlfriend.

Fang Nan didn't know what to do, he got up and put down his phone, and ran along the Silver Hook Bridge in the morning.

He's not going to take his phone with him all day today.

He thought very well, if he didn't bring his mobile phone, he would keep his ears shut.

But he seems to have forgotten that his courtyard has been exposed.

Lin Hao, Huang Ze, Huang Bo, Dao brother Liu Ye, and even Xu Shanzheng all set foot on the threshold of his family.

Fang Nan was speechless: "Wait, I'll call Mao Jianguo, forget it, call the theater manager directly."

Leaning slightly, Fang Nan put down the phone with a smile on his face.

"UIM Cinemas has 12 shows so far, and the box office is a little over 3, which is very good. The attendance rate is at least 6% for one show."

"Crazy Stone" had too little production cost and no big-name actors. At the same time, there were Hollywood blockbusters and movies by big directors, so there were only about 100 movie theaters when it was released, and the film schedule was not good.

From point to point, from now on, the audience's reputation should not be bad, and it is very possible to add some film arrangements in the later stage and increase the number of shows.

I'm afraid it won't increase much. After all, "If You Love" has just been released, and "The Promise" will be released a week later.

"Brother Nan, don't you want to discuss with the theaters about increasing the lineup?"

Fang Nan understands the rules of filming, and Lin Hao naturally understands it too. A [-]% attendance rate represents a good reputation. What "Crazy Stone" lacks now is the number of films scheduled, which is to grab the prime time.

There are not enough films, and there are few films in the prime time, so how can the box office go up.

In desperation, he didn't care what he was called, and called him "Brother Nan" in a sad and eloquent way like Huang Ze!
Fang Nan said helplessly, "I would like to arrange more films for you, but I can't say anything. The cinemas have their own set of film screening standards."

Actually, there was something in Fang Nan's heart that he didn't dare to say.

That is, compared with "The Promise" and "The Promise", China Film Group must have more "Promise". The investment in this film is too large to afford to lose.

Fang Nan and the others had no choice but to arrange the films.

But the publicity, he has the final say, after communicating with Manager Gu, Manager Gu called Mr. Liu Dehua again, and Fang Nan asked Cai Yinong to spend another 200 million publicity for "Stone".

So far, the total publicity fee of "Crazy Stone" has reached 400 million, exceeding the total production fee.

When this matter is told, it is estimated that the jaw will drop in shock.

After the publicity fee was paid, Lin Hao led Huang Bo, Huang Ze, Dao Ge and others to start the national road show mode from the capital, and walked into the movie theater where "Crazy Stone" was screened to communicate with the audience offline.

At the same time, the good reputation of "Crazy Stone" continued to ferment on the Internet.

On Douban, the score of this movie soared to 7.9 in an instant.

Audiences who have watched the movie stopped swearing and said, "Screw your lungs."

BMW is no longer called BMW, so don't touch me.

[Insulting my personality, but also insulting my IQ] and other buzzwords are spread in every corner of the Internet.

"Crazy Stone" is already on fire.

Fang Nan knew this, but the box office didn't come out in the first weekend, so he couldn't use the data to block the door of the theater manager.

On December 12, "Crazy Stone" was released for four days. After the first weekend, "Crazy Stone" has a box office of 11 million.

As soon as the box office data came out, Fang Nan directly called the foreigner Mao Jianguo, who was also very excited, and yelled on the phone that he would invite managers of several theaters to come out.

Probably Mao Jianguo's one-stop effect was good, and the film schedule of "Crazy Stone" began to increase in the second week.

As "Legend of Zorro" was released, Fang Nan called the manager of Pujiang United Cinemas who had interests in it, and tried to get some films arranged.

So "Crazy Stone" had a strong box office in the second week.

The total box office score of the Southern Shinkansen exceeded 150 million yuan.

China Film Xingmei Cinema Line and Beijing New Film Federation also achieved a total box office of 144 million yuan and 143 million yuan respectively.

Pacific Cinemas in Sichuan Province has also exceeded 100 million yuan.

But it wasn't enough. Fang Nan, who was in the capital, received news about "Crazy Stone" from all directions.

The two golden venues in Beijing East Ring Studios were full.

The three golden venues of Oscar Film World in Hebei Province are all full.

The three theaters in Guangzhou were full at the same time.

And there are people queuing up to buy tickets in front of many theaters.

When the news reached Fang Nan's side, the corners of his mouth frothed in anxiety.

He knew that no matter from which angle he looked at it, the box office of "Crazy Stone" could no longer be guessed by traditional methods.

The regular box office of the second week will be 30%-70% of the box office of the first week, which can no longer define the final box office of this movie.

Just like his "Nobody Known", the box office of "Crazy Stone" will eventually rise in steps.

It's a pity that he is also at the end of his skills right now, and he can no longer help "Crazy Stone" get more filming.

Because "The Promise" has already been released.

Under the strong operation of more than 20 distributors, "The Promise" has accounted for more than 80% of the country's film schedule.

It is a waste of time to discuss with the theaters who is better than "The Promise" or "Crazy Stone". No matter how bad this movie is, with such a large number of films, the audience will rush into the movie theater.

After the audience finished watching the movie, they knew it was a bad movie, and the box office data had already come out.

And then you watch the film break records for single-screenings, first-days, single-days, and first-weekends.

What frustrates Fang Nan the most is that the movie is backed by China Film Group, and the Hollywood blockbuster "King Kong" was supposed to be released globally on Christmas.

As soon as "The Promise" came out, "King Kong" was abruptly invited to the "Lunar New Year file"!
"Damn, do you still want me to personally do [a bloody case caused by a steamed bun]?"

When Fang Nan was thinking about making trouble secretly, someone jumped out first.

On December 12, Chen Kexin told the media in Hong Kong that "The Promise" is not good.

On the same day, Hong Hong, the producer of "The Promise", told the media that the box office of "If Love" was only 800 million.

This time, the two quarreled. Lin Junru alluded to "The Promise" stealing the box office, and Honghong alluded to "If Love" falsely reported the box office.

When Fang Nan used the two families to abuse each other, he went to Pujiang and asked the manager of the United Cinemas out to have a sneaky drink of old wine. Anyway, he asked for a few more golden games for "Crazy Stone".

Sure enough, in the second week of "Crazy Stone", the box office gained 600 million, an increase of nearly 400 million from the first week.

In the third week, when everyone thought that the box office of "Crazy Stone" was going to drop, hey, the box office of "Stone" rose again, nearly 700 million.

In the fourth week, the box office did not drop, and it continued to rise, nearly 800 million, against the "murder caused by a steamed bun" and Zhang Yimou's "Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles" that was added halfway.

Netizens are dumbfounded.

The media was dumbfounded.

The box office curve of "Crazy Stone" is a fucking snakeskin.

Except for Fang Nan's "Nobody's Name", the week of other movies is less than the week, and the week of "Crazy Stone" is higher than the week.

The manager of Pujiang United Cinemas gave the answer, "The audience would rather wait in a long line to watch this movie."

For a time, Lin Hao's name resounded throughout the country.

In addition to the promotion of "The Promise" by the major media, sensational headlines such as "Feng Dapao's status is not guaranteed, Fang Nan first, and Lin Hao later" began to appear every now and then.

But Fang Nan, who had completed the task, led Xu Shanzheng, Huang Bo and others who had finished the road show back to Hankou.

Then he saw Zeng Li's pretty face with a sweet smile, "My mother asked me to take you to my house for dinner."

Fang Nan's face froze: "It's too far away, forget it."

"It's far away, and it's not out of the province. Hankou is only a few hundred miles away from Jingzhou." Zeng Li stared.

Fang Nan was speechless, dawdled for a long time, then nodded vigorously: "Let's go."

 6600 words!
(End of this chapter)

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